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  1. elguapo

    Current Delivery Times

    I was told NO model Ys can be delivered right now. I’d assume it would be a bigger story if this were the case. By the way, this is an inventory car with 1,600 miles on it. So it’s not like it’s not been driven. And the Tesla RM said they’re not recalling existing Ys…Typical Tesla opacity…
  2. elguapo

    Current Delivery Times

    Anyone have their Y being held at the service center? I was told today my Y is here, it’s ready, but NO Ys can be delivered in the US right now. They’re waiting for a “homologation” update for firmware. WTF?
  3. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Update for those of us who are focused on the main topic of this thread. Estimated Delivery remains “-“ for me. Has been and probably will be until VIN assignment. At this point, I am thinking of adding my reservation to my estate planning docs in the event of my untimely death prior to...
  4. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    @Tigers They had to remove the tilt option due to the worldwide screen hinge shortage. With that decision done, they can ramp the *sugar* out of production now and not be held hostage by the darn screen hinge manufacturers. Here we go!
  5. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I have a lot of interest in any automaker who can deliver an EV with >300 miles of range, doesn’t look like a Nissan Leaf or i3, delivers on time and with a realistic budget. I don’t think these exist yet, though one could argue Tesla did it with the Y.
  6. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I am in MD too and that’s when I got the text as well. So, it likely had nothing to do with my Y delivery tomorrow. I guess it’s more random texts from the Tesla bots. A similar thing happened to TX folks a couple of weeks ago.
  7. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    0%. Sorry, your update will happen via the issuance of VINs and confirmation of deliveries.
  8. elguapo

    Buying used /new model Y from car dealership

    Warranty transfer, but if you want to confirm, ask Tesla, not the dealer. The dealer couldn’t care less and has no control. What wouldn’t transfer is FSD…
  9. elguapo

    Delivery on hold until July?

    Chose a 2021 inventory Y about 14 days ago to avoid the wait. MSM LR with White interior. Just what I wanted and taking delivery Tuesday. They’re still out there and it’s a March build, so it has heated steering wheel, new console, etc. I’ve previously waited for an S and X and it’s super...
  10. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Sadly, it’s about the only thing your SA can do for you… @Tigers New pic looks great, but I gotta say, it’s not as intimidating. Also, delivery to Nepal will be a long wait unless Giga Nepal comes online sooner than expected…
  11. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Oh, and for those who say “but wait, ordered on this date and got this config”, remember the how this works with Tesla. The rules are, there are no rules. You should be thanking them for letting you buy their creation.
  12. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I have an X from March 2016 and replacing with an X refresh if they ever make it. I am also getting a refreshed S for the better half. My wife’s Audi needed an absurd amount of work considering it’s a 2017, dumping that ICE POS, so the Y is to help us suffer through until the S and X are...
  13. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Here’s the text you want to get from Tesla. “Prepare for delivery https://www.tesla.com/support/delivery-day” I just got it for my Y that will be delivered Tuesday and got it for my last X.
  14. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Fair enough, I did not get to watch yet and my wife said Musk opened by saying he’s has Asperger’s. Nevertheless, I don’t think it should be an “even though he has x, he was great” type thing.
  15. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Seriously? First, Elon has never said he’s on the spectrum and there’s no actual evidence that he is. If he were, it would be amazing if he was open about it and an advocate. Also, if he were, it would be personal. Second, there are zillions of extremely successful people with ASD (it’s not...
  16. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I’ve had “-“ since I ordered in February. Sadly, I think it’s meaningless. They’re likely just trying to make the horrendous code more consistent. They’re still not assigning VINs as far as we know. I’d rather have no delivery estimate and a real VIN.
  17. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    @Tigers My account page now shows your car. Half red, half white.
  18. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    For you lovers of the “here it comes” conspiracy, the “My Account” page is all messed up when I login again. It’s daily at this point and won’t mean anything, but wanted to share.
  19. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    You’ll get your car when Tesla wants you to get it. Period. You don’t like the wait? Tough *sugar*. You don’t like the fit and finish? Go elsewhere. Panel gaps bother you? Buy a luxury car. Tesla has no reason to give anyone $0.01 in discounts because demand outstrips supply so vastly...
  20. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    A little story for those of you who may think the delays are unique to the refresh. I bought an inventory Y last week. It’s in CO and I am in MD. I was told 5-7 days to delivery. Again, the car is made, it’s at a Tesla Store in CO. They know where it is. That was 9 days ago. I was told today...
  21. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I’m in a “maybe if I check my account one more time it will have a delivery date” stage. Kind of been in a rut there for a couple of months. I will never “accept” unless it’s delivery day! One day more!
  22. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Works fine for me. This has happened 10 times in the past 3 months. Still “Estimated Delivery: -“. Each time, it’s been nothing but poor site management. I think they need a Fisher Price My First Website guide.
  23. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Sadly, she used the word “vehicles” when describing what was arriving. Technically, Y and 3s are arriving daily. I’d think we’d hear if VINs were out and refreshed Ss arriving. There are people literally parked outside the logistics lot (or flying their drones over it!) waiting to see trailers...
  24. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    It could delay you, yes. Tesla is looking to deliver to folks who are ready and have completed info. That’s just one part of whatever their odd prioritization process is. Just say “no” to trade and pick all cash or “no” or whatever it is that indicates you aren’t financing. It’s been so long...
  25. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    If those S models are waiting for new/revised battery tech (not 4680, but just heat management or whatever), I will pass on an early vin. I’d prefer to not have a retrofitted “new” car. Estimated delivery “-“. Of note, I ordered day of refresh announcement. Not a converted order.
  26. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I don’t think that’s true for all people who ordered the X. No doubt, it will be true for some, but I expect a more optimistic update this week. That said, every update from Tesla should be taken as a SWAG.
  27. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    The videos came well after first deliveries for the S in 2012 and X in 2016. I’d say Tesla has their act together better now, but they don’t. I’d expect deliveries before videos. The cars aren’t hard to figure out, regardless of no stalks, etc. That’s one of the reasons they’re so compelling...
  28. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Here’s the deal. They aren’t making Ss or Xs right now. They may have random mules for random reasons, but they aren’t secretly giving them to folks. People who are driving the few there are in the wild are Elon Musk and Tesla employees. Period. When real people get real VINs, we will hear -...
  29. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I don’t think he/she said it in jest, but can’t resist the urge to say don’t call him/her Shirley… Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
  30. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I may have been unclear. I need space for four adults most of the time and find when I have folks in the back seat, the front feels cramped. It may just be that it’s not as wide or something. I don’t know. Ultimately, with 3 kids, wife, huge dog and other stuff along for the ride, it’s too...
  31. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Actually, Brown was a pretty bad color back in the day on the S…
  32. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Less legroom in the back and the front. Very noticeable to me in the front and I am only 5’10”. Definitely smaller for cargo, yes.
  33. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Gotta be honest here, too. I have had an S and a P90D X. I got an M3P loaner the other day and it was super fun. It’s like a go kart. Totally different ride and kind of more fun than an S, clearly more nimble than a Y or XThe 3 is way small for me as an everyday car, but that size is what makes...
  34. elguapo

    FSD Beta no improvements to highway driving?

    My experience is car slows at ALL traffic lights, even green. If you touch the go pedal, it will continue, but you have to do it every time. My guess is this is purposeful to make sure the driver is still engaged. It won’t go away any time soon. FSD is still nowhere close to real self driving...
  35. elguapo

    SR Price Increase?

    Demand for the Y appears to be insane. I’ve literally watched cars disappear before my eyes over the past week. I think they could jack prices by another $2,000 and still drain inventory and sell new Ys.
  36. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I will be your SA. Hello @bananaheim, This is Elguapo from Tesla. Congrats on your Model S order! Your [meaningless] Reservation Number is RN118675309 Your delivery timeline is Nevruary 22-28th. Please complete all of the online forms as soon as possible to ensure a quick VIN assignment...
  37. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    On Tesla buying your used Tesla: In the beginning, say PRE-2016 or so, they actually were pretty competitive on buying back cars because they had to make sure they supported the secondary market (I think) while people were still wondering whether a 5 year old EV would be as bad as a 5 year old...
  38. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    The no leather thing is an environmental issue for Tesla. I am not a vegan, vegetarian, etc, but apparently the raising of animals, meat production, resulting leather is not great for the environment. So, given Tesla is an EV, and the fact there are some amazing synthetic leathers, they dropped...
  39. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Correct. None of the Teslas use real leather any longer.
  40. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Every time this has happened over the past couple of months it’s a nothing burger. Fool me once…
  41. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    It doesn’t always show up. Oftentimes, it shows up if you’re on the configuration page to order. Regardless, the chat folks know just as little as the SAs, which is to say, they know nothing.
  42. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    So with the website now saying “August/September” for S delivery, has anyone seen their delivery estimate change? I guess it doesn’t matter, but just curious. I am still “-“.
  43. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Off topic, but there’s no guarantee Rivian will deliver on time and they will certainly have their own issues. As will Lucid, etc. It IS hard to be an auto startup. Delivery is still estimated as “-“. I no longer view it as a dash, but as a negative sign. As in “not gonna happen any time soon…”
  44. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    So, what you’re telling me is the reason we’ve seen fewer mules is they were unsafe due to some battery issues? I think what folks want is honesty and a modicum of transparency for a $100k car. Very reasonable in the real world with real rules for companies who have to be better than their...
  45. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    No ones arguing with how hard it is to refresh. The issue is Elon blatantly lied in January about production being underway unless his definition of production is starting to think about how to refresh the S and X. And he’s not forthcoming with timing now either. Just say a real date and stick...
  46. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    For as smart and successful as he is, I am beginning to lose my patience with Musk’s arrogance. The “you’ll get it when you get it” attitude is annoying. As in “it’s hard, lots of issues, don’t wanna really explain…” Someday, they’ll have competition, but for now, he can be as opaque as he wants.
  47. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Don’t forget, in January he said production had started and deliveries would begin in February. Free beer tomorrow…
  48. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    What this really means is don’t expect any meaningful deliveries until next year as we didn’t know what we were doing when we started this… No reason to cancel my reservations, but definitely have to look at what else is out there, or will be, given the fact he effectively admitted they can’t...
  49. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Preview of earnings call: Analyst - “Mr. Musk, could you please discuss the delays associated with the Model S and X refresh and how that may affect Q2 results?” Musk - “ What a stupid question. Next...”
  50. elguapo

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    @Tigers Thanks for thoughtful reply and agree on all points. Sad part is the analysts don’t really take the time to understand Tesla beyond the headline grabbing items. I will be deeply disappointed if no one pushes Musk on what is actually going on with S and X production. But I doubt they will.