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  1. SISU Life

    PUP: Can I control the doors through the FOB while having auto-present off?

    Our DS told us that it would be a love/hate relationship. At first it was kind of neat, but after going in and out of the garage with the FOB in my pocket, I got tired of having to shut the door all the time. I considered making a driver profile for when it was in the garage with the auto...
  2. SISU Life

    My X had a bad day today

    We had that as well the other night. Reboot did the trick. Googled some forums and there was some speculation that the sound is coming from the AC unit/fans or something. I didn't try turning off climate control when it was happening, but it was a very hot day and the AC was running full...
  3. SISU Life

    Really bad experience! Where is final purchase agreement?

    Sorry for your experience. I've seen so many posts and the experience is all over the place. My purchase agreement was included with all of the docs on my account page and was there the day we took delivery. I guess I was lucky as well with ordering through the online store. Ordered floor...
  4. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Took delivery today of our 75D Model X! Loving it. 60 days total from order to delivery. Took delivery in Portland, Oregon. DS said they have been very busy. Over 20 deliveries today.
  5. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Confirmation made today.....delivery scheduled for tomorrow (6/15) at 5PM for our Midnight Silver Metallic MX!! 1 week earlier than initially projected. Pics to follow.
  6. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Nice! Congrats! We are hoping to take delivery either the evening of 6/15 or 6/18. Midnight Silver Metallic as well. Can't wait. Hoping for the delivery tomorrow so we can do our first road trip on Saturday.
  7. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    I ordered the 75D. Couldn't justify the extra $$ for that. The vast majority of our driving is around town and we have a HPWC installed at home for overnight. On the road trips that we normally do, there are SC's all along those routes, so not worried about it at all.
  8. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Well, who knows how accurate their updates are on there. I was completely shocked when I saw it through production last Sunday. Not sure how yours is configured, but that might have something to do with production time as well.
  9. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Hope so. My DS said they have been slammed with deliveries this month.
  10. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    It was in production for 4 days (June 6-10). He said that he expected it to be in PDX sometime today (6/13). Then he was hoping they could inspect, prep, detail and finalize documents by Friday evening. Not really holding my breath on the Friday thing. He said Saturday would be a definite...
  11. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Amazingly enough, my DS called last night and there is a possibility of taking deliver this Friday, but more likely it will be Monday. Still earlier than the original date. We will see.
  12. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Where in the PNW are you? My MX was out of production on the 10th and I am scheduled for the 22nd. My DS said that he doubted we would get in before that due to the large amount of deliveries that are currently happening in Portland, Oregon. I was hoping for an earlier delivery, but not...
  13. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Update today: Production complete. Vehicle in transit!!
  14. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Our status changed today to production complete, in transit. Still scheduled for a June 22 delivery so curious to see if that gets bumped up.
  15. SISU Life

    One Year Anniversary Thoughts on my Model X75D Configuration--Recommendations for new buyers

    Nice review. We went round and round, back and forth about the seats, PUP, battery configuration, etc., etc. I'm really glad to read your review on the textile seats since that is what we went with. My wife just isn't a big fan of leather, but these seemed like a nice choice with the leather...
  16. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    We ordered in April, VIN in May and in production yesterday for a June 22 delivery (hopefully). We have a 75D ordered with some options, but not all. So, not sure if the model type and upgrades plays a big role or not. Hard to make sense of how the scheduling works.
  17. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    It's really hard to make any sense at all regarding when things happen in regards to ordering dates, confirmation, VIN assignments, etc. My DS told us we were definitely going into production this week and he conservatively scheduled our deliver for the 22nd of June. He has been really good at...
  18. SISU Life

    Wiki Model X Order/Delivery Tracking - Google Sheet

    Happy day....happy dance. Status update to 'Currently In Production'. Ordered April 12th Confirmed on April 16th. VIN assigned on May 5th. In production June 6th. Right now, scheduled for delivery on June 22nd. Keeping those fingers crossed!!
  19. SISU Life

    Does anybody regret buying Model X for your main car?

    I had the same issue/concern. My co-worker, who owns an S, took me on a trip and I got to see first hand the beauty of the Supercharger network. No more range issues. It does take some planning, and your trip might get broke up more than with an ICE vehicle, but I honestly don't mind breaking...
  20. SISU Life

    Interior Upgrade email from Tesla

    Received the same email this morning. Updated graphite trim to replace the silver trim. What are the other updates/upgrades for the interior? I haven't been on there to look at the configuration page.
  21. SISU Life

    Model X delivery time in US

    I ordered in the second week of April. Also from the PNW and was tentatively scheduled for the third week of June as a probable delivery date.
  22. SISU Life

    Accident at Oxnard Supercharger Site

    Someone will still find a way to blame auto pilot for the accident.