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  1. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Well, my wall charger shipped. Guess that’s good news. Not sure what I’m going to charge though...😂
  2. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Also with the new chip from AMD... could also be a cause for the delays. https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-model-s-model-x-mcu3-specs-amd-gpu-confirmed-video/
  3. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Check out this article I just found. Maybe Elon pushed back deliveries of plaid to try and hold on to the “fastest production car” title, hence another week of tweaks for more power....? https://www.gearbrain.com/amp/rimac-nevera-model-s-plaid-2653190187
  4. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    i smell quality issues if this is the case......
  5. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    It has. There was another member to here a while back that got the same email. I called the dealer clear to me and the guy that sent out the email said it is light. It can only accommodate about 1000 people. This is setup because they cannot go over the car at delivery due to covid. He said if...
  6. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    It is odd they haven’t started to assign VINs if they plan on starting deliveries 6/10. I am also wonder with SAs calling Plaid+ holders to change to Plaid, are they holding off on assigning Plaid VINs until they try to get Plaid+ People to convert, which bumps current/original Plaid customers...
  7. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Well that sound promising. Not going to hold my breath at this point though...
  8. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Awesome recon job!! Appreciate the pictures.
  9. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Oh got it. Didn’t know that. Thanks for the clarification. just can’t wrap my head around why these cars are just sitting ready to go with VINs. At least ship them to the dealers....
  10. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    To me it looks like they do have a lot of MS inventory to ship out, within June timeframe too. But for some reason they are not shipping them yet. Does looks like really dirty ones from by the train tracks too. Speculation on my part, and I said this before, I think it’s due to not getting an...
  11. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Same, just blank still. I also just ordered early May, so I am not expecting to much. But I did order plaid with CF - that was the only option at the time. My delivery time started at august, then to June, then to august. Now blank and been like that almost all week.
  12. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Was there a flyover video yesterday? Is it on YouTube or something...? Can someone share?
  13. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    I agree, that’s my point. Even though you can say it could perhaps be “driver error.” The fact there might not be a known safe zone like in neutral or park could cause some problems down the road....which wasn’t by driver choice but rather how the car was designed. I like the concept and excited...
  14. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Not shocking it got pushed back to the 10th. Speculation on my part, but perhaps it has to do with the yoke, no stalks, etc. we don’t even know if some of that stuff is legal or not....someone correct me if you know otherwise. Just because the yoke is in a car they are testing, can they still...
  15. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Yeah I think your right. I actually like the door handles the black like the trim. Wouldn’t want it same color as car.
  16. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Black door handles too instead of the video a few pages back with the painted same color as car.
  17. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    That’s crazy since on the webpage when you order is still has June. Since you just ordered and have blank, will be curious if they still deliver yours in June.....
  18. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    It’s odd most of us have blank for delivery date all the sudden. But if you go to website to place an order for plaid it has a June estimated delivery. Probably just trying to jam orders in before end of quarter, most likely at least. But orders won’t count towards the quarterly numbers until...
  19. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    just spoke to Brian. He said email is random, but driven by certain”timelines.” If you didn’t receive one yet, you will very soon as they can only fit 1000 people into these meetings at a time. Doesn’t mean VINs are necessarily being assigned yet or not, after June 3rd they will have more...
  20. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Looks good. Still not sure about the yoke steering wheel....feel like it is going to be a pain for everyday driving. Guess I am going to find out though...
  21. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Yeah you are way ahead of me for the RN.... I know they are prioritizing Plaids though. Hoping I get an update soon 🤞
  22. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    what is the first few numbers for your RN#? Mine is RN1149. I’m right in your area and plan to pick car up at Devon location. I also ordered a Plaid but didn’t get this email.
  23. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Mine went blank this morning too. RN1149, blk/blk, 21’s, no FSD. It was august, then June 1 - June 30. Then august. Now blank. Hope we get VINs soon. But your guess is as good as mine....
  24. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    That’s odd because I don’t think anyone on here has mentioned a delivery day earlier that June 26th. Someone correct me if I’m wrong though. Mine was showing a delivery of 6/1-6/30, now jumped back to August...wtf. RN1149, plaid, Blk/Blk, 21’s, no FSD. I’m east coast though, not sure if they...
  25. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Mine was at 6/1 - 6/30. Then this morning bumped back to August. Wonder if on 6/3 I will get a call saying to come pick up my car.....🙄
  26. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Thanks, im glad I joined the conversations. Haha roller coaster. Seems to be the case. 😂
  27. C

    Wiki Model S Delivery Update

    Ordered a MS plaid May 12th. Was showing August delivery. After a week, changed to June 1 - June 30. Called advisor, had no clue what was going on. Was reading the posts here this morning and someone mentioned delivery dates changed again. Logged into account and now showing August delivery...