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  1. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    Has anybody received any additional letters from SCE since this original letter early in January? This letter states that they would mail additional information. I am wondering if our lobbying efforts have led to delay. I received from CPUC stating that my complaint has been transferred to the...
  2. M

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    WOW. This could be very exciting and greatly accelerate the stock rise anticipated from Model X release. Do you have a link for the post? It might be a good idea to start a thread with this to see if any other Sig reservations holders (like Bonnie) also got the same call.
  3. M

    Where is the Model X Test Mule? Is there one?

    Great suggestion about the fence. Looking at the run at the end of the APL ship, the vehicle goes ~15 fence posts in ~1s (between 12s and 13s on the video). If the posts are 8 feet apart as Nigel suggests, then this would be an average speed of ~120 feet/s or ~82 mph. If the posts are 10 feet...
  4. M

    Where is the Model X Test Mule? Is there one?

    I have made a (feeble) attempt at trying to ballpark the speed/acceleration of the vehicle in the video, using crude tools. I detail this below. My approach may be all wrong, so please try to point out errors I might have made. With that said, here it goes: The beginning of the video shows the...
  5. M

    Where is the Model X Test Mule? Is there one?

    It looks like the front suspension is much higher than the rear suspension in the test vehicle. The gap between the ground and the base of the car is wider going forward and the gap between the front versus rear wheels and the wheel house is larger. Not sure why, but I think this is also...
  6. M

    Porsche pajun / 717 EV (rumor)

    I think thats what Kodak thought about digital film! And this is just one example of many where the best legacy manufacturer thought that technological advancements would not impact them and that they could just jump in later. Porsche and other ICE manufacturers need to start now developing a...
  7. M

    Porsche pajun / 717 EV (rumor)

    The first Porsche ever made (by Ferry Porsche) was electric. Not sure why Porsche cannot return to their true origins when Tesla has shown that it is more than a dream. Missing For 112 Years, First Porsche Is Found In Warehouse : The Two-Way : NPR
  8. M

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    "He says Tesla wants to double its production rate from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2016" Did Elon just walk back the 2000 per week run rate by the end of 2015 to end of 2016 or am I missing something?
  9. M

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2015

    Inside EV's reporting that Tesla has confirmed no Model X reveal at NAIAS. Confirmed: Tesla Model X A No Show At 2015 NAIAS
  10. M

    Where is the Model X Test Mule? Is there one?

    So does this mean that we will never be able to see a spy photo of the Model X beta on TMC because Tesla will claim "proprietary info" and the Mods will have to take it away??
  11. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    Looks like SCE has added a 3rd new TOU plan that they say is best for those who have solar (at least I did not see this plan before). This is different than the A and B plan and has peak time from 12-6pm instead of 2-8pm. It also has two tiers like the old TOU-D-TEV plan, but only has on-peak...
  12. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    Not so. This was changed by AB 327 and a directive from Jerry Brown to CPUC to protect net metering for existing solar customers and future ones up to 5%. CPUC made its decision back in March that protected us for 20 years: "Today, the CPUC issued a strong final decision that allows customers...
  13. M

    Spotted at Hawthorne yesterday

    KOL2000 - can you ask your friend the order of the pictures. The way you have it suggests that the Model X is being loaded for transport. However, if the pictures were flipped in time (i.e. the Model X arrived loaded and was then taken out of the trailer), it would indicate it was being...
  14. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    Not sure where you see the data that we generate too much at noon and not enough at 8pm. Fig 2 and 3 show how renewables can be utilized at the expense of conventional sources to exactly meet demand in 2020 (I note that demand in Fig 1 and Fig 2/3 are different, but I assume this is due to...
  15. M

    Spotted at Hawthorne yesterday

    Wow!!!! Looks like a new alpha or beta. I bet it is on its way to the NAIAS.
  16. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    All that matters is peak demand, not peak generation. Please have a look at the linked article below from Stanford. Figure 1 shows California's expected peak electricity demand in the year 2020 during the day during 4 different months. During the summer (i.e. July) the total peak demand (i.e...
  17. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    Two wrongs don't make a right! More importantly, this is a change in an existing plan that is >2 years old. Many of us committed capital based on the existing plan. This should not be changed mid-stream as it directly impacts the pay-back period. As PG&E had peak time of 2-9pm from inception...
  18. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    I submitted the complaint below to CPUC (File A Complaint) and I suggest that others submit similar complaints: "Today I received a letter from SCE stating that my TOU-D-TEV (Time of use domestic tiered electric vehicle) plan will be changed Feb 1st 2014 to a TOU-D plan. This change has been...
  19. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    I think we should all file a complaint with the California Public Utilities Commission (File A Complaint ) as well as send a letter to the Governors office. This is a clear and unabashed attack on people with solar and BEV. SCE has been trying every way they can to regain revenue from solar...
  20. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    qphan79 - I stand corrected; I just got the same letter from SCE in my mailbox today. It looks like the major change is the peak time being changed to 2-8pm instead of 10am-6pm. Of course, this removes the peak time for solar generation (11am-2pm). A coincidence, I think not. SCE claims that...
  21. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    qphan79...I am also on SCE and but did not get a letter of a change. However, when I opened your link, it is not the Time of use electric vehicle plan. It is the regular residential rate plan with tiers. For people with solar and a BEV, these plans are not the best. If you look at the top left...
  22. M

    New Southern California edison time of use rates

    With Solar and a BEV, the best plan is the "Home & Electric Vehicle Plan" or "Time of use domestic tiered electric vehicle charging' plan (https://www.sce.com/NR/sc3/tm2/pdf/CE324.pdf). This plan does not appear new or changed to me on the SCE website (see link below). I have been on this plan...
  23. M

    Should Solar PV owner be able to profit off selling excess power?

    This has been going on for a while and it is the Utilities way of trying to recoup their lost revenue from declining numbers of captive customers. The usual argument is that because home solar is using the Grid, we need to pay for its upkeep. The question I always ask is if large energy...
  24. M

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014

    Is that also true when writing covered calls with long term stock or LEAPs?
  25. M

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014

    So the Chief Technical analyst at InvestorPlace is arguing that once TSLA closes the gap from the D unveiling at ~255, it will go down to ~225. Is this just FUD? His reasoning is unclear to me but anyone with more TA knowledge want to agree/disagree? Trade of the Day - Tesla Motors Inc TSLA...
  26. M

    2014 Q3 Earnings Report and Conference call discussion thread

    This thesis depends on Model S demand being larger than the number of batteries they can produce, which I believe is ~200K pre-GF (i.e. current panasonic deal is to grow to ~200K batteries per year without GF). I am not so sure that Model S demand will ever be that high; they need Model X to get...
  27. M

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014

    Now Toyota is selling shares. Does not appear to have affected TSLA price though. http://www.cnbc.com/id/102115873?trknav=homestack:topnews:9
  28. M

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014

    Hmmm..even CNBC is reporting on the shenanigans that occur on option expiration day. The article is focused on SPY, but I expect it would be even more exaggerated for TSLA http://www.cnbc.com/id/102098236
  29. M

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014

    But the SEC just charged a HFT group with manipulating the closing price of stocks. http://www.cnbc.com/id/102090905
  30. M

    Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2014

    Is that legal?
  31. M

    Social Chat - Short Term TSLA Movements

    From CNBC: " 'Stunning' Fed move put bottom under stocks: Traders " http://www.cnbc.com/id/102094988 So it looks like the Fed is coming to the rescue again and Yellen will likely confirm that the Fed is reconsidering prolonging QE when she speaks tomorrow morning. My take is the market and...
  32. M

    Tesla Investor's General Macroeconomic / Market Discussion

    I am really confused by this discussion. First, if high oil prices have been a drag on the economy (as I have been told for many years), why would lower oil prices not drive economic growth? Deflation is not a serious risk now like it was 5 years ago during the financial crisis. The US economy...
  33. M

    Disappointed with the D unveiling

    The analogy to the A/B battery gate is not quite the same. The difference is that Tesla announced 120kw charging as if it would be applicable to all cars and to date, differences in A/B/D batteries have not been officially explained or defined by Tesla. This is not the case with autopilot. Yes...
  34. M

    All Discussion re: Tesla Motors Website & Forums

    I just missed the "+" option when I got my P85 (and all other upgrades since like parking sensors, folding mirrors etc) and did not complain or demand a retrofit. I understand their disappointment but to demand retro-fits etc is too much IMHO.
  35. M

    All Discussion re: Tesla Motors Website & Forums

    Amped - I think your right. However, you are still able to leave a message on Tesla's new blog post on the reveal. That thread has a number of people complaining that they did not get offered the new features and are demanding a retro-fit.
  36. M

    Social Chat - Short Term TSLA Movements

    So can anyone explain what a 'limit/debit' vs a 'limit/credit' order is when doing a two legged option order? (PS - I am a first time poster here, but I have been following this thread for months and am up >50% since I invested in Tesla options shortly after the May 8 ER. Many thanks to all...