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  1. A

    2017 Supercharger Plan: New Chicago city location?

    It'd be a bummer if all the Hy-Vees and Meijer's and Holiday Inn Expresses and other places charged Teslas to get to the superchargers!
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    2017 Supercharger Plan: New Chicago city location?

    You're taking on an argument that no one is making. No one is asking for subsidized parking. They are asking not to pay a surcharge just to use the SC. It's not "parking".
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    Autopilot information from Tesla.com misleading

    "Feature complete"! Hahaha! o_O
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    Tesla Turns Off AEB In New Cars Produced Since July

    Why are people upset? I know why I am. This nonsense is indicative of a trend in how Tesla is handling announcement/marketing of capabilities and then failing to deliver capabilities. This isn't even about some AP feature. AEB is an important safety feature for any automobile and one that Tesla...
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    So, when is APv2 going to be noticeably better than APv1? Or is it already?

    Autonomous Vehicles That's where more general autonomy stuff is. But you are right, there is no Tesla Autopilot general forum.
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    Tesla Turns Off AEB In New Cars Produced Since July

    It is remarkable that there are people whose reaction to this farce is "See, Tesla is responsible!"
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    Tesla Turns Off AEB In New Cars Produced Since July

    I don't see how fascinating this is. People create false dichotomies all the time.
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    2017 Supercharger Plan: New Chicago city location?

    That's what aggressive idle fees are for. I don't think anyone was suggesting Tesla owners should get to use the garage for free if they plug into the SC for a minute.
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    Tesla Turns Off AEB In New Cars Produced Since July

    You better just hope that none of them read that post while you're driving!
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    2017 Supercharger Plan: New Chicago city location?

    I wish they would've just put in a bank of SCs in that lot across the street from the store on Grand (the one where they store vehicles).
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    Blog Tesla Announces Supercharger Push in Urban Areas

    You've pulled the idea out of thin air. Of course it was wrong. There is absolutely no reason to believe that these "wouldn't count as superchargers". It's one thing to pass on a rumor; it's another to be the person making it up to begin with.
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    Things I learned about Slacker Streaming

    Bump: rather than start a new thread, I thought I'd ask here if anyone has solved the "song resumes/song restarts" question. In my X, the song that was playing when I got out of the car always restarts when I get back in the car. Doesn't matter if it is overnight, for five minutes, for an hour...
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    Tesla Turns Off AEB In New Cars Produced Since July

    If Tesla was struggling with automatic lane change and interstate exiting, then we would be talking early adopter problems -- these would be new features. Instead Tesla is struggling with features that have been available for a long time in other cars (TACC, AEB, blindspot monitoring...
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    Blog Tesla Announces Supercharger Push in Urban Areas

    I guess I wasn't clear enough. The Aqua charges for parking, and the charger is in the parking garage. You'll have to pull a ticket to get in. I'm curious about the Aqua's plan.
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    Blog Tesla Announces Supercharger Push in Urban Areas

    Those Chicago chargers are in the Aqua building, which is a very diverse mixed use: condos, hotel, retail. I'm curious how the fee structure is going to work and how cars will get moved, since it seems more practical to have someone there move Teslas off and on chargers than it does to have...
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    Tesla Turns Off AEB In New Cars Produced Since July

    It's 2017. We are not early adopters of anything other than EVs, and even that is pretty arguable. The technology that Tesla is struggling with is not new at all. Every other manufacturer seems to have figured out how to ship AEB and, I dunno, blind-side monitoring and auto-detecting wipers...
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    Tesla Turns Off AEB In New Cars Produced Since July

    The much wilder and more flimsy assumption is that Tesla does vigorously test. We have no evidence of that. The entire saga of announcement, publicity, release, and functionality of EAP and HW2 -- not to mention the AP team drama more generally and the CA disengagement reports! -- is strong...
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    Tesla Turns Off AEB In New Cars Produced Since July

    Tesla shouldn't release new hardware until they've vigorously tested its functionality in conjunction with their software. It is unacceptable first to release the hardware to the consumer and then try to validate these software features -- all the while advertising that their hardware can do the...
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    Executive Escalation - Hoax and a Joke

    That just means you pierced the veil on those dealerships, but that doesn't mean anything about Tesla. I invite you to read all about Tesla Service issues in the many threads about them. To pretend that it is largely the result of owners behaving like assholes is well, um, kind of the move of a...
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    Executive Escalation - Hoax and a Joke

    I had a nice car buying experience at an Audi dealership within the last decade. The salesman texted with me and was very responsive and helpful. However, I only went to that dealership after a different Audi dealership had rubbed me the wrong way. Anyway, cute anecdotes aside, even if we...
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    Model X AP1 is more stable than AP2?

    To be clear, you mean the sales people with whom you spoke.
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    Let's Speculate - What will happen if FSD isn't possible on cars sold with that option?

    I don't think so. The only potential wiggle-room is whether a person has to be in the car (and this is iffy given the "Tesla Network" claim). The video establishes the bare-minimum for what Tesla was promising their cars could do. Tesla cannot pretend that they did not give context to the claim...
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    Model X AP1 is more stable than AP2?

    The flash of the news is that AP2 does not read highway signs.
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    Model X AP1 is more stable than AP2?

    Oh, honey.
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    Let's Speculate - What will happen if FSD isn't possible on cars sold with that option?

    While not having a strict designation on the Autonomy Level Scale, why couldn't a car manufacturer have a feature called "Superduper Autopilot" which follows routes and obeys traffic laws and doesn't run people over BUT requires a driver to be ready to take over? Is that regulated already?
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    Model X AP1 is more stable than AP2?

    You'd think they'd put this in the release notes.
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    Software version 17.34 2448cfc

    He noted it. He's a "drive tech" along for a ride to provide info to the real fixer people about anything that he observes. At another time I had to disengage before my car made it over the righthand lane line on a highway curve, where there was another vehicle. I didn't think that was...
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    Software version 17.34 2448cfc

    Took a service tech for a ride in my AP2 with this firmware. Naturally I assumed my car would behave perfectly while the tech was there, but it did me a favor and admirably performed a lunge and swerve upon activation of AS on a straight interstate highway.
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    How common is ghosting?

    HOLY MOLY! Just got a loaner with the 00-B windshield. No ghosting. It's almost unnerving not seeing bonus lights -- I've been driving with ghosting so long.
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    Autopilot information from Tesla.com misleading

    So I googled around the terms "alpha" and "beta" in software cycles. Is there a developer-community accepted definition for these?
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    He plainly said "some". There are "some" in this thread. Anyway, in this thread it seems the focus is on situations in which EAP fails so that we can track these issues and their -- hopefully -- eventual repair. Please don't continue trying to turn this into a thread about the posters...
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    Such flippancy with regard to the safety of others. Charming. The EAP software requires, uh, insane/ludicrous vigilance. Its decisions can be so unpredictable that it is entirely conceivable that an alert, attentive driver will still get hurt. Our human ability is a limit to the Beta waiver...
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    Hey man, I don't own any stock. I am worried about my warranty and the superchargers if Elon cashes out and Tesla collapses. My stake in the company is in my driveway and carries my children around. Are you a stockholder? I'm not making things up about my experiences. I do note the great lack...
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    I'm sick of incessant apologists who think that my money should go to the nascent development of software that was sold to me as nearly complete and "adding to AP1" in December 2016. I'm sick of apologists who think that the danger that EAP has put my family in with its inconsistent reactions to...
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    So it's not because it's broken that EAP hasn't been validated and rolled out? Are you this upset over semantics? Otherwise I can't understand what you find disagreeable. For example: I just got an update that consists of improvements and fixes, yet it still doesn't do everything AP1 does nor...
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    Software version 17.34 2448cfc

    They just wanted to leave you wanting more. :p
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    HW2.5 capabilities

    What are "conditional changes" in this context? Just code mumbo-jumbo or something a moron like myself can understand?
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    FSD may require a hardware upgrade...

    I understand. And, fwiw, I am not being passive about trying to figure out whether there is something wrong with my car. I think I bristle a bit when owners generalize to others from their own experiences. We really have no idea what any other owner will experience with EAP. The reports are all...
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    FSD may require a hardware upgrade...

    You have such confidence that my car has a hardware problem.
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    Ok. I don't think anyone has ever said that no-one has a good experience with EAP. But if you read much, you'll see that a lot of people have concerning experiences. I hope you don't put too much trust in yours. Honestly. I don't want to read that someone has been killed with it on.
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    Yeah, I've got pictures of my X riding the right side of the lane, too. I find it interesting to watch the lane lines in the IC come on and off during regular driving. It makes pretty clear just how unsure the system is and helps explain why AS is so unreliable. It is regularly trying to...
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    @conman What I said seems pretty uncontroversial. Perhaps you can tell me with what you disagree: AP2 was shipped (fact) and Tesla has been trying to get it right ever since launch (fact). On occasion a new feature is added (fact), but most updates have included only fixes (fact). AP2 isn't at...
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    The firmware changes are not really updates, except when a new feature is included. They are for the most part attempted repairs to poorly written code. They shipped a broken product and they cannot get it fixed.
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    60 mph; excellent road markings and AP2 tried to throw the car at the median

    I think I'll go with my 10k+ experience with AP2 and the experiences of too many other AP2 owners over your incessant assertions that AP2 is at AP1 parity because you took a little trip. Thanks.