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  1. L

    UK Model 3 Performance 2021 Waiting Room

    Isn't BT42 a Panasonic 82kWh pack? Wouldn't we expect China-made cars to have an LG pack?
  2. L

    UK Model 3 Performance 2021 Waiting Room

    I'd agree. Just because they're in "inventory" doesn't mean that they're physically in the UK. It does imply that they're the leftovers of some matching exercise. Maybe the excess after the outstanding Irish orders have been matched...
  3. L

    2021 Shipping Movements

    Here in the UK we've had no new model 3 performances in the whole of 2021 to-date. I'm curious - has that also happened in Germany / Netherlands, or did you still receive performance models in Q1?
  4. L

    2021 Shipping Movements

    If it helps. RHD cars were being loaded onto transporters at Shanghai on the 7th May based on this: Check out the arm out of the RHS window of the white car moving onto the transporter at 5:54, the driver getting into the RHS at 6:15, and driver exiting vehicle on the transporter at 6:29.
  5. L

    Change charge rate from app please!

    I believe allowing people to remotely change the charge current isn't supported in part for safety reasons (e.g. not being in situ to monitor the safety of the attached connection). As others have said though, there's very little reason to every change this - it should pick the best rate...
  6. L

    UK Model 3 Performance 2021 Waiting Room

    I just did, but you're arguing about it 🙂 (Model 3 owner with Premium Connectivity for the last 20 months....)
  7. L

    UK Model 3 Performance 2021 Waiting Room

    That sounds distinctly like it was in Chill mode to me....
  8. L

    UK Model 3 Performance 2021 Waiting Room

    It doesn't give you a Netflix account. You need your own. It does give you access to Spotify without ads, but it doesn't give you an account you can use elsewhere
  9. L

    UK Model 3 Performance 2021 Waiting Room

    I don't think these are assigned pre-shipping. My guess is that they've shipped an allocation of RHD for Ireland on an earlier ship than the UK orders due to the cessation of the grant in July.
  10. L

    2021 Shipping Movements

    I agree with the historical precendent making it unlikely, and I guess we'll find out once it's through Suez. However, given we're in a "new" situation for deliveries (all cars coming from SHG vs some SHG/SFO vs all from SFO) it's the point where precedents could be broken...
  11. L

    2021 Shipping Movements

    Based on those date estimates, is there a chance she'll drop off at Southampton *before* Zeebrugge?
  12. L

    2021 Shipping Movements

    Tesla Carriers
  13. L

    UK Model 3 Performance 2021 Waiting Room

    It's definitely related to the cut-over from Fremont to Shanghai. SR+ started being produced in Shanghai in Q4 2020 (IIRC), and LR started in late(?) Q1 2021 (dates might not be exact, but that's the general order). For whatever reason (battery availability? parts availability?) they didn't...
  14. L

    Wiki UK 2021 Orders and Pending Deliveries

    Can't comment on the number, but if you have a delivery date it will show against your order in your online account
  15. L

    Object Aware Acceleration

    Object-aware acceleration is a safety feature - it's nothing to do with FSD/Cruise control. It doesn't (IIRC) beep, or alert you that it's happened, but the effect is a limit on acceleration - exactly as described here. That's easily explainable by object-aware-acceleration whose whole purpose...
  16. L

    Object Aware Acceleration

    That sounds like "Object Aware Acceleration" kicking in more than anything else....
  17. L

    Schedule Charge, What am I doing wrong

    Scheduled departure charges the car to the desired % by the end of its notion of 'cheap electric rate' which defaults to 6AM, because California. You can change that in the settings
  18. L

    UK Model 3 Performance 2021 Waiting Room

    Toward the end of each financial quarter they focus production on "home-soil" deliveries to avoid ending a financial quarter with a bunch of inventory in transit, and maximise their delivery numbers. A car produced in Fremont on March 31st can be sold & delivered before the end of the quarter. A...
  19. L

    Questionable Bodyshop treatment of battery!!??

    If a door is left open and climate on, you'll see significant power usage.
  20. L

    UK Model 3 Performance 2021 Waiting Room

    UK model 3 production has shifted to China rather than the US. Either China isn't set up for Performance models yet (lack of the right parts in China maybe?) -or- Performance will still come from the US but only in limited production slots
  21. L

    Return of phantom 16 amp charging

    That seems it to me, but as I said in a previous post, I'm not electrically competent to determine if what I'm seeing in the TeslaFi data is a cause or an effect. Either way there does appear to be a bug somewhere, and it only started (for me) after the 2020.20 install. The fluctuations I see in...
  22. L

    Return of phantom 16 amp charging

    I didn't pay enough attention in my GCSE physics to know which is cause, and which is effect I'm afraid, so yes - you absolutely could be correct. We'll have to await someone cleverer than I to comment.
  23. L

    Return of phantom 16 amp charging

    Variance from some perceived initial voltage maybe? While you may never go above 225 do the lower amp points coincide with higher voltage points relative to the start voltage?
  24. L

    Return of phantom 16 amp charging

    Looking at my Teslafi logs it does seem voltage related, although in my case the cutoff is 238v. At that I get 32A, once it goes over that I get reduced A. Seems to vary A around 17 to 20 up to around 242v, anything beyond that I just get 17A. Bummer as historically my voltage is stable in the...
  25. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    There are no ships known to be arriving in the UK or EU from the US on those dates. That doesn't mean that there *aren't* any, we just don't know anything about them if they are (although historically analysis of shipping outside Tesla has been reasonably accurate). It's also possible there...
  26. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Edited to fix already :)
  27. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    Photos from the Eurocentral install courtesy of Anthony Jackson on FB.... It's almost there ...
  28. L

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    According to posts on a Scottish Tesla FB group, Glasgow/Eurocentral/Dakota (depending on what you want to call it) has been commissioned over the past couple two weeks. Local drivers doing sterling work checking in and keeping track of developments. Tombstones are up, groundworks finished, and...
  29. L

    GBP prices and exchange rate

    The exchange rate is roughly where it was when they originally launched Model 3 in the UK, so no reason (just on the basis of that) to suspect that prices would change
  30. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    The original version is here: Tesla Model3 RHD VIN ranges
  31. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Indeed ... Lee Willis on Twitter
  32. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Do you have a VIN assigned? If so this sheet might help with the possible ships. If not, then you're probably still waiting to be matched to a car which *may* be on a ship, or may not be.
  33. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Tesla Carriers
  34. L

    New owner of model 3 - purchase experience

    Wheel cap kit from Tesla is £45, so Amazon ones definitely cheaper. I ordered some of the jinclonder ones off Amazon, but decided that I think the colour will match better on the Tesla ones, so ordered some of those to pick up when I collect my model 3. I'll be able to compare when I've got...
  35. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    In the UK, Tesla's terms do allow you 14 days for precisely this reason. Take a look at your order agreement PDF...
  36. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    I suspect those are cars that were originally assigned to other people who can't collect in time due to holidays etc.
  37. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Also, while VIN/ship tracking was useful when there was very little progress, and no comms from Tesla it's becoming less useful. More relevant now is that delivery windows have been sent out as far ahead as 22nd September. If you haven't received one yet you're probably looking at a date after...
  38. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    We saw some VIN allocations / delivery windows get sent while SF Conductor was loading. My assumption is that these allocations were for vehicles on SFL conductor (on the assumption that Tesla seem to be giving out consecutive 2-week delivery windows which match the ~2week frequency of ships)...
  39. L

    Reserving to Receiving - a P- story

    Me too. I ordered some the other day from the Edinburgh Service Centre. £45 all in - they'll (allegedly) be with my car when I collect at the end of the month.
  40. L


    Love to hear how it goes as that's where I'm collecting from :)
  41. L


    The charge levels are giving me range anxiety already - I have a 2hr drive back from my delivery centre. I'll have to check it charges OK before I leave. Don't want to get half way back, need to charge and find a broken charge port :)
  42. L

    Cancel or sell?

    If you have no VIN or confirmed window I don't think there's any benefit to this. Unlikely given that there will be 1,000s in the country by the time you get yours (from what you've said). You've helped fund the electric car revolution, and force the die-hard ICE producers hand into a...
  43. L

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    Glovis Cosmos is due into SF on the 12th, which would have it leave around the 15th, Panama around the 21st, Zeebrugge around 5th Sep. Deliveries in the UK probably sometime after (difficult to tell when until Tesla start giving people delivery windows). My guess is that things in the UK will...
  44. L

    Source Vin & Delivery Window Text Correlation

    Definitely don't do that on the basis of my spreadsheet :)
  45. L

    Your Cars Name?

    My current shortlist: Marvin Bishop Garlic bread Hippoi Kabeirikoi Sideswipe
  46. L

    Source Vin & Delivery Window Text Correlation

    Assuming you're referring to my spreadsheet. It is based on VIN assignments & delivery windows received and posted about by people *so far*. It's not to be relied on for anything other than passing the time :) There's nothing to say that a 4401 couldn't be received in a different window from...
  47. L

    Acceptable Queues: What's on your Pickup Playlist?

    There's already a couple of playlists knocking around: Tesla Premium Audio, a playlist by tan55555 on Spotify Fully Charged Live - Tesla Owners UK, a playlist by discowill on Spotify
  48. L

    Your Cars Name?

    I have a shortlist but am basically unable to decide :) . I'd open it up to a vote, but we all know how that sort of things tens to go ...
  49. L

    Model 3 Premium Connectivity

    The attached was taken on the 13th June if that helps.
  50. L


    Congratulations - thanks for the photos!