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  1. R

    What state of charge at delivery?

    48% from Heathrow
  2. R

    3 Pin Charger Dropping to 5a

    Interestingly every time I have monitored the charging on the app with the BMW charger it has been pegged at 10A. Could it be a fault with the Tesla UMC?
  3. R

    3 Pin Charger Dropping to 5a

    All looks good on UMC and charge port (flashing green lights) I have plugged in the BMW charger to see how that goes. The plug on the UMC is quite warm.
  4. R

    3 Pin Charger Dropping to 5a

    Hi All, Got my model 3 on Thursday and am noticing that the 3 pin charger normally shows 10/10a but frequently drops to 5/5A. The manual says that if it detects a wiring problem it will drop by 25% but not 50% also I would have thought it would then show 7.5/10A not /5A Anyone got any ideas...
  5. R

    Can anyone confirm/deny this?

    Totally flawed test. They drive it for about 40 miles and extrapolate from there!
  6. R

    My car is gone...:/

    indeed why it is not an option is beyond me. Maybe when V10 comes out? Consumption wise it seems to be similar to my i3 on my commute (about 4m/kwh) which is encouraging.
  7. R

    My car is gone...:/

    I did consider setting up a bidding war on Speak EV for the referral code ;) Had the i3 for 6 months and received about 25 referrals in that time. Made for cheap motoring that's for sure! As for the M3, truly amazing. Only things I am not loving are very minor (no m/Kwh display, no automatic...
  8. R

    Questions For Uk Model 3 Owners (delivery Complete)

    Damn, how odd if that is the case. I do know about the trip tab, really useful. Thanks
  9. R

    My car is gone...:/

    Well it had a happy ending! Yesterday morning in desperation I emailed heathrrow service centre begging them to go over the road and see if I actually had a car! 20 minutes later, whilst I was on hold to the delivery number an email came from delivery gb to apologise and confirm I had an...
  10. R

    Questions For Uk Model 3 Owners (delivery Complete)

    Ok cheating a bit since I picked my car up yesterday so am technically a new owner but does anyone know how to display consumption as miles/kwh? I have got used to it like that in my i3 and can't get my head around kwh/100 miles or whatever it is!
  11. R

    My car is gone...:/

    To be fair this is a premium car in terms of price. My last car (a Cayman) was about the same price and I got exeptional service from them the whole way though, as you would expect when spending £50k
  12. R

    My car is gone...:/

    Well said. I got a call 2 days ago to say my appointment would be cancelled today because there was an issue with my car and they were trying to find another for me. A new vin has appeared on my account page but the appointment time is still set for today at 4:30. Naturally I would like to know...
  13. R

    Insurance UK

    Just phoned Hastings direct and they were able to transfer me from my current car to the Model 3. They had all 3 models on their list. Only have a month left on the policy so will shop around in September.
  14. R

    Just wow....and not in a good way

    Similar issue for me. Car due in Heathrow on Thursday. Call today, car still in Zeebrugge with a problem with the driver's side window. They will not ship it with that issue so are trying to find another car Grrr
  15. R

    Insurance UK

    I selected no for a tracker on compare the market and was quoted £350 for a performance so not sure it makes a huge difference.
  16. R

    Account has stopped showing my order!

    Or mass removal ;)
  17. R

    Account has stopped showing my order!

    Same for me too!
  18. R

    Account has stopped showing my order!

    Good grief, how many have you got! Edit, just did some basic maths and worked it out. That is a lot of Teslas!
  19. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I'll find out on Thursday! Actually I have now spoken to Octopus and arranged to take the P- Apparently the order change went in over a week ago but Tesla have not actioned it!
  20. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I can better that. Ocopus called a couple of weeks ago offering to upgrade me from black P- to white P+ for free. I agreed but still waiting for the order to change on my Tesla account. I not have a delivery date on the account for this Thursday for the original P- !!!! Think I'll just go with...
  21. R

    Your Cars Name?

    Wintermute If I need to explain it.....
  22. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    It is more likely that the lease company have not linked the order to your account. I already had an order in when I took up the lease but they missed this fact and a second car appeared on my account without me doing anything (since removed obviously) so I assume the lease company/Tesla can...
  23. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    They were quite clear with me that as it is a new agreement the 12 day rule applies and that if my car arrived in that period I would not be able to pick it up. Has your order change appeared in your Tesla account yet? Still waiting for mine to show up. Not sure what I will do if I get a call to...
  24. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    No it will be a delivery estimate for the P- that tesla still think has been ordered. If the account still shows the P- it has not been updated and Tesla are expecting to deliver a P-. I have the same situation.
  25. R

    Reg Number before delivery

    Hope I am not behind you in the queue!
  26. R

    Temporary car

    Yes, pretty much. It is a rolling 1 month rental. You have a 10 day notice period to cancel after the first month. Includes insurance maintenance polar charging and 1000 miles a month. The only downside is £1000 excess on the insurance though you can get insurance to cover the excess. There is...
  27. R

    Temporary car

    EVEZY are great: one month rolling rental, includes insurance and charging. Only issue may be getting a car as they have waiting lists. I have been really pleased with my i3 from them and have a Model 3 coming to tide me over until my long term lease is delivered, PM me if you want a referral...
  28. R

    Auto lane change inhibited

    You could try EVEZY but I think there is a wait list
  29. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    I have not come across a PCH that includes insurance. (Excepting EVEZY which is a bit different)
  30. R

    More Uk-bound Ships?

    No, surely not? You will be telling me that the EU is not responsible for my straight bananas next ;)
  31. R

    Delivery call - WARNING

    I agree, the order process is a total shambles but it is not just a tech advantage, it is also a supply advantage. Who else is making EVs in this quantity? I started my EV journey 4 years ago with an i3. Took a 2 year lease assuming things would be a lot different and there would be more choice...
  32. R

    Assuming a 5" ground clearance for the P3+, how practical is that for the UK?

    All this talk about Lotus cars not grounding is all well and good but wheelbase plays a part as well. Elises etc have short wheelbases and very little overhang front/back. Tesla is very different and this wil be a factor, especially on steep driveways.
  33. R

    Model 3 Performance - without performance pack vs with performance pack

    hmm yes.... I think I will stick with my P+ rather than be swayed by a couple of random dudes on the internet ;) I must admit, coming from performance cars that I have never had a problem with "harsh" suspension. As for the wheels, hopefully we just need to drive round the pot holes rather than...
  34. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

  35. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Just changed my order to P+ in white for no extra charge (was P- in black) so off to the back of the queue I go!
  36. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Same here, the cynic in me is wondering if the lease companies have done a deal with Tesla to delay all orders until the new plate comes out.
  37. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    What spec is that?
  38. R

    Thoughts about getting M3 though a car subscription

    I use EVEZY for my current car (i3) They have been fantastic. Looking at the Model 3 when you consider that insurance maintenance supercharging etc is all included the SR+ looks like decent value compared to a lease. P- less so. I can give you a code for £50 off the first month (for both of us)...
  39. R

    Delivery chaos continues

    I would suggest that all they need to do is add a month to their estimate on the website!
  40. R

    Delivery chaos continues

    Problem is it is not an estimate it is a total fabrication. I have no idea why they allow this to be live on the website. Other tha that I am quite relaxed about the whole thing I just don't get why they still quote impossible delivery estimates on the order page.
  41. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Not sure what you mean by "nothing has been shipped or assigned yet at least 6 weeks"? There is a boat on the way so things have definitely been shipped and I have been assigned a VIN
  42. R

    Model 3 Leasing UK

    Sadly I am not so optimistic. As far as I know there are P- cars on the ship currently heading our way. I have a VIN assigned so assume as I am outside the cool off period for the lease I will have to take it.
  43. R

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    From SG Fleet "Dear xxxx, Please ignore our previous email regarding the delivery date of your Tesla. The email was sent in error as we're unable to acquire accurate delivery dates from Tesla. If Tesla have provided you with a delivery date then please go by that. Sorry for any...
  44. R

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    I would call it a shambles but I think that may be underplaying the situation!
  45. R

    The 1000 VIN's are being allocated

    Exactly the same. Vin this morning, no Vin now. Email from SG saying 2nd September. Do you think they have had a word with Tesla to delay the delivery to Sept so they get the new plate? Will not be happy if that is the case.