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  1. P

    [UK] 2020.40.x

    My MX updated to 2020.40.8 on Saturday; I cant see any changes from last weeks update.
  2. P

    What did you name your car?

    Silver Machine - from the song by Hawkwind, “l’ve got a Silver Machine”
  3. P

    Camera colour reproduction

    Sorry if this has been asked before, I have searched but not found though. Is there a way to correct the camera colour reproduction? My front camera is fine, but the side cameras show red as orange. I’ve checked to see if there is a plastic cover, but can’t see one, certainly don’t want to...
  4. P

    Hilarious service estimate

    What a terrible attitude.
  5. P

    Final payment gone missing

    Payment now showing, balance zero. Roll on tomorrow
  6. P

    Final payment gone missing

    I’ve been reading your exploits, really hope this ends happily for you and that I have no issues whatsoever.
  7. P

    Final payment gone missing

    Two more sleeps for me, finally. I paid the balance on Saturday but it’s not showing on my account, although they have acknowledged receipt, after I chased them by email.
  8. P

    2019/20 Orders and Deliveries [closed]

    Not so, my contact number is in the +44 7 format and I’ve had no calls or texts whatsoever, just a single email stating my collection is the 30th.
  9. P

    How many of us know we've been matched but don't have a collection date?

    I’ve finally had an email to say collection on 30th in Birmingham, that’s it so far, no text, no vin, no reg, no explanation of when they want my £100k. Tbh the service to date has been so appalling I’m am going to wait for battery day next week and, depending on the news, may even decide to...
  10. P

    How many of us know we've been matched but don't have a collection date?

    Me, ordered MX mid July and had no info, the only info I have is from the online chat who gave me a VIN, I phoned and they confirmed its on for delivery at the end of the month. £100k and I have to plead with them for information...
  11. P

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I12th September, this brilliant news. I am waiting to hear about my MX, ordered on 15th July but heard nothing. However I spoke with Joshua on the online chat yesterday and he gave me a VIN and said it was on the Saftmarine Mafadi and unloaded in Rotterdam. Couldn’t give me a delivery date...
  12. P

    2020 Shipping Movements

    The Safmarine Mafadi has left Antwerp heading for Rotterdam. Will she go to Southampton or do they unload UK bound MX in Antwerp?
  13. P

    2020 Shipping Movements

    I was so fed up waiting to hear anything about my MX that I enquired about an inventory car. The sales guy just called and I explained. He asked for my RN and was able to give me a VIN and told me it is on the Saftmarine Mafadi. Getting excited now.
  14. P

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Many thanks, I will be sure not to post unrelated items here, don't want to be shouted at, get enough of that at home!
  15. P

    2020 Shipping Movements

    Hi, new here. I ordered a MX on 15/07 and received the RN number same day. When will I receive the VIN? Has anyone else ordered a MX in July and have you received your VIN?