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  1. Wigan

    MYLR or MYP vs. VIN vs. MCU type vs. Battery type Tracker

    That's an outstanding point. But I wonder if the production process has enough sophistication to switch back and forth like that? But if they have to choose 'who' gets the latest chip it makes sense they'd choose the folks to whom they're committed to provide future hardware updates.
  2. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    They're potentially screwing the people who intentionally waited to order to get delivery in a certain time frame for whatever reasons they chose--which could legitimately be waiting for the tax credit or upgrades or vacation or a new house or whatever. But those legitimately did it by waiting...
  3. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    I'm 354 so I guess I'm getting the Intel. Oh well, that's ok. I'm not going to screw somebody else and turn it down; I wasn't expecting the AMD when I ordered so I have no right to reject it.
  4. Wigan

    For those hesitant to give Plaid your credentials when paying...

    I have the same thing, I don't think payment gets unlocked until maybe you have a delivery date and get closer to it. I can scroll across on my app to the payment screen but it's not active for me yet.
  5. Wigan

    For those hesitant to give Plaid your credentials when paying...

    Does your bank also require a PIN? My primary account does so I'm going to pay from another account that does not, because I'd bet anything the PIN requirement would kluge up Plaid. Also, I use USAA--which of course I love!--but with no physical bank if I had to revert to Plan B for a...
  6. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I did and they said it would be fine. I was going to use USAA too, but that would have required 7 daily transfers limited to $5,000 to get it from Wells Fargo, where my brokerage account is, to my USAA checking. So I'm just going to do it directly from my WF checking, and I called them and...
  7. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    It would be if they came out with a an MYSR, but right now there isn't one. But I don't believe there's any chance a MYLR has LFP; the math just doesn't work.
  8. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    That gives me vague hope my 354 will have those. Another 354 white on white said he was told they were built on the 6th, but I have no clue.
  9. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    That makes sense. So in a way it's like a certified check--the money is 'ring fenced' electronically but not actually taken until you accept delivery. In fact, it sounds like that's precisely what it is, an electronic version of a certified check. I like that, that's good to know.
  10. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I'm probably only going to get this partially right, but I think it's considered to be more reliable and will most likely last the life of the car, and it's lighter. I also think in some way it's more compatible with the overall electrical architecture of the car.
  11. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    I doubt that. There are probably 3,000 SAs out there and they're probably operating with about 3,000 different sets of knowledge coming in hot after all the holidays. Some of them probably heard 'All 2022s.' Others maybe heard 'All cars produced after Day X.' Someone else may have heard...
  12. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    Well, I know what your SA said, but I'll still be watching to see how you turn out. The timing all makes sense; if you were built on the 6th, probably hung around the lot a few days waiting for a convoy north. So hang around a few days, maybe a few days dropping off cars all the way to McChord...
  13. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    Turns out I'm fine. My concern was I'm making slightly over a $30K down payment and I was afraid I might be limited to $5K a day so it would have taken me 7 days to get the money transferred from my brokerage account to a 'usable', checking account. But the transfer was from a Wells Fargo...
  14. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    I guess it's theoretically possible but I'm more inclined to believe an SA checked it out.
  15. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    I'm taking mine either way as long as I can get the money sorted out. If they come up with a delivery date in the next four days or so I may have to push it back, but I don't want to.
  16. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    For me all those options are still grayed out; they say they're building my car. I'm not taking that too literally though but who knows, maybe so. I'm still showing an EDD of 18 - 24 Jan so I guess it's possible it's not built yet.
  17. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    I"m MYLR with a 3546, so I guess I'm out too. What's your configuration?
  18. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    I don't think it's that simple. I think there's probably a big difference between east coast and west coast deliveries. I can easily see picking up a car on the east coast that was built 10 or more days earlier. I know things aren't necessarily sequential, but I'm 354 and still show an EDD of...
  19. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    Bummer; I'm 354. How is a car built (whatever 'built' means) on 1/5 in someone's hands on 1/7? That's seems awfully quick to me.
  20. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    Yeah, he's HIGHLY respected in the Tesla community--almost Rob Mauer/Dave Lee level IMO. Doesn't mean he's always right, but he's not some clown posting opinions as facts.
  21. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I'm like you, I'm going to complete the down payment as soon as I can. I know some folks don't want to do it until they inspect the car, but I don't worry about stuff like that, I just want it done and out of the way.
  22. Wigan

    Skipping Delivery 2nd Time - Will Tesla Cancel my order?

    And he's probably a victim of his own shenanigans. He probably moved up so fast because so many people in front of him are pulling the same stunt. I hope he did the right thing and just took delivery. A lot of the holds--not the ones trying to manipulate the system but the legitimate...
  23. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Thanks, that's good to know. I didn't know if I had to get something loaded on my phone ahead of time. Other than the app--which you need to have anyhow--I guess the answer is no. I'll probably do the same as you. You answered another question too, whether they'd take a cashier's check or...
  24. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    White on white. And it may be the only 'option' that really matters at the VIN level is the color, everything else you just slap on later.
  25. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    Since we have the same VIN I'm wondering if we have the same car. Mine is white on while, 5 seat, no tow, Gemini wheels. Or whatever the smaller wheels are called. Are you the same? I hope you get all the good stuff, but either way, as soon as you know, I'll know.
  26. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    This makes some sense since he and I have the same VIN. he's in Seattle and I'm on the east coast, which would explain his earlier delivery date. I'll be interested in seeing what he says about VIN 354.
  27. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    I don't, that's why I'm asking. I feel like my 354 is probably right on the cusp. My SA lady said she thought it was still in 'production' but who knows what that means. First, she could just be blowing smoke, and secondly it may be that until a vehicle leaves the production site for...
  28. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    Arghh, you're getting close to my 354! It would be interesting to know when the production crosses over into 2022. It probably won't matter but I'm kind of hoping mine is built in 2022.
  29. Wigan

    Tesla gave 1 day to schedule delivery and then cancelled order, contract says we have 3 days

    I used a reference code when I ordered but I can't find evidence anyplace that I actually got credit for the miles. Does it show up any place before you take delivery?
  30. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I've seen it referenced here, but now I can't find it. What is the service or process or whatever that Tesla uses to make an electronic debit for your down payment at delivery? Is it something you download, or something that will automatically appear in your account once you've completed your...
  31. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    How did you find the build date?
  32. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    I think this also explains why I was never seeing a VIN when I did the source code thing--I was searching for 5YJ and of course they've moved on from that!
  33. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    Got assigned a VIN today, it has the new 7SA prefix to the VIN, which may or may not mean anything. It's 354 and the SA said it's still in California and she thinks it's still in production. Who knows, we'll see! EDD is Jan 18 - 24, so it makes sense that maybe it's going through the line now...
  34. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Ok, that makes sense, its's 'model year' N, which I know is 2022. I didn't know about the prefix change; I'm glad I'm not getting a Bolt with a Tesla emblem slapped on it! So I guess I have a VIN 354 wherever that falls in the big scheme of things. I think I've read that when you get...
  35. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I've just had something strange happen. I got the button to acknowledge Tesla vision and on the app (via cell phone, but not on the computer) it shows a VIN starting with 7SA. Does that make any sense? I thought all Tesla VINs started with 5YJ. Secondly, is getting the Accept Vision button...
  36. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    I agree with everything you said--except possibly 2M cars next year, I'm guess more like 1.6 - 1.7. Current run rate is 1.2.. It's sort of immaterial if I get a high return for the first car and pay a high price for the second, or a low price for the first and low price for the second...
  37. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    I'm 100% that guy, and, usually only bought used cars! Never traded in or sold a car, and have only bought two new cars in my life. And the first one didn't really count; we were living in Germany and could buy a BMW cheaply through the military buying service, so we did for our 20th...
  38. Wigan

    AMD Ryzen & 12v Batteries now shipping in US Y & 3!!

    Personally I'm not that concerned about future proofing because let's face it, we're probably about 6 months away from a major step change once they have 4680, battery pack, megacastings, etc, all sorted. So I'll probably only keep whatever I get in the next month or so a year or 18 months...
  39. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    All model years would do is slow everything down. If they're able to put in biotech in June would you want them to wait until December just to align with a model year. If 'model year' production would start in late November or something would you want them to sit on the Ryzen chip for 10...
  40. Wigan

    Some 2022 Model Ys shipping with MCU3 (AMD Ryzen)

    I've sort of decided the same thing. I absolutely WANT the battery pack, 4680, and next nav computer, but I'm not going to wait. So I've decided I'm going to take delivery of whatever comes in the next month or so, drive it for a year or whatever, and whenever the fully realized Gen 2 Y sell...
  41. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I don't think they should wait, I just think they should price them commensurate with demand to minimize disruption and wait times. it will be a better, more desirable product and should be priced accordingly, at least for the interim until everything has switched over. And by no means do I...
  42. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    'Has anyone confirmed any deliveries in the last few days since EOQ? Wondering if maybe now is the time to retool Fremont so they don’t have different cars being produced in Austin vs Fremont. Bad for business to produce two different types of one model with different specs and sell the, at the...
  43. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I came off at about the same relative distance from my EDD as when I went on. it was about 2 weeks away when I went on, and it's about two weeks away now. I was expecting and hoping I'd be farther back, but it is what it is. I'm not 100% decided but I think most likely I'll just take delivery...
  44. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    And if you want more performance you can pay the $2000 with the long range and get a nice boost. Not the same as the P, but a pretty stiff acceleration with the smoother ride, higher ride, better range, etc.
  45. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    EDD has updated to Jan 17 - Jan 29.
  46. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Per their delivery release yesterday they have a four day supply; that's crazy. It's probably almost 100% pipeline.
  47. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I think a lot of this would be obviated if they had more flexibility for delivery. Having to go on hold because you're out of town for two weeks is extreme--even if you have to pay a storage fee if you can't meet the three day window most folks would be ok with that. Pay $25/day for a week...
  48. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I have, it's borderline. The problem is I'd have to qualify for TWO mortgages, my current one, the next one, and the Tesla. But the other problem is I only have a one car garage and it already has an electric car in it. So it would just be easier all the way around to defer the Tesla, buy the...
  49. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Earlier I saw some people saying they were pushed a few months. Obviously I don't actually know why, I'm just 'guessing' that we have an extraordinary number of people coming off hold and slotting back in wherever they slot in. I don't really know what the queue logic is. If I were King of...
  50. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    That's not what I said--what I said is I believe if I reject my VIN assignment whenever it comes I think I get sent to the back of the line. Obviously I don't think you get sent to the back of the line when you come off hold, because I came off hold and here I am. Even though I'm coming off...