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  1. Masklin

    UK Performance orders waiting room

    Updated with collection date.... 1. Asherwood – 15/01 – Black/Black – Hidden VIN 18/02 - Delivered 2. 94jdh – 09/12 – MSM/White – VIN 22/02, collected 25th March, on Glovis Captain 3. Lupe – 15/11 – Blue/Black – 5th March collection 4. Wayneski – 16/01 - white/black – VIN before end jan...
  2. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Just sent you a direct conversation I think!
  3. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I emailed Chris at Bristol yesterday morning, and a grey Type-2 has just been delivered to me this morning!
  4. Masklin

    UK Delivery

    Welcome, and lots of UK lease talk on the UK and Ireland forum, possibly best asked there. Check out the sticky threads... The UK and Ireland
  5. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Attached is what was in the bag. The small lead plugs into the grey Tesla box to create I think the UMC 3-pin socket charger? So it would appear I’m also missing the Type-2?
  6. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Cheers, I will pop out to the garage at some point during the day and check, then report back!
  7. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    The sales office is in The Mall and that’s where they appear from when you let them know you’ve arrived. Car was plugged into charger and handover was just a case of completing electronically what needed to be completed and getting the keycards handed over from the inside of plastic container...
  8. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    When I was at Bristol on Thursday there were probably twenty to thirty cars and maybe more, mostly Model 3s but a selection of the others, sitting in the car park. All apparently matched to customers, just waiting for eventual collection/delivery. That's the only downside thus far to my...
  9. Masklin

    Tesla trade-in values

    My trade in value was reduced, I just took the view that if the current situation demonstrates anything it’s that no one knows what is going to happen today, tomorrow, next week, next second. I was fortunate that I could take, albeit slightly grudgingly, the reduction and I’d rather enjoy the...
  10. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Wasn’t sure this was going to happen until it did, but found myself having to be at Southmead Hospital yesterday for a task on behalf of the NHS, so fortuitously was also able to arrange collection of this...
  11. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I don't think it really matters where the transport company is based. Ultimately, contracting a third party leads to more journeys and more social interaction than an individual collecting by themself.
  12. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    That's always struck me as one of the more ludicrous lockdown situations. There was a company mentioned a little earlier based in Cheshire, but who's website says they work country wide. So I could potentially contract them to drive from Cheshire to Portsmouth, pick up my trade in, drive to...
  13. Masklin

    West Bridgford, Nottingham Planning Application

    Though where they've placed their marker isn't where the planning application referred to is.
  14. Masklin

    West Bridgford, Nottingham Planning Application

    My sister, who lives in the area, pointed me at this earlier. Tesla have submitted a planning application for a site in West Bridgford, Nottingham... https://westbridgfordwire.com/planning-application-for-tesla-centre-in-west-bridgford/
  15. Masklin

    Bloody vandals...

    You have my sympathy, had that happen to a car I owned a few years ago and had to get the panel resprayed. It’s very frustrating, I just wanted to ask whoever it was did mine what the effing point of it was, what did they/it achieve? But some folk regrettably are just truly moronic.
  16. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    You're not the only person waiting for a car and not sure what calling them every day will achieve. Who knows how their workforce or those they contract have been affected by Covid-19. Maybe just chill, it's an inanimate object, it's not missing you and there are far greater things to worry...
  17. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    That was possibly me re the trade in vehicle and delivery. That's what Bristol told me, trade in = no delivery. If you are able to get yours delivered and your trade in taken away I'd be very interested to know!
  18. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I happened to notice last week that the VIN for the car had disappeared from both the visible entry on the account page of the web site and the source code. Mentioned that to Tesla Bristol, who said Tesla centrally had made the car reassignable (is that a word?) as I had been unable to collect...
  19. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    It is covered by and is the responsibility of Tesla, just confirmed.
  20. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    It’s still Tesla’s car as opposed to mine, so I assume it’s covered by their insurance but will check as hadn’t thought otherwise.
  21. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Have agreed that “my car” will be kept at Bristol for me for the time being until there’s an indication of when the movement restrictions may be eased and I can go to collect. Option to cancel the order at any time, though I’ll wait for the moment. There was an indication that there would...
  22. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    The trade in price was accepted in January. I’d run the car through a few of the we buy type sites at the time and it was at the lower end of the range but acceptable. Right now Tesla just don’t want trade ins I think, at least that’s the impression I get from phone calls. It’s quite possibly...
  23. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Just mulling over options at the moment. For both moral and it’s now the law reasons, I’m not prepared to do a ~250 mile round trip to collect. My conscience wouldn’t let me and I’m not sure how I’d view the car going forward knowing I’d gone against everything that we’re all meant to be doing...
  24. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    For what it’s worth this is what the Act says on movement...
  25. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I added a bit more after you wrote the above. It is absolutely not directed at yourself, rather just a sort of general observation.
  26. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Appreciate that, but however small the risk going to collect would still be flouting what is being asked/required of me. We all rely on each other to try and do the right thing to achieve the best outcome, it’s disappointing that a company is effectively trying to encourage people to do the...
  27. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    It actually irritates me because they’re effectively trying to coerce people for their own purposes into collecting cars by going against everything that the current movement restrictions are trying to achieve. One is only meant to leave the house under very limited and specific circumstances...
  28. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Yes, I replied no and have also spoken and emailed in the last few days.
  29. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Just received an email with a new collection date for Bristol next week. Given that’s still within the current movement restrictions and they know I’m not in any way an essential or key worker, I’m not sure what the point is as I’d be committing an offence to travel.
  30. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Reached Booking Invoice 4 and Final Invoice 3 here. VIN and Existing Deposit are still in the source code (fingers crossed they stay that way), can only assume this is Tesla's systems struggling to keep up with whatever they are trying to achieve over the next few weeks.
  31. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    The emergency coronavirus legislation has been passed in Parliament so will probably become law sometime tomorrow. On the assumption that one is not a key worker, does that mean that if one leaves the house for any reason other than one of those few specifically stated (which to the best of my...
  32. Masklin

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Within the greater dock area there’s some serious space available for car storage. I know the immediate area around Southampton fairly well and for the life of me can’t think of anywhere on the outskirts. Not to say there isn’t somewhere, just I can’t think of it!
  33. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I’m up to Booking Invoice 3 having just looked, number 2 appeared a few days ago. Also just appeared is Final Invoice 2. Final Invoice 2 shows the car as fully paid for with nothing more outstanding. My thinking was the Booking Invoices were something internal, possibly crediting the deposit to...
  34. Masklin

    2020 Shipping Movements

    When the cars came off Brooklands earlier in the month they were being parked up where indicated below. But do Tesla have a dedicated compound in the docks area or is the plan just to get them off the ship and then on to transporters to delivery centres asap? No idea.
  35. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    From other threads there's a suggestion there might now be a shortage of drivers and delivery company issues. I suppose they're not immune to losing staff to illness in the circumstances. Perfect storm.
  36. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Just got an email an hour or so ago from Bristol saying delivery is "not an option at the moment" and that collection will be rescheduled. I note that the collection date and VIN number that were showing on my account page have disappeared, but that the VIN is still in the source code.
  37. Masklin

    Bristol delivery collection

    Just had an email from Bristol that delivery is "not an option at the moment".
  38. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I will do when I hear anything, the suggestion was that Tesla UK are trying to work something out.
  39. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I appreciate there are circumstances where collecting now is still necessary, but for many people like myself it undoubtedly is not, it’s just a new car who’s timing has proved to be unfortunate. In which case the decision whether to travel to collect or not, in light of what the government...
  40. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Personally I hope to come out the other side of all this with a clear conscience. Bar very limited circumstances for a very limited number of people how does the average person travelling to pick up a new car fit with the instructions below? It doesn’t really matter what’s happening on building...
  41. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Probably fair to say I had similar from the Dutch chap, definitely still keen for me to collect right at the start of the conversation. Was when I said that to do so would be directly contravening the government instructions, and I couldn’t realistically make it time wise anyway by then today...
  42. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    It’s a car, bar very limited circumstances, stay at home.
  43. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    My foreign language skills are non-existent regrettably, but just out of interest has anyone with said skills scanned the European forums here to see what may be happening there in similar situation?
  44. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I just spoke to someone with a Dutch accent, after calling what purported to be the Bristol phone number, who appreciated the situation and said they would directly message the Bristol manager and I could expect a call back sometime today.
  45. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Woke up to the text and, having had a think about it for the last forty five minutes or so over a coffee, have replied no. I can’t deem the car essential, I have the use of the vehicle I’m trading in until such time as the Model 3 may arrive. And having been somewhat disgusted by the behaviour...
  46. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    There is slightly expanded government guidance here. I don’t see how Tesla being open or travelling to collect a car complies with the instruction therein...
  47. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    I don’t see how a car dealer of any variety meets the essential criteria for staying open. I was supposed to be going from Portsmouth to Bristol to collect, I don’t see how that journey complies either.
  48. Masklin

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Nope, that’s my collection from Bristol tomorrow knocked on the head. Having been doing as requested in terms of keeping a low profile/staying inside etc, I’d like to thank all the selfish morons who were acting like there was not a care in the world over the weekend.
  49. Masklin

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I got told (via email) that when I accepted the trade in valuation back in January it would be honoured however long it took for the car to arrive. Certainly when I got final invoice last week trade in value was the same, and when balance paid got an acknowledgement that all was settled financially.
  50. Masklin

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I’d agree, they use the 24hr clock so currently 3am arrival now.