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  1. P

    Unveiling on Oct 17th

    If they are revealing more about the Model 3 (interior, hardware, controls, etc), I'm super stoked!! However, everything revealed has got to be incorporated into the S and X too. They need to continue strong sales in the next several quarters and certainly don't want to Osborne themselves.
  2. P

    Oct. 17 - Model 3 Reveal Pt. 2?

    Vehicle to grid.
  3. P

    Second Reveal Date

  4. P

    Poll Model 3 range expectation

    Thanks for doing the work on digging up the quote! :) I was just being a bit lazy. I agree with your interpretation, and can't really see how Elon would mean otherwise. Here' hoping they do exceed 215 miles, as I plan to get the base battery.
  5. P

    How could this affect Model 3 deliveries?

    Honestly, not much. Regarding Mobileye, the fact is we really don't know who 'bailed' on who. We do know v8.0 Autopilot doesn't rely on Mobileye's tech (camera) as much as the radar system, and I wouldn't be surprised if Tesla had already been planning on this transition before 'pencils-down'...
  6. P

    Battery Pack Costs

    I've heard people jokingly refer to it as the LG Bolt rather than the Chevy Bolt. Its probably not far from the truth.
  7. P

    Poll Model 3 range expectation

    1) We don't know what the final rated Model 3 range will be. I remember Elon saying at least 215 miles. Was that referencing the upgrade option, or the potential for more range on the base battery? IDK. But just like the Bolt was "at least 200 miles" range initially, we'll just have to wait...
  8. P

    Battery Pack Costs

    If I remember correctly, this was $145 per kWh for the cells, not the pack.
  9. P

    How could we NOT have Model 3 production by the end of 2017?

    It was verified in the 2016 Q1 call that the Model 3 prototypes were using production drive trains.
  10. P

    Poll: Who thinks they'll get the full $7,500 U.S. tax credit?

    Wow. You're totally right. I've looked at that worksheet multiple times and read it wrong every time. That's great! :D
  11. P

    Poll: Who thinks they'll get the full $7,500 U.S. tax credit?

    If you go to page 6 of the document below: Income 67 Innovative Motor Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Credits The tax credit is 6K, but you apply a reduction factor based on the year of your purchase. The factors are 1.0 for 2013-2018, then 0.75 for 2019, 0.5 in 2020, and 0.25 in 2021.
  12. P

    Poll: Who thinks they'll get the full $7,500 U.S. tax credit?

    It does, but I'm pretty sure that it begins to taper starting in 2019. I'll see if I can find the details.
  13. P

    Poll: Who thinks they'll get the full $7,500 U.S. tax credit?

    To contribute another data point to the public opinion: I reserved in store on 3/31 at 11am at the Denver store. ~150 in line out of about 1000. I am planning for AWD, winter package, and hopefully autopilot. Otherwise, base battery, trim, etc. I'm hoping for a late late 2018 delivery with...
  14. P

    Model 3 glass roof question

    The dead horse has been beaten many times. The rear glass panel (from behind the front seats all the way to the back) will NOT be an option but will be standard. The discussion in that video pertains to the section of roof above the front seats between the A and B pillars, which will be metal...
  15. P

    Trim Levels VS Custom

    I voted yes to trim levels, but I think the answer should be both. Given the number of reservations, they should offer trim levels that people could select from, or allow custom builds but make the options a bit more expensive on the custom builds to make up for the production inefficiency. In...
  16. P

    Will initial model 3's only be pricey signature / 4wd versions?

    Lots of IFS here, but...If Tesla isn't able to scale up battery production fast enough early on (purely hypothetical), I wonder if they would emphasize producing cars with the standard battery early on to maximize the number of cars built. In other words, would selecting a bigger battery...
  17. P

    Would You Prefer A Solid Roof?

    There is a bit of a mix up in this discussion. Because some people want the rear glass to be optional with metal standard (which is not going to happen), this portion has gotten talked about. But, yes, if we actually talking about the area that will be optional, I completely agree with you.
  18. P

    Would You Prefer A Solid Roof?

    Your best place for getting information regarding the glass roof is from the various test drive videos. Here are a few: Discussion regarding glass roof, aerodynamics and head space (see 1:20): The main mention of roof options refers to the front sunroof glass in this video here (see 0:16)...
  19. P

    Would You Prefer A Solid Roof?

    I think its pretty well established that the rear part of the roof from the B pillar back will be a glass roof standard without any option for a metal roof. The options that will exist pertain to the area where a sunroof is installed between the A and B pillars. So, whether or not you like the...
  20. P

    Tesla Model 3 vs Chevy Bolt

    Frankly, I think the Model 3 has design elements very suitable for autonomous car/ride sharing, probably even more so. There is a piece of me that thinks part of the Model 3 design is set up for Tesla to start their own autonomous ride sharing business. To counter your response, I would say...
  21. P

    Model 3 Notchback Trunk - Deal-Killer?

    Its clear from Elon's tweet that the choice was adult-sized headroom using the glass roof at the expense of the hatchback. Some have commented on the lack of need for driving around 5 adults, and that the hatchback trunk would have been more useful. I can understand that. Nonetheless, could...
  22. P

    Model 3 Notchback Trunk - Deal-Killer?

    How many of the cars you mention are long range EVs starting at $35K? Its not the liftback portion that is a technical impossibility. Its making a sexy looking, highly aerodynamic sedan with good interior space, and long range (200+ miles) for $35K that is near technological sorcery to achieve...
  23. P

    Model 3 Notchback Trunk - Deal-Killer?

    Dang, dude, you need a truck. JK. I'm impressed with what you're doing with the Volt. I, personally, would rather beat up an old truck with that stuff than a new $35K+ car.
  24. P

    Glass roof

    The way i interpreted the video is that there are three sections to the glass: the windshield, glass over the front seats, and glass from the back seats all the way back. From the way I heard it, the options pertain to the section over the front seats. For better or worse, this makes sense...
  25. P

    Model 3 Reservation Numbers Appearing in My Tesla

    I ordered at the Park Meadows store yesterday around 11am. I just received my email less than an hour ago, and then check My Tesla (which I set up yesterday) and I have an RN.
  26. P

    Different Door Handles...

    Oops, I was wrong. My bad. I'll have to go look at what video I saw that made it appear like the newer handles were buttons, but above clearly shows the newer handles being mechanical swing handles. Great find.
  27. P

    Superchargers for Model 3

    Nice catch. I agree with others that there is wiggle room, but on the whole I think everything points to at least some level supercharging being built into the price.
  28. P

    How does the trunk work on the Model 3

    Given that the rear glass allows for a more aerodynamic design (more range!) while providing decent rear headroom, I'll be okay with a higher range car with good headroom and a somewhat limited trunk (doesn't appear that different from 3-series) over a car with much more limited range or...
  29. P

    Different Door Handles...

    As shown in the videos, the Model S looking handles were manual handles that you press and they pop open to reveal a handle. Contrary to what was stated above, the handles do retract a few seconds later. In a different video that is on the Electrek site, the newer handles were buttons like the...
  30. P

    Will there be a 3D?

    This. The base model will be RWD. Options available fro AWD, and from the video I watched the test drive was in an AWD version.
  31. P

    Front End... Hmmmmmm

    I love everything else about the car so far, don't get me wrong. And the front will probably grow on me. I was just responding about the front end. I think that's fair.
  32. P

    Door Handles, 2 different styles?

    Can someone at the reveal tell us how the unique handles work on the prototypes? Thanks!
  33. P

    Model 3 Door Handles at Reveal

    Oops, just saw a new thread on this. Mods, please redirect and delete.
  34. P

    Model 3 Door Handles at Reveal

    From the reveal they are flush, and I imagine that they work like the X. If any of you do a test drive, please give an update on how the door handles work for the prototypes. Thanks! (PS - I noticed 2 of the Model 3s had unique handles while a 3rd appeared to have Model S handles. I'm more...
  35. P

    Be sure to check out the Periscope of "First ride #Model 3"

    Do we know anything about how the door handles work? I imagine those doing the test drives will atleast know how the prototypes work. I imagine its like the X, but I'm curious to know for sure.
  36. P

    Front End... Hmmmmmm

    I was a bit weirded out by the Model X when I first saw it, so I'm going to give it some time. First impression was a little underwhelming though. They could still change it a bit before production, so who knows.
  37. P

    Spreadsheet for line updates (US & Canada)

    I wouldn't doubt the accuracy of 1000 at the Colorado Park Meadows store. Tesla counted 500+ at 10AM when the store opened this morning, and from what I hear the line stayed long for quite a while after I left at 11:30. Great new for Tesla, and exciting to have such a great EV supporting...
  38. P

    How's your line?

    Yeah, I was originally going to come later, but then got a gut feeling to go early and try to work while in the line. I was quite surprised by the line, and was glad I went early. Regarding the Federal tax credit, at least there's also the CO tax credit.
  39. P

    How's your line?

    Here's my report from the Park Meadows store in the Denver metro: Arrived at 7:30am to about 150 people in line (Tesla's count). Store opened at 10am with more than 500 in line (Tesla's count). I reserved at 11am, and when I left there had to be still about 500 in line. People will still just...
  40. P

    The Tesla Model 3 has been spotted!

    Haha! Well played!
  41. P

    Model S/X Owners Have Priority Model 3 Orders Over Non-Owners

    AlanSqB, what options are you looking at for your Model 3? I will be playing the game of figuring out what options get me the Model 3 by 2018, not just for any chance at part of the Federal credit, but for CO's hefty credit. I think CO remains $6k through 2018, right? I'm hoping to keep my...
  42. P

    When & Where? Your Model 3 In-Store Reservation Plans..

    I will be reserving at Park Meadows (Denver) store. Definitely not camping. I'll probably show up between 9am and 10am.