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  1. T

    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    rpo, If you take a picture of an ICED station you can submit a tip on one of the following websites that have regular Tesla news: http://www.engadget.com/about/tips/ http://www.kwch.com/news/local-news/contact-us-and-faq/22468682 http://transportevolved.com/contact-us/ http://insideevs.com/about/
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    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    So are you then accusing the OP for lying or did you skip reading the opening message? I'm glad in your mind you live in a perfect world where problems don't exist if they don't happen to you.
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    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    In big companies problems continue to happen because the information doesn't get through to higher management. Look at this Porsche guy who had problems with his car. His issue was solved after this video had over a million views. Porsche 911 991 issues: UPDATE: Porsche and I have reached a...
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    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    golfski, thanks for being one of the rare people to write something reasonable. To all, I want to give a little background on this issue and why I know so much about Ellensburg even though I'm not even from the US. It started a month ago in a topic in official Tesla forums. Somebody posted...
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    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    That's not something I'm saying. I'm just quoting what the FAQ says. From the FAQ it appears when you try to complain, they tell you there is nothing they can do if the signage allows for general parking. I think that is a poor approach. How is Tesla supposed to collect data about what stations...
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    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    This is not how Tesla sees the problem. Currently the approach is that you don't have the right to complain if the signage allows for general parking. That is the reason why in the opening message you can read that calling Tesla was not helpful at all. They don't want you to call if the signage...
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    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    I see it more like a way to bring up an issue to the attention of higher management. The job of the Tesla rep is to keep records of complaints and the pass on those to their supervisor. For example if there are too many complaints for Ellensburg, there should be a process in place to collect...
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    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    I didn't say fans. I said fanboys. There is a difference between the two. I'm a Tesla fan myself. Here is my disqus profile (a comment management system for websites). You can read there messages I wrote about Tesla on various sites.
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    Live Traffic info not integrated to GPS/Google Maps?

    Here is the same link with time data added: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAeetyfnHfk#t=13m07s
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    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    Yes, I think Ellensburg is an exception. The location is exceptionally stupid.
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    Teo Takes Tesla To Task

    Merrill, You are too far behind in the discussion. ICEing at Ellensburg station is a common problem and was discussed a few times. In Ellensburg, let alone towing signs, Tesla doesn't even put these two signs that are required by Washington State law: D9-11b Sign R7-11 No Parking Sign It...
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    Stunning visuals in experimental short to be used by Tesla Motors

    Tesa Origins video by David Holm: http://vimeo.com/98160242 David Holm's portfolio: Supply Demand I don't like it. It is too cliche and cold. If I had to score it I would give it 05/100. It couldn't be worse. There is no story, no style, not excitement, no humor. It doesn't even properly show...
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    Nissan releases heat tolerant battery and replacement battery cost

    I was just re-watching the following video and at the beginning it talks about a class action lawsuit against Nissan because their battery lost 27% charge in first year. Professor Jeff Dahn - WIN Seminar Series - YouTube
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    How is Tesla charging the Panasonic 18650PF at over a 1C rate?

    Besides liquid cooling, the batteries also have a custom chemistry which helps with battery life. By the way in Europe superchargers are 135 kW. The most technical video that I know of about Tesla batteries is this one:
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    Service Center refuses to change tires due to bad alignment - Resolved

    It is a common problem. The picture is from this topic: P85+ Rear Tire Wear at 7400k Pictures
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    Model X optional tailpipe speaker and fog light speakers

    This is not as bad as it looks. There is already active noise cancellation technology that measures ambient noise and generates an equal and negative frequency noise to cancel it out. Many headphones have this and it works great with continuous noise such as aircraft engine noise in the cabin...
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    Temporary / Emergency charging via direct attachment to the Electical Panel

    I did a little research. In Washington, where the OP is from, it appears you need a permit to do any electrical work in outbuildings. There are exceptions for "like-in-kind replacements" but that's it. There are insurance issues. If this would cause a fire, it is likely the landlord's insurance...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    This is what I expect will happen in next few years: In 2015 I expect that real-time data on available stalls will be on the screen. However it won't have any effect on driver habits. People will still plan their journey before they leave. The supercharger usage levels in 2015 and 2016 are not...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    plaeuschler, In the opening message LA to Vegas was mentioned as an example. I never talked about driving around the city. Another detail that made it clear that we are talking about intercity driving was that you leave a city with a charged battery. The reason why between the lines it mimics...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    No, I'm not assuming that at all. There are people on youtube and news blogs who think you fill up a Tesla at a supercharger. They don't know that you charge at home most of the time. I have written countless responses trying to correct that incorrect idea. Here are two examples...
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    ICED in Buckeye

    What you do in the US is up to people from the US. I'm just researching and making information available. There are already some people in this topic who think ICE shouldn't park at charging stations. If they are not happy they can complain to Tesla. If some of these people didn't know about the...
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    ICED in Buckeye

    Lloyd, The station in those images is fine. Please check the pictures here for Ellensburg that doesn't have either the blue or the red no parking signs because Tesla wanted to make the host happy. Of course I read it. I have done so much research on this I even read the historical background...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    igotzzoom, I agree with your ideas. Yes that would be solution #2. And that would be solution #1. I also think this is the ultimate goal. A central computer will calculate your estimated arrival time and required charge time. It will consider a few different options. Then it will suggest a...
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    ICED in Buckeye

    I agree completely. I also want to add that removing a perception from public mind is extremely difficult. Once people think that EVs are no good because you might not be able to charge when traveling long distance, it will be extremely difficult and costly for Tesla to remove that perception...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    This entire topic is about superchargers between cities. We are only talking what happens on intercity highways. As you are riving along on the highway, you realize that you need to charge and if you pick a random station and don't know the availability there beforehand, then your experience...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    igotzzoom, I think your description fits solution #3 in opening message which is "On-road stations". These are stations on pit stop lanes parallel to the main road. You don't need to divert from the highway and then drive a few miles. The current stations are not like that. Currently you need to...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    dsm363, The solutions are in the opening message. The office worker example assumes no solution is implemented. For example if real-time data on availability is implemented to 17" screen, in the office analogy this would mean the customers could see which desks have how many documents when they...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    Lloyd, I am factoring that. (edit: There are 4 possible solutions in the opening message but assuming none is implemented) No matter how much you increase number of stations it doesn't help even if the increase is more than the rate of cars. Please first read my office worker example in previous...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    Here is another analogy: Imagine an office worked sitting on a desk and processing documents. She can process 10 documents in 40 minutes, representing a station with 10 stalls. There is a steady stream of 10 customers per 40 minutes. Demand and capacity is an exact match. Customers put the...
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    Convinced my Model S helped me prevent a serious accident today

    Mike, you are right. 2013 and older models of Toyota Highlander Hybrids have 17.4% rollover risk which is 3 times more than Model S' 5.7% risk. Model S has the lowest rollover risk of any car ever tested by NHTSA. I checked a lot of cars. I even looked for cars with low center of gravity trying...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    I agree completely. For some time now I have been watching Tesla videos instead Netflix. One of the videos I watched was about data. It is this video: Building Production Reporting Tools to Enable Massively-Parallel Improvement at Tesla - YouTube They have some smart people there. I wish they...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    stopcrazypp, I agree with the live data idea. Availability info in the car would be a solution. It wouldn't be perfect but it would eliminate 80% of problems. One problem with this is the same problem with digital sign idea. When the screen shows 1 available space, a few cars might head there...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    Bonnie, if you look at the restaurant example in the opening message the current situation is demonstrated by 15 diners and 10 chairs per restaurant and multiple restaurants. If you leave people alone and let them pick whichever location they want, the fluctuation of their random choices can't...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    Jerry, I'm guessing you skipped the long opening message and the fictitious restaurants example. Gas stations are different because even if number of cars is 3 times the number of pumps, it is still not a problem because low fill-up times. A comparison with restaurants makes more sense where the...
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    ICED in Buckeye

    I don't agree with Tesla's shared stations idea. I think it undermines regulations which I see as the only long term solution. I think ICED station problems will discourage and delay mass adoption in the US. I still think the Ellensburg station doesn't comply, but it won't be enforced. However...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    igotzzoom, I agree about on screen data instead road signs. I was thinking that 3G will be optional and then all those cars that don't have it would break the system. But after dsm363's idea about free 3G without web, I changed my mind. I have now updated the opening message. I think they will...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    Hmm, a free 3G for life without web. It sounds like a good idea. It would prevent lots of problems. - - - Updated - - - RubberToe, I agree with your mega stations idea. In fact I had the same idea a while ago and mentioned it at official Tesla forums. I forgot it when I wrote here. Edit: I...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    DSM, After 4 years you could have the option to renew 3G or not renew. Those who don't renew could update software with wifi or tethering. Making 3G option doesn't break software updates but those cars that don't have it could break the system for other cars.
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    Of course if Tesla can afford giving away 3G for the life of the car then great. There is no problem. #1 would work and your version of #2 (without road signs but infor on screen) would work too. But I think free 3G is unlikely because it would cost too much for Gen3 cars compared to the price...
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    Why more superchargers alone can't prevent overcrowding

    Every time when there is a discussion about the future of superchargers and how they will cope with increasing number of Teslas, a few people jump in and say more stations will be built and it will be just fine. But when you think about the details that doesn't make sense. There is no way adding...
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    Reply to Thread red button problems

    Once I watched a documentary about industrial design. They were designing grips for kitchen and garden tools. The designer said when manufacturers come to them they describe their typical customer profile but then the designers ignore everything they were told because if they take care of the...
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    Cadillac's ELR is not for 'tree-huggers'

    Good luck with trying to sell a product by insulting your potential customers.
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    ICED in Buckeye

    I'm glad there are so many reasonable people in this forum. In official Tesla forums when I said Tesla is doing it wrong by allowing ICE to park at some supercharge stations, I was attacked by fanboys. In some stations the signage is clearer but unfortunately not for discouraging ICE. In...
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    What if I wanted to make a Tesla Taxi?

    Mchk, I think the Model S would make a great taxi. Here is a savings calculator by Tesla: Your Questions Answered | Tesla Motors
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    New member limitations and how it can be fixed

    That's not correct. There are some other forum topics right here in the Site Feedback section where others were trying to find information. In fact after I had problems as a new member, first I checked all the content on FAQ/Forum Rules/Terms of Service/Advertising policy pages. After I couldn't...
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    New member limitations and how it can be fixed

    Doug, even that little information you just said in that sentence is not known to new members. There is nothing. There is no information at all anywhere. I'm not suggesting giving all the details. Even some rough statements would help.
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    Is there a Plugshare for parking?

    FrozenCanuck, There is a website called parkatmyhouse.com. It is UK based but covers other countries too. =accepts_cars&no_of_spaces="]Here is a search result for Toronto.
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    Upload picture of Supercharger site??

    Let's not lose focus on the issue. The issue is lack of information to new members about limitations, what they are, when they are lifted and how you would know. I think we will continue seeing topics like this regularly until somebody decides to add a little more information which does not cost...
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    Upload picture of Supercharger site??

    Nigel, not fair for you to pick sides like that in an argument using your moderator powers. I don't think I was particularly impolite. However, let me rephrase. Canuck, I don't think it is appropriate to tell other members what they should or shouldn't write about especially when someone isn't...
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    Upload picture of Supercharger site??

    I didn't ask for your opinion. I wasn't talking to you either.