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  1. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I've got this sinking feeling that I'm not actually going to get my MX before the end of 2021... Happy New Year Y'all!
  2. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I got an email in Junlytember saying that my delivery center had changed. They just opened a new one, but it's actually farther away from my house. I don't think that we have control on delivery center at all unfortunately
  3. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Using this information AND the drone footage, this seems to be accurate. The test track infield fills up with cars then we get a flood of VINS then the test track infield is empty. I think that it's ships arriving with critical parts, but they're only getting one shipment at a time.
  4. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    The problem is that White is the standard color.... so all of those white MXs on the truck can't be seen during the crazy snow storm! 😂
  5. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    That is true. Optimist you are not.... but I think that after this year - we all get a pass for not being optimistic. HOWEVER - the Oracle was pretty optimistic and he's sitting pretty in his MX. All of this to say... I'm no longer holding hope that I'll get mine delivered before the end of...
  6. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Lol... Apparently you didn't see my sarcasm font 😂
  7. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Are your windows tinted??? Did they come that way, or are you just super fast to the tint shop? BTW. Thank you for this bit of joy in this agonizing last few days of the "Definitely by the end of year" upsell many of us got.Yoir car is BEAUTIFUL (Same configuration as mine will be, so I'm...
  8. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    (Hold my beer) I'm pretty sure that between myself @jbrowdy , and @Stro, we make up more than 10% of all posts/comments in this forum. My first post (of 400 was on page 30... Stro's first post of 700 was page 20... jBrowdy's first post of 400 was page 3!!!) We've done a lot of things over the...
  9. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    You know, I think that's the only EDD where Tesla can beat expectations 😂
  10. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    This. This is me every single time I refresh my Tesla account and then refresh my TMC page to see more VINners. I'm so glad for them.... And sooooooooo sad for me. Then I look at their order date... Damn, I deserve a VIN before them! And get happier... And sadder. Then I look at their posting...
  11. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I bet that the MX at Minute 29:00 is a Plaid! It has the older silver wheels… they haven’t made those in a while… if it were an MX, why would they be testing a months-old MX as they’re actively producing vehicles to be delivered? With all of the testing that was going on in this video, I have a...
  12. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    OMG, I love your new avatar photo! Congratulations!
  13. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I think you're the first AZ VINner on this forum! Congratulations! Since we're only 4 gas tanks away from Fremont, I'm sure that it'll come this year. I'm hoping that I get my VIN and we share a truck! My delivery center got moved from Scottsdale to Mesa for some reason.
  14. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I'm Feb 14... Not quite Jan.... But also feeling lonely.
  15. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    It's so funny, all I could think on the 14th was, "I've got a feeling that today is a good day for Model X news" ❤️ Congratulations Oracle! And thanks for all of the good vibes you bring to this forum!
  16. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your dog and COVID and your trip! I think that you have a perfect name for your new MX whenever it arrives. Thank you for sharing with us. Sorry for my delay in response.
  17. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    @Stro what's your thought... If you get a VIN and your delivery date is after your vacation start date, are you coming back to take delivery? I'm thinking that it won't come to that, but there's a slim chance... So if I have the opportunity to take delivery this year, I'll fly back to do so.
  18. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I've been away for longer chunks of time this past week or so with business ramping up... but I saw this post that got mostly swept past... There was a VINner and delivery on the West Coast outside of California!!! That's a big deal! @EV_LIFE, I need you to declare something for me...
  19. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    THIS POST IS THE REASON FOR THIS WAITING ROOM. PURE, RAW HUMANITY. Thank you for the perspective @MIModX79 Be The Good!
  20. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Omg, that video looks like the start to a horror movie! I hope that folks stay safe! Lingering effects of these kinds of storms (especially when the temperatures drop) is a real danger as well. Stay safe everyone.
  21. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Meanwhile here in AZ, the Cardinals are top of the league and the Suns are near the top of the league. This is enough evidence to tell me that the next vins will be here in Arizona! @EV_LIFE back me up on this one (Pretty please 🥺)
  22. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    It's just perspective... Look at the Cybertuck next to the MX for scale. It's possible that the bed could be 6ft+ By the way... Before anyone else can say it... That's my Cybertuck next to my MX. I'm just letting Tesla borrow them for a bit. "How long?" You ask "2 weeks"
  23. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    We haven't had a new VINner in a week. Based on the 3 Freemont Flyover videos we've all watched (way too many times) over the past few days... I think that we're due. C'mon laptop guy... I'm sure my name will be on the next ball to be pulled out of the tesla hat! But honestly, I'm looking for...
  24. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Thank you for saying this... my original post was deleted a few weeks ago. I was sure that I posted originally, and then I updated it when I added the TBD tracker on page 2... the next time I went in, my entire entry was gone :(
  25. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I think there's some consensus building around an airbag or Falcon wing door issue. Look at @LadyMX's delivery update post a few (hundred) pages back.
  26. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    That white interior is PURDY. I can't wait!!!! I was just getting fed up with the rattles in my 2016 MX just this past week. I can't imagine the difference. I can't wait. I can't wait for my spaceship from the future!!!!
  27. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I was told that the conversation was being recorded for Quality Control purposes... so I think we're covered. :D
  28. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I have a recording! I hit record as I took notes on my iPad so I do have a recording. Not sure how much it will help, but I have it.
  29. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    It's in @Stro's signature... So long as he never quits us, just look for one of his posts and turn your phone landscape... The link will show up like magic! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pooZSptFBEnov4n_lh-WXYdx8bqj5CJXf4SD-z8npsg/edit#gid=0
  30. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations @T.REX! The dark wheels and chrome delete are subtle, but make a HUGE difference. So cool to see it side by side with it's older brother/sister.
  31. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Geeze, after watching (LITERALLY all 45 minutes of) the two 4k flyovers this week... this seems like it was shot from a Starlink Satellite! But, I let the entire video play because the music was soothing - almost reminiscent of a time when this forum had a different atmosphere. You know, like...
  32. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    🍾 Congratulations on having Champagne Problems 😂 Just be careful for what you wish for even in jest. "I wish I wasn't the first delivery in Houston..." could be interpreted by the universe (or Tesla Interns) as... Okay, I guess @EL0NTRK doesn't want that VIN anymore... we'll hold it for *ahem*...
  33. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I'm a little confused because none of us AZ folks have VINs... I'm pretty sure that we're supposed to be the first AZ VINs
  34. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    This post makes me so incredibly happy. I'm glad you could only stay away for a few hours. We did miss you quite a bit for those few hours tho! :D
  35. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Shoot. I wish I had autopilot on my driver's test 😂
  36. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    This was BY FAR, the most interesting part of the video! I was like... WHAT'S ON THAT STICKER!? Why is he writing something on the windshield? What numbers is he typing on that laptop? Did he just look at the drone? Why is he wearing a mask by himself outdoors?
  37. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Since we love video to keep us entertained while we wait for another big VINner well, I came across this crazy story... A kid failed his driver test because he used regen breaking and didn't use the break pedal! #OnePedalLife #Model3 https://cbsloc.al/3pb2AET
  38. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Good luck Chris, I just subscribed to support your channel! Heck, our community is nothing if not support right?
  39. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Awesome! Keep us posted. Mercedes-Benz may be a dealership model, but it's a true luxury dealership model. You're going to get a true luxury experience! Please post more and makeup jealous with all of the communication and and customer care you recurve from them.
  40. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Yeah. While it does have a significantly longer battery, but it probably can't make it from the QC to Freemont 😂 Maybe you could do a flyover of Lucid in Casa Grande https://g.co/kgs/SmVZUJ
  41. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Listen to the OG... Post #6 Page #1. I can't wait to hear about your delivery experience @EL0NTRK !
  42. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    One day when this is all over, we're going to meet up in STL and have a beer. I have a client in STL and I'm there several times per year. Maybe sometime next year I can ride the I40 supercharger network from AZ to MO and we can have a meetup. We're basically best friends at this point 😂
  43. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Here's something incredible to read while we wait. "The Miraculous Engineering Of Tesla: 2 Teslas Fall Off A Cliff, Everyone Walks Away - CleanTechnica" The Miraculous Engineering Of Tesla: 2 Teslas Fall Off A Cliff, Everyone Walks Away The writing isn't great, but the story is spectacular...
  44. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    I must admit, I am one of the chief champions for the " you'll forget about this pain" movement. Let me provided some context for this concept and clarify a miss-assumption. First of all, the idea that your brain will normalize to your current environment is well documented in neuroscience...
  45. TWENT2

    Refreshed 2021+ Model X and Model X Plaid waiting room

    Turn your phone sideways and the magical signatures will appear! #yourewelcome #youreawizardharry