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  1. J

    Has anyone broken through the contracts/paperwork "freeze" yet?

    I'm getting annoyed. Tesla got my check Friday morning yet my IDA hasn't contacted me about scheduling delivery. I've emailed and called and gotten no response.
  2. J

    All things Austin

    Yeah just hit me up whenever. I just sold my backup/fun car so my garage is all kinds of empty. Lots of room for activities!
  3. J

    All things Austin

    thanks for the pics @ummgood. Also, if you need tire rotation help, and live near Circle C (which based on your house, you may), I'll help you do it. I have jackstands and a powerful impact driver. I rotate me and my wife's car's tires in about 10-15 minutes.
  4. J

    Texas Hold Up!

    My credit union's check was delivered Friday morning. My IDA said she'd contact me once she had the check. Obviously I don't expect them to be working over the weekend, but man, I sure hope I hear from her today. Now that I'm officially accruing interest on the car, I want to start driving it...
  5. J

    Anyone have a delivery date setup and having Issues with site this morning?

    Yeah, I noticed the site was down this morning. Their store was broken yesterday, too, maybe it's all getting fixed. Or, maybe, they're just so overwhelmed trying to get my personal delivery scheduled, it's breaking everything else...
  6. J

    Texas Hold Up!

    Seriously, too many drab colored cars all around, really, not just Tesla. The main reason i'm getting red is because it's the closest thing they have to a bright color. Blue looks bright in the configurator, but in person, it's not even close, way too dark.
  7. J

    Has anyone broken through the contracts/paperwork "freeze" yet?

    That's encouranging. Tesla just received my check this morning from my CU, all paperwork is signed/in, so now I'm waiting for my IDA to contact me to schedule my delivery. I emailed her this morning and she said she'd be able to schedule once the check was on her desk..so that could be who...
  8. J

    Texas Hold Up!

    Sorry to hear. Seems like these things falling through the cracks are too common. I just got my fully signed mvpa returned, and Tesla will get my check today, so hopefully I hear from them on a delivery estimate soon
  9. J

    All things Austin

    Thanks. Can you do me a favor and post a pic of your rear window (from the inside and out)? My only current tinting concern is how it's going to look tinting the rear window when half of it is already tinted from the factory to match the roof. I'm not going to get the roof tinted, so I wonder...
  10. J

    Texas Hold Up!

    Congrats Lonestar. Very exciting. Personally, I just got my Letter of Guarantee this morning along with my window sticker. Sent that to my credit union, and they are now cutting the check to Tesla. Hopefully tomorrow I hear from Tesla about scheduling my car's delivery. Getting very excited.
  11. J

    Texas Hold Up!

    Others have asked for me to update, too. Just a brief recap. I had an AWD/Red/WhiteInterior config, but on Monday I changed it to just RWD/Red. Immediately asked to confirm my loan information, which I did. Yesterday (so it took about 26 hours) I got an email from an IDA to confirm details...
  12. J

    Texas Hold Up!

    I just spoke with my IDA earlier today. Told her that my CU is asking for a pro forma and a letter of guarantee. IDA said they don't use a pro forma yet, but have another order form they use. Her claim was that I'd have that "if not by end of day, within 3-5 days" and the letter of guarantee...
  13. J

    All things Austin

    I'm about 2 weeks away from getting my 3. I want to do a PPF on the front bumper and hood and then have the windows tinted. In the past I've used Tint Specialists on S Lamar for my tint and they've done a pretty good job, but I don't think they do PPF. Anybody have recommendations for south...
  14. J

    Has anyone broken through the contracts/paperwork "freeze" yet?

    I look forward to joining you all in this rollercoaster of frustration soon. I just edited my config from AWD/Red/White Interior to RWD/Red and immediately was asked to enter my loan info. So it would seem I'm close to getting the request to submit payment and then hear nothing for ages
  15. J

    Texas Hold Up!

    Well honk my hooter. I finally just decided I really don't need AWD here in Texas. And after having driven the RWD last week, that really is fast enough for me (I mean, faster IS always better, but it's not like I'd stomp on it every single time). So I edited my order to a simple Red, RWD...
  16. J

    Anxiously waiting an AWD review / videos

    Huh, based on the chart's delta, I'm currently above average on this AWD waiting thing. Ordered June 28th and it's been ~45 days now. I'm hoping it means I may actually hear something soonish
  17. J

    Has anyone broken through the contracts/paperwork "freeze" yet?

    Well, I am now crapping myself with excitement. I think my config of red, awd, white interior may be pushing things back a little, but perhaps in the next week I'll hear something
  18. J

    Has anyone broken through the contracts/paperwork "freeze" yet?

    Wow, you actually reserved later than me (I reserved late, as well), are in Texas, too, and getting your car already? This is the first I've seen of that .Rwd?
  19. J

    Texas Hold Up!

    Interesting and good to know! Of course, about 3 weeks ago, I changed my order to RWD/Blue hoping that maybe I'd get a call/email within a few days, and I didn't. So it makes me wonder if you early reservation holders are all getting priority when all else is about equal. It seems to be the...
  20. J

    Texas Hold Up!

    Is this the thread where we can bitch about how dumb our gov't is? :) I don't even know what to make of all this. I'm a late reservation holder, but I ordered June 28th. I have an AWD config, but kinda want to change over to RWD in hopes of getting the car sooner. But in reading what a lot...
  21. J

    Change My Mind: Thinking of Changing from AWD (non P) to RWD

    I'm still on the fence between AWD and RWD. My current config sits on AWD mostly because I want the added performance and the white interior. The white interior is the major reason, though. I just test drove the RWD car and it sure felt plenty fast for everyday use, though. I'm tempted to...
  22. J

    AWD delivery thread

    It really does feel like a lottery at this point. It's kind of weird to think that I ordered 1.5 months ago, so that 2-4 month window I was given is about to hit. Considering I'm in Texas, so I have to pay and still won't get the car for 2-3 weeks after that, it seems like I'd have to hear...
  23. J

    New habits I've formed while waiting...

    Dude, they'll swap the new CPU into your M3 for free, regardless of when you get it, provided you paid for FSD
  24. J

    Stockpiled LR-RWDs for quick delivery

    I wouldn't have a problem with one, either. In fact, after test driving a RWD the other day, I felt like it was "fast enough", but I don't want to incur the added costs for delivery fees and color, so I'm hesitant to change my order now from AWD. Of course, being in Texas, nothing is moving...
  25. J

    New habits I've formed while waiting...

    Aside from the home page setting, I'm right there with ya. I reserved back in April of this year, when it said the car would be 12-18 months away. Then, of course, 2.5 months later, I'm able to configure, and now the wait is killing me.
  26. J

    AWD delivery thread

    I was able to log into the app finally last week, did the videos and loot box thing. This morning I tried again and it said no item associated with my account and it immediately logged me out. the good ol days... Anyway, that 6 weeks from config thing is promising. I've edited my config a...
  27. J

    My experience so far after 2 Weeks for Owning a Model 3

    Trying to blame autopilot for potentially costing you your life? Uh, don't use it. Nobody is forcing you to, and they clearly say you still need to pay the F attention to the road when using it. Otherwise your gripes are totally legit, sure.
  28. J

    Tesla Kept Their Words On 1-3 Month Delivery

    I very much understand. What doesn't help is my ability to still edit my config, as I waffle between wanting AWD or RWD. I can't make a decision and keep it for more than a few days, so I need Tesla to just force me into one already
  29. J

    AWD delivery thread

    I wouldn't put stock in the Oct-Dec thing. It just seems like it's a website function of adding 2-4 months to the time in which you've last edited your order. According to what I've been reading here, the date of editing your config shouldn't matter as much as dates of reservation and initial...
  30. J

    Tesla Kept Their Words On 1-3 Month Delivery

    Yeah, it's been all over the board. I reserved in April of THIS year and then ordered on June 28th. I've heard nothing so far. Also weird, is that I never got an email to place my order, I just read elsewhere that they opened up the ordering, so I did it.
  31. J

    Tesla needs to give us more music options like Spotify

    While I currently use Android Auto in my car, I'd like Spotify in the Tesla for sure. Tesla is covering my data. I use Project Fi for my cell service, so I'm paying per GB for data currently.. Sure I can pre-download a lot of music, but it's nice to not have to.
  32. J

    First Model 3 AWD delivery @fremont CA impressions vs MX 100D ~~WOW~~

    I appreciate your comment about the steering feel. I remember when I test drove my E70 X5, I thought to myself "geez, this has some heavy steering". Within a few weeks I never wanted another feel, it was perfect. Now everything else feels too light. Good to hear the M3 can mimic it.
  33. J

    $5,000.00 Question: AWD (non-P) vs. EAP

    So many people suggesting AWD has better "grip". Your tire only has 100% grip available, regardless of drive layout. You can decide to use that grip however you'd like, whether it's for acceleration, turning, or braking. You can even mix turning with accel or braking, but at the end of the...
  34. J

    Changed from AWD to RWD - instant VIN assigned

    Threads like this very much make me want to change my order back to RWD (for the 3rd time) hoping I'll get a VIN more quickly
  35. J

    What are the justifiable reasons for enabling cabin overheat protection?

    I live in central Texas and inside of a car can get VERY hot when left out in the sun, even if for only 15 minutes. I'm going to use the crap out of this feature for about 5 months every year.
  36. J

    The Mystery of the Edit Button

    It's definitely excessive... My original build was this: Model 3 Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive Red Multi-Coat Paint 18’’ Aero Wheels Premium Interior Premium Black Enhanced Autopilot I had then switched to AWD and dropped EAP because I wanted the faster version. Then I switched to 19s, and then...
  37. J

    The Mystery of the Edit Button

    I need my edit button to go away already because I emotionally/mentally can't handle it. I've literally edited my configuration 10 times since my original order on June 28th. I could be stuck with literally any config and be happy with it, but with all this time to think about it, i keep...
  38. J

    Need help with financing info, VIN assigned 2 days after config

    Jealous! I just altered my config (for the 15th time since June 28th, I think) to Blue RWD. Perhaps I will actually get a call soon... I placed my reservation about a month before you, too to answer your question, though, just find a local credit union, they tend to have the best rates
  39. J

    Updated account summary page: did anyone not get it?

    Only change on mine is that is lists now the final amount due at time of purchase. No other changes
  40. J

    Am I going to regret the aero wheels?

    Yeah, in reading this thread, I'm starting to think I may go that route. I'd hate to change my config and possibly be pushed back in the queue... Even if I ride on the stock 18s for a year, I can get good tires later for less than $1500
  41. J

    Am I going to regret the aero wheels?

    I started with 18s on my order just because of the price. then I started watching/reading reviews about how much better the car performs with the 19s on, likely just because the tires are better. Rather than buy a new car and then try to immediate replace the rubber, I just figured I'd put the...
  42. J

    Tesla: We are updating all reservation timelines in the next few days

    It's amazing with the number of times we've all refreshed our reservation pages that nothing has changed yet. ha if only Amazon used Tesla's web servers for their prime day, we wouldn't have all gotten so many pictures of dogs yesterday. Tesla's site is as robust as any I've ever seen!
  43. J

    5% tint

    It is here in Texas. I've had 5% on some of my previous cars, but just on the back 3 windows. The front-side window limits are 35% afaik. I plan on doing the 5% rear 35% front on this car as well. The biggest drawback I found with the 5% rear window as reversing at night, but that's where...
  44. J

    Does my wife need to be present at taking delivery of the M3?

    Funny you say that. My wife's name is the only one on the mortgage, however, both our names are on the house title, thanks to Texas law.
  45. J

    Does my wife need to be present at taking delivery of the M3?

    Follow up question... I have my wife listed as co registrant, but the loan will just be under my name, not both of ours. It appears their website says all names on the reg need to be on the loan. Can anybody say whether this is true or not? I may have to just take her name off the...
  46. J

    AWD Order moved up to Sept - Nov from Oct-Dec...

    I reserved 4/2018, ordered 6/28/18, awd red. Originally got a sep-nov estimate, the reconfigured on 7/2/18, and estimate moved to oct-dec. Today it's back to sep-nov I'm also a Texas ordering a Tesla
  47. J

    Risk of Delaying Delivery

    I am also in Austin, I'll go get it for you and keep it safe until you come back and/or mine arrives :)
  48. J

    Model 3 specs

    That just depends on what your definition of "will" is. But really, my X5 had 20" wheels (steamrollers in the back, 325 width) and they weren't THAT bad. Maybe $250/tire iirc
  49. J

    Have we all been played by Tesla?

    You chose the wrong color (as did I, in fact). For whatever reason, there's more of a backlog of the whites and reds. They seem to be the most delayed of any color according to what I've been reading on this forum
  50. J

    Model 3 AWD / Performance - lower UDDS Range!

    Yeah, people are too crazy about AWD in the winter. I grew up in the Boston area and in high school I drove an 88 RX7 with all-season tires and never really got stuck. Later in life I had a Miata with full set of snow tires and unless I was trying to drive through snow banks, I had no problem...