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  1. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    It would be extremely unlucky for your delivery date to occur in that window. With that being said, I think you are more likely to see the car mid to late December. No evidence to back it up really, just seems like there are very few examples of deliveries being at the beginning of the window...
  2. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I'm not entirely sure, but I believe they will reassign to someone in your area with the same build. I've had two calls from my delivery center asking if I wanted to take delivery of an available MYP. Not even close to my build so I declined. I assume you get back in line at that point.
  3. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Mine expired after the 60 day window. Website asked me to complete it again. I chose to select cash for now. Will reach out to tesla once I get a VIN and have a good date for delivery. Approval took less than 1 day, maybe less than 1hr--don't remember, for me last time. I've read about other...
  4. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Pushed today. Nov 1 to Nov 29. This is disheartening.
  5. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I thought the same going into EOQ3 No car and financing expired. I'm currently in week 10 of an original 4 to 5 week wait.
  6. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Nothing useful... They sent me the EDD that is on my account. I pushed a little more asking for more information. They said they have the same information I have. "We're awaiting a production ramp to be able to source more cars for the west coast."
  7. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    This... I also "maxed out" my build, minus tow and FSD. I didn't think that would significantly help me jump the line, but maybe it would incentivize Tesla to prioritize my build from a $$ standpoint. At the time I ordered MYP, I think LR was "November" or "December." Who knows if that would...
  8. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    First day in EDD for the 10th (11th?) time. No change yet. I expect something tomorrow. @Starway2001 We live in the wrong state. We are destined for EOQ deliveries. The sooner we accept it, the less we will feel let down. I sent a text to Tesla today. Will report back if I get anything useful.
  9. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    To be fair, I'm not seeing any of my build. (Red/white) There are lots of MY, but it's funny how I can spot the LR vs P even if they swapped the wheels. 3 months ago I wouldn't have had any idea.... So few P out there--that I've noticed. I'm trying so hard to avoid being salty, some days are...
  10. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I'm going to be an adult and leave this alone. 🙃 [Yes, smaller window is likely good, but don't get too excited until you have a VIN.]
  11. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I look forward to this place being filled with excitement again, but I know I'm probably going to be let down tomorrow when I don't get any update and pushed the following day.
  12. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Going into what feels like my 10th EDD window tomorrow. Here's to getting back on the roller coaster! 🍻
  13. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I think Viv, Starway, and myself are the top 3 for waiting right now... so sad. :(
  14. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Same here. No changes to report.
  15. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I had a dream last night I woke up to a '22 VIN today with updates. Don't remember everything. Ventilated seats. Awful wheels. Air suspension... Nope. Didn't happen.
  16. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Maybe it's the red with white then? I'm just grasping for any sort of explanation. Congrats everyone.
  17. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    No #teamred love yet... I was on a plane and saw it raining VINs out west. Scrambling to check for mine, but it's only non-red rain for now.
  18. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I think we will be on the same truck. Similar OD, same EDD. Guessing you will take delivery in Carlsbad?
  19. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Mine is still just a thought in Elon's mind. Maybe one day... My birthday is next week. It'd be crazy to share BD with my car.
  20. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Holding at 10/26 to 11/23. OD 8/21. Ouch... Had hope for 15 seconds this AM seeing something different on the website. Time to renew financing... switched to cash for now. Turds. Congrats to everyone else. Light at the end of the tunnel.
  21. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Irritated about your VIN or EDD not changing? There are people that ordered nealy 2 months before you with no VIN... Congrats
  22. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    My plan is to take a cashier's check with me to the delivery appointment. Complete the external inspection. There have been some reports of people getting inside the car prior to accepting delivery with the help of a staff member in order to inspect the inside. From what I understand, you...
  23. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    My EDD hasn't moved in a week. I'm getting bored and want back on the rollercoaster.
  24. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    The lone person in here with a VIN already talking about delaying... I'm not bitter... :P
  25. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Looks like it. As long as OD prior to 10/15. Not sure how this is affected if you make a change. I just planned on hot spotting my phone and having the car connect to phone wifi once the trial runs out. It's an extra step, but almost everyone has unlimited data now...
  26. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    How about those times you try to refresh and the website kicks you out. As you are logging back in, your heart/mind is racing thinking there's a change, but nope. Nothing. F me.
  27. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I hope you're right, just for a little action. I remember when we got pumped about deliveries!
  28. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Historically, mine has always pushed the morning of the 2nd day into my EDD. i.e. EDD: 10/10 to 10/30. Pushes AM of 10/11.
  29. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Here's my email: "I wanted to check in regarding my Model Y. My EDD was pushed back again (now showing 10/26 to 11/23; order date 8/21.) Are you able to provide any insight as to what is happening? I'm following some forums online, and it seems like this is happening to everyone. I realize...
  30. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I'm still here... waiting... impatiently. No response on the email to my SA yet, but I'll keep you all posted if I get any details. There's no way in hell I have the will power to avoid checking EDD at least twice daily. Now it's part of the morning and evening routine. If I ever get my...
  31. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I appreciate the insight; however, it's tough to believe the delay is due to training. How'd they pump put sooo many vehicles for EOQ not knowing what they are doing? I can't find any deliveries happening right now. They've got to be making bigger changes (which very well may come with...
  32. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I sent an email to my SA this morning asking for any additional information to justify the delay. (Major refresh, castings, batteries, '22, etc.) He's been pretty helpful most of the time. I'll report back if I hear anything.
  33. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    10/26 to 11/23. The saga continues...
  34. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I wonder if this is coming into play...
  35. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    8/21. I know you know this... 😜
  36. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Enter my EDD tomorrow. How far you think it'll be pushed? I'm going to be suprised at this point if I get my car by the end of the month. Trying to stay positive... it's funny to me at this point.
  37. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Oh I'm at least 10x. Then I try to avoid being frustrated. Holding strong 10/10 to 10/30.
  38. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Really hoping to see some VINs today... anyone??
  39. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    In case anyone hasn't seen this... https://electrek.co/2021/10/05/tesla-building-model-y-bodies-single-front-rear-castings-manufacturing-first/amp/
  40. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I've tried doing this a few different times. I got a VIN back in September (only to ultimately have it removed), but I didn't see it ahead of time. I checked the morning before I went to work, and my VIN populated later in the afternoon, around 3 PST. Not saying is doesn't work, but I haven't...
  41. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I know what you mean. I put it indoor and outdoor 14-50 this weekend. Mats here. Mud flaps here. Screen protector here. Literally running out of things to do.
  42. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Totally a guess with no evidence to back it up... May because they currently have no idea when it's going to built, and you are about as far away from the factory as possible (and still in the US.)
  43. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I drove by the "dealership" yesterday for the hell of it. The sales side was completely empty. They didn't even have a Y to test drive. I've been car-less for month at this point (sold my Tacoma to a dealership) I'd feel slightly better about this longer wait if there was a worthwhile upgrade...
  44. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I'd like to think we are at the top of the list, but who knows how many more people this happened to? If the shutdown is real, I'd guess it's end of October. Maybe we will have more info on tax bill by that time. Silver lining?
  45. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    Another day into my EDD. Another push. 10/10 to 10/30.
  46. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

  47. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    These are similar. No idea what they are.
  48. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I think that's the best plan if you can make it work. Have a cashier's check in hand on delivery day. I haven't been through it myself, but it seems like that's what most have done.
  49. B

    Recent MYP Delivery Estimates

    I wouldn't do anything right now. Might take longer than you expect to get a vehicle. If they contact you to schedule delivery and you aren't ready, tell them then. The estimates are absolutely estimates. Today is the last day of my estimated 5 to 6 weeks. Still waiting...