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  1. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    You know my answer....
  2. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    This fits with GRANDE MIRAFIORI.
  3. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Over in Shanghai another ship is looming on the horizon - GLOVIS SUNRISE looks like she is positioning herself to be next to dock at Shanghai South. GLOVIS SUNRISE is a bigger ship than GLOVIS COURAGE and can squeeze in an extra 500 cars or so.
  4. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I'm not biting anymore.
  5. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Over in Barcelona, MORNING MIDAS has departed but it looks like VICTORIUS ACE has nipped in, in front of CRYSTAL RAY.
  6. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I suspect that GOLD KOCHAV will be delivering a bunch of MY from Berlin to Ashdod, Israel on 22 Jul.
  7. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    They have a lot of cars to deliver and they are not exactly working hard to clear them from the dockside. There are 2 batches on M3 on the way - CRYSTAL RAY delivering to Barcelona as we speak and HOEGH TRIDENT to Zeebrugge which you have checked already. That's it.
  8. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I don't at the moment - Do you have an EDD?
  9. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I would hazard a guess that her berth remains occupied. When MORNING MIDAS departs we may see some movement.
  10. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I'm keeping an eye on GLOVIS COURAGE at the moment - it looks like she may be heading into Shanghai South....
  11. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I'm afraid that isn't possible with this ship .
  12. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Or is it already in Norway? There are still some M3 on the dockside in Drammen. Click here to see the webcam - the camera to look at is Tollbukaia
  13. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    It'll appear in the next 24 hrs or so. She is currently just SW of Taiwan
  14. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    NO! NYET. NE. NEIN. NEM. NEI. NIE. NEJ. Please wipe the container ship from your memory. It hasn't even been to Shanghai and container ships are not used. Your TA is wrong, wrong, wrong.
  15. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    GOLD XING is your ship - arrives Ashdod 01 Aug.
  16. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    GRAND SAPPHIRE didn't dock in Shanghai South and instead went to the main Haitong terminal. She has now departed enroute to S Korea. This confirms to me that shipments to Canada are on hold for the moment and GRAND SAPPHIRE's voyage has been cancelled. I would imagine that once the strike is...
  17. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Welcome to the thread! I don't think she is likely to be carrying any Teslas, either from Berlin or Shanghai. Let me know if I'm wrong though!
  18. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    SUMMARY 08 Jul 23 VIKING SEA has moved to a more sheltered anchorage off Vancouver Island and is clearly waiting for the port strike to conclude. CRYSTAL RAY She is bound for Barcelona ETA 9 Jul (deemed unlikely to head to Southampton afterwards.) 3458 MY and 762 M3. MORNING MARGARETA is on...
  19. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    It looks like there may have been a change of mind regarding GRAND SAPPHIRE. She departed the anchorage but is now loitering and it looks like she is more likely to head into the main Shanghai terminal rather than Shanghai South. This could be the related to the Vancouver port strike. I wonder...
  20. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Shame about the wheel - it's still a great car - enjoy! BTW to put your mind at rest about it being a reject - if it's on a 23 plate and 1st registered date is today, then you know it's brand new.
  21. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    If you have your VIN you can find out if M3 as well. Do let us know.
  22. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    We know she has MY on board. She is on the tracking map. Due in to Zeebrugge on 23 Jul. If you have been allocated a VIN you can check to see if your car is onboard a Hoegh ship by entering it here.
  23. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    There is absolutely no chance that COSCO UNIVERSE has any cars onboard, never mind Teslas! Trust me on this. Look at the map. Read my summaries. At the moment I'm doing them every couple of days but as soon as it hots up I will return to a daily summary. My last summary is here.
  24. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Alongside the Shanghai Haitong Terminal at the moment is GOLD XING. She is scheduled to depart tomorrow to Ashdod, Israel (1 Aug) and Derince, Turkey (5 Aug). If this is a Tesla shipment it will be of MY and I'm keen to learn whether this fits with the anticipated Israeli delivery.
  25. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    You're at risk of underestimating the logistics involved which could lead to disappointment and even more frustration. It's one thing to get a berth and unload the ship and quite another to get the cars from the dock to the point of delivery.
  26. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I think I covered this on 1 Jul here I only used 2 lines and so easy to miss I suppose. I think all the cars will be destined to Canada - the ones dropped off at Tacoma will head to the eastern provinces.
  27. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Meanwhile over in Shanghai, MALAYSIA GRACE has departed to Japan and GRAND SAPPHIRE is heading in to Shanghai South to take her place. You will recall that GRAND SAPPHIRE is heading initially to Tacoma and then up to Vancouver with another batch of MY for those excitable Canucks. VIKING SEA has...
  28. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I have problems with some of the free imagery available on the internet especially with the timestamping - on many occasions they just don't fit known ship movements. A couple of years ago I paid a subscription to monitor Pier 80 - it wasn't reliable (cloudcover at exactly the wrong time and...
  29. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Perhaps he's right. It will be a first in many respects - 1st car shipped from China in a container (where will your car be reassembled now that the Tilburg facility is closed?) and 1st car to be shipped from China from a port other than Shanghai, Tesla must be trying to catch me out using a...
  30. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I hate to disappoint but..... CRYSTAL RAY is much more likely.
  31. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I note that MALAYSIA GRACE is making her way in to dock at Shanghai South. I don't yet know her destination but it is probably either Japan or Thailand. We shall see....
  32. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    It's a fair point. For several weeks I thought the ship was probably headed to UK as there were none of the usual indications from EU except perhaps from Italy. Indeed, if it wasn't for your detective work in confirming she actually had Teslas onboard I may have doubted it myself. I wonder...
  33. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I can't find any details for your car which is slightly unusual. There was a batch of cars destined for Ireland that were loaded on to a Southampton bound ship instead of a Zeebrugge ship in error around this time. They sat around Southampton docks for a while with a plan to ship them to...
  34. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    MYLR should be coming from Berlin for you. Lease company orders are dealt with by Tesla Enterprise (which I thought was in Amsterdam).
  35. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    SUMMARY 06 Jul 23 VIKING SEA continues at anchor south of Vancouver Island and will wait for the strike to conclude. CRYSTAL RAY She is bound for Barcelona ETA 9 Jul (deemed unlikely to head to Southampton afterwards.) 4000 MY and 700 M3. MORNING MARGARETA is on her way to New Westminster...
  36. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    This looks good for GRANDE MIRAFIORI.
  37. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    I've made an enquiry - nothing back yet....
  38. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    A ship at anchor will pivot around a point depending on the influence of wind and tide. A ships log may record a speed through the water of several knots because a tidal flow although the speed over ground will be nil.
  39. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Read post #1 to this thread!
  40. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    In Germany I believe you need it to register your car. The German word for it has about 26 letters in it!
  41. Mr Miserable

    Anyone in the UK 'upgraded' their Model Y suspension?

    Iceland renting cars? Who knew? Haven't shopped there for ages. ;)
  42. Mr Miserable

    Anyone in the UK 'upgraded' their Model Y suspension?

    @Mr H What happened to your coilovers now that you have deserted the Tesla community?
  43. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Any UK cars in the batches quoted? You can safely post your VIN less the last 3 digits and we can compare it with other allocated UK VINs to rule out the block batch number scenario.
  44. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    In the UK we don't have a CofC that shows date of manufacture. In the UK the car is registered direct by Tesla and the Form the owner receives (V5) does not show this information. In the US and some overseas markets the date of manufacture is stamped on the driver's door VIN sticker/plate.
  45. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    These ships are designed and built to transport RoRo cargo, including your car, across the oceans and deliver them in perfect condition. They have succeeded in doing this for many years. This not a ferry-type operation. The decks are very well ventilated, to maintain acceptable humidity levels...
  46. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    So your car will come from China. Ideally direct from China, but that is not guaranteed. Just keep an eye on this thread. If you receive a VIN please let me know as this will be an indication that things are happening. Nothing is on its way to you at present.
  47. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    There is nothing in the VIN that shows manufacturing date - it shows the model year but that is it. Production of the 23 model year may have started then. There are websites that can give you an indication of when your car left the factory gate. Try this one and let us know the answer: Tesla...
  48. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    At the moment I don't know - CRYSTAL RAY seemed to fit nicely and nothing else is springing to mind as a possible alternative. There is one ship which at present I don't know where in Europe she is heading - TONGALA which should pass through the Suez Canal on Saturday. Other possible suspects...
  49. Mr Miserable

    June 23 UK Car Sales

    Model Y tops the June New Car Sales Table.
  50. Mr Miserable

    2023 Shipping Movements

    Remind me - what have you been waiting for? Is this a lease?