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  1. N

    Supercharger - Pasadena, CA - East Glenarm Street (LIVE 21 Oct 2021, 20 V3, 7 DCFC, 20 L2)

    well this place doesn't seem to be as full as people were speculating
  2. N

    Holiday travel availability / congestion at CA Superchargers; possible solutions, complaints, comments, discussion

    I found it, it's the supercharger in el centro california, hopefully there is an expansion underway.
  3. N

    Holiday travel availability / congestion at CA Superchargers; possible solutions, complaints, comments, discussion

    does anybody knows which supercharger station this is ????
  4. N

    Supercharger - San Luis Obispo, CA - Los Osos Valley Rd (LIVE 15 May 2021, 16 V3 stalls)

    I wonder if this supercharger is needed? Are the superchargers in the area already full capacity?
  5. N

    Supercharger - San Gabriel, CA - Valley Blvd. (LIVE, 20 V3 stalls)

    how often is san gabriel full? Is it a busy station?
  6. N

    Supercharger - Tejon Ranch, CA - Outlets at Tejon Pkwy (LIVE 1 Sep 2021, 76 V3 stalls)

    those long cables just laying on the floor from that third picture looks disgusting, I don't know which company that is but they need to fix that mess asap!
  7. N

    Supercharger - Brea, CA - Brea Mall (LIVE 28 Jun 2021, 20 V3 stalls)

    sounds more like some tesla owners are not very clever.
  8. N

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I'm sorry but both of y'all sound like some complaining little babies!
  9. N

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Is this the total sales(in cali ofcourse) of all tesla vehicles since they first started selling?
  10. N

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Does anybody knows how many tesla cars there are in california?
  11. N

    Holiday travel availability / congestion at CA Superchargers; possible solutions, complaints, comments, discussion

    Does anybody knows how many tesla cars there are in california?
  12. N

    Supercharger - San Jose, CA - 925 Blossom Hill Road (LIVE, 24 V3 stalls)

    it's kinda your fault, look how badly parked you are.
  13. N

    Supercharger - Tejon Ranch, CA - Outlets at Tejon Pkwy (LIVE 1 Sep 2021, 76 V3 stalls)

    I disagree, there were alot of congested Superchargers the past two years during peak times but thanks to all the new superchargers you didn't see any of that this year, so clearly it helped alot. The only video of a supercharger that had a line was tejon with a wait of 20 cars deep! That's why...
  14. N

    Supercharger - Bakersfield, CA - Copus Rd. (LIVE, 20 V3 stalls)

    Is there a live feed out there for non tesla owners where you can see how many stalls are available or occupied?
  15. N

    Supercharger - Bakersfield, CA - Copus Rd. (LIVE, 20 V3 stalls)

    hmmm interesting that it's still busy, was tejon ranch also busy?
  16. N

    Supercharger - Bakersfield, CA - Copus Rd. (LIVE, 20 V3 stalls)

    It would be nice if people could take more pictures of the supercharger(especially when it's full).
  17. N

    Supercharger - San Marcos, CA (LIVE 17 Aug 2021, 20 V3 stalls)

    this place looks like it's gonna be iced
  18. N

    Supercharger - Granada Hills, CA (LIVE 24 V3 stalls)

    Are there still problems or is it charging properly these days? Are y'all getting 250kw?
  19. N

    Supercharger - Bakersfield, CA - Copus Rd. (LIVE, 20 V3 stalls)

    Which 3 south valley locations are you talking about? (I'm not from cali)
  20. N

    Supercharger - Bakersfield, CA - Copus Rd. (LIVE, 20 V3 stalls)

    So how was 4th of july in Cali when it comes to the superchargers??
  21. N

    Supercharger - Grand Forks ND

    where on facebook do y'all see all these pictures?
  22. N

    Supercharger - Eastvale, CA - Limonite Ave. (LIVE 29 Jun 2021, 16 stalls)

    wait why is it written 12 stalls? Isn't it supposed to be 16?
  23. N

    Supercharger - Bakersfield, CA - Copus Rd. (LIVE, 20 V3 stalls)

    What about tejon? Between copus and tejon how many stalls were available?
  24. N

    Supercharger - Santa Monica, CA (LIVE 18 Feb 2022, 62 V3 stalls)

    It looks like the second location(1425 santa monica) won't have a solar canopy, am I reading this wrong or what?
  25. N

    Holiday travel availability / congestion at CA Superchargers; possible solutions, complaints, comments, discussion

    So in other words they are being picky. Because let's be real if people wanted to avoid lines in kettleman they could easily find a way to avoid those lines, sounds to me like they didn't mind waiting for that long.
  26. N

    Holiday travel availability / congestion at CA Superchargers; possible solutions, complaints, comments, discussion

    why does kettleman still have a line? Do people not know about firebaugh? Do they not look at their nav map to see if stations are full or almost full? I mean what is the point of building firebaugh if people are still so stubborn and only wanna go to kettleman???