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  1. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I'm just happy they did the refund though.
  2. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Anyone else have an SA who just doesn’t reply to texts? It’s been a couple of days and I can’t get a text back.
  3. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    That's honestly not bad right now if you consider it's locked in for 30 days.... might have to do that
  4. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Ah, I wish I saw this news about 20 minutes ago... If you (we) already applied for DCU it might be worth asking SA to switch to loan/tesla financing and see what rate is locked in there. I believe it's 30 days for Tesla with a rate lock.
  5. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Ah I see, probably just backed up with all the others trying to get in last-minute approvals prior to the rate hikes... maybe we can expect an email in the next day or so.
  6. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I'm confused... I applied from my DCU account and it said I was approved, but then never showed the rate or anything... what am I doing wrong?
  7. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Yeah, I'm in the exact same boat... I think I'll just apply today and hope that my window doesn't change. Texted my SA this morning to see if they had any insight on when I might receive a VIN but they didn't get back to me yet.
  8. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    If I have a 5/16 - 5/30 EDD when do you guys think I should expect to get a VIN?
  9. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    It didn’t take long for a new quote. I wouldn’t worry at all.
  10. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    So I’m think about financing with either Tesla or DCU. Right now I have a two week window 5/16-5/30. The FEDs going to be raising rates again Wednesday so I’m wondering if I’m safe to apply for financing before I have my VIN? I know it expires after 30 days, so a little nervous if I do it not...
  11. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Yeah, I know I can lock something in for 30 days, but I’ve read so many posts about EDDs being pushed back so figured it’s safer to wait until a VIN is assigned to do financing, trying to avoid too many hard pulls on credit.
  12. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    EDD always updates on a Friday for me. I woke up to a two week window this AM! EDD: 5/16 - 5/30 A little further out on the front end, but tightened up on the back end. Hoping to get a VIN soon and lock in financing before the FED has a chance to make things more expensive for me.
  13. N

    Automatic payments accepted by Gen 3 Wall Connector?

    I was working on a revenue model for that reason… hopefully I can use it to convince them. Rumor has it there’s at least one EV nay-sayer on the Board.
  14. N

    Automatic payments accepted by Gen 3 Wall Connector?

    I like the Juicebox definitely. The upfront cost is kind of high, and then there's an annual service fee on top of that. If I can get the board to agree to something like that, I agree it could be the move.
  15. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    OD: 3/4 Config: MSM, Black Interior, 18” Aero, FSD
  16. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    May 12 - June 9 EDD… still no VIN. I’m guessing this means I’ve got no shot at May 12th delivery then.
  17. N

    Working with my HOA to get L2 charging installed... advice on how to make it as cost-efficient as possible?

    Given the Board, I think I’m lucky to get 2, and when we inevitably need more, we’ll revisit. Plus our energy company currently has a nice incentive for 2 chargers.
  18. N

    Automatic payments accepted by Gen 3 Wall Connector?

    Terrific... this seemed like the perfect solution for my condo, but I need to know if billing is live or it's a no-go...
  19. N

    Automatic payments accepted by Gen 3 Wall Connector?

    Still confused.. did this feature ever roll out?
  20. N

    Working with my HOA to get L2 charging installed... advice on how to make it as cost-efficient as possible?

    Generally agree with this point, but Tesla hardware is a fraction of other providers it seems. And if it has built-in network features (like payment processing and the ability to regular who can use it already) then there is $0 annual cost also. It's my understanding with an adapter any EV can...
  21. N

    Working with my HOA to get L2 charging installed... advice on how to make it as cost-efficient as possible?

    This is why I’m confused. Website says soon, news from 2 years ago said it launched. I don’t know what to believe
  22. N

    Working with my HOA to get L2 charging installed... advice on how to make it as cost-efficient as possible?

    Problem with ChargePoint is it’s super expensive. From what I’ve read other EVs can use Tesla Wall Connectors.
  23. N

    Working with my HOA to get L2 charging installed... advice on how to make it as cost-efficient as possible?

    Hi All -- I am working closely with my condo's HOA to get two L2 charging stations installed at our property. The Board is going to be very cost-sensitive, and I really want to make sure this project can be approved. I've been looking at a few options, and so far the two that seem the best...
  24. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    My first EDD movement since ordering, and it was in the right direction! Pretty excited to see it’s been acknowledged and is potentially less than a month away. OD: 3/4 EDD1: 5/24-6/21 EDD2: 5/12-6/9 Config: MSM, Black Interior, 18” Aero, w/ FSD
  25. N

    Charging at Waterville Valley??

    Yeah that’ll be awesome hopefully. Still think it’s crazy there’s nothing in the Valley though. Do you think the pin is just generically placed right now, or is that where they’re going to install? Seems like kinda a weird spot on the map.
  26. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    3/4 OD and as of today I’ve still seen absolutely no movement in my EDD since order. Still killing me to not have seen any acknowledgment really. OD 3/4 EDD 5/24 - 6/21 M3LR, MSM , Black interior, 18” Aero, +FSD
  27. N

    Charging at Waterville Valley??

    Super annoyed this never happened. Years later and still 0 charging options in the Valley. In 2022 it’s insane to me an entire town and resort wouldn’t have any charging options.
  28. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Ordered the exact same config on the same date except MSM and East Coast. My EDD has been sitting at May 24 - June 21 since. No movement.
  29. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Weekly update and commiserating… OD: 3/4 EDD: 5/24 - 6/21 Config: M3LR MSM 18” Aero Black Interior +FSD Still zero changes to my EDD since ordering which continues to stress me out.
  30. N

    Mass Inspections near Peabody

    Is this still a thing — or do new Teslas in MA come with an inspection?
  31. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Ugh… going on my 3rd week since ordering with no changes to my EDD yet. I just want acknowledgment at least…. OD: 3/4 EDD: 5/24 - 6/21 M3LR, MSM, Black Interior, Aero Wheels, FSD
  32. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    If anyone was wondering how FSD impacts delivery date (or those trying to use it to hack the delivery date) I noticed this for the first time on my order tonight.
  33. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Ok somehow I missed this text in my excitement, so apparently, I can connect with an advisor... that's awesome.
  34. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Jealous… I literally don’t have an SA to text.
  35. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Agreed. I have FSD and haven’t seen any advantage.
  36. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Yup I have FSD and have a May/June delivery. April seems just for the website and not reality.
  37. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Zero updates to my EDD since ordering 3/4… others ordering at/around the same time with a similar or different experience? M3LR / MSM / Black Interior / Aero / FSD / Massachusetts EDD 5/24 - 6/21
  38. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    For all of us in New England going through the painstaking process of waiting… just try and remember we’re better off not getting it until May/June anyway… salt will be off roads… maybe some potholes will be fixed… it’s the only thought that keeps me sane.
  39. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    Ordered a very similar config as you but in the states and a week earlier and have an identical delivery window… it’s already killing me.
  40. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I ordered online and never got contacted by/assigned an SA, so I have no one to ask questions of. Is that normal? Anything I need to do?
  41. N

    Does adding FSD to your config improve your EDD?

    Anecdotally I ordered a M3LR with FSD on 3/4, but my EDD still isn’t until end of May-June even though someone ordering the same thing today seems to get an EDD of April. Doesn’t seem fair or make sense, but I’m hoping my EDD moves up.
  42. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I’m in the e I’m in the EXACT same boat. That seems unbelievable that we paid for FSD a few weeks before yet new orders get priority.
  43. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I ordered a M3LR on 3/4 with FSD and still showing an EDD of 5/24-6/21 even though online it's showing new M3LR + FSD will deliver in April... hoping this updated mine.
  44. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    I noticed that M3LR with FSD option show a delivery of April. I had ordered last week and have FSD added on, but my delivery date is showing 5/24-6/21 still. Is the priority for FSD not going to apply to existing orders, or will it move up?
  45. N

    Model 3 - LR AWD Waiting Room

    East Coast ordered 3/4/22… Config: Midnight Silver Metallic 18” Aero Wheels All Black Interior FSD Delivery Range is May 24 - June 21 right now… so eager hoping some miracle happens and it’s ready early...
  46. N

    With delivery date not until end of May at earliest, can I just wait to apply for financing?

    Hey all - I ordered a Model 3 last week and my delivery date isn’t until late May/June. The online profile wants me to accept the trade in and apply for financing now, but with my delivery date out so far, I know I’d have to reapply. Does it matter if I just wait to fill out the finance...
  47. N

    Close to buying M3 LR - Cold Weather Questions

    Alright… I’m convinced and the temptation was too much. Placed my order this afternoon for a Model 3 Long Range AWD with an estimated delivery of May… doesn’t seem too bad!
  48. N

    Close to buying M3 LR - Cold Weather Questions

    I drive up from Boston to Waterville Valley in NH. Doesn’t seem like current plans to add in super chargers… I figured if I stop off 93 in Hookset at the super charger every time ~70 miles south, I’d be able to get back there on the return, or there’s another super charger about 20 miles south...