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  1. jeff_adams

    Why SpaceX Is Using Rocket Powered Landing

    They seem to do quite a few test fires. I'm guessing they don't rebuild the engines after that, but the test fires may only last seconds instead of minutes
  2. jeff_adams

    Why SpaceX Is Using Rocket Powered Landing

    When Elon was 12 he wrote the video game Blastar. His rockets didn't land with sissy parachutes, they landed with their engine..... A case of life imitating art. j/k.....I never saw his game played
  3. jeff_adams

    Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle thread EELV (DoD) - SpaceX vs. ULA

    The Russians are really gonna rue the day they mocked Elon. All they had to do was sell him some old ICBMs that probably wouldn't even have made it to Mars. They will lose so much business competing with SpaceX. I hope he shows no mercy.
  4. jeff_adams

    SpaceX vs. Everyone - ULA, NG, Boeing, Lockheed, etc.

    Ohhh....now SpaceX is hitting the Air Force where it lives. Russian official under US sanction plays key role in Pentagon space program | Fox News Using Fox News to craft public sentiment, genius Elon, genius. I bet the suit gets dropped, the contract gets reopened and Congress does another...
  5. jeff_adams

    SpaceX vs. Everyone - ULA, NG, Boeing, Lockheed, etc.

    Hope Elon has the money now to hire better lawyers. Tesla got beat in court several times that I recall.
  6. jeff_adams

    Where will SpaceX land the returning stages?

    Haven't seen this discussed anywhere, so I thought I'd start a thread. How close to the launch site would SpaceX land the returning stages? Does a Florida launch mean it will have to land in Florida? Would SpaceX use their spaceport in New Mexico for landings? It seems the first landings...
  7. jeff_adams

    Bjørn's Tesla Model S videos

    Bravo my friend, very well done. You are a brave man to bring the pups along for the adventure.
  8. jeff_adams

    TMC Connect and the non-Tesla obsessed

    Living in the area, I would recommend going on the "Movie Tour" bus. It's about a half day tour and you will see a lot of cool spots in the area (including stopping at the Lodge at Pebble Beach).
  9. jeff_adams

    Nikola Tesla Movie

    Yeah, it would be a good way to promote the brand without "advertising". Anything that keeps the Tesla name on people's minds helps with exposure and sales.
  10. jeff_adams

    Elon Musk in Mondays at the Mission

    Yeah, not meant as a label or put-down. I have a friend with Aspergers. Many people with the Syndrome do amazing things. In many ways, it can be helpful (for instance, typically allows impressive focus and attention to detail). The social interaction stuff is the toughest for them. Talking...
  11. jeff_adams

    Elon Musk in Mondays at the Mission

    Whenever I watch Elon in a public speaking setting, I always get the impression he has something like Asperger's Syndrome. That would explain a lot. It also impresses me even more that he's willing to constantly put himself out there to talk so much.
  12. jeff_adams

    Long-Term Fundamentals of Tesla Motors (TSLA)

    I'd like to think that any system developed would have some type of infrared capabilities to spot live creatures on or alongside the roadway. There are currently heads up displays that are suppose to do that even in heavy fog at night. I have a feeling that any car approved to drive itself...
  13. jeff_adams

    Nikola Tesla Movie

    Elon needs to donate 9k so Talulah Riley gets a role. Maybe he can even convince them to do some product placement with a Model S? Hehe, how about 9k for each of his kids?
  14. jeff_adams

    Anti-Tesla Gibberish

    Such a pathetically jealous article. It's so unfair that Elon gets the money, the women, the glory. How come none of these losers mention the fact that Elon invests 100s of millions of dollars in his companies before they make him a single dime? They like to make it sound like he took zero risk...
  15. jeff_adams

    Tesla Supercharger network

    The Supercharger is at Governor Christie's house. That's why Elon is so upset that Christie screwed him. Seems a free car and charger weren't enough to sway the vote. Elon's revenge is to open up the charger for public charging. Now Tesla owners can sit in Christie's yard and give him the finger...
  16. jeff_adams

    Tesla in Australia

    They are suppose to deliver to the UK soon, but I don't believe I've seen any RHD cars in any pictures.
  17. jeff_adams

    Tesla in Australia

    Has a right hand drive model been built yet?
  18. jeff_adams

    Bjørn's Tesla Model S videos

    I'm pretty sure they are not. Even though he put it up and linked to it from TMC, your average Joe could stumble across it by typing Tesla in the search box at YouTube. People here are respectful.
  19. jeff_adams

    Elon at new Tesla Store in West London 7 minute video on BBC News

    He is looking so much more comfortable and rested in his interviews these days. Just good to see.
  20. jeff_adams

    Bjørn's Tesla Model S videos

    Glad to see the "overnight" heater trick worked. Such a pain to wake up every hour to have to turn on the phone app to heat. Plus it gets too hot and then too cold. Leaving it at one temperature is much more comfortable. I liked your point about no poisonous gases when the car is on all night...
  21. jeff_adams

    Tesla Gigafactory

    They are supposed to be much more efficient, so they should need less surface area to create the same amount of energy. I haven't checked into investing in the company, just like the design much more than the traditional blades. I do wonder how well they work if the wind shifts. Maybe the whole...
  22. jeff_adams

    Tesla Gigafactory

    I prefer this design for wind generation. Forget the blades. Funnel Wind Turbine Generates Jaw-Dropping Power : Discovery News
  23. jeff_adams

    Alternative Energy Investor Discussions

    Why does the term ambulance chaser come to mind?
  24. jeff_adams

    Tesla Gigafactory Investor Thread

    Your understanding is correct, but read Dave T's post about Tesla using a "business park" setup. Panasonic would occupy a section of the factory and convert raw materials into batteries. Tesla would have a different section and take those batteries and make packs out of them. I'm saying that if...
  25. jeff_adams

    Tesla Gigafactory Investor Thread

    Dave T, I like your business park analogy for the Giga factory. It makes a lot of sense to me that Elon would only want to be in the pack assembly business. Think about this, what if someone comes up with a better battery than the current lithium ones Tesla is using? If Tesla is only building...
  26. jeff_adams

    Tesla head on collision with a Honda

    A bigger question to me is how can the water district get sued? I can see the city or county getting sued, but what does the water district have to do with traffic accidents?
  27. jeff_adams

    Tesla head on collision with a Honda

    Surprising that Tesla Motors was not named in the article, although they only named 6 of the 7 so maybe they were included in the suit.
  28. jeff_adams

    Fire alarm in the garage?

    Look into optical beam smoke detectors. Not real cheap, but they are designed to do what you are looking for.
  29. jeff_adams

    Tesla head on collision with a Honda

    Mystery driver in white Mercedes is named in civil lawsuit filed by victim's families. Doctor Enters Not Guilty Plea in Tesla Accident - Laguna Beach Independent Newspaper, The Laguna Beach News
  30. jeff_adams

    Another Tesla fire in a garage, this time in Toronto

    Yeah, so many things seem fishy about it. None more so than the timing of the article's publish date. If this was a false flag operation designed to suppress Tesla's stock value for someone's gain, people need to be prosecuted.
  31. jeff_adams

    Long-Term Fundamentals of Tesla Motors (TSLA)

    I thought Panasonic already owns some TSLA shares? I bet they wish they had more
  32. jeff_adams

    Miscellaneous Space News

    Has SpaceX shown any interest in the Lunar Catalyst initiative? I've heard no plans whatsoever from them regarding landing on the moon. Seems like the Grasshopper program and their expertise with landing legs on rockets would give them an advantage if they ever wanted to try a moon landing. Of...
  33. jeff_adams

    Long-Term Fundamentals of Tesla Motors (TSLA)

    One factor that is often overlooked when people say "Tesla is ahead of the competition" is the fact that Musk sets impossible deadlines for his teams. It's a tricky concept to pull off. He's setting them up for failure, but he's moving them faster than anyone else can. Think about where...
  34. jeff_adams

    California buyers: Is Tesla splitting the value of energy credits with you?

    Congratulations on your purchase! After you have owned the car for a while you will find yourself unconsciously standing up for the company. It's sort of a "David vs Goliath" thing. Tesla has had to punch above it's weight class since day one. On ZEV credits, I recall reading a story where...
  35. jeff_adams

    California buyers: Is Tesla splitting the value of energy credits with you?

    Of course not. We've had plenty of people join the forums to cause confusion or division. We are mostly a group of enthusiasts that enjoy the hard earned success of Tesla Motors. I hope you decide to buy one.
  36. jeff_adams

    California buyers: Is Tesla splitting the value of energy credits with you?

    @pbleic Just curious, do you own a Model S or Tesla stock?
  37. jeff_adams

    California buyers: Is Tesla splitting the value of energy credits with you?

    Does anyone else think it ironic that whomever decides to "terraform" Mars will likely have to dump a bunch of Carbon in the air to create a breathable atmosphere?
  38. jeff_adams

    Another Tesla fire in a garage, this time in Toronto

    I looked up other articles written by the Business Insider author. She has written many articles about Tesla and Elon Musk. Pretty much everyone of them is negative. It's almost like she has an axe to grind with Elon (did he turn down an interview request? Insult her?). It reminds me an awful...
  39. jeff_adams

    Another Tesla fire in a garage, this time in Toronto

    All news stories on this incident use info gleaned directly from the Business Insider article. I haven't seen a single independently researched article on this story.
  40. jeff_adams

    Another Tesla fire in a garage, this time in Toronto

    Neither of us know for sure, but look closely how the article is written. The first part is a direct statement attributed to Tesla. Nowhere in that statement did Tesla say they offered to pay for any damages. Why isn't that in there as a "direct statement"? Because the author and company could...
  41. jeff_adams

    Another Tesla fire in a garage, this time in Toronto

    Have you seen any statements from Tesla where they offered to pay for damages? This is a sensational article written to drive traffic to their site. How do you know the statement "Tesla offered to pay" is true?
  42. jeff_adams

    Tesla Pickup Truck

    They have been ramping up their hires greatly over the past year. It's pretty hard to work on concurrent projects with a small staff, but it gets much easier with a larger staff. They don't have to be married to the "one project at a time" mantra.
  43. jeff_adams

    Fuddy Duddies vs. The Future

    Isn't it interesting that job fairs at the engineering colleges have longer lines at the Tesla table than Ford or GM? The younger generation wants to work for Elon.
  44. jeff_adams

    Tesla Pickup Truck

    Things could end up moving much more quickly than we think. Look how fast SpaceX has ramped up. What's needed is low cost batteries. Once that problem is taken care of, concurrent models can be released.
  45. jeff_adams

    Tesla cracks top 5 in Consumer Reports brand perception survey

    Tesla has "one" car model for sale with barely 30k units sold. Amazing it is in 5th place out of 39 brands with basically no advertising.
  46. jeff_adams

    CBS This Morning Show

    Haha, I think he sold a car to Sarah Jessica Parker. Too funny
  47. jeff_adams


    The Russians tried to shake Elon down before he started SpaceX. I think he hinted they would even sell him a nuke rocket for the right price. That had to scare him.
  48. jeff_adams

    Tesla battery swap: Post announcement discussion

    Also, all early adapters with "A" batteries can swap out to the newest available battery if they desire for faster supercharging. I'm sure Solar City would be happy to get their hands on as many A batteries as owners want to swap out.
  49. jeff_adams

    Tesla battery swap: Post announcement discussion

    I can see a use for them near cities Instead of routes. Plenty of condo and apartment dwellers have no access to decent charging infrastructure. They still want to drive electric (and think green) but don't have much choice. I can see them embracing battery swapping. Think how many Model E's...
  50. jeff_adams

    Tesla Supercharger network

    The best idea might be to put a fake "ticket" on the Ice offenders windshield. Joke shops sell very authentic looking ones that will freak them out. They will be confused when the court summons never arrives in the mail, but I bet they don't park there again.