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  1. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    I guess what I'm saying is they may have had other reasons (PR, legal, regulatory,...) to ship when they did, to include the AP updates (I don't have AP so I don't know firsthand what they did/didn't do) and they had already promised updates to the media player. So they may have made other...
  2. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    If it was pushed to market too soon (it was), if there are bugs to be fixed (there are), if they can improve user experience and quell dissatisfaction (they can), perhaps there's a chance they already have a plan for an 8.1 release to clean up the mess (let's hope). It is entirely possible they...
  3. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    Agree with everything you say. However, I just returned my leased Volt after 3 years and bought a CPO Model S and can tell you the Volt's UI/UX (last gen) left a lot to be desired. It was frustrating to use and no where near what Tesla has. I agree they wouldn't (shouldn't) release with so many...
  4. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    +1, bold emphasis is mine...
  5. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    You can get your FM favorites back to the main screen -- just for some reason (bug) the AM/FM/XM? favorites didn't carry over with the update. If you unfavorite and then favorite a station, the tile will appear. However, they appear in the order in which you favorite them and not in numerical...
  6. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    I guess that was my point. I'm a newer owner -- didn't consider this as a big issue but surprised it is not supported.
  7. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    Really? Wow. Never tried myself -- only owned for 3 months -- but hmmm.
  8. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    I just sent this (sent something similar directly to him yesterday)... Maybe it'll help.
  9. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    And why does the car not recognize my iPhone as a USB device? I'm sure many of us use our phones for music, yet the only way to playback from the phone is via Bluetooth. Sound quality is worse and you can't use the car's display to navigate the music library. Even if I turn off BT on the phone...
  10. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    Yeah, that's pretty useless...
  11. BEEZR

    1 year in.. we really need better driver profiles!

    No, I don't think there's an issue - but I think it's too easy to for anyone to Save a change to a profile and overwrite the driver's settings. If anyone moves the seat and mirrors and taps Save you have no way to go back. I'm not saying all the settings should be locked, just that the ability...
  12. BEEZR

    8.0 Music Player Unusable

    Seems there are some bugs to work out... Shipped it too soon. I haven't tried to play music from USB but I will check it out today. Other bugs I found in just the first hour of use: 1. Only shows my Streaming favorites. When I switch to AM or FM, I still see the Streaming favorites and not my...
  13. BEEZR

    1 year in.. we really need better driver profiles!

    I would add: Ability to lock profiles. Anytime someone else drives the car (service, car wash, valet) they could move the seat. Maybe they touch Save to clear the dialog... Let me lock the profile so it needs a PIN to change. OR, let me save the profile so I can always revert back. (I created a...
  14. BEEZR

    1 year in.. we really need better driver profiles!

    Solution: Default behavior if there are multiple fobs in the car at the same time... One fob has to be detected by the car first - that's what it would adjust to. Probably a low % scenario when there are multiple fobs in the car, though.
  15. BEEZR

    1 year in.. we really need better driver profiles!

    I would expect this is a low-priority scenario considering the overall % of people who are driving a loaner at any particular time, and even lower % of those who use that feature. Wouldn't it be easier if the car could sync your calendar via Bluetooth, so once you make a BT connection to the car...
  16. BEEZR

    1 year in.. we really need better driver profiles!

    Agree. BMW does this and you'd think they have more drivers, more feedback... It would have been a better decision (IF Tesla used to do this) for them to make it an enable/disable feature -- so those who complain could disable.
  17. BEEZR

    CPO delivery question

    I'm not so sure of this. I watched them drill holes in the front (old) nose cone -- that would leave a mark. They may be small, though. Regarding the OP concern about timing on the CPO... The service centers are busy (three weeks out for an appointment here), but the car will go through a full...
  18. BEEZR

    CPO Prices

    Checking TeslaInventory.com - great site, by the way - there are currently 393 CPO and 559 Inventory cars. That's a lot - I don't recall seeing that many cars before, CPO or otherwise.
  19. BEEZR

    If 8.0 ships tomorrow everyone's next Tesla payment is on me!

    As Tesla owners we're required to accept PayPal only...
  20. BEEZR

    Firmware 7.1

    An attorney could get the internal docs (release notes) with a subpoena if there were a lawsuit. Putting it out there proactively may open up Tesla to greater scrutiny, and perhaps frivolous lawsuits, but I don't know that their liability changes.
  21. BEEZR

    CPO Delivery Question For Fellow Buyers

    Did you identify these issues at delivery, or was it later? What do you think you would have done if they had said the pitting was within their specs at that time? If they told you at delivery they would look into it, I think there's some good faith on their part to do the right thing. Perhaps...
  22. BEEZR

    S 60 Range Increasing ith

    They told me my battery was fine, too, but that there was some firmware fix that needed to be created and applied. (They diagnosed remotely, too.) My battery does not show that it charges to 100% -- it stopped somewhere in the last 10% -- and not near 200 miles rated range. I was told this is...
  23. BEEZR

    S 60 Range Increasing ith

    Have you contacted Tesla regarding your car? To be down 7% off rated range is significant... My 2014 CPO has been around 160-163 @ 90% since delivery in late-June. I've been in touch with service and they say the battery is fine (tested at 200 in pre-delivery inspection) but there is something...
  24. BEEZR

    Bend <--> Crater Lake on a Single Charge

    Great post, @ecrsail. What map/elevation software is that? We've been up to Crater in August -- didn't realize it was still winter there in June...
  25. BEEZR

    Model S Software/Firmware wishlist

    A few that have hit me in the first two months owning my CPO 60... Phone When calling someone, I'd like the display to not say "Dialing..." -- so irritating. Should say "Calling..." or anything but Dialing. Unless this is an intentional nod to analog technology, it's dumb. No one has dialed a...
  26. BEEZR

    Model S Software/Firmware wishlist

    I agree but I wonder if this was a conscious thing to exclude for at least a few reasons I can think of: 1. Maybe if too many devices/users are sharing the car's bandwidth it would impact performance, such as map update/redraw, radio, etc. 2. Cost of bandwidth. Tesla is providing "free" data...
  27. BEEZR

    Model S Software/Firmware wishlist

    The Waze app for iPhone displays speed limit (and current speed) as well.
  28. BEEZR

    Model S Software/Firmware wishlist

    I wonder if BMW (or someone else) has a patent on this. I recall in my 530 each keyfob would enable an entire profile -- seat and mirror settings, temp preferences, radio presets... But I've been in several cars with an exit/enter mode, including Lexus and Infiniti, Cadillac I think.
  29. BEEZR

    Homelink auto close stopped working

    Mine works nearly 100% of the time for open but auto close doesn't register occasionally and I have to close manually.
  30. BEEZR

    What to look for at CPO delivery?

    Interesting. I was told there was nothing I could see/have. Very frustrating.
  31. BEEZR

    First time with mobile charger, but...

    What were you using in your garage before if not the 14-50? Or is this a brand new car, first time charging at home?
  32. BEEZR

    Firmware 7.1

    That's funny and highly troubling at the same time since who knows what other functions of your car is being managed like an X and not an S. Unless they can assure you it's only things of no consequence (tow, spoiler) and not drive or safety systems, should the car be on the road? I mean it's...
  33. BEEZR

    I lose 10 miles per day while the car is stationary.

    I've understood that best practice is to keep the car plugged in when not in use. Yes, there would be energy use if you're seeing this drain, but you wouldn't have to worry about range loss.
  34. BEEZR

    Won a set of Arachnid wheels! Will be selling...

    If you just pre-sell them, the poll is unnecessary... Sincerely, Captain Obvious
  35. BEEZR

    Service is too good

    This is how I felt last week at the dentist... (the picture, that is).
  36. BEEZR

    Service is too good

    I'm especially comforted to see your car is a CPO purchase -- that they treat it as you would expect any other Tesla.
  37. BEEZR

    Kwh monitoring is turning me into a pussyfoot

    +1 coming from the Volt. Hammer down when you want, drive normally when you're supposed to, be safe and sane -- and don't be a jerk. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Enjoy the ride.
  38. BEEZR

    Music blaring when entering car first time from overnight

    Conclusion: It's not a bug, it's a feature...
  39. BEEZR

    Music blaring when entering car first time from overnight

    Agree. It could be a setting you could turn on/off.
  40. BEEZR

    Music blaring when entering car first time from overnight

    LOL. That's ridiculous... I've noticed inconsistent behavior, which I will investigate further. I had the radio on (Slacker) and paused via the console when I pulled up to get take out for lunch. I was inside for maybe 10 minutes. Came out, got in the car, radio was still paused. I left if off...
  41. BEEZR

    Dogs in a Model S??

    No, it was from the OP, but each to his own. I could not find an English-language site selling the Towbox, so I expect it's not available in US/Canada. Either because we consider it inhumane and perhaps illegal, or just that there's no market here.
  42. BEEZR

    Dogs in a Model S??

    May be illegal in some states. If you want to traumatize your dog, this would do it.
  43. BEEZR

    I got a ticket for no front license plate

    To be fair, many of these states do not require a front bumper either... ;) +1 for the Torklift, though I have not yet ordered one.
  44. BEEZR

    ChargePoint membership?

    Agree with others who say should have, because you never know...
  45. BEEZR

    ChargePoint membership?

    Note, to those unfamiliar, the $20 charge is put into a debit account with Chargepoint, so you may pay $20 but whatever you do not use remains in your account for future use. There are many Chargepoint stations that are free and I think you can even filter in the Chargepoint app to show free...
  46. BEEZR

    Model S battery not charging all the way

    The only way I would consider doing this is if my car were on blocks in the garage (like in Ferris Bueller's Day Off), so when it stopped I could just plug in. However, we know what happened to the car in the movie...
  47. BEEZR

    Bend <--> Crater Lake on a Single Charge

    Thanks for the explanation. I was given a few pieces of incorrect or partial information at delivery, which I included in feedback to Tesla. Good to know where I can come for the truth (or at least, practical experience)...
  48. BEEZR

    Bend <--> Crater Lake on a Single Charge

    I'm talking about using a J1772 handle and the Tesla adapter. I was told at delivery that you must remove the adapter and handle together -- if you remove just the handle the adapter can/will get re-locked into the port and you cannot get it out easily. So press the latch on the J1772 handle...
  49. BEEZR

    Model S battery not charging all the way

    Yes -- I'm experiencing the exact same problem; I have a 60 kWh as well. I just picked up my CPO three weeks ago and immediately noticed my 90% was only 165 consistently. After reading several threads I tried to run the battery to below 10% and then charge up to 100%. However, it stopped at what...
  50. BEEZR

    Bend <--> Crater Lake on a Single Charge

    I meant the port on the car. My understanding is that you DO NOT want to release the handle from J1772 adapter while the adapter is connected to the car -- the adapter will get locked into the car.