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    Dumb questions thread

    2 more oldies but goodies that I heard again today: How do you fit into that thing? Is there room for you? (I'm 6 foot).

    Spiderguy does it again - SF bay area Roadster drive 11/7/2015

    Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing

    Dumb questions thread

    How many gears? Is it a six speed? And again last night... How fast is it? I literally answered "It made the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs".

    Dumb questions thread

    Yeah I agree, my fave is "Who makes Tesla?"

    Timken wheel bearings for lower rolling resistance

    With all due respect Electricfan... Please read about the promised 3.0 changes Tesla is in the midst of rolling out, including brakes, battery, and such.

    Timken wheel bearings for lower rolling resistance

    Wheels bearings are a pet peave of mine. If the bearings are German, OK, but if they are Chinese they are prone to early failure. Japanese is usually superior but occasionally poor quality. I for one will not be swapping to new bearings. I'm under warranty. Let's see what Tesla rolls out for...

    Dumb questions thread

    So far I'm happily surprised by the questions and the awesome responses. Lloyd, all the responses are welcome, but you should probably put the heading "here's your sign". LOL ie.: Q: Hey, if that car's electric, does it have batteries? A: Nope, don't need 'em. Got a gerbil spinning a wheel...

    Dumb questions thread

    Well, I think its time. I keep hearing so many dumb questions that my cup runneth over. Let's all share and even invent a few new ones... ---------------------------------------------------------------- If it's electric, where does the gas go? How many miles per gallon? If you run out of...

    Glad I didn't have a hardtop today.

    Welcome to a new kind of feeling when driving. Exhilaration. Best, T
  10. TOBASH

    Where are you storing things in the Roadster cabin? Sunglasses clip?

    Thanks Bonnie. I like it. Looks easy enough to make
  11. TOBASH

    Roadster v2.X Side Trunk

    It is not OEM so I'm not sure if Tesla will service it. LOL
  12. TOBASH

    Where are you storing things in the Roadster cabin? Sunglasses clip?

    Still waiting for that picture. Monday here in New York. How many days of delay to West Coast? ;-)~ Seriously, I would like to see what it does and if I might use it also. That being said, I found the Roadster to be better at driving, and as such I'm not too concerned with storage. Best, T
  13. TOBASH

    Damage to seat - any advice?

    Before you F___ things up permanently, go to an experienced and upscale auto interior shoppe and have them take a look at it. Either that or an experienced leather restoration place. Why would you ever think of fixing this yourself? Best, T
  14. TOBASH

    The "Dreamcar"

    More importantly... Why were you working on a Saturday?
  15. TOBASH

    Fix-A- Flat Tire

    Please don't take this personally, because it is the company I am not impressed with. You have the right idea. That being said: WOW!!!! Are they kidding?!?! 45 clams for an 8 dollar kit? These things should always be used as a temporary fix anyway, so who cares about their supposed...
  16. TOBASH

    Fix-A- Flat Tire

    I keep a tire plug kit in the car along with a can of truck tire "TPMS" safe fix-a-flat. Large holes can be plugged temporarily this way to get me into a safe area. Then the tire can be properly patched or replaced. These kits are small and only cost 8 dollars. Best, T
  17. TOBASH

    HELP with Roadster error...

    Maybe I'm wrong, but this is what I was afraid of... As you sold your Roadster, who's Roadster is this one?
  18. TOBASH

    Tesla Roadster Crashed in Alaska (now repaired)

    Congrats. Great write up and terrific results. As an aside, your wife looks to be 5 foot 2 or so. Consider adding that picture to the "What did you park next to or what makes the Roadster look tiny" Thread. :-)
  19. TOBASH

    Are there any cool apps for the Roadster?

    The best App I have found is contained in the accelerator pedal. IMHO T
  20. TOBASH

    10-Way Adjustable Bilstein Suspension Failure

    Agree whole heartedly. I suggest that you not only get them rebuilt, but you use a local center that can then properly set up your car and tune the suspension once you re-install. The car will be balanced and ready for many more miles. Please let us know who you use. Best of luck. T
  21. TOBASH

    Roadster BozeForged Wheels Group Buy - Idea...

    I'm glad you are doing this. I will be following closely. I might be interested in flying out and watching the test runs when and if the time comes. If you are not adverse, I might also appreciate driving your car before and after to get a feel. I have a 2.5 with adjustable suspension BUT...
  22. TOBASH

    Roadster BozeForged Wheels Group Buy - Idea...

    Wiz, I like the initial work you have done BUT I think the price needs to be dropped by 1/3 to 1/2. Please keep up the good work. The design of the rims is appealing but I cannot discern a difference between your 2 choices. I want new forged rims BUT your price will come in around 3K. I...
  23. TOBASH

    Will you buy the Roadster 3.0 battery upgrade?

    Well then, I shall wait until they are finished "Looking into" the extended warranty.... No sense jumping the gun.
  24. TOBASH

    Will you buy the Roadster 3.0 battery upgrade?

    I am considering this. I have asked my local service guy to ask about when the unit will be available if I sign today, AND what the warranty will be on this very expensive unit. If there is a crappy warranty there is no point, but if there is a 10 year or a lifetime replacement then this is the...
  25. TOBASH

    Third Party Roadster Pack?

    ElectricLove: I just want to point out that you are the same guy who sold his salvage Roadster because Tesla would not support it. To many of us that implies that you were unable to keep up with the repairs, also implying that you are unable to properly keep up with repairs on PEM's and...
  26. TOBASH

    Third Party Roadster Pack?

    These are exactly my concerns, and why I posted earlier. I applaud the effort BUT this needs to be done on a car with a bricked battery that is on a salvage title that Tesla has already refused to service. No way anyone should have to fork over 30K for the privilege of allowing this person to...
  27. TOBASH

    Third Party Roadster Pack?

    Don't you own an auto salvage Roadster you can experiment on? Why do you need someone else' car when you have one? You must certainly realize that once Tesla sees non-factory repairs and changes on the donor car, they will refuse to support that car in any way in the future. That makes YOUR...
  28. TOBASH

    Mystery Roadsters

    Its official: Edward Snoden has identified TEG as an NSA "Specialist" in the Tesla Roadster Ultimate Tactical Observational Unit. The "Tru TO U" unit has been operating under the radar and in plain sight since 2006. Be afraid guys...be very afraid. LOL
  29. TOBASH

    Very Orange Roadster for Sale on Ebay - low Reserve already met

    Storage is very dangerous. You need to keep it plugged in at all times. If you don't keep an eye on it and if you lose power or the EVSE goes bad, you will brick the battery. Someone needs to monitor the car.
  30. TOBASH

    100,005 miles on my Roadster 1.5

    I'm not sure what is more impressive... 100,000 miles or that you still have about 1/4 charge left. I need your EVSE, and I wish I had your CAC. :) Awesome to see you're driving her so much and that she is standing the tests of time. Best, T
  31. TOBASH

    Roadster 1.5 prices if there is no 3.0 upgrade

    Guys, this is why I spoke in another thread of crowdfunding an aftermarket battery system that might even allow Chadmeo/supercharging (Yeah, I know I'm misspelling the Chad thing). Once we reverse engineer the system we can approach Tesla with a request to allow suoercharging and to allow...
  32. TOBASH

    993 crunched by Ford Truck!!

  33. TOBASH

    Where can I order a front license plate bracket? My Roadster never had one...

    After all this time I finally got around to calling Larry @ Mower Axle dot com Great Guy! Easy to talk to and very nice. I have my unit being sent. I decided that after a year of running without a properly mounted front plate I want to ensure my car is up to snuff. Best, T
  34. TOBASH

    Roadster track time and rollover protection

    Every time I see this picture it gets me sick... Not just for that Roadster driver and his loss of his car, but because I fear this happening to me from some distracted SUV driver. Best, T
  35. TOBASH

    Supercharger for the Roadster (Elon said "No")

    m0rph... the testing budget is a testing budget, NOT a final purchase budget. The money raised is for research. Final purchase price is separate. Research needs to be done on a platform. We need to chip in for a platform. Building Supercharging/CHAdeMO compatible kits will then be extra and...
  36. TOBASH

    Roadster Meet/Drive in SF Bay Area - 8/29/15

    Yeah, but I hate being the last guy in a car parade... You always end up smelling the damned exhaust from all the guys in front..... Oh wait..... LOL I would love to do this in New York... Anyone in New York New Jersey Connecticut area interested in a Roadster road trip? Best, T
  37. TOBASH

    Supercharger for the Roadster (Elon said "No")

    It would seem to me that this would require a community effort. It also seems to me that we need a donor Roadster, perhaps a newly crashed unit totaled by an insurance carrier with intact rear suspension and battery and computer. Such a car could be placed on a dyno and run at speed, even if...
  38. TOBASH

    "my" damaged Roadster 2.5 (EU VIN 0447) is for sale

    The more I watch your video the more I see just how solid these cars are. You beat the crap out of and spun another car, yet were still able to drive away. Sorry you are losing her, but glad we can all talk about this from outside a hospital. Best, T
  39. TOBASH

    survey: debadge the roadster

    The red is pretty awesome, and I hate chrome, so I might consider a similar option, but maybe black on my arctic white. We shall see. Nicely done smorg!
  40. TOBASH

    survey: debadge the roadster

    I will be in a clear minority, but I prefer debadged cars. They look cleaner. I know what I drive, and I don't need to advertise. Call me a product of "High Sierra", but "Badges, we don't need no stinkin' badges". Best, T
  41. TOBASH

    How NOT to remove the passenger side outside mirror

    I'm almost certain doug is correct about the Lotus replacement
  42. TOBASH

    Stripes, decals, and other exterior modification pictures

    1) I prefer removable paint and decals as they do not destroy the value of the car or harm the painted surfaces. They allow removal so they allow for correction of a mistake. 2) I AGREE!!! Anything that looks flashy will attract flashing lights. Best, T
  43. TOBASH

    Looking for Dead PEM and other drive-train components

    Well stated Bonnie. I believe you hit the nail on the head. My response to this poster was indeed because I too saw his negativism as a red flag. Best, T And it seems as if I need a new prescription for my glasses. Some poster's screen name seems to have blurred to the point where it looks...
  44. TOBASH

    What did you park next to? (Or what makes the Roadster look tiny?)

    Sure does look like a bar of soap. You know, after the bar gets used a few times and the edges get thin as razors. Just before it melts into that goop you tell your kids to clean out of the soap dish. Then the kids blow it off and you have to remind them a few times. Finally you need to threaten...
  45. TOBASH

    Looking for Dead PEM and other drive-train components

    His thread was deleted. I would assume it was deleted because this is not the classifieds section, but also because of the outright hostility to Tesla in general, (he did a salvage repair and we know Tesla does not really support salvage repairs. He must have run into "issues"). I too would go...
  46. TOBASH

    Looking for Dead PEM and other drive-train components

    I'm confused... Weren't you just saying how pissed you were with Tesla and as such you were getting rid of your roadster with a salvage title? How can you repair PEM's without a test vehicle to ensure they work? Just curious. Best, T
  47. TOBASH

    Desert Heat and My Poor Roadster

    The links others included are for you to learn about the device. In a nutshell, there is a relatively cheap device that plugs into the OBD port of the Roadster and several other EV's. The picture you asked about is a screenshot of the iOS/Android App screen that provides real-time monitoring...
  48. TOBASH

    120v charging cable died

    There are many threads commenting on this phenomenon. Essentially fans power on sooner and regulate battery temps sooner at 220V, but charging is more able to balance the battery packs at 110V. I suggest charging by day at 220V and occasionally equilibrating by night at 110V. I'm sure that...