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  1. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    congratulations!!! also thanks for letting us know re: the $250 refund 😎
  2. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    i guess we will find out!! 😂 haven’t actually heard from anyone who this has happened for yet haha
  3. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    i have gotten stuck in the snow, and had an accident in the snow + swore to myself i’d never get an non-AWD vehicle again. i’m not a good snow-driver, i’m slow and careful and unnerved when people fly by me in SUVs. but with the pandemic, my work situation changed and i no longer have to hoof...
  4. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    people have been saying this gets credited on the backend later on. i would keep an eye out for it, but not expect to see it within the next couple days. maybe a few weeks, even. when i spoke to tesla online they said they were aware of us making the switch and were getting set up to have the...
  5. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    my NCA backed out again and now it’s at 9.19-9.30. still no VIN. glad i grabbed an LFP when i did
  6. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    why do i feel like @Mattmo had to do this?? and he just got his car yesterday maybe??
  7. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    WHAT!! oh man i am so sorry to hear this!!
  8. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    this was very helpful. thank you for sharing!!
  9. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    the Big Dump… i wheezed 😂 i wish my SA was as on top of things — still no response from him after my email yesterday but it kind of doesn’t matter, since i’m handling it mostly on my own. might try them tomorrow to see if they have any sway over the credit app going through. (doubtful, but you...
  10. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    you got it! i figure nothing is over til it’s really over. and even though my EDD on the original NCA order (7.16, base model) just backed out another five days — could be since she pulled the credit app or could be something else, who knows, that car may be cursed haha 😂 — it’s still sitting...
  11. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    so i haven’t actually cancelled my NCA yet. seems like tesla has been dumping batches of them periodically + i was fortunate enough to grab one yesterday on the website. again, i can’t speak to the cancellation yet — but if you have one open, you may not want to cancel it until you can get...
  12. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    ahahahahahaha 😆🤣😂😂😂😂 i lost it laughing when i read this i’m crying 🤣🤣
  13. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    i held out as long as i could, then pulled the trigger on an LFP last night. worked with the tesla call in line to get the credit applied from the original order to the new one - she put in a request to have that carried over. i got a VIN immediately 😎
  14. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    yes!! grabbed one yesterday as soon as i could 😂 i am just so glad i have a VIN. my NCA still doesn’t have one and the EDD pushed out again 😅🙃 also, UPDATE: they have merged my accounts, fam. now i can see both RNs. getting closer!!!! (i hope)
  15. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    just waiting to hear back on my credit app so i can complete all the steps for delivery!! i have an LFP order VIN and am hoping to be locked and loaded soon!
  16. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    hooray!!!! congratulations!!!
  17. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    hooray!! specs? did you get a VIN? 😎
  18. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    nice!! i think springfield and princeton will be slammed for a while, fielding paramus deliveries but hopefully that just means we will all get our cars faster!!!
  19. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    th is is the best delivery experience i have heard so far!! i love that you got the mini M3 as well 🥲 light at the end of the tunnel, everyone!!!!
  20. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    they didn’t cancel my NCA order but they did pull the completed credit agreement from it so i wouldn’t have that as a potential roadblock for the LFP. once that credit agreement turns back around, i’ll make payments or whatever else they need to do. at some point in the middle of all of that...
  21. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    exciting!! can’t wait to hear all about delivery!!
  22. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    UPDATE. i was able to log into the wrong email (for the LFP rn) and set up details. got hung up at the credit app and started to worry because the last one turned around in a minute for me. called tesla again (second time this morning, those poor guys) as i remembered several of you making the...
  23. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    uhhhh TBD 😂 but you better believe i’ll be letting the fam here know as soon as i do!!!
  24. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    i laughed too hard at this 😂 (and daughters, obviously!!) also @RichardMa0830 you may be having worse luck than i have thus far + that is saying something 🙃
  25. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    this is encouraging for you all who were waiting for VINs and EDDs 😎
  26. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    i have sent him an email already but so far crickets. just tried to call princeton but it says their offices are closed for the day. i’ll try again tomorrow and hope that the data team can merge me ASAP so i can get this show on the road already!!!! ETA: just tried to sign into the old...
  27. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    not yet since i haven’t yet done my paperwork due to the merging of accounts that needs to occur 😅 it’s a real situation i’ve gotten myself into here
  28. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    hahaha i can understand that. it’s 5k here though so i wasn’t messing around 😅😂
  29. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    i mean this is now just another layer of — will it come in time for the NJ funding since i wasn’t about to take the chance with my existing NCA reservation 🙃🙃
  30. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    well friends, i snagged a car off the discord!!! the only thing worrying me is: a) i panicked, and checked out with apple pay, so the delivery confirmation went to the wrong email. (i’ve already called tesla to merge the accounts but i don’t know how long this will take + i want to complete...
  31. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    omg!! so sorry to hear this!!
  32. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    what a wild ride for you!! SO GLAD you have finally gotten your wheels though!!! 😎😎
  33. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    mine is still 9.15-9.30. hoping it may change soon but also not going to wait if another LFP with my specs comes up!!
  34. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    well friends, ive joined the discord channel. hoping to find a car there ASAP to take advantage of the rebate money before it’s gone. fingers crossed.
  35. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    hoping some of these LFP deliveries clear up the queue and we can have some VINs next!!
  36. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    amica is great! but you have to have a super clean driving record with them (they dropped me after an accident i had in the rain - my fault, i get it haha) or else they will refuse to insure you.
  37. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    yeah it’s super weird. also of interest is the fact that the governor dedicated a mysterious 10 million to small business relief for Ida at 10am this morning. i’m not saying…. i’m just saying. 🙃
  38. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

  39. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    man those tesla reps are getting AGGRESSIVE with their language 😂😂😂
  40. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    if you do have to go to princeton, let us know how it goes!!!
  41. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    that’s great!! i wondered if they would re-route deliveries this way
  42. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    UM. not to cause anyone in NJ alarm, but,,,,,,, the NJ funding went from around 58% remaining last night to 17% remaining as of this morning. i’m guessing the found a way to earmark the funds for the EVs potentially impacted by ida??? otherwise,,,, i have no earthly idea how they burned...
  43. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    best wishes for all scheduled to take deliveries this weekend!!
  44. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    here’s hoping!! *humming someday my VIN will come*
  45. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    7.16 order, still sitting at EDD for 9.15-9.30 as i have been for three weeks. 🙃😅
  46. asquared17

    SR/SR+ (Model 3 RWD) Waiting Room

    oh my GOSH. that storm ripped through northern NJ like the three tornados that came through. so sorry to hear this 😞 hope everyone is safe + can take delivery soon.