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  1. E

    Elon & Twitter

    Yes, hindsight is 20/20.. some people got COVID correct.. some got it wrong. It's time for a post mortem and figure out why some people were right and some people wrong; and how to be better at this type of things. Perhaps those that "got it right" -- we should listen to them more and those...
  2. E

    Elon & Twitter

    So the CDC only advises and creates guidance? They are not responsible if their advice and guidance creates a negative (or positive) impact on society or people? Basically, if they are wrong (there are a lot of people who think the CDC is wrong), there is no recourse? Fauci tried his best even...
  3. E

    Elon & Twitter

    So states can just ignore the CDC without repercussions? I didn't know that. So I guess Fauci's only flaw was giving out bad information that according to a lot of people caused a lot of economic damage and death... but since he only gave out information, he is not responsible. The political...
  4. E

    Elon & Twitter

    Based on Fauci's information; the government created mask mandates, locked down school, fired people for not getting vaccines, etc,, So ultimately, it was not Fauci who did all these things, it was the government that listened to Fauci.... AND Fauci was in no way responsible? Is that the line...
  5. E

    Elon & Twitter

    Well, if COVID is fake, than Fauci (assuming he knew the "truth") would be guilty of lying and pushing a fake narrative on the American people causing millions of $$$ of economic damage and lives (missing cancer screenings, etc.. etc..). Also, if COVID was "Fake News", then Musk was right, it...
  6. E

    Elon & Twitter

    A lot of gay people accuse Fauci of lying about the AIDS epidemic and prolonging it. At the time, he said that aids was spread through the air between the mother and new born even though many scientist were saying it was via blood. Today, one of the things Fauci is accused of is lying about...
  7. E

    Elon & Twitter

    Depends on perspective. I guess if a company (e.g. Twiiter) feels that a politician is inciting violence or is racist, they can be "shadow banned" and taken out of the of "public square", that's ok for a lot of people. It would be interesting if Elon became super MAGA and started to censor...
  8. E

    The number of used Tesla 3/Y available is staggering

    There's a glut of other used car brands too.... Perhaps the CEO's of those companies are plunging towards QAnon also??? or it's just a recession and people just don't have or want to buy expensive cars. Recession, layoffs.. inflation.. low savings amount etc... combined with Tesla getting more...
  9. E

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    Yep, too many "woke" politicians are racists. They either supported clan members or wore black face when they were younger... or do all sorts of racist things but now they show their "woke" side pretending to be against racism... I can't stand them..
  10. E

    Elon & Twitter

    Where are they going to go? Facebook? Cable news? YouTube? Gab.com? Rumble? Msnbc.com? Cnn.com? Websites like Twitter (pre Elon) are dying. Or have died.
  11. E

    Elon & Twitter

    Slippy slope. Who defines equal and fair? Can Elon define it? Remember Vivjaja Gadde once was the one who use to define it before she got fired. She had no oversight at all. Perhaps you would be like to be one that gets to define it? What about others that disagree with you? Regardless...
  12. E

    Elon & Twitter

    Trust me Elon's going to moderate Twitter. People always say they are going to allow free speech but 99.9999% of the time, they don't allow it. Why do you think the founding fathers explicitly wrote about it in the American constitution after fighting a war where there was a good chance they...
  13. E

    Elon & Twitter

    You can indirectly by investing in its competitors like truth social or parler - assuming that their will only be one survivor.
  14. E

    Is now the worst time to accept delivery of a Model Y?

    Unless you really need a car, this is probably not a good time to buy... The best time to buy something is when nobody wants it.. Telsas are very popular right now. Unlike Ferrari which builds one car less than market demand, Telsa has set target goals to reach... hence, there will be more...
  15. E

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    Does he get back all of his money back from the time he was forced to pay into social security with interest and the lost opportunity cost? If so, I agree. Isn't social security going bankrupt anyways? Or is this just more of "printer goes blurrrrrrrr.." type of thing where printing money...
  16. E

    Shorting Oil, Hedging Tesla

    So the Ukrainian war will end soon with a Ukrainian victory? It's been months now...
  17. E

    Shorting Oil, Hedging Tesla

    Wouldn't a price cap also incur a supply cap? If oil companies produce too much oil, they would lose money... However, if they produce too little oil, they would lose money (windfall taxes). After a while, oil companies would do their research and figure out the output that would give them the...
  18. E

    Shorting Oil, Hedging Tesla

    So if the oil companies lose money like under covid while outputing the same amount of oil, the government gives them more money? From what I hear smaller oil companies went bankrupt during covid. Instead of letting them go bankrupt, the government should have bailed them out?
  19. E

    What will happen to current owners once Tesla drops the price of new Y's?

    If prices don't come down and demand lessens because of the recession, Tesla will sell less cars. Just look at the used inventory. 1 year old ago, I remember there were 0 cars available... Nadda... Zipp.... look at it now. https://www.tesla.com/inventory/used/ms?arrangeby=plh&zip=95113 Oh...
  20. E

    What will happen to current owners once Tesla drops the price of new Y's?

    Toyota and Honda sells cars that on average are 1/2 to 1/3 as expensive than tesla with lower profit margins. Compared to Honda and Toyota, the profit margins per a tesla car is insane. Also, as cars become easier to build so actual cost to buy a car is lower. For example, I used to own a...
  21. E

    What will happen to current owners once Tesla drops the price of new Y's?

    Too bad most stock holders are not religious and don't care about parables. Their god is the sales chart and profit margins. Such heathens.
  22. E

    What will happen to current owners once Tesla drops the price of new Y's?

    Wow... that's a lot of Used Tesla's. I can remember, IIRC, a year or two; they barely had any used Tesla's. It's going to be an interesting 6 months. High inflation, and now we are in an official recession. The housing market is all wacked up... Tesla does not seem to have supply issues in...
  23. E

    What will happen to current owners once Tesla drops the price of new Y's?

    Not a troll. You still haven't answered the question. How will tesla electrify the world if their cars are so expensive that only well to do people can afford them?
  24. E

    What will happen to current owners once Tesla drops the price of new Y's?

    At the rate Tesla is building cars, everyone will be owning one in the future. If people stop buying, what happens to the excess capacity? Serious question. We have people screaming to get more cars out of the factory doors.... but there will be a point of market saturation for a certain car...
  25. E

    Model Y Owners - Preordering a Cybertruck

    3+ years; within the past 3 years we had a "plague", "contested" election, row vs wade, record inflation, astronomical gas prices, etc.. etc.. Remember it was only a few years ago that Tesla was actively trying to meet expectations with respect to car deliveries. Now they have a back log of...
  26. E

    Can I sell my brand new tesla to someone the day I take delivery?

    Demand destruction for ICE vehicles. If you have TSLA stock with the high valuations, you would hope tesla would sell as many cars as possible -- even if that means finally creating the "affordable" EV that they have been talking about and flooding the market at every price point. To be...
  27. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    So people are dying because of NATO? Putin doesn't want NATO. Trump agreed with this and did not support NATO expansion. That is why why Russia did not invade while Trump was in office? and that is why some people think Trump is a Putin apologist? This begs the question, why is Ukraine's...
  28. E

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I hear this all the time. Putin waiting until Trump leaves because trump was so "loyal" and a Putin "lackey", etc. I truly don't understand this. I would assume if Trump was in Putin's pocket, Putin should invade when Trump was in office. Lets assume Bide is smart and intelligent, and hates...
  29. E

    Chevy Bolt - 200 mile range for $30k base price (after incentive)

    GM created the bolt basically within 1 year IIRC. Man, GM may not make S3XY electric cars..... But, imagine if the sports car division of GM got with the Electric car division. Something like an electrified Corvette Stringray. That would be so awesome. Right now, the only competitive...
  30. E

    Reuters: Tesla Reduced Model 3 Parts Order Due to Bottlenecks

    The legacy companies (I feel), are debating if the market is ready for a mass market electric vehicle. Yes, having so many model 3 reservations is a positive sign, but these big manufactures deal in 100's of THOUSANDS of cars a year. For the tooling, supply chain, etc. It takes time and it...
  31. E

    My prediction on Model 3/Tesla

    Agreed. Tesla's model 3 will either "make or break" the company. This would be their "triple axel, Triple toe" moment. Their "one shot, one kill" moment. There are a few things Tesla is known. First it was for making electric cars. However, now a lot of other companies are making electric...
  32. E

    Model S on a budget

    It's called the chevy Bolt..... and get in line plebeian. Apparently, Bolts are popular. Not sure how, but they are. Hhahaha.. just kidding. Like all high end cars, the only way to get a Tesla for cheap is to wait... and wait. Depreciation is a monster that eats luxury cars for breakfast...
  33. E

    Consumer Reports predicts average reliability on Model 3

    Huhm, from what I hear CR is doing quite well in the internet age. They have a subscription based business model. I am a current member. Sometimes they will say things I don't agree with... but then out of all the "review magazines" out there, I respect them the most and I feel they are the...
  34. E


    Turn off the tv. This country is huge... And awesome...
  35. E

    Just been told my P90DL is not eligible for P100D Upgrade!

    I guess the rumors are true. Tesla is about to start using the 2170 batteries. I guess that would make the new battery packs somewhat incompatible with the older cars... ;-) Why else would they not want you to upgrade.
  36. E

    Vendor Inquiry for Gigafactory (industrial motor)

    Huhm... Please tell us about this new technology (you do already have a patent on it, right?). Even better, lets see the prototype. If you don't have a prototype or unwilling to show the world your new technology, it will be hard for people to take you seriously. A lot of smart people have...
  37. E

    GM Plans 20 Electric Models By 2023

    How to compete with Tesla: 1) create own supercharging infrastructure by mandating all GM dealerships have one. 2) create good looking cars (the bolt is such an ugly car. The world could be burning in flames created by spilled crude oil, and dolphins could be drowning in six pack, plastic soda...
  38. E

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    ... have you been to the south side of Chicago? Tons of firearms, murder is high... all voting for democrats.. You can just about go to any "ghetto" areas in large cities and have high firearm ownership (usually, they are breaking laws to own firearms, but they don't care). now compare that...
  39. E

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    Mostly in the south side of Chicago where most of the people are getting killed. Gun ownership in the rest of chicago is pretty low IMHO. The mayor/local government makes owning firearms hard. Remember it's only been a few years ago that the city really allowed people to own firearms (which...
  40. E

    Bay Area: Model S 90D 2016 December - AP 2.0 - unlimited supercharging - 13k miles

    Its hilarious today, but since tesla innovates so quickly; it wouldnt be after several months.... But yeah, 57k is a litttle bit too forward thinking; thats probably early 2018/late 2017 pricing.
  41. E

    Anyone with a crystal ball...

    If you took out the electric power train of your S and replace it with the merc hood emblem, would you still be driving it considering the level of service you recieved from tesla? Not to mention the interior where a lot of people think is not up to par considering tesla's msrp? Not to mention...
  42. E

    2017 TESLA MODEL X

    I think most people just get caught up in the experience of buying a new car. And i also feel that a lot of Tesla buyers underestimate the car's depreciation because it is a "tesla." It does feel like there are lot more remorseful buyers as compared to other brands though. A lot of telsa...
  43. E

    Financially Irresponsible or Worth It?

    Stupidity is underrated :)
  44. E

    Financially Irresponsible or Worth It?

    Survivor bias.. You are lucky to have your life follow such a path. Life for most people is unpredictable even if they plan like you do. For example half the population gets divorced costing thousands of $$$. Heck, one of my coworkers just found out he has thyroid cancer. Also having a nice...
  45. E

    Financially Irresponsible or Worth It?

    Good job everyone. With all this talk about wives.. Moving screen doors.. Mid life crisis.. family of 5.. Retirement plans, etc. I think we might have scared off the 21 year old OP :-) Now, maybe he'll buy a car that is more suited for his age... hahahhahaa... Ohhhh... "now get off my...
  46. E

    Anyone with a crystal ball...

    Basically, Tesla is hoping that the more expensive Model S/X 100 will have the same demand as it has now even if Tesla has to reduce the price a little bit. I think that is the weak link in this logic. After all, the model S is long in the tooth. What happens if the demand falls for the Model...
  47. E

    Financially Irresponsible or Worth It?

    The OP seems smart. Some people keep on doing the same thing and expect different results. Some people try it once, and decide.. huhm.. it's just not for me, and they stop. I think the OP is in the 2nd case. Dave Ramsey is good for those people that keep on doing the same thing over and over...
  48. E

    Financially Irresponsible or Worth It?

    So you are saying that most of the older guys are cool, now? Older guys driving cool teslas that young kids admire??? Dude, in my younger days, I once asked an attractive girl if she would give me her number. She said I was really handsome and attractive; and she proceeded to write down her...
  49. E

    Financially Irresponsible or Worth It?

    Go for it. Worst case, you are still young enough to recover if buying the car is a "mistake"... You will experience high car payments, but that only gives you more appreciation for those times in life where you don't have a car payment. The higher the payment, the more you will appreciate...
  50. E

    No more S75

    Wow.... I've only been on this forum for the past few weeks, and this whole idea of "continuous improvement"/"no model year" is slowly beginning to hit me. Its crazy.... Cars, if Elon has his way, will be like cell phones. Continuously improving. Expensive for the early adopters, but...