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  1. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    They are actually lashed down. There are a number of videos on youtube showing this, and also mentioned on the Hyundai Glovis website. The little circle things on the floor are D-clips to attach the lashings to. It would be very irresponsible to rely on the brakes out at sea. Also, commercial...
  2. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yea but where are the bugs?
  3. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Pretty sure AAT staff are lurking this thread and making up random dates on their spreadsheet to see our reaction.
  4. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I heard from a very reliable source that some stink bugs jumped ship onto Don Juan in an effort to infiltrate Australia. Obviously joking, enjoy the car - no resentment or jealousy here............ .... .......
  5. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    haha maybe they dumped your stink-bug-infested car into the ocean.
  6. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I think you've gotta be a pretty positive person if you think the EDD is not going pushed out.. Also - not sure who you're speaking with (Tesla, ISS, AAT), but you seem to get a lot of detailed inside scoop. I've definitely just been given the short company policy whenever I spoke with anyone.
  7. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Good choice. Silver w/ white is a bit of a weird combo (no offence to whoever ordered it). Besides, do you really want to get a car earlier and leave us all behind? I'm sure going to miss this thread, I might look at designing a bumper sticker to commemorate the GC experience once the car...
  8. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Dump it where exactly?
  9. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Good work - trade-in's are the biggest rip off
  10. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I'm so over it at this point that I've emailed my NL company again to explain the situation and to see if there's any way I can cancel and weasel out of the contract without penalty (other than the 400 order fee). I'll let you know how it goes, incase there are others here contemplating the...
  11. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    It's been so long I've forgotten; do we have anything solid from a reliable source that the issue is indeed stink bugs? or did we all just assume based on past news regarding the GC? The only thing I remember reading is that someone here posted that their friend allegedly worked at the docks...
  12. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    "doesn't know" or "won't tell"? Maybe the earlier suggestions that we had two more weeks of "quarantine" (from mid-Nov) is roughly correct. We'll find out by the end of the month I guess.
  13. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    You can go right ahead and ignore anything you see in the PK schedule for now. The only authoritative record of planned/approved ship movements at this point is QSHIPS: Public Pages. If it ain't listed there, it ain't going nowhere. Everything else is an estimate/placeholder/wishful thinking.
  14. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Let's hope so - as it can be a lot worse
  15. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    These seem like they are just placeholders that AAT tentatively put in to manage workloads. Wouldn't take too much notice... Now... does anyone know how I can self-exclude myself from this website and everything shipping related for at least a week?
  16. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Let's hope the vehicles themselves don't need cleaning.. otherwise that can add even more delay after they are unloaded: https://www.aaterminals.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Biosecurity-held-vehicle-storage-charges-PK-and-FI-Industry-Memo-1.pdf also - the GC is the only ship at Point...
  17. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I had to do it.
  18. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    hehe 3 hours...cute. Reminds me of myself back on October 22 - when the Glovis Caravel docked and I was wondering why it's been docked for a whole day. Still hasn't left Brisbane :-(
  19. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    When you say these documents were given to you, do you mean you downloaded the schedules from the AAT website, or do you work in the industry? Also, are these 'estimates' or actually approved movements? We've been seeing a lot of 'estimates' on the official Port Kembla arrival schedule to no...
  20. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Maybe there's more to these (alien?) stink bugs than we thought... Let's hope the latest about Stinky McStinkFace is correct.
  21. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yea I'm in a similar position with the board.... Plus a very narrow driveway so positioning of the charger is going to be a challenge, and is why I was hoping to have the car before deciding on how it will best fit. Not something you can easily determine with a tape measure.
  22. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Roughly two weeks since the first time it was sent out to sea (October 31). Before that it spent about 9 days aimlessly moored at fisherman's and the bulk terminal. So really since October 22 - so approaching a month all up. Unrelated: Looks like you got your charger installed! I should really...
  23. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Not sure what you're asking for, but if it helps: I regret buying when I did (and not just because of the delay). If NL finance wasn't already finalised, I would have cancelled. My suggestion would be to wait until 2024, if you can, and reassess then. If you decide to go with Tesla, you will...
  24. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Could be. Perhaps it was a 'halfway' time point inspection (after two weeks). Or maybe a second application of fumigant. Or maybe it's just waiting it's turn to dock at fisherman's island. Who knows. The list of planned movements to Fisherman island Wharf 1 (vehicle unloading area) have about...
  25. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    not possible, the bulk terminal is not set up to offload vehicles.
  26. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    It's not a big deal if you don't think about how much you're paying for this car. I've bought much cheaper cars in the past with much better service and communication, and the thought of not receiving a spotless car was unthinkable. But we do have to remember that we've purchased directly from...
  27. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    you are not wrong
  28. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    a any news is good news at this point.
  29. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yep, stock standard for me as well. I've asked tesla if they 'had any out back'. He wasn't amused.
  30. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yes, as someone else already said, you (or someone else) picks it up or you lose it. Don't forget that Tesla is doing US a favour by letting us buy their cars. We need to be grateful for the privilege and stop complaining 🙃
  31. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    it will change on the 19th.
  32. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I've considered doing this - but getting the car via novated lease and the invoice has already been paid.. so the person I emailed at the leasing company thought there would be cancellation charges (but wasn't sure and I didn't enquire further). I would of course lose the $400 order fee and...
  33. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    At this point I'm convinced they just pick a date/time out of a hat. Maybe a captain's hat, but a hat all the same.
  34. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    These schedules are absolutely meaningless (at least where Glovis Caravel is concerned).
  35. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Ok, confirmed that no one was injured so feel better about making my (bad) joke: Was this one of you guys trying to get an update on the Glovis?
  36. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    When Glovis finally gets back to shore
  37. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I don't think this is a true movement, but just drifting around. The speed has been changing from 0.5kn to 7kn over the past couple of weeks.
  38. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    This might not mean anything, but a few days ago I got an email from my NL company (LeasePlan) advising of a change to my contract: moving the delivery date from 30 November to 21 November.. citing the reason as "vehicle in transit to dealership". Car definitely on the Glovis Caravel, which is...
  39. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    tried this (very nicely), got the usual condescending response from the interim manager (Alexandria) saying computer says no.
  40. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I never thought I'd be this interested in tracking the minute-by-minute movement (or lack thereof) of ships. Thank you, stink bugs.
  41. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    I've confirmed this with my NL company - starts upon delivery.
  42. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    Yep likewise. It's not just this ship - looks like cars out of China are by far the greatest biosecurity risk with 7.6% of all cars having an issue. I had sworn not to buy a Chinese made car, but stupidly did it anyway: Record Chinese car sales behind surge in biosecurity risks, delays at...
  43. T

    Australian Model Y Waiting Room

    same situation - I'm considering cancelling my Y order and re-ordering a little later. Yes I'll be down the $400 order fee but will probably a) get the car sooner and b) maybe get the HW4 variant. My EDD hasn't changed yet (Nov16- 7 Dec) so really hard to say how long the delay is expected to be