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  1. CHG-ON

    Firmware 8.0

    Agree!! I think Elon said that was coming. Then camper more will be more seamless. Although the Remote S app does a fine job now. What would be totally awesome is to be able to set a schedule so that the car automatically cools at a certain time so that when I get in the car after work, my...
  2. CHG-ON

    Firmware 8.0

    I totally agree. I find it very hard to tell what % I am choosing. It was easier for me to see that with the old icon. My old, bifocaled eyes, I am afraid. Buy heck, a lot of us owners are older. Just today, I had to confirm that I had picked the % I wanted by switching from miles to...
  3. CHG-ON

    Firmware 8.0

    Yes. I think it is a bit gimmicky and they could spend their time better improving the media interface and other more user-centric aspects of it. I think they are doing what a lot of consumer tech companies are doing these days: changing the interface for the sake of having it look new, which...
  4. CHG-ON

    Firmware 8.0

    Not completely true. They are all at a different state of charge. Hence the need for balancing, which the car does both automatically and when we charge to over 95% (I have read 93% also). So it would be fun to see the different states of charge. Realistically though, they have much more...
  5. CHG-ON

    Firmware 8.0

    I assume your were using the time tested and true theory that a newly washed car drives better! Has always been true for me.
  6. CHG-ON

    Firmware 8.0

    I think the new charge indicator is childish looking. But what would be really cool is if it showed which cells were actually being charged. I could geek out on that for a while (before getting bored).
  7. CHG-ON

    Firmware 8.0

    Not my car with 7.1. I engaged full AP all the time when brake hold was on. Never a hitch.
  8. CHG-ON

    Firmware 8.0

    Agree totally. But it is increasing the elasticity of my pea sized brain to figure out WTF everybody is talking about and try to keep it all straight! This is the first mega thread that I have actually slogged through. I am pretty much learning a lot. But steam is coming out of my ears after...
  9. CHG-ON

    Firmware 8.0

    Personally, I think 105 is way too hot for a child or pet. But it's a great start.
  10. CHG-ON

    Back to a "Meh" experience

    Ok. No more hijacking of this post by me...aside from this! In short, I left for profit because every company I worked for pushed integrity to make the almighty number. And I got fully sucked into that mentality. I finally couldn't do it anymore because I thought it dishonorable. All the...
  11. CHG-ON

    Back to a "Meh" experience

    None that I have run. And I find that generalization to be offensive.
  12. CHG-ON

    Got Founders Edition #7 as a loaner

    The fact that the seventh MS ever produced by Tesla, and a Founder Series at that, is a loaner makes me very sad.
  13. CHG-ON

    Back to a "Meh" experience

    Everything else aside, Tesla is in the position where they simply cannot build them fast enough. So they have no motivation to be flexible to meet your needs. I don't like or agree with it at all. But I totally get it. I hate to say it, but if I were in their position running the place, I...
  14. CHG-ON

    Could AP ever become a subscription, and not one-time in nature

    I really doubt that they would allow us in and out of the service.
  15. CHG-ON

    If 8.0 ships tomorrow everyone's next Tesla payment is on me!

    Dammit! Mine's paid for.
  16. CHG-ON

    How did your V8.0 update go?

    The insanity for all of us begins! Can't wait!
  17. CHG-ON

    Butt Summon

    That's one big butt! Seriously though, that is a big deal to me. I would actually be more worried about a seemingly random series of presses setting off the car than if the app was running in your pocket inadvertently. Did you have the app up on your phone the last time you put it in your...
  18. CHG-ON

    Will the global vehicle market (all automakers combined) be bigger or smaller in 2030 and why?

    Bigger. Humans like independence. Plain and simple. Not good for us.
  19. CHG-ON

    1 year in.. we really need better driver profiles!

    May have been said, so apologies. I love that so much is included in the setting. But I am the only one driving my car, as I live alone. I would like an options menu where I can select what is saved. I actually spend more time resetting temp, units, display brightness, R/L display screens in...
  20. CHG-ON


    I love the the app! Fun and informative foe a geek like me.
  21. CHG-ON

    Why I’m voting yes on the Tesla-Solarcity Merger, and you should too.

    I have mixed feelings. I get the big picture of the concept. I'm not yet confident that they will execute that vision. I really hope they do. The only thing keeping me from going all solar is that I live in the middle of a redwood forest!:(
  22. CHG-ON

    I can't believe condition of my new MS at delivery

    When I read your title, I was hoping for a post like yours, fearing that I would hear a horror story. I was pleasantly surprised! Mine was pretty much perfect too. One minor scuff, easily fixed. And that was two years ago. Yes! They can do it!
  23. CHG-ON

    Tesla discounts on soft products?

    Just like every other public company, unfortunately. Though I totally understand the pressures they are under.
  24. CHG-ON

    Huge door gap when hot only ? Mind boggling

    Very odd!
  25. CHG-ON

    Hit a deer...

    Very sorry to hear this. It's one of my big fears, living in deer country. Fortunately, the fix should bring you right back to new.
  26. CHG-ON

    Picked up new MS, rear-ended the next day

    I am so sorry for your misfortune. My heart goes out to you. I completely understand how you feel and I don't like Escalade drivers. Honestly.
  27. CHG-ON

    Tesla Vision ... The Next AP Hardware

    And most prominent.
  28. CHG-ON

    Pilot Super Sport 245 in front and 285 in rear

    Yes. You can easily fit 285's in the rear. I have been running 285/30 Hankooks for almost two years with no issues whatsoever. I have also read that 255's will fit up front.
  29. CHG-ON

    Can they do this? Renege on an email about Ranger visit charges?

    Yes, I was pissed too. Ranger was free when I bought my car, as below. But honestly, I do get where they are coming from. The cost is simply too high to be maintained. I just don't like it, as it was one of many points I considered when buying the car. In reality, it has not been a problem...
  30. CHG-ON

    90 degree left turn

    Clearly, your car likes BIG BUTTS and can't stay away!
  31. CHG-ON

    Staggered vs non-staggered 21" wheels

    Yes! It makes things more difficult. At least in the US. I have them and do regret it now. But I am SO in love with the look that I haven't bought new wheels yet. I think that one day, I'll get 20's all around without stagger. But they are so lovely and I personally love the design of the...
  32. CHG-ON

    How does the alarm function? Weird Story!

    Well, that's a pretty crappy alarm system, IMO!
  33. CHG-ON

    Tesla Vision ... The Next AP Hardware

    I think Mobile Eye has shot themselves in the foot and will pay a dear price for it. My guess is that they were trying to run roughshod over Tesla and they lost. These demands are not smart for building a long term relationship with the current leader in deployment of driver assist: Raising...
  34. CHG-ON

    Firmware: How far behind?

    I check periodically and also wonder why I am not getting an update that others with my model are getting. Pretty much all these "dot upgrades" are small tweaks. So I don't worry about it. I don't know if Tesla is able to target specific cars for updates for little fixes. It would be pretty...
  35. CHG-ON

    Any update to the guts of the touchscreen?

    IMO, it isn't the HW that's lacking with the screen. It's the SW. They can get a LOT more out of it if they would put more resources on it. I don't have any issues with performance aside from the browser, which it terrible. That's all SW.
  36. CHG-ON

    Radar Detectors

    Do you have the new or old nose? I mounted my V1 behind my old nosecone, shrinkwrapped in plastic, and it works like a charm. Only front facing (bummer),but it still picks up side warnings. I have the remote audio and visual in the car and have had no issues for two years. I'd love to go for...
  37. CHG-ON

    HRE 20's vs. Tsportline 21's

    Hey @Skateboardgolf. We are of like minds. I'm on Hankooks too. But 285's in the rear. I like them. Though I find that they get really loud when down to the last 25% or so of tread. I think I'll try Conti Silents next, if I can find them. No idea why, but they seem to be elusive. On a...
  38. CHG-ON

    V8.0 - Automatic braking will now amplify user braking in emergencies

    I had an experience that I wrote Tesla about where this would have been great. I had no problem in the end. But it I would have preferred the car to amplify my braking rather than just yelling at me that there was an issue. So I am looking forward to it.
  39. CHG-ON


    I have been thinking the same for quite some time. I really want a better interface: a nav that REALLY works and more options for mundane things like the the driver setting and many others. The fact that every time I change from one driver setting to another, I have to reset EVERYTHING...
  40. CHG-ON

    Windshield distortion

    I have never noticed this. My windscreen is as clear as can be and better than my previous car, an Acura, FWIW.
  41. CHG-ON

    To Uber or Not

    I'm not willing to do it because I paid so damn much for the car and I don't want strangers in my car trashing it. Not to mention my insurance would cancel me and I have a great rate! Oh, and I have no tolerance for, as my old boss used to say, the "Great Unwashed American". Of which there...
  42. CHG-ON

    HRE 20's vs. Tsportline 21's

    Having 21's...trust me, the HRE 20's will save you a fortune in tires. I am quite sure that I am spending more in rubber than I was in gas. Being that both are made of oil, I have shot my "green-save the earth" cred totally to hell. 26K and I'm looking at my FOURTH set of tires in a couple...
  43. CHG-ON

    Door handles and folding mirrors

    LOVE the dog!!! One handsome guy or lovely lady!
  44. CHG-ON

    Suggestions on Pilot Super Sport sources for new Model S?

    Hey @bradhs, So I had to zip up to SFO today to take a friend for a flight to Australia (lucky bastard) and I noticed just how loud my Hankooks have gotten. They are down to about 25% tread. I know if I switched to 20's or 19's, they would be quieter. But I just can't do it...
  45. CHG-ON

    These trucks just undo all Tesla cars did for the environment

    Pisses me off. Cro Magnons.
  46. CHG-ON

    Favorites in Navigation
