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  1. A

    I drive 5-8% of the battery per day. WHICH 5-8% should I use?

    So let's see what the chart actually says. If I discharge 20% I will get 20*3E4n = 60E4 percent out of the battery whereas if I discharge 50% I will get 50*1E4 = 50E4. A difference, yes, but not enough of one to get me to change my practice. Which practice, BTW, is not motivated by a desire to...
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    Supercharger cable stuck

    I've had this happen with an HPWC. Fiddling around, rebooting, recycling... finally it let go. It happened a couple of times over the course of a couple of days but has not happened in months. This was with an X, BTW. Some of you may recall a set of SW revisions with which the button did not...
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    Do i need to "warm up" batteries before going WOT?

    It isn't the motor. It's the inverter which is located in the motor assembly. The motor does not need to be warmed but as it is doubtless on the same coolant loop as the inverter it will get warmed too.
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    I drive 5-8% of the battery per day. WHICH 5-8% should I use?

    It isn't constant but it does not change much with respect to SoC so that augmentation by coulomb counting is necessary and even then an occasional "calibration" by visiting the high and low SoC regions is needed.
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    I drive 5-8% of the battery per day. WHICH 5-8% should I use?

    In the belief that it is the number of charge/discharge cycles that ultimately determine battery life I let it get down to around 40% and then charge it back up to about 75%.
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    How to calculate battery degradation for my Model X

    The battery system and its management is very complex. The way lithium ion batteries behave depends on temperature, SoC, rate of charge/discharge, whether the battery is being charged or discharged etc. If you get an app that allows you to look into the CAN bus traffic you will be swamped with...
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    3 phase charging

    It really depends on what is in the car. If there are 3 charging modules of X watts each and if each is connected to a phase then you will get 3*X watts. But that requires, as I noted in my first post, 3 phase conductors coming into the car. My understanding is that the connectors on continental...
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    How to calculate battery degradation for my Model X

    You calculate the battery capacities and keep track of them over time. There are two capacities: 1)The charge capacity and 2)The discharge capacity. To calculate the first get from TeslaFi or another program the amount of charge transferred to the battery during a charge session. Divide that by...
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    What would make you buy a non Tesla electric vehicle?

    So what did you recommend? Given that the biggest concern among contemplative BEV owners is range anxiety and that Telsa is pretty far out in front of any other manufacturer, current or on the near horizon with respect to this (Super Charger network and longer range on a charge) Tesla's "moat"...
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    3 phase charging

    That depends on what's in your car and the clue to that is how many fat pins are there in your car's charging connector. If there are 3 then you will be drawing from all three phases and the advantage to be had there is less ripple but with modern power supply technology I don't think there it...
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    Limited regen

    They don't have a separate battery heater but they are able to warm the battery by turning the inverter transistors part way on. Their heatsinks are, obviously, on the battery coolant loop. I have a suspicion (but no more than that) that the threshold has been raised a bit in recent software...
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    Problems with Auto Lane change in 32.12.2

    Yes, in an X.
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    Service Center Disappointment

    Try the mobile app. It would not accept my actual address but would take the next descent over and they call before they show up so you can get them to your house. As for Montreal: before I figured out how to fool the app to get mobile service I made several appointments with the Montreal SC...
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    What would make you buy a non Tesla electric vehicle?

    Suppose they gave you free charging on the EA network for the time you owned the vehicle. Would that do it? How about a 50% discount on EA?
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    On board generator

    Yes, I was thinking in those terms for sure. And mine definitely was shorter than his - only a little over 2 miles as I recall.
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    Apple co-founder: 'I've really given up' on Level 5

    Remembering more about the politics. We were to have the system ready in time for Slick Willy's re-election campaign. We didn't. In fact I remember the FAA program manager commenting some 20 years later that GPS had been adopted by nearly every industry - except aviation.
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    Are California power shut down affecting supercharger availability

    I'd check PlugFinder. If someone checked in 5 min ago the site is probably hot.
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    Apple co-founder: 'I've really given up' on Level 5

    As I recall the number thrown around in the FAA's program office was "five nines". Based on that I'd accept 5 nines in an automobile autopilot. And based on what I experienced on my last road trip we are far from that. I used to have an AI section in my department and I remember thinking at...
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    On board generator

    Roger that. Guess I am a humorless old fart. My reaction to -1100 was definitely more "Fascinating Captain" than laughter.
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    Need Help! Charging Issues, Errors, Max 23 Amps

    They are wicked expensive but there are much more reasonably priced units which plug onto smart phones and seem, judging from samples posted here, to be pretty good.
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    Need Help! Charging Issues, Errors, Max 23 Amps

    Shouldn't be any problem with this. The manual's only caveats WRT 3 phase connections is that earth must be provided and that the stinger not be used in a center tap grounded delta configuration. As he is seeing 250V he clearly is not connected to a stinger.
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    Need Help! Charging Issues, Errors, Max 23 Amps

    Nominal is 240 V. I did note that you have seen 252 V in your investigations which is 5% high. That should be OK if it is stable. If, however, 252 drops to 240 when a 23 amp load is imposed that suggests an impedance of about 0.5 Ω which is high and might be responsible.
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    On board generator

    I'm not sure what you are trying to say here as you post a screen shot showing -1100 Wh/mi. Nor am I sure why the post was rated funny. Negative consumption is perfectly valid (though the 999 miles range that is displayed with it isn't). An average negative consumption of -1000 over 5 miles...
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    Man burns in Burning Tesla

    The car needs a dashboard placard that reads "Do not crash vehicle into solid objects".
  25. A

    What kind of Kw are you getting at regen?

    I get higher and lower (X). Just as the power taken from the battery during driving depends on conditions and how far you press the pedal so does the amount restored to the battery during regen depend on conditions and how far you release it.
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    Autopilot Lane Change

    Pretty sure lane detection was not the issue. I've observed pretty good lane detection even then the actual markings on the road were not in terribly good shape.
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    Surviving the PG&E test?

    The word in the industry is that Tesla will not be doing installations any more. Got that from my solar provider (a Tesla dealer). Take that for what it's worth. If it's true you'll get a quicker install from a solar installation outfit that is an authorized Power Wall dealer than you will from...
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    Need Help! Charging Issues, Errors, Max 23 Amps

    If you do find widely varying voltage at least you will have an idea as to what the cause of the limited charging is. The fact that you seem to be able to charge anywhere but at home or your neighbors is pretty strong evidence to my way of thinking that there is a problem with your utility feed...
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    MASTER THREAD: Powering house or other things with Model 3

    There are several issues. The inverters in the motors are designed to convert 380 VDC to 3 phase AC suitable to the motors at frequency and amplitude as required by driving conditions. The inverter required for feeding you house must produce single phase 240 VAC at 60 Hz. Now that part is true...
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    On board generator

    I was not familiar with the KERS acronym either but note that the Tesla system recovers potential (gravitational) energy too. It is this that has given me W/mi of 160 on one trip and even -146 on one notable occasion. It is critical that people understand the the "motors" used in the Tesla...
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    Need Help! Charging Issues, Errors, Max 23 Amps

    Are you and the neighbor on the same transformer?
  32. A

    Tesla Destination Charger Owners - Do Companies Bill for the Use?

    Two destination chargers come to mind. One is located at a dairy in Coaticook, QC that has a retail shop that sells wonderful ice cream. I use any excuse to go there. The destination charger is icing on the cake. I have an X with the big charger. If I spend 3/4 of an hour there the most...
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    Need Help! Charging Issues, Errors, Max 23 Amps

    I'd say the next step is to monitor the line voltage over time. This will require investment in or rental feels for line voltage recording equipment but that's about all I can think of. Line voltage may have been within spec when the power company checked it but what is, perhaps, going on the...
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    Autopilot Lane Change

    I guess I wasn't very clear. In normal operation if I come up behind another car a I get a message to the effect that a lane change to a faster lane is about to be made, the blinker comes on and, if the faster lane is clear, we move over to that lane. At other times under what seems to be...
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    On board generator

    Yes, super caps could be used to hold energy recovered when the battery can't be sink it. Run some numbers for perspective. E.G. one can buy (Amazon) a 12 V 1000 F array for around $450. That can hold 1000*144/2 = 72 kJ which sounds like a lot (and is a lot for a capacitor) but is only 20 Wh.
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    On board generator

    It is time to point out again here that the Tesla's already have systems that recover all the car's kinetic and potential energy they possibly can and return it to the battery. There is no other source of energy to tap. That's the physics. GLC76 has eluded to the fact that he is looking at...
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    Autopilot Lane Change

    Does anyone have insight as to what conditions are required for automatic lane changing to work? I only use autopilot with nav on autopilot engaged on freeways and somtimes the auto lane change feature works and sometimes it doesn't and I can't correlate with conditions.
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    New to Tesla...Is it really that bad?

    The nature of forums may bias the reporting but the fact that •You can't call to make a service appointment - in fact you can't call at all •You can't set up a service appointment via your MyTesla account any more •e-mails about service issues go unanswered •The Tesla App appointment mechanism...
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    Sirius XM radio static

    Sirius transmits digitally. With a digital system there is no noise. If perfect reception is not possible then the packet is dropped (the audio output is silenced). Thus it's not a problem with Sirius. It's a problem with the way the car's computer handles the audio. The fact that resetting the...
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    Raven regen poor in cooler weather

    Yes, I see the lines limiting regen to 50 kW when the battery has soaked in temperatures around 50 °F. This is something Tesla can easily adjust in firmware so it is indeed possible that in previous revisions it was set less conservatively but it has always been thus since I've had this car...
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    Tesla's long term plan for superchargers?

    The capacity of an 8 x 72 kW station is 576 kW. If the 8 x 150 kW station is limited to 48 % of 8 x 150 kW) then the transformers, switchgear and number of rectifier modules could be the same. Otherwise, no. The amounts of copper, steel and silicon will be proportional to the peak capability of...
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    MASTER THREAD: Powering house or other things with Model 3

    The technology is present in the sense that the cars have a battery which can be connected to a external port so it can be charged at a DC charger. But the firmware in the car has provisions to make sure that the battery can not be connected to that port unless connection to a DC fast charger is...
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    Full Home Backup or Partial?

    The tough part of all this is that it is totally a statistical game. You don't know what is going to happen so you have to plan based on what you think might happen and what you are willing to live with. How often does the power go out in your region? How long does it typically stay out? What is...
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    Would you buy another MX after having a lemon?

    Not all X's are lemons so the chances that you will have similar experiences with a new one are small but they are not 0. You have to decide whether your enjoyment of the car offsets the potential headaches. Faced with a difficult decision like this some people toss a coin and then determine...
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    Tesla wall connector location

    Yes, it might be but I can't say that it will be. Or rather having the 21' cord might turn out to be convenient at some time in the future if, for example, you wanted to charge outside the garage. You can always 'shorten' the longer cord by coiling it around the HPWC (it is designed to...
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    Electrify America Chargers and CHAdeMO

    In the US CHAdeMO is pretty useless to TESLS drivers as the SC network is so good and quite a bit cheaper. When a tyro Tesla owner I used a CHAdeMO station in the US once out of an overabundance of caution WRT range. But in Canada it is a different matter. There are places where SC are pretty...
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    Tesla's long term plan for superchargers?

    Clearly the capital costs of a station are going to depend on the stations peak capacity. 150 kW capacity requires more steel (transformer), copper (transformer and cabling) and silicon (rectifier modules). Also installation costs will be higher though that may be marginal.
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    What would make you buy a non Tesla electric vehicle?

    Curiosity. The same curiosity that led me to buy a Tesla in the first place. I still don't know what driving a BEV is like. I know what driving a Tesla is like and from what I can tell that's not like driving any other BEVs. I have a deposit down on a Rivian. The charging network is a major...
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    Battery balancing Technic

    Battery balancing is going on all the time. You have bricks made up of hundreds of cells connected in parallel through small resistors. How could you prevent balancing under that configuration? That's part of the story. The rest is that you have a bunch (around 90) of these bricks connected in...