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  1. Peter 224


    I've always said that black cars should be sold with a daily valet, to keep them looking perfect. A Tesla Robot Valet, perhaps?
  2. Peter 224


    As I collected my bright, shiney M3 Dual motor from the Tesla Bristol place it seemed as if they had arranged for a nice seagull to s**t all over it. They did offer me a bucket of water..... That was it!
  3. Peter 224


    Because it is a Tesla??? 😅
  4. Peter 224

    Electric Power Lift Boot Retrofit At Tesla SC

    Interesting, one thing I miss on the M3 that we have on the other car. I'd probably bite....
  5. Peter 224


    2022.4 working correctly, no stuttering camera here. Mostly small improvements, but useful ones and a few silly ones, like painting your car image.
  6. Peter 224


    No, the last 2021... I tend to lose track. So many updates, almost weekly.
  7. Peter 224

    [UK]2022.4 installing: 16:15 on 15 Feb.
  8. Peter 224

    All Electric - All in...

    Interesting data in this thread. We use gas to heat the house, but only in the colder 8 months. PV panels and 3kw battery storage, Electricity for everything else. 2021 total electricity 9256 kwh, including charging the EV from June onwards. The gas boiler is 8 years old, when it dies we...
  9. Peter 224

    BMW I4 prices and specs

    Perhaps BMW wanted to give a "muscle car" type of experience, rather than the seamless display of power from Tesla... and so set the traction control accordingly!
  10. Peter 224

    [UK] 2021.44.30

    The image is sharper and the colors less sepia toned: not perfect but better.
  11. Peter 224

    [UK] 2021.44.30

    30.14 Installed this morning. I'm not certain what is new, other than much better illustrated release notes and the rear/blind spot camera images are much improved. Does anyone have details of the changes/improvements? Roll on 2022 updates!
  12. Peter 224

    BMW I4 prices and specs

    Tyre choice? Tesla seem to go for premium tyres, the i4 I drove had something I didn't immediately recognise.
  13. Peter 224

    BMW I4 prices and specs

    Now that would be really attractive!
  14. Peter 224

    Lorry smash

    The message from this seems to be that if your Tesla is damaged sorting it out will be a painful and slow experience, more so than an equivalent ICE car. It may also be why some insurers don't want to insure EVs so they quote four figure prices when others charge no more than for an equivalent ICE.
  15. Peter 224

    BMW I4 prices and specs

    Given delivery time for am i4 in the UK is about as long as having a baby it is all a bit academic. I'll wait and see what the position is when my PCP on the Tesla is up.
  16. Peter 224

    BMW I4 prices and specs

    Agreed, but 90% of my driving uses a home charge. And if the Tesla network open up...
  17. Peter 224

    BMW I4 prices and specs

    Back in May 2021 I said "I wonder how it rides" as I'd left the German world because of the harsh ride and road noise. Well, today I took a BMW i4-40 M Sport (single rear engine) out for a test drive today, 45 mins on roads I know very well. It had the Tech + pack, Comfort + pack and M Sport...
  18. Peter 224

    Blinded cameras

    This happens on a daily basis, certain roads I know that they will blinded. Not fit for purpose.
  19. Peter 224

    Auto express M3 long range review. [thread]

    Could you go out and look at the i4's front grill every morning? I've got a test drive booked at my local BMW dealer tomorrow. It will be interesting, especially the ride and handling. Past BMWs I've owned dissapointed on ride and road noise, handling and steering were never an issue.
  20. Peter 224

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Perhaps they are waiting for the stop blocks!!
  21. Peter 224

    Auto express M3 long range review. [thread]

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The M3 is the 2020 Mondeo! An incredibly good balance of looks, desirability, performance and value for money.
  22. Peter 224

    Auto express M3 long range review. [thread]

    I've registered with my local BMW dealer to test drive an i4 M50. I'm expecting a filling rattling ride. I'll let everyone know what I think. I've had 2 modern BMWs, 320 Touring M Sport X Drive and a M140i. Both had a ride not dis-similar to the AMG C63. All went within 2 years, I couldn't...
  23. Peter 224

    New SMET2 meter but no signal?

    Scottish Power declined to even consider a SMETS 2 meter due to "insufficient signal" at my postcode. 4.5 miles from Salisbury Cathedral, but on the "wrong" side of the hill. If this is the best that can be done, unless power costs stabilise I think I may well go back to ICE and forget the...
  24. Peter 224

    Boot strut recall

    Mine was in for another matter and they fitted an O Ring at the same time. The boot does seem to open more quickly, but I still think the power strut is marginal for the size and weight of the boot lid. I'll bet the MY has twin struts....
  25. Peter 224

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Tesla Ferndown plus Superchargers. In the local media today....This makes the location for the Ferndown Superchargers highly improbable... as this screenshot from Google Maps shows... it is only a couple of miles from the proposed new Tesla location.
  26. Peter 224

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Winchester Site days from opening....
  27. Peter 224

    9 Month Performance Car Comparison

    After 9 months with the Model 3 Dual Motor I thought it worth comparing it with the "other" performance car in the stable, so to speak. One has a 4.8L V8, 362 bhp, 361 ft lbs, 0-60 in 4.7 seconds and a range of 250 miles between tank fills. It weighs 1230kg and at best achieves 27mpg. It is a...
  28. Peter 224

    SMET2 meters

    Even more stupidly, our neighbour across the street has a smart electricity, but a dumb gas meter, because the meter boxes are on opposite sides of the house and too far apart to talk to each other. Surprisingly, this is not an uncommon problem and one that seems to be ignored. In two years...
  29. Peter 224

    SMET2 meters

    The "Smart Meter" project has a simple objective: save the supply companies money as they don't need to employ meter readers. Eventually, possibly, they will take a reading every 30 mins and the rate charged will go up and down. Given the impossibility of getting Scottish Power to move us on to...
  30. Peter 224

    New Highway Code Rules

    It did that some years ago. The Telegraph is differently, biased whilst the Gruinard makes me cross.
  31. Peter 224

    New Highway Code Rules

    I wish the "loud hailer" function could be used at speeds of up to 5mph....
  32. Peter 224

    Am I crazy - long trip towing boat upcoming....

    Not sure which is worse, but at least the prisoner can be treated. Horses injured in van accidents tend to be put down.
  33. Peter 224

    New Highway Code Rules

    We rode a horse whilst living in Germany. If you want to ride other than on your public land the horse and rider must have 3rd party insurance. A small "number plate" is attached to the bridle and a copy carried by the rider. So if the rider became unmounted the emergency services would know...
  34. Peter 224

    Blinded cameras

    Agreed cheap is relative: my comparison is with the car I sold on to buy the Tesla. It was a 4L twin Turbo AMG V8 in a C Class Estate. Fuel consumption was 25mpg at best and it had to be fed 98 octane fuel. Service agreement was £575 a year, excluding tyres and brake items. Road tax was £480 and...
  35. Peter 224

    Am I crazy - long trip towing boat upcoming....

    The first one looks as if it was a horse box... criminal lack of care by the HGV driver.
  36. Peter 224

    Solar Panels UK - is it worth it?

    We have the same in our bedroom. I want a heat pump that pumps fluid round the house at between 65C in the winter and 5C in the summer. Then I can fit A/C radiators in each room, blowing nice warm/cool air all year. Until then I'll burn gas.
  37. Peter 224

    Blinded cameras

    8 months of ownership have convinced me that the Tesla M3 AWD is a fast, comfortable car, with an acceptable range and that costs peanuts to run. It has a great sound system and with the Octavalve system, a great HVAC system. It is neither a sign of the Second Coming, or an advance guard for...
  38. Peter 224

    Am I crazy - long trip towing boat upcoming....

    What level of regen did you use? I wonder if in this case, coasting rather than regen would have given more range, and reduced the brake shunt. Another thought: sitting with the trucks would probably have given you some aerodynamic benefit, too. A further thought, if the tow car had been an...
  39. Peter 224

    UK PWS

    One reason I like my V8 Morgan.. only one small silencer between the catalyst and open air, it is noisy, even at low speed. It is that sort of noise that the PWS needs to make.
  40. Peter 224

    New Highway Code Rules

    More well intentioned legislation that in the real world, achieves nothing. Salisbury has many lengths of so called cycle lane that are nothing more than pavement with a line painted on it, leaving insufficient room for pedestrians with a kiddy buggy or a tri-cyclist. So 90% of cyclists use...
  41. Peter 224

    Blinded cameras

    Try driving down a tree lined road running N/S with the sun setting behind the trees from the west. The sensors will be blinded. Another Tesla feature that is not really fit for purpose.
  42. Peter 224

    UK PWS

    The "warning noise" that my M3 produces is nothing like any noise that would be recognised as a car and based on checking the reactions of pedestrians in the local Tesco car park, is completely pointless.
  43. Peter 224

    Check under the rear door frame rubber flaps! Rust found

    Completely unacceptable, whatever the cause.
  44. Peter 224

    Camera Window Doesn't De-ice

    Car is on 44.30.11 and the Apple app whatever the latest one is. I pre-warmed the car and then when it was at the desired temperature turned on the defrost setting. The car was like a sauna... SO..it is perfectly possible that the screen glass was warm enough from the hot air for the window to...
  45. Peter 224

    Camera Window Doesn't De-ice

    Worked a treat this morning: why can't Tesla link the two functions?
  46. Peter 224

    Good Screen Wash for Model 3?

    I use the stuff that Mercedes give with a service on my wife's AMG.
  47. Peter 224

    Charge Point Flap Opens as car locks

    Update: the fuel flap release pull cord in the boot doesn't work either. Fortunately the control on the screen opens and shuts, although it can shut in the time it takes me to get out of the car and get to the flap!
  48. Peter 224

    Charge Stats - Tesla app new feature

    Cool for sure, and useful too! Charging at home of free at Tesco I have saved £100 from their estimated fuel costs. Estimated how?
  49. Peter 224

    Camera Window Doesn't De-ice

    I'd used the Schedule Pre-condition option, with 18C set for 09:00. The car is warm, but the screens are not properly cleared. I'll have to remember to switch on the defrost function when I get the "yout car has reached the desired temperature" message (or whatever it says.. )
  50. Peter 224

    Camera Window Doesn't De-ice

    Many thanks, that thread explains exactly what is happening. I'll try leaving the Sentry Mode on overnight and see what happens, although the weather forecast suggests it will be a few days before we get another properly cold morning!