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  1. Masklin

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Ah, I think I am confused, like I said easily done! You meant where RCC Asia is parking when it arrives in a couple of days didn’t you. Sorry!
  2. Masklin

    2020 Shipping Movements

    My ship finder app says RCC ASIA is in Antwerp? I saw this going past Fawley yesterday whilst at Royal Victoria Country Park so thought I'd take a look at the thread to see if it was Tesla related, but it's ASIAN TRUST according to ship finder. Am I or ship finder confused? The former is...
  3. Masklin


    I’d love to try one of those just for the fun of it. There used to be a place you could rent them for a few hours in the New Forest, but I don’t think it’s there any more.
  4. Masklin


    Was unloading the car at the house after a visit to Sainsbury’s this morning, when a passing Lexus SUV driver stopped just to say what a really nice car I had in the M3P. That’s all :)
  5. Masklin

    Voice Control & Echo Auto

    I use Hey Siri with the iPhone, which is sitting in the usual spot wireless charging, quite successfully for accessing Apple Music, podcasts and the like. Not quite CarPlay, but it works.
  6. Masklin

    The M3 Photo Thread

    He’s still going strong getting towards his late 80s, regularly working on and test riding the museum bikes. Saw him at Goodwood FoS last few years going up the hill as well. Always happy to have a chat if you see him around when visiting. Edinburgh is my home town!
  7. Masklin

    The M3 Photo Thread

    That was at Sammy Miller's Museum in the New Forest, he's got quite a few dotted about the place. If you are into classic bikes, or just bikes, or just an interesting stop for a cuppa and cake it is truly a wonderful place. Quite possibly one of my all time favourite places. Sammy Miller | Home
  8. Masklin

    National Geographic

    They didn’t show any of the glass fitting that I noticed. The only really interesting bit for me was an all too brief few minutes about the batteries inside the Gigafactory. It was all very light and fluffy, padded out with some EV history and the like.
  9. Masklin

    National Geographic

    The pin point accuracy comment certainly caused a guffaw here :)
  10. Masklin

    Trade in questions before new order

    Sign a document or two, hand over V5 and keys and that’s about it. There’s no inspection of the vehicle involved, at least not in my case. They weren’t that interested in it at all bar doing the necessary admin. I just gave it one last glance as I drove away in the M3P and that was that. The...
  11. Masklin

    National Geographic

    Just a reminder this on in a little over thirty minutes as I type...
  12. Masklin

    Anyone bought/planning to buy Matts swivel screen mount?

    Doesn't surprise me if there's a few current given the lease scheme and advantages. I know quite a few folk at Swanwick who are now leasing. Scottish and Heathrow were my route to West Drayton and beyond, it's a small world :)
  13. Masklin

    Anyone bought/planning to buy Matts swivel screen mount?

    Not bought the mount, but just noticed your forum user name! Ex LATCC/LACC in Terminal Control here.
  14. Masklin

    Model 3 Randomness

    I’ve had number one happen randomly a couple of times for no obvious reason. Not seen number two... yet.
  15. Masklin

    The M3 Photo Thread

    Closest I’ve been to a petrol pump for months...
  16. Masklin

    Green number plates

    As far as the London congestion charge is concerned, come the end of 2025 there will be no discount at all for EVs... “From 25 October 2021, the cleaner vehicle discount will change so that only battery electric vehicles are eligible. Then from 25 December 2025, the cleaner vehicle discount...
  17. Masklin

    New Winchester Service Centre

    Was idly looking at the Tesla.com map earlier and noticed this. I assume the location hasn't moved from the above Winchester site and it's just Tesla being Tesla? Didn't there used to be a 'coming soon' service centre in Southampton as well?
  18. Masklin

    Tyre rotation for M3P

    I had similar, sealed it myself with this... https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0045TZZMU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  19. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    I was also told up to two weeks from install to switch to Go, in my case it took two days.
  20. Masklin

    The M3 Photo Thread

    Liphook supercharger yesterday on the way back south from a day trip to Kensington and The Design Museum for a socially distanced member’s preview event. Used the YourParkingSpace site for the first time and it worked a treat. Four hours parking in a local driveway a few hundred yards from the...
  21. Masklin

    West Bridgford, Nottingham Planning Application

    I've not visited Nottingham with the Model 3 yet but will be doing soon hopefully. When the SC is up and running can you use the superchargers at SCs for routine charging if not having anything actually done there? Would be more convenient to use than hunting around for other charging options...
  22. Masklin

    EV.Energy App

    I hadn’t seen that and will give it a try, cheers.
  23. Masklin

    EV.Energy App

    Having recently moved on to Go I’ve tried using the EV app to control charging during the overnight period. Each time I’ve set it up, double and triple checking settings, putting in a price limit etc, it’s started charging straight away instead of waiting till 0030hrs. Have given up on it for...
  24. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    Just tried restarting the IHD a couple of times, it’s come back with the old tariff both times. Will keep an eye on both meter readings in account and IHD, and drop them an email and see what they say.
  25. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    Interestingly, or perhaps not, the IHD doesn’t show the Go tariff. It shows the one I was on before switching, so all the budget information it purports to give will be inaccurate.
  26. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    Is a lag on seeing the thirty minute readings in your account normal? Fitted on Tuesday, readings for Wednesday and Thursday showing, but nothing since. Or is that an indication of an issue already? All the lights on the meter are flashing green as they should. p.s. re my post a couple above...
  27. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

  28. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    On checking account this morning it says I’m now on Octopus Go June 2018, but the unit rate makes no mention of the 5p four hour rate overnight. Would have thought it should have and have emailed Octopus for clarification. Just wondering if this is what others on Go see or whether something else...
  29. Masklin

    The M3 Photo Thread

  30. Masklin

    Managing Scheduled Charging

    Thank you both. If using the ev.energy app, do you sign in to your Tesla account within it, which I think is an option?
  31. Masklin

    Managing Scheduled Charging

    With switching on to the Octopus Go tariff tonight, I'd welcome any advice or suggestions on how to best manage the overnight period scheduled charging. There's the scheduled charging option within the Model 3 itself, and I think I can also schedule charging via TeslaFi and/or via the ev.energy...
  32. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    Having just had the meter fitted on Tuesday, I got an email a little earlier to sign up to Go starting from midnight tonight. So, off we Go!
  33. Masklin

    Honda e would you?

    I like it, though have no need for one so wouldn’t be buying. The inside/dash gives me a sort of retro futuristic Gerry Anderson vibe.
  34. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    The engineer that fitted mine on Tuesday said he’d only started back on Monday, so only his second day working since lockdown began back at the end of March. I was also the only appointment he had on the day, which understandably looks like a fairly cautious approach to getting installations...
  35. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    After being installed yesterday the smart meter is now visible in my Octopus account, albeit with no readings yet. Will be interested to see how quickly, or not, the meter remote connection to Octopus starts getting readings...
  36. Masklin

    Anyone not had 2020.24.6 yet

    Going from 20.17 to 24.6.9 as I type.
  37. Masklin

    The rubber things at the top of the bonnet...

    Just tried the link and yup, used my Tesla registered email address, which then took me to a Tesla authorisation page and bingo...
  38. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    After my meter was fitted this morning I emailed Octopus just to confirm there was nothing I needed to do and what the process was. Got this back... Thanks for getting in touch. As soon as we get the meter details sent through from the engineers, the smart metering team will establish a...
  39. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    Octopus smart meter fitted this morning. Minor hiccup with the job sheet IT delayed the start of work by 45 minutes or so, but once that was solved the actual installation and commissioning seemed to go quite smoothly. Fingers crossed in the next week or so will be able to switch on to the Go...
  40. Masklin

    The M3 Photo Thread

    Stopped at Liphook for the first time today, nice location. Just a shame the Starbucks was closed.
  41. Masklin

    Anyone not had 2020.24.6 yet

    I just reached the giddy heights of 2020.20.17 (and the nav update) today.
  42. Masklin

    Track mode not clear.. result

    Doesn’t particularly look like Glasgow above, but I assume it is...
  43. Masklin

    [UK] ID.3 UK orders soon to open

    I had an EOS a good few years ago, its roof leaked as well!
  44. Masklin

    The M3 Photo Thread

    Gave it its first wash at home this morning...
  45. Masklin

    [UK] ID.3 UK orders soon to open

    Got an ID.3 waitlist/order soon email earlier as well, wonder if I should tell them...
  46. Masklin

    Octopus smart meter installation

    An email exchange with Octopus a couple of days ago basically said I’d be waiting weeks yet for a smart meter installation, from late Jan/early Feb initial application. I was seriously surprised therefore to get an email a little earlier offering a small selection of appointments for fitting...
  47. Masklin

    Calling all NOTTINGHAM Tesla drivers...

    Not a resident (yet, will be at some point) of Nottingham but a regular visitor with family in West Bridgford, so may be spotted in the area on occasion. Hello!
  48. Masklin

    Model 3 Compatible Garage Door Receiver

    Sorted, still not sure what I’m missing with anything more sophisticated?
  49. Masklin

    Gatwick Parking for Two Weeks

    Albeit not at Gatwick Airport I’ve used the following at various other places... YourParkingSpace They seem to have plenty of spaces on offer close to the airport at reasonable cost. I guess you might be able to negotiate to have the car plugged in with the three pin and UMC for a period prior...
  50. Masklin

    Anyone not had 2020.24.6 yet

    TeslaFi do this for their fleet of user vehicles. You can drill down further to get numbers by model and the like...