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  1. A

    What would make you buy a non Tesla electric vehicle?

    I think you have to appreciate that there are a lot of people who don't care one whit about "saving the planet" or whether the technology is "transformative" or "disruptive". They want a good car, period. If one car represents an improvement over another in their personal decision space they...
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    What would make you buy a non Tesla electric vehicle?

    But what percentage of them are faster than 50 kW and what percentage of them are actually working at any given time? My X gives me about 3 mi/kWh. That means an hour charging at one of the numerous 50 kW non Tesla stations only gives me 150 mi range. The Rivian offerings, 2/3 that (100 mi). It...
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    What would make you buy a non Tesla electric vehicle?

    WRT to alternative networks: Go to ABRP and try some trips with a car other than a Tesla. You may well find that the Tesla network stations are generally more conveniently located i.e. they tend to be at rest stops or just off the freeways. YMMV, of course, depending on where you go and there...
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    Model X Test Drive

    Your sunglasses go in the little cubby below the display but you will want to get one of those little aftermarket drawers that go in there.
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    Easiest way to get the number of kWh used

    I'll let someone who understands the token thing address the intrinsic security of TeslaFi but no, email+password is not sufficient to steal the car. And if someone steals it it can be tracked and if that fails for some reason I have insurance. I'd say a much bigger risk is walking about a...
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    Easiest way to get the number of kWh used

    I always get a chuckle out of the guys who will spend $40 - >100K on a car but aren't willing to shell out $50 a year for a service like TeslaFi which essentially automates all your logging for you. That said, alternatives are systems that record the power consumed by particular circuits in...
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    Model X Shut Down while Driving - WARNING!

    Coolant is extremely important in these cars. I am not at all surprised that the car did what it did. What surprizes me is Tesla's response.
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    Autopilot, GPS, and Nav broken. Tesla can't fix it. Advice?

    Sort of. Each satellite has an (atomic) clock whose offset from "GPS" time is tracked by the ground segment of the system. The receiver has its own clock which is, hopefully, reasonably close to the system clock. Every so often each satellite announces "At the tone the time will be" and has sent...
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    Lumbar Support

    I don't know if this will be helpful or not but this control failed in my X's passenger seat and the repair was effected by "reprogramming" the seat. Thus, clearly, what happens to the seat depends on firmware so there is a chance, at least, that if you can get Telsa's attention, either at an SC...
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    General issues with the X or?

    I've not had any of those problems (December 2018 X100D) except the fairly frequent need to reboot early on. This problem went away. I don't think I've had to reboot since last spring.
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    What do the charging ranges mean?

    There is rated range which is the estimated usable charge in the battery divided by the constant rated Wh/mi for the car. Then there is range based on the Wh/mi for the car experienced by it recently. There are three selections on the display which determine what "recently" means. These are...
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    12V battery what is the use

    The traction motors, the heaters and the HVAC compressor run off the high voltage battery. Everything else (horn, lights, computers, windshield wipers....) run off the 12V circuit.
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    What ameprage do you supply your Wall Charger?

    Something that came up recently: If you are over 60A install a transfer switch instead of a disconnect. It must be of the ON - OFF - ON type so that it does the disconnect function. This will allow you to install two chargers from different manufacturers should you want to do that in the future...
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    What ameprage do you supply your Wall Charger?

    What happens if you set the X to charge at 40 amps, get it started and then come along and plug is the 3? Does it give the 3 what is left over (8A) or does it lower the X's rate to 24?
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    No, I don't think I am saying that. What I am saying is that I cannot see how the atmosphere can exert an upward force on the patch if air does not contact the patch. I am not entirely comfortable with this and I certainly acknowledge that in a groove, for example, air does reach the interior of...
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    Using a transfer switch to turn your EV car into a small backup generator

    Yes, but there is no need for most of that stuff for on board AC. All you need is one H-bridge and a low pass filter. By gating the transistors to low duty cycle an AC voltage of any desired amplitude (or frequency or phase) can be produced. But generally speaking interconversion between AC, DC...
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    You don't need any help from me on that. You are saying the pressure on then outside of my nitrogen bottle is 3000 psi because it is "intimately adhered" to the inside? If that's really what you mean to say it is clear evidence that it would be a total waste of my time, and yours, to continue...
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    The point is that what transfers the load depends on the relative elasticities and geometries of the load bearing elements. You evidently accept that when the air's elasticity goes to 0 all the load must be borne by the tyre's structural components. But you don't seem to be able to comprehend...
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    I have shown you, and confirmed by measurements, rough as they are, that there can be considerable error. There is no confusion with respect to PSIA/PSIG. It is very clear that PSIA must be used because there is no air pressure acting on the bottom of the patch. It is not in contact with the...
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    I was pretty sure you wouldn't be able to but we are always hopeful. That's why we take the time to explain these things (plus it's good mental exercise) So what happens if I let the air out of the tire?
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    That would probably be best. A couple or posters here clearly understand the physics better than you do. Wikipedia is a great resource for people qualified to interpret it. Yes, ground pressure is APPROXIMATELY the same as tire pressure but as has been shown to you here the approximation can be...
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    I think maybe you are beginning to get the idea. You have a couple of structures sharing the load. One is the air column and the other is the rubber of the tyre. How the load is shared depends on the elasticities of the materials and, of course, the geometries.
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    Refuting your refutation: The tire surface under the patch is subject to no pressure from the air as it in not in contact with the air. So now let's refute this refutation with the following gedanken experiment: Take a hollow cylinder and cap it at both ends. Drill into the side of the...
  24. A

    Using a transfer switch to turn your EV car into a small backup generator

    1200 W startup for a 90 W running is a factor of 13 which is huge. Three or 4 times is more normal. No, a capacitor across the fridge socket wouldn't help. In only stores energy for a half cycle (8 ms) before returning it to the line. The Rivian and Tesla trucks will, apparently, both have...
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    I was at first surprised that Boeing would not be smart enough to know about the PSIG/PSIA distinction but then looked at the pressures involved. At 215 psi neglecting the difference would imply an error of only 7% and these calculations are pretty rough anyway. I was fascinated by the...
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    Using a transfer switch to turn your EV car into a small backup generator

    Yes. Your refrigerator's draw of 8 kWh/wk implies an average draw of only 48 W which is 4 A or 96 Ah per day. If the duty cycle is 50% the peak draw would be 8A but if it is 10%, 40A. 100A at 12 V is 1200 W but it only lasts, typically, for a fraction of a second. Are you sure this...
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    This is your first mistake. The internal pressure when the gauge reads 42 PSI is 57 PSIA. Where the tire is in contact with the air there is a force of 57 pounds on each square inch of the inside with a force if 15 lbs on the outside for a net of 42 pounds termed 42 PSIG with the G standing for...
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    Experiencing regenerative braking issues after 1 year

    Energy from regen can and will go to a fully charged battery. The problem is that the battery can't store it without becoming damaged. Therefore regen is turned off when the battery is "full".
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    Using a transfer switch to turn your EV car into a small backup generator

    Please consult someone who has at least a minimal understanding of electricity before making suggestions like this.
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    And besides ignoring the part of the load taken up by the sidewalls you are all failing to recognize that your calculations should be done with psia, not psig. Where the tyre is sealed to the tile the atmosphere cannot exert its normal 1 bar of pressure. The important thing is, of course, that...
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    Is the X too heavy for a tile floor garage?

    Without reading the whole thread carefully it seems to me that what you all are missing is that part of the weight on each tire is supported by the sidewall - not the internal air pressure. Draw the freebody diagram of the patch in contact with the ground. Acting up on it is 1/4 (approximately)...
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    Error msg: Blind spot/Lane detection

    I've had a couple of instances with the X where, if the sun was in the wrong orientation on the driver side of the car, the blind spot detection warning came on. Turning has always caused the error to go away.
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    Do i need to "warm up" batteries before going WOT?

    A little further poking around got me to a video where the guy pulled apart a model 3 inverter. It has 24 FETs. If we assume the car is stationary and set the gating on those FETS such that each dissipates 148.5 Watts that would give a total of 3.5 kW "waste" heat. A little cruising through SiC...
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    Do i need to "warm up" batteries before going WOT?

    They aren't commutated at all. They are three phase motors. They have 3 windings of 4 poles each connected in a wye connection. . Each percent inefficiency of the inverter (in normal operation) represents 500 watts at a 50 kW draw (which isn't unusual in my car). So in normal operation I would...
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    How long is too long to leave heat running while charging?

    Note that in these videos he refers to the "stators" running when he in fact means that power is being supplied to the drive assemblies. No where is any evidence presented that the front and rear power readings are measured at the stator winding connections. Yes, the drive assemblies are...
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    Do i need to "warm up" batteries before going WOT?

    Have you read any of the thread? Specifically Nos. 16 and 22.
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    Do i need to "warm up" batteries before going WOT?

    How does one "effectively lock" a motor while the car is running down the freeway as depicted in the video? If cruise power is 30 - 50 kW and the motor/inverter 90% efficient 3 - 5 kW waste heat would be produced. Normally this gets dumped through the radiator. When it is desired to warm the...
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    Do i need to "warm up" batteries before going WOT?

    Let me again be perfectly clear that I am not privy to any Tesla design documentation so that the explanation I am offering is only based on common sense and what I know of modern electric vehicle design practices. This forum is a showcase for Dunning-Kruger and so I do want to make it clear...
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    Cloudy day impact on solar production & sizing

    Yes, but it won't be of much value to you. You will get what you will get and the best you can do is, as others have suggested, look at the NREL data for your area. That data is, presumably, averaged over several seasons but keep in mind that next season might not be like this season and can...
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    How long is too long to leave heat running while charging?

    No, of course not. You might find a patent filing but that's about as far as Tesla goes on public documentation. You can gain access to the service manuals for $3000 a month or something like that but otherwise its furphies all around. It's pretty obvious how it would work, however as the...
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    How long is too long to leave heat running while charging?

    It is not the motors that are being used as heaters. It is the transistors in the inverters (which are located within the motor assembly).
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    How to calculate battery degradation for my Model X

    I would love to get access to the CAN bus data but AFAIK there is no way to do that within IOS though I do occasionally see reference to an IOS version of the Android app. WRT the charger data: The charger is not 100% efficient so that loss would have to be accounted for. What we really want to...
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    Charging everyday?

    The Flight of the Phoenix
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    How to calculate battery degradation for my Model X

    Yes, TeslaFi records SoC and kWh at the beginning and end (and during) each charge. When I spoke of calculating capacities in earlier posts I was referring to using data from TeslaFi which you can download in CSV form. Now TeslaFi isn't perfect. The battery report (examples posted above) has...
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    I drive 5-8% of the battery per day. WHICH 5-8% should I use?

    Have to have the last word, don't you? I've learned over many years in engineering that it takes a bold man to say "always".
  46. A

    Best AMP for Wall Connector?

    If you are planning on a second Tesla then run 100 A (the largest the HPWC will accept). This will allow 40 A for each of two cars charging simultaneously which is less than the 48A each can draw if it be the only one connected. The master HPWC will apportion the power available to each car...
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    I drive 5-8% of the battery per day. WHICH 5-8% should I use?

    Yes, I am sure we can construct scenarios where it can. I did not suggest charging 80/20/80. I suggested 75/40/75. And that's because of DOP. But let's look at 80/20/80: 80*0.5E4 = 40E4 vs 20*3E4 = 60E4. Yes, that's more. I get your point. Again, assuming that curve has some relationship to...
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    I drive 5-8% of the battery per day. WHICH 5-8% should I use?

    Yes, but not appreciably so (assuming your curve representative of the Tesla batteries). And my comments have nothing to do with calibration but with the "dilution of precision" that comes from trying to estimate charge capacity from a 2 - 3% change in SoC.