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  1. raynewman

    Petition for government subsidies for EV’s

    Elon Musk paid at least $593 million in income tax in 2016, according to a filing by Tesla Inc. He was hit with that huge tax bill after he exercised stock options that were going to expire at the end of 2016. As far as how he paid the taxes, he did so by selling some of the shares that he got...
  2. raynewman

    Petition for government subsidies for EV’s

    and burning all the electric transport that existed at that time. and not paying taxes...
  3. raynewman

    Petition for government subsidies for EV’s

    In his case, the word is monopoly.
  4. raynewman

    One Pothole, 2 Flat Tyres on a Model 3P+

    Mine reports the low pressure in yellow; happened this morning. That was the sixth puncture in that tyre @ $40 each - mutter.
  5. raynewman

    Petition for government subsidies for EV’s

    Tesla owners pay (very high) taxes on their initial purchase like 30% LCT over $70,000.
  6. raynewman

    Petition for government subsidies for EV’s

    I would rather see something like this.
  7. raynewman

    Petition for government subsidies for EV’s

    What would you call low/no interest loans to coal miners and infrastructure for their exclusive use?
  8. raynewman

    Petition for government subsidies for EV’s

    Much the same here; ICE users pay fuel tax, EV users don't. Leave well enough alone.
  9. raynewman

    Petition for government subsidies for EV’s

    Look at "supply charge" on your electricity bill.
  10. raynewman

    Petition for government subsidies for EV’s

    The fuel tax, of course, has nothing to do with road maintenance.
  11. raynewman

    DAB is here

    Why on earth would you want that?
  12. raynewman

    Supercharger - Macquarie Park, NSW

    Depends how much solar, wind etc is used and that magic x factor that comes out of left field.
  13. raynewman

    Supercharger - Macquarie Park, NSW

    Compare it to the WiFi pricing when it first came out - no one was going to give that away...
  14. raynewman

    One Pothole, 2 Flat Tyres on a Model 3P+

    That's what they do. Also needed is either the machine or the mussels to remove the tyre from the rim.
  15. raynewman

    Supercharger - Macquarie Park, NSW

    I am part Scott and am much enamored with "free". Up here we also have the UQ chargers at Brisbane, Gatton and Warwick that are free. I even balk at the QESH 20 cents per kwh ;)
  16. raynewman

    Supercharger - Macquarie Park, NSW

    Only two spots whenever I've been there. Besides, superchargers are free :D
  17. raynewman

    What's your range (SR+)?

    Rented from Turo 2017 X90D; 11 days, 2500 km for €3,213.64. I've rented from Turo in the states a couple of times and never had any problems.
  18. raynewman

    Model S Performance with Ludicrous insurance

    Pretend you live in a middle class suburb.
  19. raynewman

    xpel stealth in Melbourne

    I haven't.
  20. raynewman

    What's your range (SR+)?

    My S, an older 85 has a similar range to the SR+ and I have driven to Sydney many times, Melbourne, Townsville, Chinchilla many times and Stanthorpe many times all on AP. I wouldn't do it any other way. We are going to France in a couple of months and hired a Telsa with AP; couldn't face...
  21. raynewman

    What's your range (SR+)?

    Just plug it in at home every night (availability of power permitting).
  22. raynewman

    CCS2 for M3, adaptor for X and S

    Mine normally peaks out at about 50 also but, on rare occasions, I've seen mid 70s. This is one of the main reasons I am considering a new car.
  23. raynewman

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Not being a regular Sydney driver, I'm too chicken to use it in Sydney traffic but those who know...
  24. raynewman

    Frunk hooks for Model 3 are apparently no longer a thing...

    See further up this thread. Tesla Model 3 Frunk Hooks/Bolt Covers
  25. raynewman

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    I drove to Sydney before my car had AP; was OK but not great. Since I have driven to Sydney many times, Melbourne, Townsville, Chinchilla many times and Stanthorpe many times all on AP. I wouldn't do it any other way. We are going to France in a couple of months and hired a Telsa with AP...
  26. raynewman

    One Pothole, 2 Flat Tyres on a Model 3P+

    One of the tyres on my car has been repaired four times - no problems.
  27. raynewman

    NRMA Nabiac Charger

    50 kw is good; particularly in an old S as they don't charge much faster.
  28. raynewman

    Phone unlock very unreliable

    I had very little trouble with phone lock on two different 3s in the USA in 2018. I have Huawei with v9 Android; have to give the Tesla app full privileges.
  29. raynewman

    Tesla Software updates - Australia

    Even AP1 has its own problems; out west Queensland they use signs like 'END 80' which is read as 80 and, as it's a non-divided road, AP1 slows down to 80 (mutter). It would be good to allow an override.
  30. raynewman

    Frunk hooks for Model 3 are apparently no longer a thing...

    and here Tesla Model 3 Frunk Hooks by HappyPEJ is the thingiverse link to print your own.
  31. raynewman

    Tesla market share of BEVs in NSW

    Have a look at Vehicle registrations - Open Data Portal | Queensland Government for Queensland.
  32. raynewman

    Navigate On Autopilot in Australia

    Yes - but think of the number of years of Tesla you have missed out on.
  33. raynewman

    Supercharger - Macquarie Park, NSW

    At the Chargepoint (plugged in of course).
  34. raynewman

    Supercharger - Macquarie Park, NSW

    Not if you come in the valet entry.
  35. raynewman

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Obviously not a fixed RADAR; those things are set to trigger at limit + 1%limit +1 (ie 67 in a 60 zone). That's an Australian standard.
  36. raynewman

    Model 3 Charging in Australia

    No - broken. This case was Bowen which is the most isolated. Have also seen others broken in a situation where I could keep going to the next one.
  37. raynewman

    Model 3 Charging in Australia

    That's right but I have needed it as the stations are very far apart up north.
  38. raynewman

    Model 3 Charging in Australia

    You will need the Type 2 to Type 2 cable if you ever deign to visit the sunshine state.
  39. raynewman

    Model 3 Charging in Australia

    The description at that link is rubbish - I can't decode what they are selling. The type 2 to type 2 from Tesla is $305 (AUD).
  40. raynewman

    Model 3 Charging in Australia

    In Queensland north of the Sunshine coast, the type 2 to type 2 is most used for when the QESH DC units are down. and if you want to go west, you would need a three phase setup.
  41. raynewman

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    and totally different tyres.
  42. raynewman

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Depends entirely on the tyres.
  43. raynewman

    Charging current Model 3

    You may find some discussion in the thread Model 3 Charging in Australia I have seen recent discussion on your problem in this forum but can't find it.
  44. raynewman

    Charging current Model 3

    Three phase or single phase?
  45. raynewman

    The significant milestones Tesla will hit in the first half of 2020

    When you take the CAPEX out of the income statement, Tesla has been profitable for years. *Strange American method of keeping accounts*
  46. raynewman

    3 phase or single phase WC supply better?

    and if you want to roll your own; the following is useful.
  47. raynewman

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    Unless the seller didn't like the buyer because of race, religion yada yada.
  48. raynewman

    NRMA and QLD chargers with a 2019 Model S

    Just the CCS2. Any chargers I've seen in Qld that have CHAdeMO also have CCS2 and the CCS2 is required for the fast units.
  49. raynewman

    Tesla Model 3 in Australia

    In Queensland, the RADAR must be 300 metres past the sign except for school zones and something else I've forgotten.