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  1. W

    Nebraska Tesla Club first meeting

    Is there an active club in the Lincoln/Omaha area? Just posted this thread inquiring: Nebraska Tesla Club?
  2. W

    Nebraska Tesla Club?

    That reminds me, I need to see my chiro next week. Surely with the Model 3's release. Can't wait to see one in-person.
  3. W

    Nebraska Tesla Club?

    That's funny, I actually went to that meetup. I'll email Jim to see where the club stands. Will report back.
  4. W

    Nebraska Tesla Club?

    Hello, I'm a 27-year-old Tesla/Musk enthusiast. I'll come clean and say I don't own a Tesla. I know so much about them but I'm single and work from home so I just haven't justified it yet. I live in Lincoln and last Friday I saw three Tesla's on Old Cheney on my way out of town. So I know you...