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  1. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    Yes, that's absolutely true, and is the way I meant for it to be taken. Tesla is correct that it's capable of 33% more throughput over the course of the day. In the real world, that will never happen even at the busiest stations. If a station were that busy, it obviously needs to be expanded...
  2. G

    New Windows Phone Tesla App

    Castor, will you let us know if and when you start working on the Windows 8 app again? Also, do you have some way those of us who want to can throw a few bucks your way to "pay" for the app to show our appreciation?
  3. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    It absolutely can. The charger is still capable of 120kW output regardless of the capabilities of the cars plugged in. If the priority (A) car is limited to 90kW, there is still another 30kW available to the secondary (B) car. The debate that's raging on here is what the improvement in...
  4. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    Which was the intent of my post. Brianman just seems to want to tell me I'm wrong every time I say anything.
  5. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Awesome! My brother lives about 40 miles from that site, but he's never in that area otherwise I'd ask him to check in on it as well.
  6. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    Yes, but you have a software-limited 60kWh pack. All the 60kWh packs are "A" packs so far, but they are capable of charging above 90kW. The consensus is that 60kWh "A" Packs use the same cells as the 85kWh "B" packs. The "A" versus "B" discussion is only relevant to 85kWh packs.
  7. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    The whole point of the P85 loaner program is to hopefully sell them. Why would Tesla want them to not sell as fast?
  8. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    San Juan Capistrano, CA has 7.
  9. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Gilroy, CA only had 4 up until recently. It definitely wasn't ideal for being in the San Francisco area, but it worked for quite awhile. I'd say 3 is probably plenty for Madison, at least for now.
  10. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    The Leaf charging at 44kW is also charging at a much higher C than a Model S at a Supercharger, which is one of the main things that degrades the battery. I believe the battery cell composition itself is different as well as the things you mention. With all those things added up, I'm not too...
  11. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Thanks for the review, Blastphemy. According to Motortrend, the 7.8 number is in extended range mode, as you guessed. It does 8.8 in full electric mode. Are you a Model S owner or do you have experience with one? It seemed weird to compare it with everything else under the sun except a Model...
  12. G

    Things you may not have discovered about your Model S?!

    I think a lot (if not most) states have that law actually. I remember it being the law in Minnesota when I lived there. It's kind of nice for it to be automatic, as a lot of idiots on the road in CA don't turn their lights on when it's raining. - - - Updated - - - I think it's actually...
  13. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    I really don't know where you're getting this "over an hour" from 90-100% or the "extra hour" in difference, especially since you just said the taper hasn't been rolled out yet. In smartypnz's post, it looks like it takes him a total of 30-35 minutes to get from 90% to 100%, so it doesn't take...
  14. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    I don't mean the total charge time. From what I gather, you seem to be saying that if you had the improved charge time between 90 and 100%, that you'd be able to make the trip without having to stay overnight and that you're more concerned with that than you are the 120kW charging. So charging...
  15. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    The ELR is slower and more expensive to drive. If I needed something to take a lot of road trips where I really needed to make the trip quickly, I'd choose my much cheaper BMW diesel. The ELR wouldn't even be close.
  16. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    It sounds like that trip is tight even if you do charge to 100%. And how much extra time do you think this improved ramp-down would save you (charging to 100% with the current and improved ramp down) that it'd be more worth your time to stay overnight instead of making the return trip even if...
  17. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    We can't get away from geography here (I think Russia is bigger). As for the population thing, it seems that, much like the US, the population in Canada is largely concentrated at the coasts. You have to get back and forth somehow. South Dakota is one of the least populated states in the US...
  18. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I guess you guys will have to come down out of the cold then if you want to make the trip to Toronto or Montreal. :) It looks like people in Winnipeg are basically SOL. I would think with sales doing so well in Norway that they would try to use that to help sell cars in Canada, as well as...
  19. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I don't know the major highways crossing Canada, but I would imagine they'd do something to connect Vancouver to Montreal and go as far north as Edmonton.
  20. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    Let's not be rude. I assume he meant that the issue with the A batteries not being able to charge at 120kW is complex. Simply changing them is obviously easy, but it's also expensive for them to do it on every A battery car, especially when there's nothing actually wrong with them.
  21. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    So is the taper actually any better on the 120kW batteries? It seems like people with 90kW batteries are able to stay pretty close to 90kW for about 25 minutes, while wycolo's chart drops below 90kW at 19 minutes.
  22. G

    New Windows Phone Tesla App

    Thanks for the update, castor! Glad it isn't going anywhere as I'll be getting the new Lumia Icon when it comes out and didn't want to miss out on your app when I switch phones!
  23. G

    Supercharger - San Juan Capistrano, CA (7 V2 stalls)

    Yep! I'll be attending a wedding in a little over a month in San Diego. I can't wait for these to open!
  24. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    I couldn't agree more. :)
  25. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    We do share this lovely continent with another country too. :)
  26. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Hasn't that one been on the map since before the new year? Edit: Disregard, I guess it's been on the map since the 7th though. With the way things have been going, I guess it just feels like it's been a couple weeks already. :)
  27. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Bummer, I was hoping this was going to be between Buckeye and Flagstaff or something.
  28. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    The fire damage coverage was written. We all should have gotten it as a newsletter direct from Tesla and with Elon's name at the end.
  29. G

    Pulled over driving Model S

    Well handled! That's the thing. Even when you're certain you've done nothing wrong, it's still intimidating and nerve-wracking to most of us.
  30. G

    Pulled over driving Model S

    Indeed. Any time an officer is doing something while on duty, but not in the line of duty, they should ask themselves if a private citizen could do it if they were able. Another private citizen cannot force me to pull over so it should not be acceptable for a cop to do it. It's not asking...
  31. G

    Pulled over driving Model S

    How is every other driver the victim? It didn't take any time out of my day or affect me at all if a cop lets somebody out of a speeding ticket. I guess you can say every other driver is the victim except Gear then, because I don't count myself among them.
  32. G

    Pulled over driving Model S

    Excellent, excellent post. I don't think it could be said any better. These are completely inverse of each other. In one instance, a law enforcement officer has every right to detain and ticket a person for breaking the law in some way and is choosing instead to let them off with a warning...
  33. G

    Cadillac ELR (Converj)

    Personally, I like the way the new CTS looks, but the ELR doesn't do much for me in the styling department.
  34. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    It's not an "extra" 4-10 minutes though. It takes the same amount of time it's always taken. They haven't slowed your charging down, they've just made cars which are capable of it charge faster. I, for one, am glad that Tesla keeps improving its products (and we as Tesla owners get far more...
  35. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    I suppose that's true, if they paid the $2000 extra to be able to do so. You still get an unlimited mileage warranty on your battery and a significantly farther range. Likely you'll still charge for the same or less time to make it to the next supercharger even at the 90kW peak versus 105kW...
  36. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    How would you propose they do it? At least that way maximizes the output. I think giving priority to the person who got there first is the right way to do it. We have to remember, also, that Hawthorne and Gilroy are kind of the exceptions in that they're always busy, probably mostly because...
  37. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    Amen. I, and I'd suspect most people, would miss out on very little time between 120kW or 90kW charging. Of that time lost, I gain so much more by being able to drive straight home every day and plug my car in in the garage and never having to take a 10 minute gas station detour a once or...
  38. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    That's my mentality as well. Tesla also never said 60's wouldn't get the full 90kW before that I've ever seen, nor that we wouldn't get the full 120kW now, but I don't see anybody complaining about it. I love my car and I love getting free fuel on long trips. I don't mind that I might have to...
  39. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    It's not really a negative in this sense, is it? That would imply it actually got worse. It's simply stayed the same. Yeah it sucks to not quite get the same speed as newer cars (or in the rarer case, some cars that are older than yours), but it's really not as big a deal as many are making...
  40. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Didn't Gilroy get upgraded to 10 or 12 chargers? Or is that not finished yet?
  41. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    Yeah, I didn't word it very well, but that's what I meant to imply.
  42. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    Good to know! I'm curious if there's a B pack for 60's. I'm not at home to check mine.
  43. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    It doesn't tell the entire story, no, but I think it tells much more than C does. And a Model S charging at 90kW is still putting more range on the car over a given time than a Leaf charging at 44kW. And my S60 gets closer to 3.5miles/kW. :P
  44. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    Why would one care what the C-rate is? All that really matters is how fast you're putting range on the car, and that's kW. To use an extreme example, if I had a car with a 1kWh battery and could charge it at 3C, leaving me with a full battery in 20 minutes, what does that get me? I've still...
  45. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Yeah, it's kind of peculiar. It looks like we have to rely on Las Vegas.
  46. G

    Older Teslas limited to 90kW Supercharging

    When you bought your car, did Tesla say you'd be able to charge at 120kW?
  47. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    I was wondering the same thing. Apparently it's 100kWh?
  48. G

    Tesla Supercharger network

    Good to know! I've used a handful of them but didn't pay super close attention to the charge rate as I think it was before the 120kW chargers started rolling out. I remember somebody saying the 60s max out at 90kW, so it's good to know that's not necessarily the case. - - - Updated - - -...
  49. G

    Supercharger - San Juan Capistrano, CA (7 V2 stalls)

    I wouldn't be surprised if the property owner just didn't like the look of big metal boxes in the parking lot or something. Might be covering the walls with stucco or something.
  50. G

    Garage Wiring Fire

    I was kind of thinking the same thing. I really dislike the lawsuit-happy society we've become, so I'm not sure I want Tesla suing anybody. At the same time, I wish journalists were held accountable for shoddy reporting, especially in instances when it'd be so easy to verify, as is the case...