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  1. racer26

    Charging at 32A? Get 25% faster charging.

    We know they are - the original 14-50 adapter (the one they still ship with US cars) is distinct as far as the UMC is concerned from the Canadian 32A 14-50 adapter.
  2. racer26

    Uncorking in Canada! No bottle of wine needed!

    There were indeed some hardware changes that enabled it, AFAIK. late-2016->2017 builds can get it, early 2016 and previous cannot.
  3. racer26

    Supercharger - Barrie, ON (2nd site on Bayfield St)

    I'll be driving past this location tonight. Will check out if its online yet or not. Seems like a week should've been enough to finish it off from the pics @mknox posted on Sunday.
  4. racer26

    Charging at 32A? Get 25% faster charging.

    @mknox I think it actually is a bit stranger still. I think the firmware in the UMC itself has something to do with it. My theory is that the UMC queries the resistor in the adapter, and IDs the adapter its connected to, and then reports on to the car via the J1772 protocols what it can...
  5. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    I'm actually expecting ER to be a beat on the unnecessarily low expectations. The question is what is the right point to pick up the options to play it. I don't want to catch this falling knife.
  6. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I mean yes, the holy grail of battery technologies is energy dense, power dense, durable AND cheap. Lots of companies want that, but the important factor is cheap, and economies of scale guarantee Tesla wins on that front. If you build more batteries than anyone else, you're going to build...
  7. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I don't understand the logic behind the hand wringing over battery breakthroughs. Tesla will be at the forefront of any breakthrough that happens. Tesla is the world's largest buyer of Lithium-ion batteries today, and the margin by which they are the largest buyer is rapidly growing. If you...
  8. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Somehow record S/X deliveries and an on-original (March 2016)-schedule launch of Model 3 constitutes 'awful' according to Einhorn. Makes sense.
  9. racer26

    Eastern Canada Superchargers

    Do we have suspected locations for any of the other ones like Pickering, Vaughan, Concord that we expect this year? If I were to guess, Pickering Town Center seems sort of the right type of place, being right on the 401 and with a gargantuan parking lot.
  10. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Can Tesla afford to take the moral high ground? I mean, ethically and to the mission, I agree - flooding the ZEV credit market with credits earned by Model 3 will break the ZEV credit system. It will start to have the unintended effect of more automakers choosing to be like Mazda and decide...
  11. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Also, essentially all of the other automakers have rising ZEV credit balances as well. Honda is the only large-ish one that declined YoY. I expect this will (in the short term) make it difficult for Tesla to find buyers for their ZEV credits. The smart ones, though, will scoop up the flood of...
  12. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    So the ZEV credit balances are up. Zero Emission Vehicle Credits According to the transfers section, Tesla sold 51,776 credits between Aug 31, 2016 and Aug 31, 2017. We know from the financials that they sold ~ $20M worth in 4Q16, $0 in 1Q17 and ~$100M worth in 2Q17 for a Total of $120M. We...
  13. racer26

    Supercharger - Barrie, ON (2nd site on Bayfield St)

    I also sent an email with a link to this thread to the [email protected] email listed for map updates.
  14. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Second supercharger in Barrie, ON? I live only about 40 minutes drive from there, and actively participate in multiple owner groups in the area. We know one is coming but AFAIK its not open or even under construction yet. I don't think we even know a final location other than "barrie...
  15. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I have to imagine its hard for someone like Elon, so dedicated to making the world a better place, to see so many people railing against his success, particularly those doing so in an effort to prop up dying industries that actively harm the world. I think if I were in his shoes, I'd find that...
  16. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Oh hello there 360 pin.
  17. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Tesla Model S fire vs 35 firefighters – watch impressive operation after a high-speed crash
  18. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I'm not so sure - it broke back below 360, but could be a false break.
  19. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I mean, the chart today right now is a pretty classic bull flag formation...
  20. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Ascending triangle PT is typically the breakout level (360 in this case) + the vertical height of the triangle ($25 or so).
  21. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the PT for that triangle ~$385?
  22. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I don't understand - poor performance or cost cutting, terminations will generally target the least-performant employees, because that just makes sense. Tesla says these people will be replaced. There are hundreds of job postings on tesla.com/careers. They're clearly not just closing up...
  23. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    I'm still thoroughly convinced that Project Tim is indeed Tesla. Its too large to be anyone else. Nobody is building factories on that scale. and its been described as a "small group" of "renewable energy" companies. Even fewer are the companies that would build a factory that size in some...
  24. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    The graph at the bottom of that article is a prime example of how you can easily make a graph to paint any picture you like. The scale of Tesla is much bigger, percentage wise, than the scale they chose for GM. Making the slope of the TSLA graph look relatively shallower than it really is...
  25. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Electrek article says something about a sudden change of circumstances being involved in why they need to sell it. Perhaps they're no longer working for Tesla anyhow and they don't care.
  26. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    They're all materially the same case. <Company> said X when making forward looking statements. This was later found to be untrue when the dust settled. This mislead and therefore damaged investors.
  27. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Perhaps non-fiction publications ought to refrain from publishing satire.
  28. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Sole sourcing anything is dangerous. Sole sourcing a mission critical product like battery cells to Tesla's entire business would be suicidal. They can partner with Panasonic and that's all very nice, but at the end of the day if Tesla isn't careful to keep Panasonic in their place, Panasonic...
  29. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    It definitely is. There is a line in there about deferred revenue. You can't claim revenue for a product that hasn't yet been delivered.
  30. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Is that secret of a similar type to Tesla's Secret Master Plan?
  31. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Believe the one you're looking for is Hanlon's razor. Hanlon's razor - Wikipedia
  32. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    (She's talking about ITAR and how it restricts SpaceX's ability to hire the best talent)
  33. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I still find it fascinating how Tesla has made no secrets about exactly how they're going to take over the industry, and the industry still just stands idly by and watches them do it. SMP1 (scheduled to be complete any day now) was published 4 or so years before Tesla even owned Fremont. It...
  34. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    TheStreet is now commenting on Nomura's characterization of Tesla's customers as being economically irrational. This is certainly true for some, but for many Tesla customers, including one I was conversing with last night, the decision is purely an economic one. Operating a Tesla is ~5x...
  35. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    What? I can't boil trustworthiness down into a single metric to judge people by?
  36. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    I do know this. But the ones that are not listed as you say are relatively few. I don't think they're causing big impacts to overall margin because they comprise a fairly small fraction of the total sales. For me personally, I'm not in a huge rush. At this point, I'm strongly tempted to wait...
  37. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Its a problem of accountability. If you don't make the insane goal public knowledge, you're not as accountable to it. By making his insane goals public, Elon drives his teams to achieve the impossible. The teams work harder to get the goals met so the public doesn't crucify them. Along the...
  38. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Valid point, I suppose.
  39. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    Not just the dealership lobby. GM themselves has supported the continued existence and even creation of these laws in numerous jurisdictions because it hinders competition from Tesla. They'll make themselves look really dumb if they turn around and go back to those jurisdictions and want those...
  40. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Kodak didn't just know about digital photography - they invented it. Similarly, Blackberry designed the first things that could be called smartphones And GM produced the first 'modern' electric car...
  41. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    This is a FUD headline wrapped around yet another GS PT increase. We're reaching the part of the curve where all the bearish analysts have to start capitulating and conceding that Model 3 isn't going to ramp as slowly as they think. Not quite there yet (an 800ish number for Model 3 would have...
  42. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    You are straight up wrong. Information, however incomplete, is still information, and it may be valuable. VIN tracking this quarter did indeed suggest approximately 26k S/X +/- maybe 1,000. and while many of us got caught up in the NHTSA database, if we had paid attention to the Model 3 VINs...
  43. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Please provide examples. As someone who's been looking to upgrade to a car with AP, I watch inventory in search of a deal. I have yet to see a car that saved more than about $1000 over just ordering custom. Which of course was just the mileage on it. Additionally, the inventory cars don't...
  44. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    If that picture really is of semi, it's pretty apparent it's aiming to be one of the lowest Cd semis ever, not that we didn't expect that. To me it doesn't quite look like the silhouette we've seen teased.
  45. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Lowering prices? Prices didn't lower in 3Q at all. Instead the cheapest S went discontinued. Some inventory cars were discounted to match the price changes that came at the end of 2Q, but there was not widespread lowering of prices.
  46. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    Even though it shouldn't. Time axis shift by 1-2 weeks could have made all the difference in the world here. Which is exactly what Elon keeps saying, because its true. The important news here is that 26k S/X deliveries confirms that 3 isn't osborning them.
  47. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    They held 4718 shares. SO SIGNIFICANT!
  48. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable:General Discussion

    This type of behaviour is pretty common across the business world. Anybody know why companies seem to prefer announcing news of all sorts outside of market hours? I mean, I kind of understand news releases immediately after market close, thereby giving the market maximum time to digest the new...
  49. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    None I've seen, likely just the shorts trying to paint the picture of another down week before the delivery numbers can impact things and swamp them with volume.
  50. racer26

    2017 Investor Roundtable: TSLA Market Action

    no. Valid Check digits are 0-9 and X. The final step in check digit calculation is divide by 11, the remainder is the check digit. If the remainder is 10, then use X. The full formula is easily found on the internet. 5YJ3E1EA6HF999999: Free Vehicle History Report - Vehicle Specifications...