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  1. T

    Should I get Powerwalls if I am on an essential "circuit/block"?

    Doesn’t public safety power outage just means they can freely shut off the power whenever It gets a little too hot or windy so they don’t burn half the region again?
  2. T

    Installation Done - Solar = Grid, House = Powerwall?

    Like I said above, read the 65Hz UPS thread in this forum. It'll explain how the system works. Depending on the current state of the entire system (solar production, PW charge level, house usage), the transition from on- to off-grid may or may not be seamless. Under the best conditions, the...
  3. T

    Installation Done - Solar = Grid, House = Powerwall?

    You'll also need a meter of some sort or KillAWatt to measure the freq.
  4. T

    Installation Done - Solar = Grid, House = Powerwall?

    Flip it and find out 🤪 As I said earlier, that's how you understand the system works and what it's capable or not capable of. Flipping the switch basically simulates a power outage. What happens and what freq the power output changes to or stays at depends on the current state of the system...
  5. T

    Installation Done - Solar = Grid, House = Powerwall?

    Like others have said, depending on your home usage, the time of year, and weather, you can flip the mains breaker and disconnect your house from the grid and run off solar and PW for days at a time. This saves some money while waiting for PTO and helps you understand how your system performs.
  6. T

    Installation Done - Solar = Grid, House = Powerwall?

    Self-powered should still send excess solar to the grid. Tesla added a pre-PTO non-export mode but I don't know much about it.
  7. T

    Installation Done - Solar = Grid, House = Powerwall?

    Under time based control setting, during peak hours, solar panels will send all output to the grid to maximize production credits.
  8. T

    Tesla Solar and Powerwall Price Increase, May 2022

    At that time was right after Tesla's big price drop to using standardized setups to incldue 340W Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G6+ panels, 3.8kW or 7.6kW Tesla inverters, Gateway 2, and Powerwall (Powerwall+ wasn't introduced yet). Well into covid times but before all that supply chain brouhaha.
  9. T

    Tesla Solar and Powerwall Price Increase, May 2022

    Wow that YoY inflation! Here's my March 2021 contract pricing
  10. T

    Powerwall died? DC Stage Fault

    5 month update.....replacement PW on backorder, no ETA. Or at least that's what I was told, and obviously no idea if they prioritize new installs vs. warranty replacements. Sigh. With 1 PW working, I can stay off importing from the grid from 4pm-8pm while running the AC in peak summer til the...
  11. T

    Discussion: Tesla Energy / Auto Customer Service

    Some stuff is true. Price is cheap. Customer service sucks. If something breaks, you're F'ed.
  12. T

    Powerwall died? DC Stage Fault

    Update....2 weeks ago, Tesla tech in a tiny minivan came by for scheduled appointment. I asked if he brought a new battery with him after seeing his tiny little van and he said no. Then I knew immediately this visit would be pointless. He spent 30 mins on site only to determine...
  13. T

    March was a great production month

    Interesting. Seems like you had a few more sunny days than I did.
  14. T

    March was a great production month

    March and April were almost identical for me. 8.16kW system.
  15. T

    Wait times for Solar?

    Does it really matter? Tesla's owner is busy on a crusade for "free speech" and service has sucked long before.
  16. T

    Powerwall died? DC Stage Fault

    Update: Got email and app notification to schedule service, first available was in 3 weeks. Hope it's just a quick Powerwall swap. My situation is unique. I farm/cultivate saltwater corals, the income from it easily pays for PW to provide power backup to keep everything alive for any...
  17. T

    Powerwall died? DC Stage Fault

    After a month, still nothing is happening. Called Tesla 3 times. First time, they said support request has been received. Second time, talked to Powerwall support, said they'll arrange tech visit and get back to me, but never did. Third time, they said they'll email someone to escalate the...
  18. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    LA Times is back to promoting class warfare, same author as mentioned before. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-03-28/solar-rooftop-net-energy-metering-incentives-california-public-utilities-commission-cpuc-gavin-newsom
  19. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Article is about true off grid homes in rural areas where it costs tens of thousands of $ to bring in grid service. Fairly irrelevant to most people and the NEM3 issue. Quote to summarize the article: "Off-grid systems are particularly attractive to people building new homes. That’s because...
  20. T

    Powerwall died? DC Stage Fault

    I was mistaken, happened at 4:10PM, 10 mins after PW started sending power to the house and 100% of solar output went to grid for TOU. Have it on video, series of pops, and there's another pop 3 mins after the end of the video..
  21. T

    Powerwall died? DC Stage Fault

    Nope, nothing running but normal stuff. Happened around 3pm, PW were fully charged at the time and solar sending power to house and grid.
  22. T

    Powerwall died? DC Stage Fault

    I sent service request on the app. I'd prefer a replacement. Who knows what exploded inside and if it's repairable.
  23. T

    New solar and Powerwall install, low production?

    One more update....System was producing up to 51kWh on a clear sunny day. Everything was nice for the past 4 months. Then yesterday afternoon, one of the Powerwalls made some loud popping sounds that echoed throughout the house, tripped the circuit breaker in the Gateway, and died. R.I.P. 💀
  24. T

    Powerwall died? DC Stage Fault

    System installed 3/22/2021, all detailed here: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/new-solar-and-powerwall-install-low-production.226099/ The drama seems to never end with Tesla. R.I.P. PW on the left, you didn't even last a year ☠️
  25. T

    Powerwall died? DC Stage Fault

    I was at home and heard a a few loud pops but didn't know where they were coming from, thought maybe outside. Later on I look at the Tesla app and it says "Powerwall Disconnected, Breaker or Disconnect Open." Went out to the Gateway, and indeed one 30A breaker for one Powerwall tripped. I...
  26. T

    Tesla Solar vs ....[third party competitors]

    $6500 for a Powerwall? That’s a lot cheaper than buying from the first party seller.
  27. T

    Tesla Solar vs ....[third party competitors]

    For saltwater tank with expensive fish and corals, always have multiple layers of back up. My tank has 2 Ecotech Vortechs with the Ecotech battery back up, which is plugged into a UPS, and then Powerwall. If all those fail, I have a 2100W gasoline inverter generator I can switch one power...
  28. T

    Can No Longer Login to TEG Home IP

    Static, not isolated, on wifi AIMesh system, never had a problem.
  29. T

    Impact not showing data

    Mine wasn't working earlier last week but has been working for past 3 days.
  30. T

    Conduit painting

    They painted the conduit running down from the roof along side of the house. I saw them starting to spray paint it dark brown (to match gutters) while before installing it, but I asked them to paint it beidge stucco color and gave them a bucket of paint I already had.
  31. T

    Loving the great sunny weather this month in the west

    46kwh on a 8.16kw system.
  32. T

    How much power does your home draw overnight? (Baseline energy use)

    My 5000sqft house base usage is about 22-24kwh per day or 1kw. About half of it is for a saltwater fish tank. The rest for 3 fridges, 2 air handlers running the fan alone 5min per hour to circulate air, and audio/video and internet equipment standby power usage. Typical usage on top of...
  33. T

    Cleaning Panels Difference

    I was down 0.6kwh today compared to yesterday, 8.16kw system facing almost due south.
  34. T

    How to route ethernet along the outside wall to gateway

    There are live wires inside the GW after you take off the cover. The ethernet jack is at the top though.
  35. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    like solar, electric cars are for rich people only
  36. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Odd wording of who has the bigger brown nose....or bigger wallet.
  37. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    They'll try for $7.99 next.
  38. T

    How to route ethernet along the outside wall to gateway

    Why not just try wifi first? I have a Asus ax mesh system, never gives me a problem with GW, inverter, or any device.
  39. T

    Install day tips!

    One day before my install, I still didn't know where 2 PW, GW, or inverter were going to be located. I wanted them in the garage and told the site inspector prior, but that was months prior. I called in, got thru to someone who emailed me a tiny unreadable pic of the install plan, but I still...
  40. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Former governor has a very well written article/opinion piece in the NYT today. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/17/opinion/schwarzenegger-solar-power-california.html Schwarzenegger: We Put Solar Panels on 1 Million Roofs in California. That Win Is Now Under Threat. "When I was California’s...
  41. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Cuz Newsom more likely to be found eating a $400 lunch in SF than being in the capital.
  42. T

    What is a "normal" drop off for solar production in the Winter?

    Comparing a warm crystal clear sunny day in June vs Jan, my Jan max daily production is ~62% of June. All panels facing almost due south.
  43. T

    Solar panels going up right now.

    Just doing the math, a 8kW $12,000 post-tax credit solar panel system on the roof is less than 1% the value of an average $1.5M home in a nice/decent suburb of Los Angeles or Silicon Valley. If under NEM2 it saves $15,000 of energy bills over the next decade, that's still under 1% of the home...
  44. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    She resigned today to suck on another job as as leader of the California Labor Federation. "The California Labor Federation consists of some 1,200 unions who represent 2.1 million union workers across private and public sector industries. The executive-secretary leads the organization and works...
  45. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Simple math: $8/kW = 8 x avg NEM2 ROI period = 8 x 4 years = 32 years = zero ROI /s but not really
  46. T

    How to tell how long power was out?

    The canary died 10-20 years ago. Humanity is still staring at the cage and scratching its head wondering why.
  47. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    LOL Newsom is governor "do as I say, not as I do" and only cares about things like green energy, crime, homelessness when his polling numbers are down. When he pits poor people who can't afford solar against everyone else, his popularity skyrockets.
  48. T

    How to tell how long power was out?

    Law of Suprise, a debt to be repaid later.
  49. T

    CPUC NEM 3.0 discussion

    Negative return is the goal, to pad investor profits.