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  1. H

    Variance in wall charger output

    You need to control for average-over-time vs just what the screen is saying. On my wall charger & car, the standard charging rate (for 240V, 32A charging) is 22 miles/hour. But at various times I've seen voltage sag as low as 230V... so that's 21 miles/hour. And if I'm still in the car, or...
  2. H

    Tesla Wall Charger - Anyone else had the cable go bad?

    As a further update / closure to this one in case anyone needs it: I opened a service request via the App on Tuesday. On Wednesday I got a text message from support saying "No visit required, appointment cancelled. Please connect the car to WiFi and advise the last time this error happened"...
  3. H

    Random AP/FSD Question - Overseas Driving

    Worked fine for me last year when I took my RHD Model-S to France.... ...OK I did use a Ferry rather than the Channel Tunnel, so not a 100% match, but no issues were found. This was pre-NoA but did have auto-lane-change available.
  4. H

    Bought an ‘18 Model S advice needed

    It's well worth checking out the situation with regard to Supercharging on the car. An '18 S should - should - have been delivered with some form of free supercharging but it's probably limited to original owner / life of car and or limited to a number of miles. If it's a "for the life of the...
  5. H

    Noob home charging questions

    Cost to Install will vary for everyone depending on circumstances. For me it was cheap - I wanted the charger on the outside of the garage wall about 1 metre from where the main consumer fusebox sits on the inside. If you want it on the other side of the house AND 3-phase electric adding to...
  6. H

    Noob home charging questions

    I've got a Tesla Wall Charger. Pros: It has a nice long tethered cable, it has a little button on the wand that opens the charge port and unlocks the wand to remove it. It can load-balance if you end up with multiple cars/chargers. It has a pretty flashing status light on the front. Cons...
  7. H

    Do/ when will we get NoA in the UK?

    Scared the ever-loving out of me when it automatically left the M4 for the M25 the first time it happened. It indicated itself - moments before starting the lane-change. Has been doing it repeatedly on other M4 junctions - J13, J15 - as well as some on the M27. This was all on 2019.20.4.2 (I...
  8. H

    Do/ when will we get NoA in the UK?

    Um. Well, my experience has been a bit more dynamic than yours. My AP2.5 S with EAP will now, absolutely definitely, leave Motorways and (some) Dual Carriageways entirely automatically. Sometimes even at the right junction! Although it does leave it very late to signal the exit manoeuvre - way...
  9. H

    A really daft EV charging question...

    Over here we're a little short of J1772 adapters. Luckily, PIN-to-Drive has us covered in the same way :-)
  10. H

    A really daft EV charging question...

    I'd be surprised to find a single owner that hasn't tried this at least once - I know I have! The car is most definitely locked out from moving. And will tell you that in sound and words :-)
  11. H

    Windscreen replacement...

    Calibration should be done automatically when you take the car back - see upthread for reports on how that goes. I wouldn't get too worked up about 3rd party glass. When Tesla replaced my windscreen earlier this year it had to be done on a Friday "because that's when the glass guy comes in"...
  12. H

    Tesla Wall Charger - Anyone else had the cable go bad?

    Good thought. AFAIK I'm the only one in town at the minute. Actually I think any BEV can use the Wallchargers can't they? I'll see if any of the local i3 tribe can give it a go...
  13. H

    Tesla Wall Charger - Anyone else had the cable go bad?

    Thank you all for the consumer advice, it's appreciated. I guess there could be a liability issue to be argued over product-quality vs the 3rd party (qualified electrician) I engaged to fit the damn thing bodging it, but with no visible evidence of damage anywhere and a year's good service I...
  14. H

    Tesla Wall Charger - Anyone else had the cable go bad?

    4 Years on the car and all components therein. But, according to the Book of Words, a 2-year warranty in the EU only for the Wall Charger itself... ...since it's 1 year elsewhere, hope I can get this resolved before 31st October :).... Yes. As other posts upstream discuss - I'm almost certain...
  15. H

    Tesla Spotify Account

    It doesn't help that the "Shuffle" function is laughably non-random. My "Liked" songs playlist is >100 songs but NEXT-TRACK'ing even in strong signal areas will often result in the same 5-10 songs being played in the same sequence, over and over...... We agree that the Spotify client could do...
  16. H

    French Road Trip

    Did a trip St Malo - Quiberon - Caen last summer hitting a few Superchargers including a couple of those mentioned above and I have to say it was a joy. Didn't see many French Teslas but there were plenty of other British ones as well as the Dutch and Belgians. Never enough to cause queuing...
  17. H

    Tesla Wall Charger - Anyone else had the cable go bad?

    Yes, excellent warnings. Easy to isolate the wall-charger from it's supply (I have a Big Red Switch to do so) but impossible for me to do so for the Car without voiding warranty. I will confine myself to a repeat visual inspection / air-blast to clean I think....
  18. H

    Tesla Spotify Account

    The most obvious point to make is: No-one who hasn't signed an NDA knows how it's arranged/setup/what's permitted so it's all speculation (AFAIK). But since speculation is fun.... I think the reality is that "Caching" - a la phone Spotify download-this-playlist - is off the cards. Introduces...
  19. H

    Tesla Wall Charger - Anyone else had the cable go bad?

    Interesting. Might be worth having another go at the car's connector port again then. Against which: Shuffling the cable around - not wiggling the connector - is the correcting action for me to take at the minute....
  20. H

    Tesla Spotify Account

    Never assume Lawyers when simple technical restrictions will suffice :-) (But to play along: The Android Spotify client - and presumably the iOS one - allows downloading of all songs in a given playlist to a local cache, with only periodic check-ins to the server to verify continued...
  21. H

    Tesla Spotify Account

    I suspect MCU-2 cars (Model 3, newer S/X) could have a bigger buffer thanks to more onboard memory on the Atom chipset... No evidence whether they actually do or not, of course. Us MCU-1 owners are probably stuck, though... The Spotify client is a bit.... barebones and doesn't seem to receive...
  22. H

    Tesla Wall Charger - Anyone else had the cable go bad?

    Thanks - I've already seen that and it prompted me at the time to have a look and re-position the cable in the clamp a bit better (my own had slipped a little but not enough to pull out a connector). This time around the clamp's held well, no slippage, and I've re-positioned/tightened the signal...
  23. H

    Tesla Spotify Account

    Model S owner here - Yes, although it's quit hard to predict when. The most frequent first/last 20 miles of my commute is on a country road with very patchy signal - part LTE, part 3G, a fair bit of Edge and some NO SIGNAL areas. Listening to any of the Streaming options (Spotify, TuneIn...
  24. H

    Tesla Wall Charger - Anyone else had the cable go bad?

    Hello, I've had sterling service for about 15 months from my HPWC, but in the last couple of weeks I've had a number of occasions where it's not starting to charge when plugged in. Symptom is light-blue light on the car, insert connector all the way, delay, light goes out and lock but nothing -...
  25. H

    Tesla Gatwick SC on Fire

    Can't answer for "Shut Permanently" but I do know the business and staff were moved over to the Brooklands Service Centre. That's where all the Roadsters have gone, too... edit: removed unverified statements on the grounds that better safe than sorry.
  26. H

    99kw on my 75D, that’s a first for me

    Possible but I don't think so. Both my charging sessions were mid-long-drive so the battery would have been warm from the ~90 minutes I'd been in the car beforehand. On the other hand, I suppose it is possible that the short >100kW "peaks" we're seeing aren't going into the battery but are...
  27. H

    Nav on Autopilot in the UK :-)

    It might be in the heaviest of rain (I know the radar sensor can suffer as well as the cameras if it's really bad), but my experience so far is that Nav-on-AP cuts out before AP does - so it "falls back" to regular TACC / Autosteer first.
  28. H

    99kw on my 75D, that’s a first for me

    I've seen 104kW really briefly twice on my Jan 18 75D. Both times starting from a 40%-ish charge so the tales of the elusive 110+ seem viable. The real difference appears to be it's holding on to higher rates higher up the SoC - makes staying in the mid-range of battery charge much faster if...
  29. H

    Trade in model s for P3?

    Well with that mileage it's fairly clear that the "fringe benefits" of Model-S ownership - I assume you've got free supercharging? - aren't really a factor for you. And with that trim/options package it's hard to make an argument that you'd be giving up much in the way of comfort / capabilities...
  30. H

    Just getting a software update...

    I always get the nag if I hold the wheel with both hands. I never get the nag if I hold it as you do - one hand about 4 o'clock with a bit of weight on it to provide the torque needed to trip the sensor. (I rarely get the nag if I hold it one-handed at 4 o'clock but support the weight on the...
  31. H

    Free Supercharging across the Channel?

    To be honest we were on an overnight ferry and I was mostly trying to reduce vampire drain by disabling as many sensors as possible, rather than worrying about clearance etc. A secondary consideration was that they were wandering around with tie-down straps and I didn't want the car having a...
  32. H

    Free Supercharging across the Channel?

    Yes. Tested it last summer. Works a treat. The French superchargers I found were all co-located with hotels, so there's always somewhere to get a bite to eat too. (Just remember to turn tilt/intrusion sensors off and put the car into Jack mode on the ferry!)
  33. H

    Tesla loan car insurance

    Probably best to tell them though... you're unlikely to get exactly the same model as loaner. Last time this happened to me they stuck me in a 100D (up from my 75D). Not sure the "declared value" of my car would have matched the costs if I'd stacked the 100D. Would have been even worse if it'd...
  34. H

    Long commute test

    Two slightly different cases, as I understand it, but your first statement is closest to correct. In English as plain as I can manage (...given my struggles, not yours): Try not to let the car sit for long periods when the State of Charge is over ~90%. You get to define what a "long period"...
  35. H

    Long commute test

    First and most important point: Unless you're both charging to 100% and leaving the car at 100% for extended periods (and the same for <10%), it's highly unlikely that there's much in the way of a measurable effect on degradation. All the evidence so far - gathered from thousands of cars...
  36. H

    Windscreen replacement...

    Thanks. So do I. But with the weather being warmer and drier, might be a while before I find out. Ah well, Warranty should be good for another 2 winters yet.... :rolleyes:
  37. H

    Windscreen replacement...

    Ahh, that's interesting. And plausible.... except that I can't remember it behaving like this when I picked the car up (from new) last year. I did have to do the Calibration process then too (~20 miles that time, IIRC), and I don't remember any other oddness of either lights or wipers after...
  38. H

    Windscreen replacement...

    That's good to hear. From what I can work out, getting any sort of update / code refresh is enough to sort it out - I'm guessing there's some sort of "service-mode" flag that's failsafing both headlights and wipers that's supposed to reset at the end of the calibration process but doesn't...
  39. H

    Windscreen replacement...

    I had my windscreen replaced (by Tesla themselves) on Friday. Unlike you I had to go through calibration again on the drive home (the horror! The horror! - I had to use my right foot AND a hand to steer! Oh the suffering!). Calibration completed OK after about 20 miles and TACC / AutoSteer work...
  40. H

    Ccs and future connection standards

    Apologies if what's written isn't helpful or comes across as flippant. 18 months ago I was in the same boat as you. The most stressed I got about it was the couple of weeks prior to delivery. Range Anxiety is a thing! The one thing you can bear in mind about owning specifically a Tesla Battery...
  41. H

    Ccs and future connection standards

    Everyone's needs and use-cases are different, so don't expect One Answer That Fits All for you. With that said: 90% of my charging is done at home.9% at a Supercharger. 1% was the one and only time I tried a public L2 charger, abroad, and got my cable locked into a box that needed some friendly...
  42. H

    Owning Tesla in rural areas

    We all live in hope, eh? ;)
  43. H

    Owning Tesla in rural areas

    I've been struggling recently with ABRP, in that for trips I'm making out-and-back where I'll need a charge, it's been recommending that I charge at closest-SC-to-destination to 100% and then splash-and-dash on the way back. This is clearly sub-optimal given charge taper, I'm far better off...
  44. H

    Owning Tesla in rural areas

    Couple of thoughts expanding on WannabeOwner's excellent and voluminous post: Ignore what's happening to the Energy Usage chart and the Wh/Mile rate for the first 10 minutes of a drive especially in the depths of winter. The figures will scare the beejesus out of you until the car warms up a...
  45. H

    Owning Tesla in rural areas

    I can't speak for the specific case as I've never personally tried it. But general charger etiquette is to only stay plugged in if you're actually charging (and to move the car from the spot once you're done being the obvious corollary). Certainly if I'd left mine on charge like this I'd be...
  46. H

    Owning Tesla in rural areas

    I've only ever queued - for 15 minutes or so - at off-service station chargers (older 2-bay chargers in Bristol Cribbs Causeway and the Winchester one). It's more common to arrive at Service Station chargers to find all 8+ bays empty, in my experience. Having said that, the Model-3's are coming...
  47. H

    Owning Tesla in rural areas

    Really all I have to add is a me-too to what's already been written, but I feel your pain as these were the questions I tortured myself with prior to purchase last year. I think just about the only show-stopping consideration for (any?) EV owner today is: Can I charge at home? If not, probably...
  48. H

    Software Update 2019.8.x

    Haven't been able to get Voice Commands working on 2019.8.5 - I either get a continuous spinning-circle or an immediate "not recognised" bong. Persists after MCU reboot. Wonder if it's a server-side issue. as I've only really tried them today?
  49. H

    What's the smallest Faraday key fob protecting pouch

    To the original point: I bought a pouch very similar (certainly in size) to the one originally linked. It worked great.... for about 6 months. After which the key started getting recognised by the car even in the pouch with it closed. I think the shielding around the flap wears out with...
  50. H

    Brake Hold Peddle Pressure

    I have seen it written - I can't provide references I'm afraid, but it makes an intuitive sense - that the brakes are held on with the pressure you apply them with. This suggests it's prudent to apply the brake (with the intent to trigger auto-hold) with more force than you used to halt the...