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  1. J

    Hydrogen Storage

    Hmm...would that have been Prof. Omar Yaghi? This neutron-scattering image shows how hydrogen molecules (red-green circles) connect to what's called a metal-organic framework -- a type of custom-made compound eyed for hydrogen storage applications. UCLA, University of Michigan Chemists...
  2. J

    just an allusion

    A click on and perusal of any number of the links contained in my post would have revealed to the viewer that several of the referenced trains are "autonomous" in nature/operation...otherwise I would have negated my intended point entirely. It is important not to confuse commuter/light rail with...
  3. J

    Database error

    If you wouldn't mind a little constructive input on potential remedies for the troubles the site appears to be stymied with (yes, I was booted off the site earlier today, receiving the message that the site's IP address no longer existed), please contact me at your convenience as I would be more...
  4. J

    Charging physics confusion

    The point of my question(s) that I believe the two of you are missing is that while it's obvious that the so-called "quick charge" power cord incorporates a transformer in the rather large plug end to convert the incoming AC amperage to DC voltage suitable for recharging the on-board batteries...
  5. J

    just an allusion

    To be completely honest, from my perspective I really do not understand the basis of the arguments over "materials", "weight", "batteries" or even "aerodynamics" for that matter, behind the lack of/postponed development/production of vehicles/cars capable of carrying more than two people at any...
  6. J

    Roadster on Top Gear

    I agree, too, and admit that much of my animosity towards the Top Gear review is due to their obviously pandering to the still predominant ICE crowd even though they have the future right in front of them, let alone in their very hands...perhaps it was out of some long ingrained (you know, like...
  7. J

    Charging physics confusion

    If this is, indeed, the case, then why has there been so much debate over the "need" of establishing a charging/recharging infrastructure...You know, when any outlet/power supply would do?
  8. J

    Charging physics confusion

    The Tesla itself should be equipped with an on board inverter/power doubler to step up (or down, as the case may be) the available wattage/amperage to that required by the Tesla's battery pack accordingly. The omission of such technology would amount to oversight on behalf of the Tesla's...
  9. J

    just an allusion

    Yes, and is really nothing compared to what I typically construct, lol! "Most members"..."Most members"...?!? Great! Now I'm being discriminated against because I'm not like "most members", huh?? (Just kidding;-) ) I generally prefer to walk my own path instead of being one of the cowed...
  10. J

    Charging physics confusion

    If this be the case, then why not merely outfit the car with a large gauge charging cable (something in a bag to throw in the boot) or, if you really wanted to wax all self-sufficient and techie, how about outfitting the car with a retractable charging cord accessible out of it's rear panel or...
  11. J

    just an allusion

    Which is what I was getting at when I went on to say: Though it's good to know that we're essentially on the same page, even though we may be reading from different books, lol!
  12. J

    Biodiesel production in Colombia leading to human rights violations

    Which pretty much mirrors my sentiments exactly. http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/17481-post16.html
  13. J

    just an allusion

    True, all very true. I understand the impracticality of a two-seater/sports car for a "family" and perhaps it is that the EV marketeers and manufacturers need to realize the basic fact that the majority of our society primarily consists of "family units" and not just "singles", then orient...
  14. J

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    Good points all around...I think that the question comes down to whether or not an aeroplane(jet or prop) is capable of housing a tank (or tanks) that maintains a pressure of 3-5 bar and a consistent temperature of -250C to restrict the hydrogen to a liquid state irregardless of the elevation of...
  15. J

    Charging physics confusion

    Additional Moderator's Note: just-an-allusion turned out to be a troll writing semi relevant nonsense for the purpose of causing confusion. Though his posts are junk, some may find the responses useful. This thread remains for that reason. Moderator's Note: moved from this thread. So...why...
  16. J

    Positive Roadster review from Detroit

    Perhaps it's Detroit's way of (finally) warming up to the inevitable?
  17. J

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    I've seen a number of individuals mention throughout this thread (and elsewhere) the matter of a perceived need to develop an EV charging infrastructure in the form of "stations" for the purpose of convenience for owners whom are commuting over distances beyond the Tesla's present range. I'd...
  18. J

    Cars, Candidates, Loans, and Bailouts

    "Josh Whedon", huh? Whatever in the hell happened to "Firefly"/"Serendity"?!? Good, ever evolving story lines, great character development...Sheesh! All the good ones end up tossed on the wayside.
  19. J

    just an allusion

    Yes, I've since revisited their individual threads wherein my submitted information was incorporated nicely with the other comments, providing more readily available insight on the given subject as compared, but if you've the need to delete my comments to trim the thread and make it more so...
  20. J

    just an allusion

    I've just conducted a "search" for the On Cars Tesla review (been reading elsewhere) and had a couple returns other than my own concise submission, so if you'd prefer to, then by all means delete my post. I'd appreciate it if you were to point out the other two of the "three things we already...
  21. J

    just an allusion

    Damn...and I thought that I was being progressive, lol! I make it a point to include the authoring link with each of my posts that are so originated, so I do not understand the purpose for your comment.
  22. J

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    BMW, that niche automaker we've all heard of, has a completely different take on the whole "hydrogen-powered-vehicle" issue: http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/bmw-hydrogen-7-production/
  23. J

    Roadster on Top Gear

    OnCars' review of the Tesla is much, much better...and more indepth. http://www.teslamotorsclub.com/17362-post1.html
  24. J

    Mercedes Blue-Zero E-Cell

    Mercedes' EV technique Mercedes appears to have taken a completely different tact from that of other EV manufacturers, choosing instead to prefer diversity over that of spec tech, or are they merely taking up a potentially emerging trend in automotive manufacturing/taking the next step...
  25. J

    Th!nk in trouble?

    "Forecast appears gloomy" for the Th!nk, and there's even some doom saying about Tesla, keeping in the realm of the EV World: Electric Car Darwinisim: Th!nk Falters Published December 16, 2008 The Th!nk City electric car was planned to hit the US market in the next year or two. Now, its fate...
  26. J

    Th!nk in trouble?

    There are positive and negative ways to "spin" just about any story/press release...it all depends on the individual "doctor".
  27. J

    OnCars drives P1

    OnCars.com's review of the Tesla Screw those British [cabbages] over at Top Gear, let's get a second opinion on the Tesla's abilities: After the unfortunate Top Gear review of the Tesla Roadster, this guy over at http://www.onelectricars.com thought he would provide a more in-depth and...
  28. J

    Th!nk in trouble?

    Perhaps some good news for the embattled EV manufacturer: Kleiner Perkins and RockPort Capital, two leading US Cleantech investors launch joint venture with Norwegian electrical vehicle company Think...
  29. J

    It's the Batteries, Stupid!

    My question, of course, is "why batteries are needed at all?"
  30. J

    Cars, Candidates, Loans, and Bailouts

    Is it just me or does the outgoing Pres. look like he's prepping to dodge another shoe...perhaps in preparation for the repercussions this lapse in his judgment (like that's anything new for him) that he made by forcing this so-called "loan" to the auto makers (BTW, I'm taking bets on how long...
  31. J

    Cars, Candidates, Loans, and Bailouts

    A surprisingly insightful and intuitive observation.
  32. J

    posting images

    I get it, inconsiderate of me due to unfamiliarity with page loading issues, it just did not occur to me due to my never having been affected by it...pardon me my ignorance.
  33. J

    posting images

    So...is this to say that I do have permission to post-whore pimping (I've really got to stop listening to the urban-influenced music programs, lol!) , high-res images of Tesla's on the site here???
  34. J

    Cars, Candidates, Loans, and Bailouts

    Hmm..."OVERCAPACITY", I believe that's the new acronym for "digging yourself deeper".
  35. J

    Cars, Candidates, Loans, and Bailouts

    All in all my take on the requested so-called "bailout" is that propositions were suggested by the Senate/Congress by way of questioning (testing"?") the CEO's willingness to make sacrifices ("good faith" efforts in exchange for taxpayer willingness to release some, if not all, of the requested...
  36. J

    posting images

    1.) Apologies, though the availability of these "high-res" photos prompts one to question why similar "high-res" images are not available from Tesla" so that I can "post-whore" them on site"???" 2.) But, but...the others are not in "high-res"!!! (You'll have to admit that they're pretty...
  37. J

    WhiteStar styling ideas

    The Ferrari SUV reminds me far too much of a BMW SUV EDIT: Removed Netcarshow link
  38. J

    some sort of car argument

    In review to clarify the status of this exchange, my comments were that it had... I further went on to affirm that though my "assertion" appeared "bold"/unsupportable, it was nonetheless true: You then "challenged" me to validate my claim: I answered your...
  39. J

    Tesla Delivers 100th Roadster

    "...a special customer..." huh? Speculation, speculation, speculation.... Well, I don't know but...I just concluded watching the latest episode of the new television drama "Leverage", episode entitled "The Home Coming Job" (due next to air at 12pm EST this night), when I was pleasantly...
  40. J

    Tesla Delivers 100th Roadster

    100 cars...Congratulations, Tesla (Elon) is now officially an American automaker. Keep up the good works.
  41. J

    Fisker Karma

    Supposition and conjecture can only get you so far, then you have to go to the source: Fisker Automotive: Environmentally friendly, premium cars featuring plug-in hybrid technology Niiiiice website BTW, background mood music and all.
  42. J

    Another gearbox discussion

    Additionally, for further clarification, you wouldn't have to "pull[] out a few motor poles..." (on the contrary, you'll want them in there for the purpose of providing higher speeds/"gearing"), you'll merely need to switch between "phases" to modulate the available motor's speed from one speed...
  43. J

    German Supertuner RUF Building an Electric Porsche

    Personally, I am not surprised with Porsche's interest in the electric/hybrid car technology since they did manufacture the first electric/hybrid car 100 years ago: Porsche Had World's First Hybrid 100 Years Ago | EcoGeek - Clean Technology
  44. J

    Bugatti Veyron

    I'd spank it with the Koenigsegg....
  45. J

    So..., a flying car?

    Omni-directional steering does have an appeal that is undeniable...think about it.
  46. J

    some sort of car argument

    Alpine (France) Ariel (UK) Ascari (UK) Austin-Healey (UK) Bricklin (Canada) Caterham (UK) Clan (UK) Cunningham (USA) Darrian/Davrian Cars (UK) Ferrari (Italy) Fisker (USA) FYK (Norway) Gillet (Belgium) Gumpert (Germany) Koenigsegg (Sweden)<<<(Holds special merit for me) Lamborghini (Italy)...
  47. J

    So..., a flying car?

    Re-invented the wheel, or the "in-wheel" motor...?! You mean "situations" like changing lanes or, the ever troublesome, parallel parking? I did mention "parallel parking"...didn't I?
  48. J

    some sort of car argument

    "Bold"... perhaps? Though true none the less. I'll see you your apple and will raise you an orange....
  49. J

    So..., a flying car?

    LOL! I think that the widespread adoption of acronyms is largely militarily influenced, well...that and laziness.
  50. J

    Fisker Karma

    Cue in for next on-site poll: "Has Tesla dropped the ball?"