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  1. W

    My Model S: I've had it!

    I've talked to people and they advise against it. At certain times of the year I have full sun on the roof for at least a chunk of the day. There's a second problem, It would never pay for itself. I'd rather encourage our electrical co to go renewable. A friend of mine put up a 28KW or really...
  2. W

    My Model S: I've had it!

    Oh that I so wish we didn't have a row of trees to our southern exposure. We we bought here 6 yrs ago it was my intent to put solar on the roof. I didn't realize one shadow essentially shut down output current. The two most aggregious trees are on our neighbors land and they are huge. Currently...
  3. W

    LR AWD 2020 -- Included accessories and charging adapters

    In far earlier threads, to my recollection, NEMA 14-50s were concluded to be the wrong plug to be charging with. Do a search for NEMA 14-50. I do recall when they dropped them and that was about a year ago I think.
  4. W

    Who achieves their EPA rated Wh/mi?

    Ya know, I think that just about sums it up. I have a LR AWD model 3. I've had it for just over 13 months (Nov 6, 2018) and have approximately 5,000 miles on it. In that 5.000 I've avg'd 250wh/mile which is weird as in the winter I seem to see over 400 wh/mile on the energy page. In the summer...
  5. W

    2019.40.1.2 on TeslaFi

    The issue is, and every Tesla owner has skin in this game. This is NOT Elon Musk being a crazed cheerleader. He is CEO / CTO. He is an officer of the company. If he were just a developer or janitor fanboy hyperbole would be innocent. As an officer of the company it is materially misrepresenting...
  6. W

    2019.40.1.2 on TeslaFi

    The reality is they already have that, not just in the developer version some employees run, including Musk, but in NoA. It does interchanges and has for some time. If you approach a red light and not the first car, the car slows and stops. When the car in front of moves, so do you. So instead...
  7. W

    2019.40.1.2 on TeslaFi

    I'm just going to add one thing real quick that came to me yesterday. It's mid Dec (all but), we only have access to an October release 48-Dec, 44-Nov, 40-Oct. It could well be 2019.48.x.y does have city driving and intersection management. One can hope. I'm excited at the prospects of 2020.0.x.y!
  8. W

    2019.40.1.2 on TeslaFi

    No, categorically NO. It means short of QA bug, dev is done. Yes, I get a bunch of ppl on here with no software development experience pontificate on what tesla software dev is doing. Sound and fury signifying nothing. Look at my bio. Investor Day Musk talked about the 2020 robotaxi fleet. That...
  9. W

    2019.40.1.2 on TeslaFi

    [ And the model they set is they, in fact, do that with the left side of the monitor. Even if you are not in AutoSteer or NoA, you see the traffic. So, yes, they should show what they see and take action on it only if in AutoSteer or NoA. The only vid(s) I've seen on traffic light recognition...
  10. W

    2019.40.1.2 on TeslaFi

    Mine never recognized a stop light. Has/does yours? I got 40.2.1 yesterday. My ref to "later this year" was as of yesterday. They are a publicly owned company materially misrepresenting their product. This is concerning!
  11. W

    2019.40.1.2 on TeslaFi

    I saw a video on this and its questionably functional. If you go to the Tesla site and go through the motions of buying a model 3 when it gets full self driving, it says city driving later this year. By my calculations there are 3 weeks left to later this year. It appear to warn as you go...
  12. W

    Payment in full before seeing car?

    Clearly there are more non-Teslas shipped than Teslas, right? So the chance of getting a Chevy or Ford or whatever that has strap damage from the car carrier is, in raw number, there are more of them. The percentage is likely roughly identical but the sheer numbers are higher. The point is one...
  13. W

    Payment in full before seeing car?

    Heres where I have an issue with that. Go buy a <you name it> and insist on spending an hour with a checklist. The sales guy will walk away. Insisting on that is pure arrogance and only serves the buyers frail ego.
  14. W

    Payment in full before seeing car?

    To my knowledge that is how it's always been. It was in 2018 at anyrate. If you're financing it, the difference between financed amt and sticker price must be paid. The finance company sends the money to Tesla. Purchaser owes the difference.
  15. W

    Getting new computer

    Did you prepay for FSD? The way it was announced, those that purchased FSD would get the free upgrade to the FSD computer. I am unaware of anyone having been notified to come in to get the swap. If you still have access to people's posts where they have, pls share. I did hear that Europe would...
  16. W

    Anyone else only have

    I believe there is actually a 2.3 out there. I have 2.1 but haven't had an update since. Up until about a month ago I seemed to get an update per week. I did find my wifi repeater needed to be relogged into. I did that about a week or more ago and still nothing. Thanks.
  17. W

    500Wh/mile normal for short trips?

    Surprisingly, even being in CT and AWD, I average since ownership (11/6/2018) 250 wh/mile! Yes, I was pleasantly surprised when I checked it Thursday.
  18. W

    500Wh/mile normal for short trips?

    Given the temperature, biggest contributor is heater. It would also be affected by your driving style. If you are one to 'punch it', that'll effect wh/mile as well. Sure, you could use 'chill mode' but the better approach is to moderate your driving style. Be conscious of...
  19. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    I bet warm is important in Ann Arbor this time of year, for the next 4 or 5 months!
  20. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    No, not a bear at all. You clearly missed the sentence about not following nor owning. And, you completely missed my point. Life comes at you fast, you have to keep up. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. My point was he wouldn't do that as it's not a trivial act. therefore, yes, I believe we'll see the...
  21. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    No, not exactly. What I was saying is the CEO, CoB, executive of a public company at an Investor Summit cannot can not knowingly mislead investors in the company. They can not knowingly and falsely mislead Wall St analysts who evaluate the stock and price. That's where it gets legally hairy. For...
  22. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    "Up until now". Recall his last answer to the last question, level 5 no geofencing. So, feature complete level 5 no geofencing. Clearly, its all to be determined. The consequence of BS is securities fraud. I prefer to think the reason there's been no Oct or Nov is there is something huge...
  23. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    Deep rain that's interesting. We were driving to the movies a month or two ago and there is a 16+ mile interstate segment. Even on Auto the wipers were going full bore and twice I got the message, effectively, you be on your own now sport. Ironically still TACC but it didn't even slow down for...
  24. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    Cool! I am missing a couple of updates. I am still on 36.2.1 or whatever, but it does end in .1. My understanding it went to .2 and, almost immediately, .3. I had to reboot my repeater in the garage. So, hopefully, it'll catch up today or tomorrow....before Thurs would be good.36 would make it...
  25. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    The thing about coming in segments is unless it all works it's not full self driving. He stated several times FSD would be out of development by years end. That wasn't some of it would, IT would. If the CEO and once CoB goes out in front of a room full of investors and materially lies to them...
  26. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    has anybody ever gotten that right? I've all but completely given up on Auto.
  27. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    We don't know if what is running in his personal car and 200 employee's personal car is out of development. It might be but as they have been testing it all year 'feature complete' and employees of tesla running it are mutually exclusive. Tesla never said it would be out in the wild this year...
  28. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    Yes, upon reflection AND consistent with his Investors Day announcement I suspect he will announce the public beta of FSD. Neither (E)AP or FSD can be GA until there is regulatory approval. That is likely not anywhere near imminent as regulators are still, wrongfully, concerned about people...
  29. W

    Pre-2019 HW3 upgrades

    As anyone heard anything about those of us who ordered in 2017, configured and took delivery 2018 but have yet to get the FSD computer upgrade? Anyone get the notification from Tesla to make an appointment? Weren't we supposed to get the upgrade in spring/summer of 2019?
  30. W

    Elon tweets some tech announcements coming next year

    Interesting. I was thinking more in the line of the Model S adjustable air suspension. Oh, and I am not the least little bit interested in a Y. The Model 3 barely fits into the garage bay as it is. I should have 18" on either side but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  31. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    I think I've heard that. Isn't it mechanically going into park? When I say I've heard that, it has nothing to do with the new feature, it's strictly Hold.
  32. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    I am not sure I have enough information to compute this myself but I bet you do. As I said, according to my trip A and "since birth" mileage I am averaging 250 Watts/mile. What would that come out to miles/charge, figure 100% charge. LR. Simple math says 75KW battery 250w/mile = 300...
  33. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    Last week we had lows in the mid teens. No single digits yet though. You live anywhere near Matt of TechForum? I think he's upstate Ind.
  34. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    I was just referring to the progress meter. I haven't done any calculations on range. It appears I am, over the last year, avg 250 watts/mile. That for a AWD LR. I'd be interested in what your avg is, since, presumably, you got it. Ind has similar weather to the East Coast, right?
  35. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    You didn't get 2.1? This threads been about 2.1. I am not sure I like hold. I say, not sure, as it hasn't gone into hold yet. I am thinking I'll change it back. I had set hold on. I got 2.1 last week, Thursday if I am not mistaken. I suppose if they meant more power by way of better...
  36. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    My thread here is they just did it by virtue of giving ppl 5% more power. Commensurate with that increase in power, by my observation, is a decrease in anticipated range. My initial observation was they should provide that as an option, i.e. favor power/favor range. They claim 5% more power, I...
  37. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    No worries! It's all about the power! Or is it? I am frankly surprised with the popularity of the M3P. My "hotrod days" consisted of a brand new fire engine red 76 or 77, British Leyland TR-7. I believe TR was for Triumph. 2" road clearance, drive like it was on rails. That replaced a Datsun...
  38. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    By that logic the car would have unlimited range as it's not drawing any power. The progress meter is projected range. Its esp frustrating when there is such a lack of knowledge.
  39. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    And that conclusion is based on what? You need to look up what I actually said that you quoted.
  40. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    Believe it or not, I had a lot of physics. I know the difference between power and energy or, kinetic vs potential energy. I said power. I have no clue where you got energy from. What I said was in order to give us 5% more power out of the same plant, something had to give. I suspect it was...
  41. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    No, I doubt that. In charging, the software heats up the battery. It takes awhile before the rate of charge goes from 0 miles per hour to 22 miles per hour. Long before its fully charged the battery is at temp. If the car has 5% more power, it comes from somewhere.
  42. W

    MASTER THREAD: 2019.36.2.1 - new HOLD mode and other features

    I'm not convinced of any power boost but I am seeing a marked decline in range. That is rather ge as measured by reported range directly after an 80% charge. I propose they add a toggle to select favor range or power. Any other observations?
  43. W

    Winter tires for M3 in Vermont

    Dealer locator - Find your retailer / Nokian Tires recommends Kal Tires any of their several locations.
  44. W

    Winter tires for M3 in Vermont

    I didn't do studs because they'd tear up the driveway and, truth be told, we don't get so much ice that the calcium chloride doesn't deal with it. I also mix a bit of construction sand with the Calcium Chloride so it provides instant grip when it melts into the ice.
  45. W

    Winter tires for M3 in Vermont

    Absolutely! The tire place I go to the brother of the owner has an S and told me he uses Nokian Winter tires year round. I wouldn't do that but... Also, I swap tires on the same rims and hoof the tires up and down stairs to keep them in the basement year round ~ 70 degrees in the off season...
  46. W

    Need help deciding between Performance and Long Range Model 3?

    The reverse of that is true. Drive a P3 like a maniac and you'll see dramatically worse mileage that an AWD driven sensibly. Drive anything like a maniac and you'll get abysmal mileage.
  47. W

    Winter tires for M3 in Vermont

    Absolutely, you want the Nokian Hakka R3s. I love mine. The car is rock solid in snow and even, believe it own not, icy driveway. Obviously, on sheer ice only chains would work but we have a steep driveway of 260' and I've never had an issue.
  48. W

    Need help deciding between Performance and Long Range Model 3?

    Continentals or Hankook. However, the 18" are not all season. I doubt the 19" are either as they list Pirrelli Winter tires. I, too, am in CT and I put what is, arguably, the best Winter tires, Nokian Hakka 3s. I switch them in late Dec and back in April. You can get a pdf version of the owner's...
  49. W

    Need help deciding between Performance and Long Range Model 3?

    I'll be blunt and likely get some push back, a lot of push back. If you feel you are still 25 and have raging testosterone, get the P. Otherwise get the LR AWD. Are you ever going to notice the difference between 0-60 in 3 seconds and 0-60 in 4 seconds? To my mind, it really comes down to that...