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  1. kgb

    Bug splats: better or worse than other cars?

    My roadster drives under the bugs! :wink:
  2. kgb

    What's gone wrong with your Roadster?

    Since Oct 2010: REPAIRS Major: UMC failure x 2 (If you can't charge, you can't drive) Minor: TPMS antenna failure Car delivered without lumbar support pads Part of TESLA emblem fell off Tire rubs passenger front wheel well 12V battery failure Bushing in steering column came loose Headlight...
  3. kgb

    OVMS AT&T GoPhone SIM card installation guide

    I just set mine up today, and I just tested that it works. So, I have good news. Although AT&T did change their plan structure, as it turns out, it is better for us rather than worse. Today, I walked into the AT&T store and brought a print out of some relevant posts so that I'd know exactly...
  4. kgb

    Does this article spell trouble for Tesla Motors battery supply?

    In the future, having a battery will not be enough to differentiate Tesla from the competition (because they too will have one), what will make Tesla better is having a better battery. If TM wants to keep ahead of the curve and keep its IP out of the hands of competitors, it would be wise for...
  5. kgb

    Used Roadsters in Texas

    I have a 2.5 from October 2010. I wouldn't describe any of the work I had done as Major. I'd say the biggest problem I had was with my UMC. I am on my 3rd, but whereas the first two only lasted 2 months each, this one has lasted a year. My vehicle was delivered without the seat lumbar...
  6. kgb

    Tesla Motor tenth-best car brand.

    I believe that the consumer union does not allow their consumer reports to be used in advertisements. But we can talk it up on this forum! :smile: If you read below the overall rankings, you'll find stuff like this:
  7. kgb

    Why are you selling?

    I was doing the "lease a Roadster until you buy a Model S" program. At this point, I may not give up the roadster when I get the model S. However, I still have not test-driven the model S and much can change in 6 months. Since mine is not for sale, I can only speculate as to why someone might...
  8. kgb

    Price Negotiation?

    With my Roadster, I got a free T-shirt, a free hat, and a free key ring - and I didn't negotiate. Imagine if I had!!! :wink: (I hope I didn't get anyone in trouble) :scared:
  9. kgb

    Elon Musk Divorcing Talulah Riley

    Now it's time for me to move in and "pick up the pieces" with Talulah. :wink:
  10. kgb

    Fuel prices world-wide

    WOW! $4/gal, that would be expensive!!! I can get gas around the corner for $2.94/gal USD. EV's will never take off with gas so cheap! That's 0.61 Euro/litre for those on the other side of the Atlantic.
  11. kgb

    Are you also investing in Tesla?

    That's why whenever I am following a stock, I keep a limit order on file for what I believe would be an exceptional buy (and if I am holding stock, an exceptional sell). I completely misjudged how low it would go. When TSLA was in the low 30's, I didn't think it would get back to $26, but you...
  12. kgb

    Black, white or silver? Which color is best for Model S?

    I voted black. I agree that black is hard to maintain, and silver is much easier (I had silver once, and it wouldn't show dirt unless it was caked on). Black also shows swirls in the sun... if you look for them. However... when you are driving around, most people will not be inspecting your...
  13. kgb

    Tesla Roadster Owners... Are you happy with Tesla as a Car Company?

    I was pleasantly surprised by my experience with TM. I had many reservations dealing with a new car company AND purchasing new car technology. I think TM treated the Roadster owners especially well because they knew there would be threads like this. Everyone knows that the Roadster line was a...
  14. kgb

    Air Suspension and Body Roll

    Wait, I read that as meaning that he was ok with the car lacking the other options except without TSR he didn't want it. But on second read, it looks like he cares about all the options except TSR. That makes a bit more sense. So if that's what he means, then no winky needed - no joke. I...
  15. kgb

    Air Suspension and Body Roll

    I think he is joking. I find it hard to believe that Traffic Sign Recognition is the option that Kevin cannot live without. I got the joke, but a winking emoticon probably would have helped.
  16. kgb

    Twin Chargers: Why?

    Here is another scenario in which I think the double charger might help... at least it is why I was considering it. My business offers shuttle service to customers. Although individual trips will not exceed the 300 ideal mile range, it may come up that the vehicle might have to travel more...
  17. kgb

    Fisker recall...

    I have to agree. This recall plus the Chevy recall can get blown out of proportion. Ironically, both recalls are in cars with gas engines... coincidence? It might help TM to be a little proactive on this and explain how their batteries are different than the ones being recalled.
  18. kgb

    Solutions for double GFCI

    Probably on this thread GFCI Trip on Plug in (spare connector)
  19. kgb

    New info from my Tesla 'dealer/genius'

    A super charger bump or a scoop on the hood would be so tongue-in-cheek. :wink:
  20. kgb

    Model S Reservation Tally

    There is another thread simultaneously discussing disappointment with the Signature options pricing. I just posted to that one, but it is applicable here as well. Pricing/Option Aftermath: Still buying?
  21. kgb

    Pricing/Option Aftermath: Still buying?

    I certainly understand where all the disappointment is coming from. The reason I never put money down for the signature is because at no time could anyone at TM tell me what I'd get for my $40k no interest loan to the company. From what I could gather, all you get for the money was...
  22. kgb

    UNOFFICIAL Tesla Model S Options Pricing Spreadsheet For All Base Models and Sigs

    I hope I am not too off topic with this, but... I just played with the configuration linked in post 12. The options I like are: 300 mi pack, Black paint, Pano roof, 19" aero wheels, Nappa leather, Tech pkg, Active air, Parcel shelf, twin chargers, HPC Without signature the cost is: $90,925 -...
  23. kgb

    Model S will not save the planet

    Yes, but you are wasting all that solar energy. You act as if we have an unlimited supply of solar energy!!! :wink:
  24. kgb

    How many Roadsters will be produced?

    I have a leased Roadster... I have the option of turning it in when I get my Model S... but at this point, doesn't look like I will. The way it stands now, I will be holding on to the roadster until either: (1) they make the "new" roadster, or (2) they make the Model S Super-Sport (not yet...
  25. kgb

    Photos from Sunday, October 2, 2011 (Model S event)

    For those who read the Steve Jobs Biography... that sounds kinda familiar. :wink:
  26. kgb

    Open Vehicle Monitoring System

    At that price point, I am interested. I see that you are getting close, I will keep an eye out for it.
  27. kgb

    Photos from Sunday, October 2, 2011 (Model S event)

    Did TM put white epoxy on the floor of the entire NUMI plant? That stuff is kind of expensive just to put on the floor of your garage. I can't imagine how much they spent to do a couple acres! (it does look cool... once I get a house with a garage, I'll put that white epoxy under my EV's)
  28. kgb

    Model X Advanced Engineering on Plan - Tesla Q3 Update 2011

    Granted, but not said on this thread. Sorry I was unaware of your brilliant idea, I had no intention of stealing it. As for the patent, my double-stack concept had batteries with half the height, so they'd be half the cost and half the weight. There! That negates your concerns about weight...
  29. kgb

    Model X Advanced Engineering on Plan - Tesla Q3 Update 2011

    I'm wondering if, with the taller form factor of an SUV, TM is planning on a "double-stack" battery pack. The Model S has 85 kW-h along the floor, but a double-stack would have 170 kW-h. Even with the efficiency lost from the added weight (and wind resistance of a taller, more SUV-like...
  30. kgb

    Do you ever forget to plug your EV in at night (is it even a problem)?

    I haven't kept track of exactly how many times, but I don't think it is 10 yet. When I first got it, I was only charging when I got below half battery. Then two things happened: (1) I had a problem with the UMC. I was unable to charge for a couple days. (2) I read on TMC that TM actually...
  31. kgb

    Open Vehicle Monitoring System

    I am interested in these solutions, but I guess it depends on how much it will be.
  32. kgb

    Feedback and suggestions regarding the Model S Beta

    Finally saw the Beta at the Houston Showcase opening. One thing I haven't seen discussed much: The data plan. I notice that there is talk of using the Model S' cellular connection as a wireless hotspot. But I'd like to propose the opposite. My phone has a wireless hotspot. I would like the...
  33. kgb

    Charging at Campgrounds and RV Parks

    Not related to current discussion, but appropriate for thread: Thought I'd share my experience. Was driving to Austin from Houston. Was using A/C, and was afraid I might fall short of my destination. So I called up South Forty RV Park in Giddings, TX. The call when like this: Me: Hi, do...
  34. kgb

    Tesla crayons and activity book

    I have a 2 1/2 year-old, she'd love that!!! Yet another reason to visit the Tesla store when it finally opens here in Houston.
  35. kgb

    Houston, TX showroom announced

    What I've been told is that no cars will be sold at these "stores" in Texas (until the law is changed). It is more of a showroom. When a Texas resident is ready to purchase, the sale takes place in California and the car shipped from California.
  36. kgb

    Feedback and suggestions regarding the Model S Beta

    I guess I didn't see that. But that is acceptable. It will keep debris from under the driver's foot. And since this is a "suggestions" thread, I would like to make one regarding that bin on the floor. It looks large and without structure or cover. I realize that a space that large could...
  37. kgb

    Feedback and suggestions regarding the Model S Beta

    Although I didn't see the beta in person, based on what I've read and seen on this forum, one of my concerns is regarding safety. I understand from many that the driver and passenger can play footsie due to the lack of a transmission hump. I always have a concern of something in the footwell...
  38. kgb

    Model S options

    If you want to do the "Apple-like" one button design, you could try this: Have the start button actually be a 3 way joystick. Press in (or down - depending on how you think of it) to start. Tilt it forward for "D- Drive", tilt it back for "R - Reverse", tilt it down for "P - Park." You could...
  39. kgb

    Umc 2.0

    A cable like that would only be valuable to either a Model S owner or someone who wants to sell it to a model S owner. As owners who know that the only source is TM, we would know that a non-owner would possess a stolen UMC. On the other hand, an uncouth Model S owner may steal to have a...
  40. kgb

    Those who drive flashy rides are only out for ...

    Oh crap! They are on to me. :eek: (A Houston study, no less.)
  41. kgb

    Houston, TX showroom announced

    This answered a bunch of my questions. I have a dinner with my kid's school the same night, but I'm going to try to make it.
  42. kgb

    2.0 / 2.5 Roadster / Roadster Sport Tire Thread

    Whaaa?! :eek: It's finally cool enough to drive with the top down.
  43. kgb

    Pictures, videos, and news from the Model S (pre-)event Oct 1, 2011

    Revealing Model S Beta | Blog | Tesla Motors http://vimeo.com/29991299
  44. kgb

    Performance/Sport option

    We needed a pricing and options thread anyway :tongue:
  45. kgb

    Model S options

    Without releasing any names, I asked that very same question to someone I know at TM. (Via Email) Question: Answer: After the big Oct 1 announcement, I started a dialogue with TM employees by email. He/They have been very helpful. I suggest that you others not hesitate to use that valuable...
  46. kgb

    Aero wheels

    Short of "repulsive," I'd consider the aerodynamic wheels. This car makes a statement... the wheels can make a statement too. If you don't act like the wheels are ugly, all the other car owners will be jealous that they can't have aerodynamic wheels. These will be the "spinners" of the 2010's!!!!
  47. kgb


    Maybe the 85 kWh represents the middle 85% of the 100kWh battery?
  48. kgb

    Performance/Sport option

    Wow. I was tongue in cheek when I was complaining about 4.4. I was partly implying that 4.4 will seem slow compared to my roadster. The other part was that I heard Elon mention a sub-4 Model S in at least one (I think I could find 2) interviews. So I was kinda hoping that would be the...
  49. kgb

    Performance/Sport option

    ok, ok. Maybe underwhelmed was the wrong word, but I was disappointed, because I was expecting the sport to be 3.9 or 4.0. 4.5 is fast. That was how fast my Mercedes SL55 AMG was, and until the Roadster, that was my fastest car ever. I used to think it was pretty fast, so I guess I could...
  50. kgb

    Poll on battery size.

    Did you not see what I wrote before? It would be like forgetting to put the kids to bed!