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  1. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I'm sure it's all the people coming off hold at the first of the year slipping into the queue ahead of you. It doesn't really seem fair to me; personally I'd love June, that would be perfect.
  2. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I came off of hold last night and now this morning I have an EDD of January 16 - February 13. I'm not 100% sure but I believe my options now are to accept the VIN that's assigned or reject it and go to the back of the queue. I'm military retired and getting ready to move home and I'd really...
  3. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    Even though my hold lifted itself on my side a few days ago, when I called they said I was really still on hold. I'd do the same thing, it the 'I'm ready' button tonight, except that I don't have one anymore!
  4. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    I'm not that hard core, but I'd be ok with that too. But they absolutely need to give more than a 3-day delivery window, especially if that window is going to keep moving.
  5. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    Fair enough, I was just responding to your comment that you wished EDDs could be more predictable. In this case overwhelmingly I don't think it's because Tesla is making changes, it's because customers are making changes. In this case I don't think there's much they can do about it. It...
  6. Wigan

    Tesla gave 1 day to schedule delivery and then cancelled order, contract says we have 3 days

    I'm at the point where I think it would be better if, yes, you put an order on hold you'll come off at the end of the line, no questions asked. Then if you have a personal situation where you absolutely, no kidding have to go on hold for an extended period of time, ok, you go on hold and make...
  7. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    I don't think holds are actually releasing in the system; when my hold appeared to have been released a few days ago I called and was told it was actually still on hold until the 2nd and then it will roll off automatically. I hope so because I no longer have a button on my end! My theory is...
  8. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    In this case I'm not sure it's fair to blame Tesla. I feel 99.017% positive your initial move from June to March was simply due to so many people in front of you putting their orders on hold for the credit. I'm not sure what they can do about it; you don't want them to eliminate the 'hold'...
  9. Wigan

    delivery appt without financing check ready

    I'd love to know how this works out. I'm sure it'll probably be Service Center and timing specific--for sure they'll want to close the sale today if there's any possible way--it would still be helpful to know what sorts of workarounds and flexibilities are available.
  10. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I think it's somewhat par for the 'end of quarter' course. There's a misconception out there that Elon sent out an email saying not to push for end of quarter deliveries. That's not precisely what he said. What he said was not to incur lots of extra cost to boost EOQ deliveries--not so much...
  11. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    I always thought you automatically went to the back of the line when you came off hold so year, some more clarity would be better. From the way he put it to me it was pretty obvious to me they're getting fed up with people using the hold to attempt to manipulate the tax credit and he launched...
  12. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Here's an update on the 'automatic release from hold' that lots of folks got a few days ago, including me. Since I was seeing stories about people being given one day or two days to take delivery after after coming off hold, I figured maybe I'd better be ready to take delivery since they'd...
  13. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    The other thing he said when I'd said I don't want to be one of those 'you have 24 hours to arrange everything and pick up your car' people is that if I passed on the VIN then I WOULD get put to the back of the line. So from that I infer that when you go on hold you retain some sort of priority...
  14. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    Well, here's an update. Since my hold had been removed and I was seeing these stories about being asked to take delivery in a day I figured I'd call ahead of time and change my financing--I had originally selected cash. When I called I was told my order still actually on hold until the 2nd...
  15. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    I was going to hit it late on the 31st because I wasn't sure what 'on hold until 1/1' meant. I didn't want to go in on 1/1 and find my order had been cancelled since I hadn't pushed the 'I'm Ready' button before the hold ended. So far this morning I'm still TBD. I'm in no hurry, the longer...
  16. Wigan

    Tesla gave 1 day to schedule delivery and then cancelled order, contract says we have 3 days

    But at least you didn't lose the order; that's what I'm afraid of. I'll be glad if I can make it into the new year then I think they'll be reasonable again.
  17. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Does anybody know the status of the new headlights with Fremont LR Model Ys?
  18. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I have something weird. First, I use a regular desktop to check my order, not the app. So today, in addition to taking my order off hold I have a QR code for the app showing up in my account and a note saying to download the app and update my insurance info. But I've already downloaded the...
  19. Wigan

    Order hold automatically removed

    There seems to be some thought that what happens next may be somewhat dependent on whether you went on hold before or after you'd received a VIN. FWIW, I had not received a VIN when I put it on hold.
  20. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Me too. Was scheduled to come off on 1/1 and this morning its apparently automatically removed. No EDD yet. I ordered in July, put it on hold in October before a VIN was assigned, and have just had it removed. Interesting to see what happens from here. I'm scheduled to go to Lisbon from 26...
  21. Wigan

    Tesla changed Delivery date again. Can I delay taking delivery to Dec 27

    I'm not sure that's really the exact same scenario. The OP says he's already paid in full; in a case like that I'd expect the service center to be willing to hold it on the lot for an extended period of time. But who knows?
  22. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I do agree about the second screen.. I'm a little surprised Tesla doesn't have a function to 'bluetooth' a few key data points--speed, charge, etc, to your cell phone with a way to mount it in front behind the steering wheel. I would think they could do that for almost nothing.
  23. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    But a key part of their whole cost saving and manufacturing advantage is removing all those physical controls. Every knob, button, stalk, gauge etc is more incremental acquisition and installation cost, adds manufacturing complexity and time, adds literally miles of wires, weight, and cost, and...
  24. Wigan

    November Orders

    I'm sure the whole system is completely disoriented with folks putting orders on hold, taking them off, whatever, trying to game the tax credit. Hopefully now that it appears to be gone, at least for a while, things will settle down.
  25. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I don't have mine yet so I don't know the details of how it works, but it really surprises me they don't have a way to customize a portion of the screen to put four or five user selected high use items with one touch--especially things you'd want to access while driving.
  26. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I'm not sure we really know what demand is. We shouldn't confuse demand with the wait list that includes lots of cars ordered before a lot of the price increases. I would be interested in new orders per month--but even that's messed up if folks were ordering in November expecting a tax credit...
  27. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I'm torn; I want to buy my new house before I buy the Tesla, but as soon as I get the new house I'll be wanting the Tesla to scoot back and forth!
  28. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Well, I went on hold before a VIN and will be coming off in about a week, so I'll give everybody an update then. I'll be hoping for April or May, but whatever it is I'll make it work even if I have to just pay cash for it. But I'd really, really rather not.
  29. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Thanks, not trying to be difficult but what does 'the same spot in line' mean? If I was 20,000 in line when I put it on hold, and now that 'spot' is 4.000, do I go back in at 20,000 or at 4,000? I assume 20,000 because if they put me back in at 4,000 the hold wouldn't have accomplished anything.
  30. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Yes, it runs through 1/1 so I'll take it off then. Actually that's something I'm wondering about. The blurb says I'm on hold 'until' Jan 1, 2022. So I want to go in on the first and hit the 'I'm ready' button, but I'm not sure what 'until' means. I don't want to go in on the first and find...
  31. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    That's sort of what I was seeing too and it wasn't what I expected--or was hoping for! I have a house I really want to buy before I add the financing for the Tesla.
  32. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Has anybody who put a car on hold BEFORE they were assigned a VIN taken it off recently? I always assumed when you go off hold you go to the back of the line, which would mean July or something, but I think I've seen people say they've been assigned a car immediately. But maybe they were folks...
  33. Wigan

    Your Upcoming Model Y Order Cancelation Email

    I placed mine on hold before receiving a VIN and haven't had any of the emails--and I'm pretty sure it was less than 90 days after ordering. I have to release my hold by 1/1, and that's a bummer because I really want to wait until I buy my new house before I add this debt. I'm hoping if I...
  34. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I think you're right, here's what I think I was misremembering: "Once you have returned your vehicle, the return process is final and may not be canceled. At this time, we are not able to facilitate vehicle exchanges. If you decide to order another vehicle, you may not order the same trim for a...
  35. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    One thing I've read is Tesla will try to deliver the long-distance sales earlier in the quarter (east coast or whatever) and they can jam out a lot of the more local ones at the end of the quarter. If you're taking delivering in California it may be that's why you've been pushed into December.
  36. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I just read an article that says if you reject delivery you can't order the same trim for one year. You can order a different trim, but not the same one.
  37. Wigan

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I don't think I'd actually take delivery in early Jan, I think when I lift the hold I go to the back of the queue so probably more like June or whatever, not that it really matters. In my case the hold has nothing to do with the tax credit. I'm ex-military and retired and getting ready to move...
  38. Wigan

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Has anybody heard anything, from Tesla or in the news, about some sort of change to the 'hold' policy? Apparently lots of folks are trying to game the tax credits and repeatedly putting their car on hold and somehow Tesla is going to force them to either take delivery or cancel the order. Not...
  39. Wigan

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I've read that depends on the service center. It seems like the ones up north with lots of weather and crummy roads tend to offer them more than in the good weather states. I live in a front license plate state, but picking up in a back only license plate state, so I'm wondering if they'll...
  40. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    That's it; maybe the last time I was in I was dorking around and left it on the 20 inch wheels. I knew it had gone up, then couldn't figure out why it had gone down. I just had it set on the wrong wheels.
  41. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    I'm probably way behind on this, but has there been a range decrease for the long range Model Y? I'd bet PatrickTM's right arm that when I ordered it said 326, but now it's saying 318. My order's on hold so I'm only checking the page sporadically, so maybe this happened a while ago, I don't...
  42. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Is PatrickTM still alive on this thread?
  43. Wigan

    Impact of 4680 cells?

    I'm assuming the 4680 is also critical for the NotModel 2. If Elon's willing to accept 250 miles there would be a massive saving in batteries, weight, time, etc. While the extra capacity is critical for the cybertruck and Semi, I think it's the cost reductions that are critical for the...
  44. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Thanks, you're right. I finally called back and for whatever reason the first request didn't take. But they fixed it the second time and now it says my order is on hold, same price and all that. I assume when I take it off hold I go to the end of the line, so if I were to call up tomorrow to...
  45. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    At this point I agree with you. Early on when they were struggling it was crucial to string some good quarters together to continue to attract investor capital and sustain the stock price. I'm not sure it's that important anymore. OTOH, it may be that there's some benefit to a pacing schedule...
  46. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Question for anyone who's put their order on hold. I called to do that three days ago and everything seemed fine, but in my account I'm still seeing an EDD of 17 Oct - 4 Nov. Is that normal or should I be seeing an indication somewhere that I'm on hold?
  47. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    They're trying to maximize sales and revenue, etc, for the quarterly report. An order that slips two weeks at the start of the quarter won't reduce sales, but orders that slip over the line at the end of the quarter would. Same with geography. An order that rolls off the assembly line on 15...
  48. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    From an investing POV I'm taking it as sort of bad news; it just indicates to me that they're continuing to struggle with the 4680, and pretty much everything depends on them getting the 4680 up to scale. IMO a lot of the bull case depends on them getting that battery into mass production, with...
  49. Wigan

    Current Delivery Times

    Well, kind of sad; I just put my order on hold. It was easy, I just called the number listed for Tyson's Corner but apparently it's a generic national number. I got an answer right away. All he asked was how long I wanted to put it on hold, I said about three months while I finish my move, and...
  50. Wigan

    Removing FSD Pre-Delivery

    Well, kind of sad; I just put my order on hold. It was easy, I just called the number listed for Tyson's Corner but apparently it's a generic national number. I got an answer right away. All he asked was how long I wanted to put it on hold, I said about three months while I finish my move...