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  1. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Oh nice one!! My Y is also saying the 13/05/24 and the M3P is the 14/05/24. All nice and new 👌
  2. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yup :-) got both my invoices to the Leasing guys this morning and all rego papers are in and sorted. Now just gotta wait this last little bit out ;-)
  3. V

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Hahaha, i know the feeling. my phone has a nice worn away spot on the screen from refreshing all the time 🤣
  4. V

    New Model 3 Performance news

    So thats really interesting. Leo comes to WA and then to Adelaide so that means my cars might by here in June rather than the EDD that they gave me of July 6 to July 27 then :) @Brando_o what is your EDD saying in the Tesla app?
  5. V

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Yeah exactly :-) at some point along the journey to us we start getting VINs. its a bit of a manual process to sometimes the VIN assignments can be very staggered and drawn out.
  6. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yeah that is a long time compared to all the other stops the ships tend to make. You might be onto something there.
  7. V

    New Model 3 Performance news

    Ahh no :-( hopefully it wont be too much longer though.
  8. V

    New Model 3 Performance news

    I got my M3P VIN and EDD of between July 6 - July 27 yesterday :-) Ultra Red/Black and i ordered it on the 29th April.
  9. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Wow, that's a crap load! All for WA I'm guessing.
  10. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Woohoo, just got mine for both my MYLR and for the M3P both show 6th July to 27th July 😀
  11. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

  12. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yeah thats very true 👍 I'll have a chat to him this weekend I think :) My LR better be on this ship though lol.
  13. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yeah you will definitely not be climbing into the wrong tesla with Ultra Red. I always see how many teslas are on the road while driving and I've only seen about 3 so far lol. Yeah, who knows what's on the ship! I'm a bit worried for my brother because he changed from white to Quicksilver 2...
  14. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Wow that colour change came out of nowhere since I knew you had your heart set on Quicksilver lol but welcome to the Ultra Red team ;-) wouldn't your colour have been on the ship anyway? On the other point, I didn't know that tesla changed the way they were reporting the delivery. I'm glad it...
  15. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Now the anxious wait begins 😬
  16. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I'm really hoping so. I think we will see the VINs come through once the ship leaves Singapore so perhaps next week or earlier if we are lucky. It surely can't be too far off for all of us here in WA.
  17. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    It looks like BELUGA ACE is now off to Thailand. Do you still think it's our Sub ship for Leo?
  18. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yeah that's very strange. Perhaps one of the schedules are wrong or needs an update. I guess we will see what happens once the ship leaves Singapore.
  19. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I think Ur spot on there.
  20. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Man, RWD guys are lucky. Was hoping the LR also would have had a drop of some kind :-(
  21. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Damn! That must be a lot of cars in there.
  22. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Oh right! That's positive then :-) I'll be keeping a lookout that's for sure!
  23. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Woohoo, go Beluga Ace! Another one to track. Now I'm hoping to see a VIN at some point but might only pop up once the vehicles have transferred over to Beluga I would think.
  24. V

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    That's a good find, ill take it! We still have a chance then :-D
  25. V

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Oh yeah, i forgot about the Sub ship so will see what happens on the 22nd. Yeah i did notice that it only went up by 0.3 but wasnt sure how heavy a typical Tesla ship would be so was wondering if it looked a bit light on.
  26. V

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    So Leo Spirit is on the move. When would you expect to start seeing VIN's popping up for people? if the cars are on there.
  27. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Now we wait and watch the Draught decrease :-)
  28. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Haha, i read that first part so quickly I thought you were saying that you were on your number 8.7 draught of beers 😄 It's all good either way bud, it's all part of the fun in figuring all this out before the main event... the Delivery ;-) I can't see how it won't be 1 of these ships coz...
  29. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Oh right! Yeah that is interesting 🤔 I'll be refreshing the app twice as much now haha. Hopefully we start getting reports soon from people that they can see their VINs, hidden or not :) It's getting exciting now!!! Yes, please keep us posted! 👍
  30. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    My fingers are crossed! Here's hoping we get our VINs soon 😀
  31. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    😄 nice!! Yeah it was quiet this weekend for me at work too so thought I'd try be like Sturty and attempt tracking the ships that you mentioned in your earlier posts. I can see now that it takes a lot of work and knowledge about the ships and the companies that own them and the ports they go...
  32. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Oh awesome!! I'll add this to my growing list of bookmarks for my car tracking haha. The guys at work were asking WTF I was tracking today haha I had the ship tracker open in full screen 😅
  33. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Oh right haha then that's not too bad at all!! I was thinking that Paganella would like only get to Freo in July or something. I spent a bit of time today hunting for it but just couldn't find when it was docking in Freo. This news has given me a smile right now lol 😆
  34. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    im still holding out hope this is the one. There would be tons of people who have ordered since March who havent gotten an EDD yet so id think that the chances are very good that we will have a ship to ourselves or at the very least most for us with the rest for Adelaide.
  35. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Legend, thanks Sam:-)
  36. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    @Sturty with Leo Spirit, do you know any rough timelines for its travel? like, when is it arriving in Shanghai and then when would it arrive in Singapore and then Freo? its cool if you dont have this info but im curious on timeline if it is this ship :)
  37. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Woohoo!! Congrats man!!!! Thanks so much for giving us the heads up! i have some hope now but im in WA so hopefully the boat will come past here hehe
  38. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    ooh, im hoping that this is still the case then :)
  39. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Ahh man, really :-( Perhaps that ship thats loading in Shanghai this week/next week will have our cars on it. June is end of quarter and i hear that typically Tesla deliver at the end of quarter. all my mates who ordered all got their cars on the 3 month time frame since ordering so im hoping haha
  40. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I think its OK like this for now. Lets see how big it gets first before putting in too much effort lol. As people get their cars we can always just filter out the "Delivered" cars.
  41. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Very true lol.
  42. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Just sorted it for ya :) someone filtered it out.
  43. V

    Australian Model 3 Waiting Room

    Yeah i ordered about the same time. I think we will probably get it in August or September. the Dates always seem to blow out. I know the US orders (except Cali) got pushed back from May to June.
  44. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Yeah, I don't think they know much at all in terms of delivery times unfortunately 😕 they probably get notified the same time as us when it's on the ship.
  45. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I feel ya! I'm also really hoping to see some numbers in my EDD instead of just months but looking at your spreadsheet today I do see that there are a fair few of us that have the same May - June range and I'm guessing there are a lot more out there too so surely we can't be far off. I mean, I...
  46. V

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Legend!! thanks man. doing the edits now :cool:
  47. V

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    @Sturty i have requested access to the spreadsheet :-) there are some edits to my and my brothers cars id like to make. just for accuracy :-)
  48. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Thanks 😊 Haha, love the name! Yeah he does, MYLR in Quicksilver. Ordered on the 9th April and then changed to Quicksilver on the 2nd May. EDD says May - June
  49. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    I'm not near a PC right now to edit but I also have a M3P, Ultra Red on order. Ordered 29th April
  50. V

    Tesla Australia WAiting room (Perth WA)

    Mine also says May - June :-)