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  1. M

    Showroom discount XP100DL $38K off $1160/month lease

    Here, I'll fix this for you. $38K price adjustment. Tesla staff get fired for offering discounts.
  2. M

    For those with Ludicrous mode, how often are you in it?

    (P85DL) Ludicrous all the time. Much better for passing at highway speeds.
  3. M

    BMW Driver Assistant a viable competitor to AutoPilot

    I believe software is updated via dealerships, so presumably not free.
  4. M

    Starting and also ending the iPace "comparison".

    OTA updates allow Tesla to release features early, but also half-baked. AP2 for 12 months was simply dangerous. It's now basically where AP1 got to before being abandoned by Tesla. Having gone through the early adopter excitement of new features on a regular basis, including the breaking of...
  5. M

    BMW Driver Assistant a viable competitor to AutoPilot

    I had the opportunity to drive a current generation BMW 7 series with their driver assist features recently and came away more than impressed with how close it was to Tesla AutoPilot. It lane kept flawlessly on a freeway driving in the middle lane for many kilometres before disengaging. The HUD...
  6. M

    Starting and also ending the iPace "comparison".

    I drove a BMW 7 series with their most recent driver assist package the other day. Lane Keeping Assistant is what it was called from memory. Pretty much just as good as Tesla's AutoPilot, much to my surprise.
  7. M

    Starting and also ending the iPace "comparison".

    The iPace is a very interesting vehicle as it addresses one of the ongoing sore points of all Teslas; spartan interiors. It is incredibly unfortunate that they have produced such a stupid marketing video. We were eagerly awaiting the iPace as a possible replacement for our i3, but the video has...
  8. M

    Model 3 vs BMW i3

    Then the front seat belt needs to be undone. Yes, it's an annoyance, but its much less of an annoyance in real life than it sounds. The positive trade-off is that the car is great in small spaces.
  9. M

    Model 3 vs BMW i3

    This thread can be split into two responses: Those that actually own i3s who find that they are surprisingly good. Those that don't own i3s who criticise; range, suicide doors, styling I drive a Model S P85D My wife drives an i3 non-Rex Range: The i3 does more kilometres of driving overall...
  10. M

    Follow up to employee termination

    Your post makes much more real world sense if we just swap the words adjustment and discount, as I have done above. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going shopping for a new TV with a post Christmas price adjustment.
  11. M

    Blog Fisker’s Battery Breakthrough Claim: 500 Miles Range, 1-Minute Charging

    Elon's reply: 500 miles in 1 minute? A child's toy!
  12. M

    FSD video completely fake?

    I would like to propose two TMC "laws", corollaries of Godwin's Law. Any thread about EAP or FSD that extends beyond 4 pages on TMC will have: 1. A screenshot of the EAP/FSD promises ("AnxietyRanger's Law"), and 2. An accusation of Tesla fraud ("Oktane's Law") Godwin's Law, for those that...
  13. M

    Happy Birthday AP 2.0

    Yes please. Could you have your AP2 FSD deliver it so as to not arouse any suspicions.
  14. M

    Oktane got banned - what did I miss?

    Looking at existing posts, under their username you see "Banned" instead of (eg) "Member".
  15. M

    Oktane got banned - what did I miss?

    Woah! 50% of the people on this forum that I agreed with are now banned.
  16. M

    My silky smooth 320 mile road trip with almost 100% AP control

    Fantastic and very informative set of posts CameronB. It is great to read such detailed, positive AP2 information as a counterpoint to all the AP2 sudden death posts.
  17. M

    Toyota chairman Takeshi Uchiyamada remains amazingly ignorant of what Tesla has accomplished

    No, I go to many different destinations. The thing is, you can't spontaneously travel more than a certain distance in a BEV without risking running out of charge and needing a prolonged charging break. For ICE cars, this is a solved problem after 100 years of infrastructure build out. One day I...
  18. M

    Toyota chairman Takeshi Uchiyamada remains amazingly ignorant of what Tesla has accomplished

    A significant portion of my work involves driving 250km+, working for 4 hours and then driving back with NO superchargers or fast chargers en route. These journeys are not yet compatible with BEVs without an overnight stay at a destination charger. I've also had trips where I've "drained the...
  19. M

    Tesla Turns Off AEB In New Cars Produced Since July

    Wasn't AEB rushed out the day after an unfavourable news item just so our Dear Leader could say the article was false? All the false positive braking events reported here point to yet another half-baked, rushed effort.
  20. M

    Toyota chairman Takeshi Uchiyamada remains amazingly ignorant of what Tesla has accomplished

    Charging time is not a solved issue. When a BEV can go from empty to full in 5 minutes or less it will be a solved issue. Right now it is a reframed issue ("but everyone stops for a toilet break and a meal"). Right now an ICE can "recharge" almost anywhere in 5 minutes. BEVs simply can't.
  21. M

    Yet Another Comparison: Bolt vs BMW i3 vs Model S

    A few further comments in defence of the i3. 1. Weird on the outside. Not at all weird on the inside. Surprisingly spacious in the rear seats. "Suicide" doors nowhere nearly as annoying as we first thought they'd be. 2. Range anxiety is not an issue. It easily covers our daily driving needs...
  22. M

    Yet Another Comparison: Bolt vs BMW i3 vs Model S

    Easier to get into/out of and easier to park. Much more maneuverable in small areas like car parks.
  23. M

    Yet Another Comparison: Bolt vs BMW i3 vs Model S

    We're almost exactly the same as the OP; P85DL i3 (BEV not REX) [no Bolts in Australia] The P85DL is a glorious car. It's awesome on long drives. It's awesome at traffic lights. It's very big. The i3 has many annoying quirks and seemingly inane design decisions marring it. It's small and...
  24. M

    I grazed a deer yesterday--no alert from car

    It didn't activate because the deer were not not crossing over a bridge you were driving under at the time. EDIT: Never mind. It was AP1.
  25. M

    Autopilot Fail

    At least they'll be able to clean up the skid marks. :eek:
  26. M

    New MS, old Wife

    My wife was wary of our Model S when it was new, 2 years ago. Rarely drove it. Contrary to numerous stories I read here, she still rarely drives the Tesla. I bought her an i3 to run about in. She loves it. About the only time she drives the Model S is for longer drives in poor weather conditions.
  27. M

    Collective noun for Teslas

    A Nikola of Teslas. A battery of Teslas. ...but it's hard to look past A Tesla coil (as previously suggested)
  28. M

    My request that the Arizona Attorney General's office investigate Tesla's changes to Ludicrous Mode

    ...where the car you drive off the lot actually does what it is advertised as being able to do and can't be downgraded by stealth after you've paid for it.
  29. M

    If you fast charge, Tesla will permanently throttle charging

    If you DC fast charge a 90kWh pack too much the charging rate slows down a bit because of a Tesla counter. The rest is speculation and extra detail surrounding the above core fact.
  30. M

    If you fast charge, Tesla will permanently throttle charging

    Humour/Sarcasm follows: NEWSFLASH: Tesla service start removing tyres that have rotated too many times, leaving drivers with 3 tyres instead of 4. When questioned about the practice, a Tesla Service Manager said that "we were finding that drivers were using their tyres excessively and to...
  31. M

    Pack Performance and Launch Mode Limits

    Wouldn't that be Hell Cats, Wild Mustangs...and...Priuses (Prii?). :) It's a jungle out there.
  32. M

    VW doesn't get memo: "EV's no longer have to look stupid".

    TMCUser: "ICE cars are stupid. Manufacturers should make more EVs. People should buy EVs." Manufacturer makes and displays EV. TMCUser: "It's not a Telsa. It's stupid." (ps I like it. Not all EVs need to be halo cars, just functional.)
  33. M

    Pack Performance and Launch Mode Limits

    I still think you guys are being too harsh on Tesla, even though they did bring all of this fury on themselves with their own sheer stupidity and their poor communications. There is now a reasonable path to get maximum performance out of your vehicle should you really want to do it. 1. Full...
  34. M

    FIRMWARE UPDATE! AP2 Local road driving...and holy crap

    Tesla's communication strategy: Angry Mob: "Where's AP1?" Elon: "Hey look over there. SUMMON!" Angry Mob: "Ooh. Shiny." Forgets about AP1 for a while. Angry Mob: "Why doesn't summon work to the door like you promised?" Elon: "Hey look over there. 0-60 in 2.8 seconds." Angry Mob: "Ooh. Shiny."...
  35. M

    Another bad SP100D delivery experience

    If someone is short Tesla a couple million dollars then they would be smart enough to realise that a random internet troll would not have any significant effect on TSLA's price.
  36. M

    How much more damage will Remarketing do to Tesla sales before they figure it out?!?

    1. Then they'd go broke even faster than they are now. 2. I don't want to sell my Tesla. I have an AP1 Model S P85D still on firmware 7.1. My Tesla actually works properly. New Teslas all come out of the factory broken.
  37. M

    How much more damage will Remarketing do to Tesla sales before they figure it out?!?

    TL;DR version: I think my used car is worth a lot more than Tesla thinks it is.
  38. M

    Auto-park rim rash

    Only one hairy auto-park incident amongst many, many perfect auto-parks here. Between the wife and I, we've caused far more rim rash than auto-park ever will. FWIW I don't think the sensors see the curb, just what it perceives to be a space between two stationary objects consistent with a...
  39. M

    Pack Performance and Launch Mode Limits

    I feel this is unfair on Tesla, who are clearly in the process of making it right. Another way to interpret this is that the car has gone from: "There is a problem. Say nothing, but force the user to use less power and hope they don't notice." To "There is a problem. Ask the user nicely to...
  40. M

    Buyer Beware: AP2 Extremely Dangerous

    It *was* working (AP1). Tesla broke it (AP2).
  41. M

    Autopilot rolling out to all AP2 HW cars today

    As a Model S owner with AP1 on software version 7.1... There is NOTHING that will prompt me to swap to an AP2 car or v8 software. I have the last of the useful Teslas that actually work as advertised. Everything since 7.1 has been one trainwreck after another. I do not believe AP2 will ever...
  42. M

    Anyone dumping their Model X for a Jaguar I-Pace?

    We are very seriously thinking about getting one of these in due course (admittedly as an i3 replacement, not to replace my Model S). My wife loves Jaguar interiors and she cares not for our Tesla's automation nor its interior. Also, Tesla seem to have lost their way in the last year, pretty...
  43. M

    In a state of shock!......"this happens often and we are frustrated at the sales team level"

    "The thread that just will not die". Kill it! Kill it! It's alive! Must....resist....urge....to....post.....more....can't....resist. Arrrggghhh...
  44. M

    In a state of shock!......"this happens often and we are frustrated at the sales team level"

    Summary: Tesla screwed up then made good. The End (pretty please)
  45. M

    In a state of shock!......"this happens often and we are frustrated at the sales team level"

    Totally amazed at the number of people on this thread that don't seem to be able to read what the OP wrote. The price quote was in writing. Tesla are refusing to honour their written quote. Frankly, Telsa these days have become WORSE than car dealerships in the way they behave. And still the...
  46. M

    Pack Performance and Launch Mode Limits

    I have been lurking in this thread for a while (P85DL) but AnonNJ's credible and very informative post has prompted me to post. Right up until AnonNJ's post I was staunchly anti-Tesla on this, but I've now changed my viewpoint. A performance ICE car launched 625 times will not produce the same...
  47. M

    Autopilot and Abandoned Vehicles

    Interesting. For whatever reason, the arbitrary speed restriction in 7.1 is simply not an issue here in Australia - it just doesn't happen. Also interesting that the 7.0 exit diving sorted itself out.
  48. M

    Autopilot and Abandoned Vehicles

    I beg to differ on the ALL part of your statement. I remain on 7.1, and agree with the vast bulk of your views on Tesla's downgrades. However, despite the 5 minutely AP nags with 7.1, the exit diving behaviour of 7.0 is gone as is the not infrequent instant "I give up" AP scenarios with 7.0...
  49. M

    Free Unlimited Supercharging Extended Until 1/15

    A wonderful suggestion, particularly given the crackhead responsible for this and many other aggrandised promises and claims has the initials EM.