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  1. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    Aah so Tesla is primarily an energy company also selling cars. Wonder when Exxon will get into the ICE business. So Tesla is screwing their own BEV drivers at the cost of becoming a utility company. Why not establish yourself as a utility company first by making sure that those who have...
  2. N

    Model 3 Road Noise

    Blaster silicone lubricant is one you can buy.
  3. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    So Tesla is opening their SC network. Tesla is working on an extension cord. And, Tesla is doing everything it can to make sure it's convenient for every other EV to charge at a SC. Meanwhile the other EV manufacturers are doing what exactly to improve on their charging infrastructure? Is Ford...
  4. N

    Model 3 Road Noise

    The tire and road combination with the wind direction has a lot to do with overall noise. There are times when my car is nice and relatively quiet and at other times not so much. What somewhat worked for me is lubricating the rubber around the doors and funk and the trunk.
  5. N

    BMS_a079 - Unable to charge - Maximum charge level reached

    Sorry to hear that. Hoping your new refurbished battery lasts long unlike a few stories floating around. Good luck.
  6. N

    Failed (2nd) battery 700 miles out of warranty.

    I'd first try the goodwill route. See if they're willing to work with you. If not go after Tesla if you have the money to do so. I really get a feeling that Tesla took your complaints a little lightly instead of running thorough tests. This is ridiculous.
  7. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    Personality I don't get the craze to get a CCS adapter since the entire CCS world is dying to get access to Tesla SC.
  8. N

    What does the limit mean while charging? Image included.

    What does the limit 300 miles mean? I usually charge to 80 or 90%. Thanks.
  9. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    Lol. People are using a Tesla board to start a discussion as to which non Teslas are a good buy. All because the SC network has opened up. Great going Tesla.
  10. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    If Tesla opens up a majority of their chargers to non Teslas, then what would be so unique anymore? They're pretty much screwing their own sales.
  11. N

    Power Trunk Retrofit on Model 3s now Available Direct from Tesla [09.14.2023 - 2018 model 3 not eligible]

    I had this trunk feature on at least two of my cars and barely used it. Had no idea it was this popular.
  12. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. V2 chargers it is then.
  13. N

    Failed (2nd) battery 700 miles out of warranty.

    Can't agree with this. He's onto his second battery. Which means 1 battery per 50k miles. That's definitely not good. Also I've had at least 3 ICE cars that ran fine in the very high 100s.
  14. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    When I go on the Tesla website to find chargers, I have an option to see only those SC location that only service Tesla. Will there be SC where only Teslas can charge or will all SCs be made available to every EV?
  15. N

    2018 Model 3 with Enhanced Autopilot does not lane change

    You bought the car used in 2019 so when you say my car has EAP, did it come with the car or did you add it later? Were these features working before or you never used these features before?
  16. N

    Failed (2nd) battery 700 miles out of warranty.

    What I'd do is prepare as much documentation as possible and attach whatever you can find in terms of previous complaints. Tesla may give you some goodwill I hope.
  17. N

    Failed (2nd) battery 700 miles out of warranty.

    Now it charges to 59%? And before it charged it was dead? Not quite understanding this.
  18. N

    Failed (2nd) battery 700 miles out of warranty.

    But if your odometer is bad, independent testing should prove it. It doesn't matter what was logged or not logged before.
  19. N

    Failed (2nd) battery 700 miles out of warranty.

    Before you go to arbitration with speculation that the odometer is off, you'll have to test it independently to substantiate your claim. I hope it works out for you.
  20. N

    Failed (2nd) battery 700 miles out of warranty.

    Odometer issues? As in the odometer is showing more miles than you've actually driven it?
  21. N

    Model 3 LR AWD - Two Year Snapshot

    Ohh yeah the LR has the NCA.
  22. N

    Model 3 LR AWD - Two Year Snapshot

    Is that the LFP battery?
  23. N

    Model 3 LR AWD - Two Year Snapshot

    I get 300 miles on a single charge. I drive steady around 65mph mostly freeway. I'm extremely happy with that. If I calculate the actual degradation it could be 10%. But with an EV you could do slight variations in your driving habits and get a little more range. After I fully charge my car it...
  24. N

    Model 3 LR AWD - Two Year Snapshot

    Maybe you don't have 8% degradation? But if you follow all the complicated charts and graphs here you could save a percent or two. Or, you could keep enjoying your car. I have a 18 M3LR and get a solid 300 miles before I have to charge. I simply follow the charge to 80% Tesla recommendation. But...
  25. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    There's a good reason why these non Teslas will be flocking to the SCs. Every other network sucks. Period. I've owned CCS EVs and my own experience led me to sell everything I own to buy a Tesla. Access to the SC was the primary reason. I'd be ok if Teslas opened up maybe 25% of their slowest...
  26. N

    250wh per pile to get performance rated range of 315 miles

    This is great. I had no idea that the nav software took the topography under consideration to show the percentage remaining upon arrival.
  27. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    Right? I'm buying a MY to go with my M3 and would hate to deal with the riff raff charging their non Teslas. :)
  28. N

    Ford says owners can start using superchargers today (Feb 29)

    Prepare yourself for all the riff raff charging at the SCs. :)
  29. N

    Best third party warranty

    L Thanks. That narrowed it down. :)
  30. N

    Best third party warranty

    Can you share with us what you needed service for?
  31. N

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    Needs are not entirely dependent on miles driven. For those owners that do not live in a house, or live in condos, it can get pretty tiring to constantly keep charging to 55% or whatever chart they're following. There are many that charge to full or close to full and have the same degradation as...
  32. N

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    I agree. Just charge up to whatever your needs are and just drive the damn car. :)
  33. N

    Power Conversion System (PCS) failure

    After reading through these posts it seems there's some link between wall chargers and PCS failures?
  34. N

    About to lose it with rats in my Model 3

    Just a thought. Can you not park your car on the street till you clean up the rat issue? Why continue to park there and keep fighting?
  35. N

    About to lose it with rats in my Model 3

    Is the car running ok? Hope the rats have not chewed up any critical wiring.
  36. N

    About to lose it with rats in my Model 3

    Is your car running ok? First thing. Steel wool does not work for rats. I have first hand knowledge of this. You literally need to put those green rat poison cubes everywhere. And, keep a few cats. BTW how did you install the ultra sonic repellent? I need to install one also.
  37. N

    High mileage model 3 LR battery life expectancy

    The remainder of your left over warranty. I don't think they add years to your existing warranty.
  38. N

    High mileage model 3 LR battery life expectancy

    Do you have a lot of degradation?
  39. N

    Charge Port Door Broke Off!

    Hope an automatic car wash is ok.
  40. N

    Only 3% battery degradation on M3LR (E5D battery) after +3 years and 75.000 Km!

    I'm on my 3rd EV and don't pay much attention to charts and graphs anymore. I just drive. Yesterday my 18 M3LR went for 297 miles when I got to a charger. Drove between 65 and 75 mph with AC controlled manually. Can't be any happier.
  41. N

    Power Trunk Retrofit on Model 3s now Available Direct from Tesla [09.14.2023 - 2018 model 3 not eligible]

    I had no idea power lift gate was so in demand. I had it on my 2 previous cars but rarely used the kick sensor to open the lift gate.
  42. N

    Drove the Highland Yesterday.

    You had me at "Silent inside" :)
  43. N

    Edit favorites in Telephone

    Is it in alphabetical order?
  44. N

    Loss of TACC on my 3 month old M3SR

    A friend of mine bought a loaded RAV 4 phev. It was more expensive that a M3 after the model 3 rebates.
  45. N

    Better Blindspot Approach

    The issue raised is blind spot monitoring while the car is moving. Not waiting at traffic signal.
  46. N

    Better Blindspot Approach

    Why would you look at the map or anything else while turning? Also you can move the camera view to different spots.
  47. N

    Banging/clunking sound when driving over mountains in cold weather

    I've heard this sound recently on my 18 M3LR. I was sitting in my car at night parked, waiting for my family and I hear this clunk sound from the bottom somewhere. It was dark so I thought it could be an animal. I looked all under but nothing. Then few days ago early morning I heard the sound...
  48. N

    Changing oil and filter in differential assembly.

    Good question. I don't even see this service in the app.