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  1. MacroP

    Plan: Off grid solar with a Model S battery pack at the heart

    I sat and looked at the module photo for a while and figured it out and I see 6 groups in there now. From the top each long plate (2/3rds wide) are the series links between two group hence half the cells are inverted. There are 3 plates below, two long plates but now on right side (looking from...
  2. MacroP

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    Hydrogen perhaps :tongue:
  3. MacroP

    China considers 16 billion USD in charging stations for China

    And the tipping point for possibly the rest of world as well. Well it will certainly not do the rest any harm. I'm not sure the big oil companies will be too happy though. Stuff em :)
  4. MacroP

    Dodge Pick-Up PHEV

    Yep definitely. And also have a factory fitted decent sized inverter onboard for those sites without onsite power (yet) or for worksites in the middle of nowhere. I think this would be a great selling point. No need to carry around or worry about a work generator and fuel can. Use the battery to...
  5. MacroP

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    I wonder what the outcome would be, of the recent stolen Model S, where it was split in two from a very high speed side impact from a power pole (what that the true cause?) if the vehicle was a Prius FCV? Surely in a similar incident like, with a FCV, that there would have been an immense...
  6. MacroP

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    It is very interesting that they're saying $50 for a H2 refuel - but only $9.60 (off-peak) power for Model S. What would be the peak power cost be out of interest - double? Let's assume (for argument sake) both sources of energy are purely natural gas. For a FCV this means the hydrogen has...
  7. MacroP

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    Hahaha and as far from the truth that I could think - Hydrogen has nearly the highest range of explosive limits. Rich or lean and mixed with air - it's going to go up very easily especially in a vehicle accident. I've worked with the stuff on a large scale as it's used for cooling in this...
  8. MacroP

    Hydrogen vs. Battery

    That's all good and well but people are the discussing the viability of managing the hydrogen infrastructure for EV's not its use in making fertiliser - use it for what it's good for I'd say. Sure it is easy to extract from methane and propane and then combine with nitrogen (processed air) to...
  9. MacroP

    The 500-mile Tesla?

    I'm thinking (out loud) once the GF is up and running they may switch to the 26650 format - which is still a standard size. The 40% increase in diameter doubles the cell volume hence doubles the capacity of each cell - even if the ED/chemistry remains the same for some time (which I doubt). This...
  10. MacroP

    Will Tesla Introduce Distruptive battery technology with BlueStar/NextGen?

    Hey vigo what is with all this shouting in uppercase trying to point out someone was incorrect (they were actually spot on) = very rude. Perhaps you should take a hike to somewhere else on the interwebs and learn some manners. This is not facebook or twitter.
  11. MacroP

    Volvo unveils adorable 9" touchscreen for 2015 XC90

    Now we're talking. At least some are moving forward.
  12. MacroP

    Volvo unveils adorable 9" touchscreen for 2015 XC90

    Just curious of other's thoughts - do find that with more and more cars coming with an entire LCD instrument cluster these days (like this Volvo) that the use the simulated mechanical dial speedo and tacho a bit silly. A lot of real-estate wasted in my opinion - so much more info can be...
  13. MacroP

    Tesla credit card key - who's interested?

    In the UK and Australia both have had RFID cards for some time. Here in Oz - I've have two bank cards with RFID (up to $100 with no pin), chip with contacts and a magnetic strip plus the usual signature. These cards can be debit, credit or both. At the end of this month a signature will be...
  14. MacroP

    Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) reviews a P85+

    What a great and honest review. The presenter was very well spoken and a person who understands the fresh technology and can appreciate it. I think Tesla, the company, would be extremely proud with the review.
  15. MacroP

    Tesla Motors website now in Italian?

    Looks like I've turned Swedish myself. Clearing the cookies fixed it thanks. Logged into their forum and spam has taken over the General forum area. Edit - Looks like their site is playing up again. Now it keeps redirecting me to their Norwegian webpage. And their forum spam is as bad as ever.
  16. MacroP

    BMW i3 in Australia

    I guess when the Volt over here is priced at $63k drive-away - the i3 seems like a bargain* * or the Volt is $20k overpriced :tongue:
  17. MacroP

    Dispelling Perpetual Motion and Unlimited Energy Misunderstandings

    Look at post # 3 alternators Looks like the TMC forum has drop a few dB today unfortunately.
  18. MacroP

    About all Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV of 2013 are coming to The Netherlands (11,000)!!!

    I wonder this myself. It certainly needs to be $15k cheaper to stand a chance of surviving here. With such low sales it must be close to being pulled. Can't say I have even seen one on the roads myself and my friends and family certainly haven't heard of it. This is strange and it may well...
  19. MacroP

    About all Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV of 2013 are coming to The Netherlands (11,000)!!!

    Hi all - first time poster (but very long time follower of Tesla) Anyway - the Outlander has finally arrived down under in Australia (large advertising campaign on normal TV and pay TV) so I thought I would grab the chance to test drive it a couple of days ago. I had to drive 100kms from my...