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  1. S

    Elon & Twitter

    And twitter has a bot problem just like Elon said?
  2. S

    Elon & Twitter

    If that's the case, doesn't the fact that there're bots promoting this tell you something? Clearly someone wants this to be super viral, they're not leaving this to chance.
  3. S

    Elon & Twitter

    How about instead of posting snark, you post the actual research and state clearly what you disagree about it?
  4. S

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    And people wonder why Elon no longer wants to vote democrat.... Oh, and Biden sent Jake Sullivan to meet with Bolsonaro last August, does this mean Biden employs a supervillain? haha Not a word about Starlink, which some on the left is criticizing for "only for developed countries, doesn't...
  5. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Well getting rid of the bots would do that, so is reducing algorithmic manipulation of outrage, both he has stated are his goals. I wonder why people are so fixated on "free speech absolutism" when he literally said this in an unrelated context, and he's well known for his quick pivot when he's...
  6. S

    Elon Musk documentary/factual tonight

    Last time I checked, billionaires still need to follow the law, so yes there is most definitely checks for them. If you don't like something they're doing, ask your representative to outlaw it, if you can't lobby for a law against whatever they're doing, it means unlike you, your fellow citizens...
  7. S

    Elon Musk documentary/factual tonight

    Elon Musk is an engineer, he's literally the Chief Engineer of SpaceX (and there're many current and former employees who can back this up), and was recently elected to National Academy of Engineering. And he most definitely did not win by "throwing vast quantity of money" at projects. He only...
  8. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Well he might listen to you if you send a tweet to him, haha. This btw is why a forum like this is never going to replicate twitter, I think at one time Elon Musk, Tory Bruno and Peter Beck all replied to a nobody's rocket question on twitter, there is simply no other media where you can get...
  9. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Right, like he must be under the influence of alt-right when he tweeted Trump is divisive and shouldn't be a candidate in 2024... /s BTW, the word "woke" most definitely is not limited to things related to preferred pronouns, obviously we don't know what Musk is referring to by using this word...
  10. S

    Elon Musk

    Yep, he's literally the Chief Engineer at SpaceX, and was elected to National Academy of Engineering recently.
  11. S

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    The Reuters article is actually pretty accurate and neutral: https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/assisted-driving-systems-struggle-with-collision-tests-study-2022-05-12/ Gizmodo basically rewrote the Reuters article and turned it into a Tesla/Musk hit piece.
  12. S

    Elon Musk

    So much for "But other companies' CEOs don't tweet about politics": https://thehill.com/policy/finance/3488382-bezos-disinformation-board-shoudl-investigate-biden-tweet/
  13. S

    Elon Musk

    Launching rocket and settling Mars doesn't help us use less energy either, yet he has been doing that for 20 years. Elon Musk is bigger than Tesla. (and really Tesla is not about using *less* energy to start with but that's another topic)
  14. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Surprise, Elon Musk and EU see eye to eye with regard to social media rules: https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-says-his-twitter-plans-align-with-eus-new-social-media-rules-11652145055 (It's a surprise to those doomsayers at least, to us who has followed Musk for a few years, it's no...
  15. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Biden doesn't think it's a problem, in fact he's counting on Elon Musk to bring Trump back on twitter, in order to help democrats win midterm: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/bidenworld-midterms-trump-elon-musk-00029106
  16. S

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Well since we're talking about Apple and branding, it should also be noted that there're a lot of hatred towards Apple brand as well. In fact there's even some statistics behind this (granted with a fairly small sample size), which shows Apple is the most hated brand at 12%, ahead of Walmart at...
  17. S

    SpaceX Regulatory Discussion Thread

    Just another example of regulatory overreach, in case people still believe regulator is always right: https://spacenews.com/house-committee-leaders-ask-white-house-to-withdraw-proposed-ntsb-regulations-on-commercial-launch-investigations/ If you don't push back against these over-regulation...
  18. S

    Elon & Twitter

    The political side of his tweet during early covid isn't in your face? He literally tweeted FREEDOM in all caps, that's really an instance where he's trying to beat this over people's head, unlike right now where he's mostly just reacting. As for Apple's political stance, you don't pay much...
  19. S

    Elon & Twitter

    Elon Musk is not beating anything over your head on a daily basis, his most recent political tweet was a *reply* to media claiming he's "petulant & not-so-bright", claiming he's "far right" is an insane position, is he claiming the election was stolen? Is he endorsing any far right candidates in...
  20. S

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    But but but he's losing his mind because see this tweet he just made, How Dare Him holding an opinion different from me, he must be having mental issues because nobody should have opinion different from ME!!! /s
  21. S

    Elon & Twitter

    So many people making baseless speculations, are there ANY indication Elon Musk's past behavior (for example during early covid) affected Tesla's sales? Let's see some numbers, otherwise you're just talking out of your behind. Also don't overestimate your side's potential impact on Tesla sales...
  22. S

    Elon Musk

    I don't know if this is mentioned before, but this conflict did not start yesterday, Elon Musk mentioned Gates' short position back in Feb 2021: Elon Musk believes Bill Gates had a big short position on Tesla (TSLA) and lost a lot of money (also lol that electrek of all people feel outraged...
  23. S

    Elon Musk

    Also the amount of mental gymnastics here just to make Elon looks bad and Gates looks good is unbelievable: Some people: Elon Musk is one of the most influential people in the world, he can't just tweet random mean spirited tweets since it has consequences. The exact same people: Bill Gates is...
  24. S

    Elon Musk

    I don't know what this comment is supposed to say exactly, but it's not at all out of character for Elon Musk to attack someone who wronged him via twitter 8 years ago, he literally accused an Airforce officer of corruption on twitter in 2014: Elon Musk says he lost a multi-billion-dollar...
  25. S

    Elon Musk

    I didn't realize this needs to be spelled out: I was being sarcastic, the NYT article is non sense because it assumes Elon Musk is buying twitter just so that he can have his own mouthpiece, that's an insane take for anybody who has been following Musk for a while. Did he start SpaceX so that he...
  26. S

    Elon Musk

    Yeah right, it's not like Starlink hasn't been actively helping Ukraine to fight a war against Russia, or that Elon Musk already said publicly he's delaying Starship and Starlink Gen2 so that resources can be diverted to fight Russian jamming and cyberattacks... Oh, no, that's not "global...
  27. S

    SpaceX Regulatory Discussion Thread

    Yes, I read this when it came out (the full slide is here), I think the March 2022 date is more an indication of when the NASA system will be ready than when Starship will be ready. If you read the slide, it shows the NASA team still has work to do before they can perform the observation...
  28. S

    Elon Musk

    Also Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy means Space Force no longer relies on Russian RD-180 engine on Atlas V to launch their military satellites, every US person should be thankful for Elon Musk and SpaceX put in the hard work to make this possible. Every person who's mad about some stupid meme a few...
  29. S

    Elon Musk

    https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/elon-musk-was-elected-as-a-member-of-the-national-academy-of-engineering-for-breakthroughs-in-the-development-of-reusable-rockets-and-sustainable-transportation-energy-systems BTW, I can only find this news on pro-Tesla websites, zero mentioning...
  30. S

    Elon Musk

    It's not a way to reach customers, it's just a something he does for fun, given how much pressure he's under and how much workload he has, I don't blame him. And this is how social media is used by 99% of the people online anyways, his usage pattern is nothing special. You can view it as a...
  31. S

    Elon Musk

    Jane Fonda is just one small example, there're plenty of others, I couldn't list them all since that would cause my comment to be deleted. I'm not convinced this would hurt Tesla going forward, especially given: a. This is a US specific phenomena, US is just 23% of the world market; b. probably...
  32. S

    Elon Musk

    That's my point: There shouldn't be any controversy, it's just a meme, which was used numerous time before. People only make it a controversy because they hate Musk in the first place, this has nothing to do with his memes but everything to with him disrupting multiple industries and being the...
  33. S

    Elon Musk

    My thinking exactly:
  34. S

    Elon Musk

    Weird that people act as if there has never been Hitler memes: https://theconversation.com/how-hitler-memes-made-their-way-around-the-world-and-into-the-fair-work-commission-courtroom-127314 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/6262709/Hitler-Downfall-parodies-25-worth-watching.html
  35. S

    Elon Musk

    Well apparently my comment which involves comparing another politician to Hitler is too sensitive for this thread, oh well, let's see if this one works:
  36. S

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    And why is everybody angry about Elon comparing some politician to Hitler anyway? You do realize many many people has compared Trump to Hitler? Where was your outrage then...
  37. S

    Elon Musk

    The meme is not linked to Holocaust in any way, people can talk about (and compare others to) Hitler without taking any stand about Holocaust.
  38. S

    Elon Musk

    This is false, there's zero indication that US gov considered dropping SpaceX as a contractor, that's absurd to even consider. What NASA actually did is to order (and paid for) a safety review of SpaceX, which of course didn't find anything, but it's a good move anyways since SpaceX ends up...
  39. S

    Elon Musk

    This is a complicated technical topic, way to complicated to explain in a single post. But let me try (I can add sources, but I'm too lazy to look all of them up, I can if you need them): 1. "could've been camouflaged but couldn't be bothered": SpaceX didn't realize the satellites would be so...
  40. S

    SpaceX Regulatory Discussion Thread

    Wrong. SpaceX is constantly re-organizing their plan based on the readiness of various things, including the readiness of regulatory approval. If they think regulatory approval is not going to be ready by a certain date, they will change their plan accordingly, Elon Musk said as much during the...
  41. S

    Elon Musk

    How is this different from all the Occupy Wall Street or BLM protests that were widely supported by the left? At least the truckers didn't burn down any buildings... What are you talking about? Elon Musk is the opposite of an embarrassment, he's the most important national asset of the US, I'd...
  42. S

    Elon Musk

    I hope this clears up things and stop all the "yes he's anti-vax", "no he isn't" back and forth in this thread:
  43. S

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    He's not anti-vaxx, he's anti-vaccine mandate, big difference here. He said more than once that he supports vaccines and the science behind it is unequivocal.