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  1. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    My membership in the Blank Club has come to an end. It’s been around 30-days since my Estimated Delivery changed from June to Blank. 30-Days of laughter, tears, anticipation, anxiety, and friendships formed with my fellow “blankies” in the cruel Groundhogs day that is having a blank date. To...
  2. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Dear Elon, Today is my birthday. Would it be possible for you to give me my VIN today to celebrate? Thanks, Cysco P.S. If you can’t give me a VIN, could you at least change my date from Blank to something else? 25-days of being blank has gotten kinda boring.
  3. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    RN1150 Plaid/Red/Cream/CF/Spiders/XFSD Dallas, TX Still Blank. 20 days and counting of blank.
  4. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    It’s location. Tesla isn’t saying “OK, it’s time to build xEvoLveDx’s car and ship it to him.” They’re saying “we’ve got a car hauler heading to South Carolina in an hour with one empty spot on it. Do we have a Model S built that matches an order in that area?” It’s all about logistics. I’m...
  5. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Don’t be too sure about that. If there’s a demand, someone will build it. Either: A. Someone will offer a service where they sell you a full wheel that is built off the “guts” of a yoke. You buy the wheel and send your yoke to them as a core. (Very common practice) B. Someone will just engineer...
  6. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    What size wheels do you have? I don’t think you can get there unless you have 21in wheels.
  7. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Oh, I’ll resist. Especially after seeing the pic of the Cream/CF interior posted a few pages ago. It looks so good. I can wait. I just hope I don’t have to wait until the end of the year. We should start a Carbon Fiber Waiting support group to talk ourselves out of those moments of weakness...
  8. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I’m on Day 15 of having a blank date on my Plaid/Red/Cream/CF/21. Not a peep from Tesla in over a month. I’ve accepted the fact that I’m not getting the car until Sept/Oct at the earliest, though I still look every morning as part of my morning coffee ritual. Must say today was the first day I...
  9. C

    Plaid delivery

    Wood and not Carbon Fiber inside I assume?
  10. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Have been blank since June 17. (Prior was June for one day and July02-14 or something before that) Red/CF/21/Dallas, TX I haven’t heard a peep from Tesla for over a month. I can only assume it’s the red paint.
  11. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I think you’ve got half the equation. You need to have the right car ordered, but you also have to live in the right place. You have to be picking up at a location that Tesla has a delivery going to with space for your car. What’s going on right now is an inventory and logistics exercise...
  12. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Spec? & what part of Texas?
  13. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Probably because that truck or train is going that way regardless. You picking it up doesn’t stop Tesla from paying for that truck to drive across the country. That is a sunk cost for Tesla. If anything, a factory pickup would cost them more because they’d have to pay staff to assist you...
  14. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I don’t think there’s a pattern. I suspect Tesla is just building cars. They don’t say “OK, it’s time to build Beyondludi’s car.” They build a car and the logistics say there’s a car hauler leaving the factory tomorrow that has one space left on it. They look at where that hauler is going and...
  15. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Black/wood (CF not an option on LR)
  16. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Friend of mine on the east coast got his VIN today. Blue LR 21in wheels., Ordered in early march.
  17. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    RN1150 Plaid/Red/Cream/CF/XFSD - Dallas, TX Blank for the last week, still blank. So I can sleep at night, I’ve just telling myself that red cars are blank because they haven’t done a red batch of cars yet and that when the do a bunch of us red owners will get their VINs.
  18. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Dang that CF trim looks really good. Must hold the line. Will not convert to wood.
  19. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Seems like our Red Plaid dates have been in lock step recently. I’m in Dallas. What part of Texas are you in? FWIW, Mine, which went Blank yesterday, is still blank this morning.
  20. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Same here my friend. RN1150 Plaid/Red/Cream/CF/Spiders/XFSD/ - Dallas June->Blank->July 02-22->June->July 02-22->June->Blank
  21. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    There some some chatter in this thread about a couple credit unions where people got sub 2% for their new model S. Anyone recall which credit unions these were?
  22. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    My date ping pong continues for my Plaid RN1150 - Plaid/Red/CF/Spiders/XFSD/Dallas - March 25 Am now back to June as of this morning June->Blank->June->July 02-22->June->July 02-22->June Fun!
  23. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    There seems to be a lot of concern about the yoke. If it turns out to be as bad as some think it will be, just swap it out. If it’s bad, there’s going to be a ton of aftermarket options available to us (including from Tesla themselves I’m sure)
  24. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Some changes to my orders today. LR - RN1145 - March 1 - Dallas - Red/Cream/Spiders/XFSD - Was June, now August Plaid - RN1150 - May 25 - Dallas - Red/Cream/Spiders/XFSD - Was June, now back to July 02-22 My Plaid order has bounced a little between June and July 02-22 for the last week. It was...
  25. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    If the yoke turns out to be terrible, I fully expect either Tesla, or the aftermarket, to make an aftermarket full wheel. I’m not worried about it.
  26. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    So morning after update, Plaid Red/Cream/CF/No FSD - May 25 order - RN1150 - Dallas, TX Was July 02-22 pre-event, now at JUNE. I’ve gone: June ->Blank->July 02-22->June
  27. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Structural Battery Pack! 4680 Batteries Confirmed! ;-)
  28. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Nice! I suspect the difference is your wood trim. We should meet up when we get our cars!
  29. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Wow, So my Plaid Model S order from May 25th started at June for a couple days, then went blank until this morning. Red/Cream/CF/Arachnid/NO FSD Dallas, TX Got a Date Range this morning of July 02-22. This is the first date range I’ve received for either of my orders ever. Has anyone else...
  30. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Called Tesla to see if changing my LR order to Plaid, or changing my Plaid's CF trim to wood would do anything to expedite my delivery. "no sir, any change to an order is treated as a new order and would put you at the back of the line" Bummer. back to impatiently waiting.
  31. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Worth getting the offers from the local places. Chances are that Tesla will be lower. The Carmax offer isn’t likely to change much between now and when Tesla gets around to doing your offer. So when they do, you can decide if the tax savings is worth it. If not, take the trade off then.
  32. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I’m one of the guys that has rarely had a date change. I’ve got a LR and Plaid order. Both dates blank for quite some time LR RN1145 placed on March 1 - Red/Cream/Wood Plaid RN1150 placed May 25 - Red/Cream/Carbon The LR date had been blank for probably a month. Before that it was August...
  33. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Don't celebrate quite yet. omarsultan could get there on Friday and find a model y with some cardboard, duct tape and stickers stuck to it.
  34. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Man, who do I need to bribe to get one of those Crimson Red Model S’s sitting under the car covers in that latest flyover video. I wonder if those were painted there or trucked over from Giga Berlin? So help me if they start offering that color this year I’m going to be a sad camper.
  35. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    So some things that we can deduce from @omarsultan getting his delivery confirmation. 1. Order date/number isn’t overly important. He placed his Plaid order on 5/25 (same day as me. fingers crossed!) 2. White interior (and probably CF trim) supplies have dried up. As reported before, if you got...
  36. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Just resurrecting my post from a few weeks ago. So far, so good. We’ll see about the batteries and. Range.
  37. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Oh, look at this guy with his 3 model S orders! Nice humble brag! (That’s a joke) ;-)
  38. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Unlike some of you rollercoaster riders, my dates rarely change. LR - RN1145xxxx Placed March 1 - Delivery date has been rock solid at “August” since the date chaos started at the beginning of May Plaid - RN1150xxxx Placed May 25 - Delivery date started at June for a day or so, and has been...
  39. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    That’s a little different than saying “everyone with CF is delayed” rather than “looks like new orders for CF or white interior are now delayed 2-months” the new order delay for CF has been that way for around a week now. There’s no evidence that orders placed before that are also delayed.
  40. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Eh? Where are you getting that from?
  41. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Today is a day that will live in infamy. Known as Blank Friday, the story of this day will be passed down to future generations in the songs and interpretative dances of our people.
  42. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Smart! I did the same thing this morning. I don’t think it’s completely out of the realm of possibility. Worth getting an order in just in case. I now have two identical cars on order. LR - August. Plaid - June
  43. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I just keep coming back to how weird it was to have the whole Plaid/Plaid+ distinction in the first place. Plaid+ was never supposed to be a thing. Seems like they invented it to hedge their bets. If the 4680s weren’t going to be ready, well they would release them in the “Plaid +” and fall back...
  44. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    My prediction for the 3rd: The Plaid Model S will essentially be the Plaid+. It’ll contain the 4680 batteries and have 500+miles of range. It’ll have the active aero rear wing we’ve seen and will start shipping in June. The LR model will use the existing batteries and will begin shipping once...
  45. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    This theory could also explain a good deal of the delay. If Tesla was all “man, if we just hold out a little longer we could probably get the 4680 batteries in the Plaid.” That would justify the radio silence. It would also explain the issues they were having with cooling. I’m going to go...
  46. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    OK, I just did it. I placed an order for a Plaid “for science” I now have two identical cars on order Red/Cream/Arachnids. One LR, one Plaid LR - RN1145xxxx Placed March 1 - Delivery date has been rock solid at “August” since the date chaos started a couple weeks ago Plaid - RN1150xxxx Placed...
  47. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Hey guys, cut Tesla some slack. Web pages are hard.
  48. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Is it though? This forum represents a small subset of the total Model S orders. It seems the overwhelming number of us have a June date now, which would mean the majority of all existing Model S orders also have a June date. Going from zero Model S cars made to fulfilling the majority of...