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  1. B

    6,000 Free Supercharger Miles for Taking Delivery by Dec 31st

    I picked up in November - so I wont be eligible for this? Strange as I am a Q4 customer... Maybe I should give Customer Service a ring... I've already spent £130 on supercharging as I havent got a charger installed at home yet (Doing that today)
  2. B

    [UK] 2022.44

    Welcome this update a lot! Apple Music is just a lot better than Spotify, all my playlists and recent songs are loaded instantly, havent tweaked around with the other settings yet but I imagine the Dog Mode changes will be useful!
  3. B

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Picked up my car just over 3 weeks ago (almost 4 now) and I’ve never had to rely on USS until today… I’m at Maidstone superchargers and it’s a “drive-in” one… safe to say it’s a nightmare to drive into a bay without USS. It was quite difficult to determine how far I was from the supercharger...
  4. B

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I am at the Maidstone Superchargers (Kent, near notts cutts) I haven’t owned a Tesla for very long (less than a month) so it’s my first time driving into a supercharger (rather than reversing) and I can tell you right now it’s a absolute faff. Especially with a car with no USS… it was quite...
  5. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    Im very dissapointed no one has mentioned how "cool" your car looks... #DadJokes
  6. B

    UK Charge Point Installer Recommendations

    Update for anyone still following: The snow... Has... Ruined... my plans... First of all, the cars wouldnt even come off the driveway because they kept slipping and sliding. After shovelling I would say a tonne of snow off the driveway / pavement, work finally began at 1pm. Not sure how...
  7. B

    [UK] 2022.40

    Can vouch for this. Picked my MY LR up last week and the first thing I did was use a Samsung T7 SSD. Works instantly and responsiveness is great.
  8. B

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Interesting you say this, my friend was about to order an E Tron - Audi had a notification to say there were limitation in parts which hinder its 3D scanning software. So maybe it could have been USS? I really doubt manufacturers take USS off their cars though
  9. B

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Still A LOT of cars at Tesla Bluewater ready for collection! Got mine here supercharging. Still cannot believe this my car… novelty hasn’t worn off at all. (It’s a bit dirty sorry) Oh and how could I forget. #TeamBlue20
  10. B

    [UK] 2022.40

    Anyone have the release notes for 40.4.2? My update is stuck on 50% currently. Not sure if thats normal? (Ive only had the car a few days, so forgive me if it is)
  11. B

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    Unless theres a software update that got released last night and my car for some reason didnt do it. I can tell you now, it doesnt show you measurements...
  12. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    Ah fmll.... I want to drive into London and not pay the Congestion charge or ULEZ!! I wonder if TFL already know the car is ULEZ exempt? Will have to tempt fate of course.
  13. B

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    So. I picked up my car on Saturday without USS. First thoughts: During the day- absolutely fine, camera's are clear and you'll have to be a right idiot to hit anything. At night: Completely different, the past couple days its been wet, dark and gloomy and the visibility from the rear...
  14. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    For those that have experience with brand new cars, when do you receive you V5C document?
  15. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    I live on the coast 😂 So must be picking up Belgium? Haven’t had anything with France yet.
  16. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    Is anyone Netflix/YouTube showing German ads? I read somewhere its because the 3G/4G connection it uses pings off a mast in Europe somewhere. Anyone know how to change this? Im sure theres a thread on this forum somewhere...
  17. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    562 Tbh - I didn’t check the camera’s fully. But will inspect in the morning. But I’m pretty sure they are the old ones
  18. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    So… here goes. Like I’ve mentioned before - I’ve never owned a brand new car before. I was lucky to have an Audi A4 when I was 21 which was around 12 months old - 60 plate (but had 40k miles on it) I got to Bluewater on Saturday around 9am - after seeing so many people almost get to the...
  19. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    Also got mine today but all I’ve been doing is driving everywhere. Already done 150 miles. Will share my experience and photos sometime tomorrow. Still absolutely stunned this is my car, I’ve never owned a brand new car before and had the same car since 2011. So this is absolutely wild for me
  20. B

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    I have a few Tesla's in my area that all have adhesive plates, one of the cars is 2 years old now. So they must be legal...
  21. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    haha class! Dont need the video but do let us know how you get on!
  22. B

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    Got the same text, Im at bluewater - Couldnt see my car there, asked the Tesla team there and they said its definately a mistake. I then got another text saying "CORRECTION" at the start of it. Just an admin error. Got my hopes up for no reason!
  23. B

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Do you have a delivery date? I think delivery dates are only given to you if the car is already at Southampton. They are calculated on the basis that the car has docked and now in the “prep centre” Don’t quote me on that, but I think that’s how it works. I actually thought my car was on...
  24. B

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    I mean... Im at Bluewater tomorrow... I can swing by and double check, im sure our cars will be there ;)
  25. B

    MYP UK Waiting Room

    Your car is probably not on RCC Europe if your car is being delivered/collected on Saturday. It was most likely on previous ships like Glovis Summit or Grande Abidjan. My collection is also Saturday and not heard anything about delays.
  26. B

    Model Y UK Delivery

    I would ask a number of questions why: 1. USS? 2. Why has the VIN changed? 3. What was wrong with the previous car? Intrigued to know. There were a few people from last quarter that had damage to their cars and Tesla then gave them another replacement (Rather than fixing it) This is what...
  27. B

    Wiki UK and Ireland Supercharger Site News

    I have also seen some some sites in my area (In Kent) pop up for next year! Just in time for my collection on Saturday!
  28. B

    Model Y UK Delivery

    Private plate? Its why I dont really care about my Reg
  29. B

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    After the latest shipping report, I actually thought my car was on RCC Europe (I think that was meant to come into Southampton on 18th) That gives exactly a week for Tesla to arrange my car in Bluewater. RCC Europe hasnt docked yet for unknown reasons (Mr M seems to think its commercial...
  30. B

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Anyone else just counting down the days… and hours… minutes.. seconds
  31. B

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Under payment you will have a button to continue. The details for the wire transfer (bank transfer) is all there. Just follow the steps Payment usually takes a few hours to clear. If done later than 6pm it’ll clear the next day
  32. B

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    The approach by Tesla hasn’t been great I agree. Surely they would perfect vision before making the switch Something as big as this would have been tested thoroughly you’d think
  33. B

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    My point was solely Tesla Vision - you have plenty of options here which you’ve stated which also have huge financial implications on your decision It’s not simply “because of Tesla vision” My guarantee with a lot of people is we will end up looking back and realising the cars run better...
  34. B

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    I can see another “my diesel claim” happening with all this USS nonsense. Either way, I don’t think anyone is going to deny delivery of a car because of a few sensors.
  35. B

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Has everyones orders been met yet? There is another ship Grande Halifax which was loading RHD vehicles! So looks like another ship to the UK.
  36. B

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    1) Yes included 2) No one knows as no one in the UK has taken delivery of the latest shipments 3) Same as no. 2 however any car built after 4th Oct (I think that date is right) will have updated suspension. Its likely all of ours will. 4) Same as no. 2 5) Yes should be.
  37. B

    UK Charge Point Installer Recommendations

    Finally got an update from UK Power Network! Yes, it took that long to schedule in my work... My issue was that I have a main 100amp line coming into my home however its looped into my neighbour, which meant UK power network had to dig up their driveway to run a new line and then split the...
  38. B

    Model Y UK Delivery

    Seeing a lot of happy posts! Glad everyone is getting their texts! Just over 8 days days for me!
  39. B

    EV's to pay Road Tax from April 2025

    It was always going to happen, its just unfortunate it was so soon. I suppose the sudden push to EV's now as the market has realised its best to move to EV's, Im the biggest petrol head going, but I knew it was time to get an EV now. What I dont understand is the raise in fuel costs, surely...
  40. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    Think the first pickup is Saturday. Then everyday from then on! Excited to read everyone’s experience and finally get confirmation of what exactly our cars come with!
  41. B

    2022 Shipping Movements

    So you’re saying she’s a big dong? I’ll see myself out…
  42. B

    Q4 collections, tales and experiences

    So... whos got the earliest pickup? Think I saw someone with 19th Nov here right?
  43. B

    [uk] UltraSonic Sensors removal/TV replacement performance

    My car (562XXX vin) does not come with USS Just hoping for upgraded camera’s at least
  44. B

    Model Y UK Delivery

    I have had confirmation that my car will not come with USS. So likely upgraded camera's I never got the notification for USS removal. So strange! Anyway - if this is the way Tesla decide to go, so be it. Hopefully this doesnt detriment the driving experience too much as I really enjoy autopilot
  45. B

    2022 Shipping Movements

    I remember last quarter there was a live stream of one of the main ships coming into Southampton - anything like that tonight?
  46. B

    Model Y UK Delivery

    Would be a nice treat and also lucky I think. I honestly dont know with Tesla, I always thought any 2023 model came without USS and in hindsight, Id rather mine didnt aswell knowing I would get upgraded camera's. It solely depends on the supply levels like you say
  47. B

    UK 2022 Orders to Delivery inc the shipping thread for posts with no shipping news

    Anyone else just staring at the ship tracker? Watching it close in on Southampton... surely im not alone
  48. B

    Model Y UK Delivery

    Yep I have mine confirmed, GF72 reg I got it the day after I sent my full down payment.
  49. B

    Model Y UK Delivery

    Who has told you this? Because as part of the updated 2023 models, they wont come with USS.