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  1. William13

    Anyone NOT buying the extended warranty?

    If I didn't have the sig red I would not get the extended warranty. I would go bare and trade in the Tesla with Tesla for a new CPO car if any serious problems occurred. I doubt Tesla would factor in any repair work on the trade in value.
  2. William13

    Should EVs Make Artificial Sounds at Low Speeds?

    I just lost two hours of my life reading over this rule. Someone at Tesla will need to spend weeks reading and months designing and testing the new noise maker. It will cost Tesla. It will cost a lot more than the government estimated. but that is the government for you. 30% of Tesla vehicles...
  3. William13

    Excise tax bill in MA?!?

    Indiana and my county had a $700 tax yearly until recently and I still pay $400 yearly excise tax, though the surtax and wheel tax have lapsed.
  4. William13

    Model S still really selling at a loss?

    Don't forget the zev credits.
  5. William13

    GM recalls 64,000 Chevy Volts for shut off problem

    Since driving my Tesla, I have forgotten to turn off my wife's Highlander hybrid 3 times! Any of these could have been in my garage. :0
  6. William13

    Any long term owners in New England? Question on non-framed windows and air susp.

    Three winters in northern Indiana with about 100 inches or snow yearly reveals no problems yet with my early build Model S windows or suspension. I did buy the extended warranty due to the suspension. The air suspension and snow tires have prevented any problems with snow so far.
  7. William13

    Is anyone else planning around the Tesla III release?

    To those who wait, please realize the list for the model 3 will likely prioritize current Model S and X owners. I will be on that wait list.
  8. William13

    [updated with *] P85D 691HP should have an asterisk * next to it.. "Up to 691HP"

    I think the emphasis is and should be on street performance characteristics. The car passes better than other cars due to instantaneous response. This is in spite of lacking a gut retching delayed downshift and acceleration from a 55 mph start. The car starts from a red light or stop sign...
  9. William13

    What's your 6.0+ car name (if you are willing to share?)

    Tesseract... Four dimensional cube. IE pushing the boundaries that we know.
  10. William13

    Range isn't what needs attention...

    Personally I think the op premise is incorrect. I believe that the Model S passes other cars quicker/safer due to its instantaneous response versus the 0.3 second lag when flooring other cars while they think, spool up, and downshift. I believe this then gives the illusion of faster passing with...
  11. William13

    Test Drive car in Illinois had rusty chrome badge

    A tiny amount of exposed iron goes a long way. I have seen rust staining. No issue with it this year though.
  12. William13

    Jerome reassigned to customer-satisfaction role

    @Auzie, that picture shows French revolutionaries, half of whom would be dead within 10 years. Robespierre and blood are what I think of, though freedom,fraternity, and egalitarianism could also be seen. Change comes at a cost both for those leading the change (Tesla) and the wider society...
  13. William13

    What's better? Swap every three years or keep for the long-term?

    my brother bought a used Volvo SUI with 8 cylinders on the cheap due to high gas prices a few years ago.
  14. William13

    Model S on Top Gear?

    Leilani Munter!
  15. William13

    Nuclear power

    I am not convinced. Good graphics though.
  16. William13

    Attempt to break Coast to Coast EV record this April - Anyone wanna join?

    Although driving faster and arriving with a lower state of charge is "faster" theoretically, this does not always work out better. The superchargers are not located at rest stops on the roadside. The Mishawaka Superchargers are 10 minutes each way off the toll road. The Angola Superchargers are...
  17. William13

    Advice: My first road trip. Toronto, Chicago, La Crosse, Green Bay, Minocqua, return.

    Aloft in Green Bay has one 40 amp Tesla charger. First come first served. The hotel ambiance is upscale.
  18. William13

    Stuck in snow? Turn off traction control to get traction.

    Yes, slip start is what I would like on my old Sig.
  19. William13

    Door Handle Replacement

    My Sig had this happen for two weeks where the back door handle on the drivers side stopped coming out completely and would not open. The light did not come on. Then the light came on. The the handle started to work again. Multiple reboots during this time. I did not get the handles replaced as...
  20. William13

    Non Cold weather package people in cold climates.. any tricks to prevent wiper ice?

    my experience parallels that of mknox. I like to see clearly. I use a lot of fluid frequently. The refill light is very tardy. Only a few squirts after it comes on. I carry extra fluid during the winter just in case.
  21. William13

    May 16 - Tesla Owners rally in St. Joseph, MI

    I will try to show from South Bend IN.
  22. William13

    The "copyright" line is so many signatures baffles me

    Eco, it's all about the concern about being quoted out of context that started this "copyright" trend. The NYT reporters like John Broder made the people here skittish about being quoted. Note I don't care enough to do this. I also believe fair use allows most quoting to occur regardless.
  23. William13

    NYTimes blunders again... columnist says 200-300 mile EV battery nonexistant

    I just read the article, then the comments. Currently NYT has 15 picks. These are from all 300 comments. Initially it look appropriate, then I noticed they had chosen to do the "fair and balanced" approach. This meant one or two pro Tesla comments followed by every different bit of FUD out...
  24. William13

    How Quiet is your P85D ?

    If the noises are a true issue they will worsen and you will have another remanufactured motor in the back. I used to have that noise beginning at 20,000 miles until the motor and invertor were changed at 30,000 miles
  25. William13

    Left Rear Door will not open

    I had this same issue for two weeks. I was waiting to have it fixed with my annual service but it self corrected. No more issue three months on. The door handles make me smile several times a day. But those two weeks did make a little tarnish.
  26. William13

    Nuclear power

    Re battery cost estimate. I think you are counting the time cost of money in the cost for nuclear but are disregarding it for batteries. Also as pointed out is that the whole rated storage cannot be used. As I see it with about 8 hours of sun there would need to be 16 hours of storage in the...
  27. William13

    Nuclear power

    My point about time of use cost is only negated by a hypothetical 0.02$ /kWh battery/storage cost at the margin. This is a marginal cost also. If we need to have 72 hours of storage with only 24 hours typically used to make that cost estimate we have more assets sitting unused ( the extra...
  28. William13

    Nuclear power

    I think that the future is both nuclear and solar/wind/battery. The cost for nuclear will also go down with the new technology Thorium Molten Salt Reactors. The cost for solar has been going down but the price for electricity is currently poorly priced to reflect cost. This will change in the...
  29. William13

    Not paying extra $20.000 for decent seats in a $100k car.

    I carry a pad around for long drives in my S and move it to my wife's car for long trips in her car. I need it much more in her car. As we age new problems arise with our bodies. One size fits all actually fits none well but is the current cost of mass production. Soon (20-60 years) everything...
  30. William13

    Clunk-clunk-clunk from the front

    My car was fixed with a new rear control arm after failure of replacement of the front control arm to fix the noise. The rear control arm replacement required removal of the battery pack to replace.
  31. William13

    German bill requires CCS and L2 plugs at every new fast charge point.

    Although this bill is stiflingly to Tesla and makes one want to cry foul, the technical solution to prevent slow charge blocking is to arrange the stall to be accessed from two sides simultaneously.
  32. William13

    Range of model S

    Your experience is valid. Today it is in single digits in the Midwest. I charged to 100% immediately before driving off out of a warm garage. I drove 60 miles. Had lunch 3 miles each way. Drove 60 miles back home. This used 60 kWh using range mode. This looks like my range was only 126 miles for...
  33. William13

    Reading between the lines... 200 mile range with 35kWh battery?

    I predict that the S60 will be phased out with the model3 intro. The the model3 will come in only two pack sizes 50 and 65kWh to improve manufacturing efficiency. At that point the Model S will have a larger battery option.
  34. William13

    Indiana Tesla owners and future owners

    Adam, my P85 will make it to and from downtown Chicago with a single charge, but I almost never do that because it leaves no room for error. The phone apps plug share and charge point with a charge point RFID card show about 20 garages to charge in while downtown Chicago. I have used at least 8...
  35. William13

    loud buzzing while supercharging, then white smoke in the cabin?

    Did the Service center actually use a supercharger (DC current) to replicate. Or were they using an HPWC? Few Service centers actually have superchargers - - - Updated - - - The post sounds like a fan went bad for one of the screens then melted. Did the service center check the all the...
  36. William13

    Simulated battery cycle lifetime test. What is the lifetime of your model S battery?

    I agree with many of the comments above. My suggestion is to use a heat sink to simulate the active cooling. Surround the cells with thick ziplock bags of water or another liquid. You need at least 10 times the mass of the cells to absorb heat. Consider a cooling fan for the bags or limit the...
  37. William13

    Lug nut socket size

    In reference to the 21mm socket not working, I suspect that you have shoulders worn onto your lug nuts. This will make the correct nut not fit.
  38. William13

    What's your average energy consumption?

    35,000 miles averaged over 2 years with P85 seldom using Range mode. 365 Wh/mile Lots of snow. Over 100 inches/3 meters last year.
  39. William13

    Indiana Tesla owners and future owners

    Adam, you will love your car. Just be careful. Get a set of winter tires installed immediately. Michelin Xice3 or Nokian Hakkapallitta R2. Bill
  40. William13

    Model S #11 on Auto Insider 15 Best Cars of 2014

    Beauty has a time and place. The cars we love today will look dated some time in the future. With an ICE the body of the Model S would still have admirers but many fewer buyers. I think similar to the Panamera. All the press attention unconsciously increases the "beauty" that we perceive as a...
  41. William13

    Front Tires Rubbing on P85+ when reversing

    I have Tesla 19 rims with Hakka R2 tires. The winter tires rubbed 2 years ago and this year when new tires placed while turning in reverse. I never knew what the issue was. I just turn hard or go fast in reverse. No apparent damage to the tires.
  42. William13

    POLL: Have you had to have your 12V battery replaced?

    Third replacement. 25 months. 37,500 miles.
  43. William13

    "Your electric car may not be so green"

    - - - Updated - - - Ok, I don't have a clue about the authors' motivation. I have many issues with their methodology. A quick reading of their paper with help from some other forum members' comments. These are a few faults. 1 They ass/u/me a 2007 US grid. This over emphasizes coal overall use...
  44. William13

    UMC Cold Temparature Specification?

    I have successfully used it at -20F overnight outside. Minimal wind chill in a corner. Your tag says "Denver"; are you meaning -60 F with wind chill? The wind chill is not as important as the actual temperature if the UMC is plugged into the car. If the car it outside in that tempature you...
  45. William13

    Indiana Tesla owners and future owners

    Keystone store now has the Model S P85D available for test drives. It is fabulous. Schedule ahead. No new style seat though:( Terra Haute Superchargers soon. That will make five in Indiana.
  46. William13

    No Model III until 2019?

    The S is so well designed that we often sloppily call it a sedan but it is just a big hatchback.
  47. William13

    First Delivery P85D

    As Mayhemm says, the current software will vibrate the steering wheel three times and a small amount of noise is generated with this if it senses lane departure. This is selectable. The car will also either chime or show a miniature speed limit sign when you go too fast. This is selectable for...
  48. William13

    P85D sighting / test drives

    @ mikebur, the Alcanterra looked great but it was dark outside. This is a matter of taste. I liked the interior look of black Alcanterra headliner, extended Nappa leather, and carbon fiber that I saw. It was paired with black leather but I think it would also go very well with the grey leather.
  49. William13

    P85D sighting / test drives

    Just had my P85D test drive. Wow! The M5 is no longer better around a corner or curve, no longer faster, no longer quicker. It is only louder with a tuned speaker system. The Tesla fish tailing/ squirm with high acceleration is no where to be felt in the new car. No tire screech with 50 mph...