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  1. rlpm

    More superchargers soon

    +1 : Two along I-25 between Albuquerque & Denver will enable trips to my nearest service center! I'm one of the 1% farther than 100 miles from the closest one. But my guess is we'll first see I-40 from Barstow to Flagstaff & I-17 from there to Phoenix (see my post above). A few more along I-40...
  2. rlpm

    Alternative Energy Powered

    The installation guys just hooked up their test (REC) meter, and showed me my normal meter going backwards, and not slowly, either. Woohoo! Now to wait for the building inspector & power company inspector to put their stamp of approval on it & install the real REC meter. Then we'll see how close...
  3. rlpm

    Phone App: iPhone/Android app

    Yep. Here's my detailed post.
  4. rlpm

    More superchargers soon

    +1 I bet they stage in the entire thing: I-40 all the way from Barstow to Raleigh and connect to I-95. Surely soon we'll hear about Superchargers on I-10 from LA to Phoenix, I-17 from Phoenix to Flagstaff, and I-40 from Flagstaff to Barstow. That would enable a lot of travel. Kingman is a...
  5. rlpm

    Changed order from 40kWh to 60kWh, sharing the differences in the DocuSign paperwork

    I'm not sure why the original Pre-MVPA showed 4% tax, as it appears that the correct (estimated) tax on a vehicle in Denver County is 7.62%. See here.
  6. rlpm

    Model S: Clever Vanity Plates

    Bravo on the original idea. I hadn't heard this one yet.
  7. rlpm

    Phone App: iPhone/Android app

    Looks like the new v1.1 app, at least on iOS, does not like passwords that contain certain characters. I updated the app on my iPhone, and it wouldn't let me log in (I don't yet have a vehicle linked to my account, but am obsessively checking the app for my VIN). On my iPad, where I hadn't...
  8. rlpm

    Model S Confusion: A Mystery

    These: And license plate: PHRESH
  9. rlpm

    Screen rebooted during drive home....common?

    Why yes, yes it is.
  10. rlpm

    Alternative Energy Powered

    Here it is: For a sense of scale, each panel is just over 1m x 1.5m. Not everything is hooked up yet, but it won't look much different when it's done (other than the trench being filled in). Note the "hole" in the bottom left corner is because our power company considers anything over...
  11. rlpm

    Screen rebooted during drive home....common?

    Your S heard you talking to your wife about issues, and tried to curb it. I, for one, welcome our new sentient robot automobile overlords!
  12. rlpm

    Model S Celebrities

    Exit light. Enter night. Take my hand. We're off to never-never land. Rock on, James.
  13. rlpm

    Elon Musk captured by Rainn Wilson

    Excellent interview.
  14. rlpm

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Yeah, aren't they worried about that POS leaking oil all over the pristine floor? :tongue:
  15. rlpm

    Random Model S sightings

    Saw a white S with 21" silver wheels tonight around 6:30, northbound on Rio Grande just before I-40. Is the driver a member here?
  16. rlpm

    The high-pitched whine during acceleration...

    I also used to love the turbo spool sound in my Nissan 300ZX. It wasn't very evident in my BMW 335i. I gladly await hearing the "warp whine" in my S. Is the regen sound the EV equivalent of the "sneeze" of blow-off valves releasing pressure, just not nearly as wasteful? Or is that...
  17. rlpm

    Risk of lawsuit when someone trips over a charge cable?

    Thanks Bonnie & AP. Al Gore did invent Tha Intarwebs! Well, at least, he made sure the funding happened. Thanks Unca Al!
  18. rlpm

    Risk of lawsuit when someone trips over a charge cable?

    Thanks for the information, Bonnie. Mea culpa for not doing any research. That case is bandied about as frivolous, but with this information, I agree it's not.
  19. rlpm

    Risk of lawsuit when someone trips over a charge cable?

    There are no words to describe how ultimately bad a$$ Weird Al is. And he's right. It's too litigious out there. And I live where a woman sued McDonald's because she spilled hot coffee in her lap.
  20. rlpm

    Rear jump seats

    Hmm. If the reason is a production change for required hardware, and that change happened around VIN 542x, and since a previous post from you says your VIN was prior to that, you might, might be lucky. And today is the luckiest day of the year, what with all the four-leafed clovers. You should...
  21. rlpm

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Congrats! Enjoy!
  22. rlpm

    Model S Celebrities

    Amanda Tapping, Actress, Director, Producer, has a blue S: Twitter / amandatapping: Voila le Tesla!! Totally ... TM retweeted this recently.
  23. rlpm

    Firmware 4.3 - basic charging scheduling

    I'm pretty sure that was "sleep mode", removed in 4.2. The screen shot was from the 4.0 manual. My Tesla page doesn't currently show me links to the manuals, so I don't know if they updated them yet. (I sent an email to them about these links this morning.)
  24. rlpm

    My Fan Goes to 11!

    Maybe that's metric, like the rest of your display? :tongue:
  25. rlpm

    Tesla Shop:All-Weather Model S Trunk Set

    You're not kidding! I just went back out to the garage, and the funk is evident. I hung them up to see if that will help. The radiant heat furnace is in the garage, unfortunately near the entry to the house, so the mats are hung on far end. But the garage should be between 40°F & 75°F the next...
  26. rlpm

    Solving a problem: Locking public J-1772 to your Model S during charging

    Nice! Are you going to CNC these out of something, create an injection mold, or 3D print them? Or maybe you could sell the rights to Tesla & put your name on the patent?
  27. rlpm

    Tesla Shop:All-Weather Model S Trunk Set

    FedEx just delivered the Lloyd's Mats I ordered: Luxe for front & rear, RubberTite for frunk & footwell. The footwell mat was only $60 from AutoAnything.com. The Tesla branded ones will probably hold more mud/water/goop, as the RubberTite ones don't have a lip around the edge. These RubberTite...
  28. rlpm


    Shiny! I'll be in my bunk. :wink:
  29. rlpm

    Firmware 4.3 - basic charging scheduling

    Aren't "walk-away door lock" and "auto-present handles" also tied to the tech package? Those are in the screenshot above. Here's what the manual for 4.0 shows: Time to call service?
  30. rlpm

    Model S Reservation Tally

    Yep. That's where it was. That's likely how it went. But I wonder why they left the "#0" in there at all. Maybe for reservations outside of North America?
  31. rlpm

    Model S Reservation Tally

    Once you get your countersigned Pre-Delivery MVPA, you'll get an email with the subject, "Your Model S order is complete". That email might have the reservation number at the very bottom, if they haven't changed it recently.
  32. rlpm

    Alternative Energy Powered

    Installation of our 9.6kW ground-mounted PV system (30 SunPower 320 panels) started yesterday. It's currently just 16 steel pipes in holes, sistered up for the county building inspector who came by today to ensure the holes were deep enough. Seriously. Tomorrow they'll pour concrete to set...
  33. rlpm

    Heater and air conditioning on the model s

    Heat pump - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  34. rlpm

    Firmware 4.3 - basic charging scheduling

    From the release notes image in the above post, if you plug in within 6 hours of the start time, it will start charging. If you plug in more than six hours after the start time, it will wait for the next start time. RTFM :wink:
  35. rlpm

    Installing a timer for charging?

    Looks like 4.3 is rolling out now. See this post.
  36. rlpm

    Forgot my key today...

    carrerascott, where was the second key? Might it have accidentally been in the car?
  37. rlpm

    Owners delivery stories, photos and first impressions

    Excellent post, Al, especially the quotation above.
  38. rlpm

    driving thru deep water puddle

    Does anyone else reading this thread think of Oregon Trail? If I try to ford the river, I will die of dysentery. Seriously, in any car, you should never try to cross standing, let alone running, water, unless you know exactly how deep it is. Or your car will have flood damage. And that's no fun.
  39. rlpm

    Owners delivery stories, photos and first impressions

    Congrats Al! Yep, I think your turn signal issue might be related to the issue described in this thread. Or, try rebooting the instrument cluster?
  40. rlpm

    3/8 top menu image

    Mmmmm bacon! Great job decoding this!
  41. rlpm

    swegman: Car won't turn on (screens are dark)

    Instant Classic!
  42. rlpm

    3/8 top menu image

    What about a two-letter country code TLD? Lots of shorteners to use there. Also, perhaps moving the apostrophe onto the letter S makes it an outlined number 5?
  43. rlpm

    Mr. Fusion?

    Is it just me, or does this look like a prototype Mr. Fusion? It's actually Nasa's SAGE III http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_2465.html
  44. rlpm

    Edmunds Model S Long-Term Test

    We call that an alternator. Google translate says the same. :wink:
  45. rlpm

    Metal vs Plastic inside rear hatch...?

    I also like the dark plastic ones. The shiny ones look out of place to me. I'll be happy with either, though.
  46. rlpm

    Model S REST API

    I second the above.
  47. rlpm

    Walk-away lock feature won't stay on

    Did you reset both the 17" touchscreen & the Instrument Panel (behind the steering wheel)?
  48. rlpm

    Model S REST API

    Can anyone verify that option_code "CH01" means the car has rear-facing jump seats? What about CH00, is that just the inverse? I see PureAmps posted CH00 and ClaytonTMC posted CH01. If you have access to your CH code, please let me know whether you have rear-facing jump seats (or ordered them...
  49. rlpm

    OWNERS! - do you get awkward questions about price tag?

    Permission to use?
  50. rlpm

    2/27/13 Top Menu image...

    If only my S would get here, so I could drive it around while waiting for the next clue. Was it kernel panic in the shared library with the named pipe? Or Colonel Sanders in the kitchen with the drumstick?