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  1. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I fully agree! What has happened to this thread ? I used to read and post frequently on TMC investor threads, but got frustrated. Now I return to have a look again and it is gotten very much worse. This is the action thread, and it is has become a slowchat. I can not keep up with the posts...
  2. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Wow, good find. Interesting.
  3. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    I had the same thoughts as Steve when reading VW was involved. VW probably liked the idea being in the private and having influence on decision (not to mention profiting from increasing sharevalue from sales of cells to .. VW . The timing is interesting. VW recently announced to invest 50B in...
  4. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Not sure if this have been suggested already (Busy times, can not keep up with TMC foum :) ) I would like to suggest all Tesla investors to make noise to remind the SEC they should not allow people who want to hurt shareholders to use the SEC for share price manipulation. We have all seen so...
  5. Gerardf

    Holding shares in a private Tesla outside the US

    Interesting thread, thanks for starting it ! I own my shares via a Dutch broker named "DeGiro" and it worries me that I could not vote. Maybe the shares are registered on the name of "DeGiro"and not mine ? That could also give problems to stay shareholder in the private company. I dropped...
  6. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Euro 311. That is about $ 360
  7. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    From what I read on Twitter and on Seeking Alpha (once every 10 comments but sometimes even in the articles) the bear thesis has recently moved to hoping / praying for a SEC investigation, or an announcement of one. A SEC investigation that several bears are actively trying to trigger using...
  8. Gerardf

    Elon Musk vs. Short sellers

    Just been reading the court filing, and read about the lawyer Tesla hired. Tesla for sure has proof, it would not risk not winning this case or even bringing things up in that filing without being able to prove them. And that lawyer is very well known, just read up on him yourself (see below)...
  9. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Wanted to post in support of Curt, one of the reasons for me to read (and sometimes post) on TMC. Note that the person calling Curt a coward is himself hiding behind anonimity.
  10. Gerardf

    22% bijtelling boven de €50.000 vanaf 2019

    Ik heb mijn Model-S in December 2013 gekregen, en dacht nog 5 jaar goed te zitten met 4% omdat de 5 jaar verstrijkt in de laaste maand van het 4% regime. Nu vertelde mijn boekhouder mij gisteren dat ik mij vergis, en dat de aanpassing ingaat met het regime van de eerstvolgense maand de NA...
  11. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Hallo Schonelucht, I find your ' small note" most interesting :-) Can you share the source of that and the quote from Mr. Evan Rice ? I did not see it in the linked Dutch article.
  12. Gerardf

    Belgium and the Netherlands (Dutch)

    Solder is een zacht materiaal, na enige tijd zal het contactoppervlak tussen de schroef en het soldeer kleiner worden —> meer weerstand -> hitte.
  13. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Wow! On the other hand, maxpain more often shows weird numbers that later jump to more sane ones. Btw, for us TSLA holders in Europe the US$ - Euro rate was finally nice to us last weeks. ( improving more than 3 cents after losing 20 cents over the past year :-( )
  14. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Yes, Agree. I wrote a pretty stong comment on SA about that being the worst presentation I ever saw, and to my big surprise SA did not delete it (yet). I guess because everybody who sees 70 slides for any presentation (specially that short timeslot) agrees, and these are even mainly booring...
  15. Gerardf

    Belgium and the Netherlands (Dutch)

    In het waterstof draadje heb ik een paar presentaties gepost van lezingen die gegeven zijn tijdens de opening van het e-laad testplein. Ik weet niet of die hier al gepost zijn maar ik denk dat deze voor meer hier leuk / interessant zijn om eens te bekijken. Ik kan absoluut iedereen aanraden de...
  16. Gerardf

    Belgium and the Netherlands (Dutch)

    Ik zie hierboven posts over zelf maken van adapterkabels. Dat kan prima, maar Als je zelf gaat knutselen met dit soort stroomsterkten gebruik dan hoe dan ook kabel eindhulzen en een goede tang voor die hulsjes. Flexibel litzedraad nooit zonder die hulsjes gebruiken (en ook NIET vertinnen als...
  17. Gerardf

    Waterstof of elektrisch

    Hallo FVO, hier staat ie Voor mij was de eerste documentaire een eyeopener (en boosmaker). Ik had een kort gesprek met haar, o.a. of er een 3e film komt ( wordt naar gekeken, men zoekt financiers). Energieke en inspirerende dame :) Ik kan haar statement over waterstof er niet in terugvinden...
  18. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    To add to Yggdrasil's post. I applaud the investment VW is making, but am curious how the VW employees will respond once they realize this 48B is spend to replace their in-house ICE motor production while spending a significant part of that money it to outsource battery cell production. (at...
  19. Gerardf

    Waterstof of elektrisch

    Misschien moet Prof. van Wijk eens met zijn collega Prof Jouri van Mierlo in Belgie gaan praten. Ik was bij de opening van het testplein van e-laad, en in zijn lezing had hij wat slides hierover. Deel over waterstof op 13m30. Overigens gaf ook Chelsea Sexton (Who killed the EV) daar, en ook...
  20. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    The deadline stated in that article is 2040 (!). These car manufacturers do not have to worry at all about this law blocking them to sell their hybrids, as they will no longer offer them or be bankrupt before then. Their anger about this proposed law just shows how much they are in denial.
  21. Gerardf

    Belgium and the Netherlands (Dutch)

    Ken iemand de eigenaar met kenteken KD-855-T ? Wellicht kan deze eigenaar even contact met mij opnemen. Wij haalden hem gisteren in op de A2, volgens mij is er iets mis met zijn Model-S.
  22. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    That is from another company : DRÄXLMAIER - Solutions for the Premium Automotive Industry not from Grohmann. They seem to do wiring harnesses for batteries, power distribution boxes etc. Possibly a machine to produce wire harnesses, but probably not a Grohmann line.
  23. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Yes, and I like to think that Tesla board is also very aware of that. Personally I think this is a signal that the Grohmann line is (finally) installed and assembling packs.
  24. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Great, another batch already ! Now lets hope that this leads to ' marker action' (and can be moved to the other thread :-) )
  25. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    306 now, Noway one more day of 100+. It ' feels' like we have bottomed..
  26. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Was a bit to busy to post here, so not sure if already posted. But this looks like the Norway large delivery event in Lillestrom. Easy Tesla Anybody from Norway who can confirm and how big the event is ?
  27. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Sad news, tragic indeed :-(
  28. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Owe... That is VERY conservative, do you really believe there is even the slightest chance we will not reach 5.000 / week before Dec 31st ? Personally I do not think they will be much later than late Q2 to reach that level.
  29. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Audi already in trouble selling manipulated diesels, now during the raid on their offices something else turned up. Mystery of Audi’s duplicate VINs deepens Shipped thousants of cars with the same vin to Asia. BIG problem ! Very strange, but why ? To evade import taxes ? Honest mistake ...
  30. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Montana totally lost it today when someone posted a link to his tiprank. He posted : Please show me where, before yesterday, I ever encouraged anyone to short Tesla? (And even yesterday comes with lots of caveats, and my own suggestion that it will take more time to play out. So, I classify you...
  31. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Agree. I mentioned that in the second comment below the article. Let’s take note Montana Skeptic encouraged his folowers & fanboys to go short at a share price of 310 on Feb 12, 2018.
  32. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Edit : Huang River is a daughter company of Tencent Holdings 8.337.594 + 9.500 is exactly 8.347.094. So as I understand 8.347.094 is the total he owns via these companies.
  33. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Up 8 points pre-market and European markets are positive, macro should be ok. European Stock Markets - CNNMoney Edit: Oeps, ruined it :-)
  34. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    That table is interesting, but could an not be correct / complete. IIRC Tesla / Panasonic are planning to produce 150 GWh total output in 20202. (105 GWh cells at the GigaFactory and rest imported to total 150 GWh in total packs plus storage output of the GigaFactory). Your table mentiones just...
  35. Gerardf

    GM -- General Motors discussion

    Is that you Bob ? Mr. Lutz, please feel free to post under your own name..
  36. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    So far Launch, Land and Relaunch :) Edit: Three big spikes, some seem hard at work to try to keep it down.
  37. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    We opened above the DMA 50 and DMA 200, and 10 points up from yesterday now. Nice :) Edit : On a SpaceX IPO, here is a link to the e-mail Elon send out to SpaceX employees in 2013. Makes a lot of sense. https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Elon-Musk-make-Tesla-go-IPO-but-not-SpaceX (Dit not want to...
  38. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    We are green, nice. Lets see if this triggers shorts to now decide to use this opportunity to cover.
  39. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Of topic, I know.. But today is FH launch day so I hope the moderator will forgive me :-) Interview with Elon of today : Elon Musk says the Falcon Heavy has a 50-50 chance of success
  40. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Done :) (German chargers are even more important to me than those in The Netherlands) 50.000 signatures are needed :confused: , so please all sign :) P.S. you can sign the petition with any country address, including all European countries as well as USA and Canada. Edit : I hope...
  41. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Such partnership is a very smart strategy. There is no standard for MW-level chargers and this way these key-customers among the large fleet buyers will standardize on the Tesla chargers (and peak-load buffer batteries). It will be hard for the big-semi competition to enter these customers once...
  42. Gerardf

    Seeking Alpha and Tesla: Fair or FUD?

    Googling around I ran into this feb 2 blogpost by Wahlman on SA. Tesla Implied 1,000 Model 3 Units Per Week On January 3, But Fell Short Over 50% - Anton Wahlman | Seeking Alpha Of course no mention of GM delivering 40% less Bolts in Januari but always nice to make up your own facts so you can...
  43. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Good find. And surprise is , as you mention, it is coming from Niedermeyer .. :confused: .. what is next, will he offer to eat his hat if Tesla ever brings the Y to market ? he still owes us one hat-eating Edit : Sorry, that was his Kanban buddy Schmitt.. .. for those not familiar with that...
  44. Gerardf

    Myusername and numerology thread (out of market action)

    You forgot the last line in this post, it was the best part in that other post.. I added it for you in the quote of your post above.
  45. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    Well, these experiments on humans continue.. Worldwide .. every second of the day, on every road in the world. Unfortunately I have already seen the outcome of that ' experiment' in my family.
  46. Gerardf

    Seeking Alpha and Tesla: Fair or FUD?

    Maybe somebody still has the video in his browser cache ?
  47. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    It is not shares he gets, but stock options, the right to buy these shares in the future at current price fixed at $350,— each. So if he reaches the marcap milestones using dilution instead of higher share price, he gains much less. In the exteme example that he dilutes so much that the...
  48. Gerardf

    TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    As others stated as well, the quotes seem to have come from someone with the nickname gigaman_nv, who not only has already admitted he left Tesla some time ago, but also showed his negativity and bitterness towards Tesla in several posts.
  49. Gerardf

    General Discussion: 2018 Investor Roundtable

    First line in the article “Wilbur Ross called China’s 2025 technology strategy a “direct threat”. Oh my..... Maybe the US govenment should fire less scientists, stop encouraging and subsidizing old industries like coal and oil and instead of obstructing innovation and growth in clean energy...