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  1. S

    20 second UPS?

    If we take a typical UPS power output of 750 watts, and require a 20 second runtime, then that is 15kJ of energy that would have to be stored in the capacitor. A typical maximum voltage for supercapcitors is 2.7 volts. Sometimes they're packaged together to offer other voltages, but 2.7 seems to...
  2. S

    Version 1.26.0 - No new changes evident

    I've had a web server lockup today on 1.26.0
  3. S


    The webserver stops responding to queries, so you cannot use the local web acess to monitor it, and anything using the web interface will stop working. The problem appears to be confined to the webserver, so the rest of the Powerall continues to function. The app doesn't use the webserver, so I...
  4. S


    I've had a web-server lockup on 1.25.0, so this bug is still not fixed. I wonder if they've given up trying.
  5. S

    Reboot without upgrade

    It stopped responding to my software for more than a minute. That's much longer that it takes for the webserver to restart. To only time I've seen it do that in the past is when I've reset it. Except that now the monitoring page is showing 1.25.0. Maybe it just hadn't refreshed that part.
  6. S

    Reboot without upgrade

    Looks like my Powerwall got rebooted this morning, but not because it was upgraded. I haven't noticed this behaviour before.
  7. S

    Daylight saving - issue reminder

    Just a reminder that not all electricity retailers in Australia apply daylight saving time to their TOU tariffs, even if it's used where you live. Sylvia.
  8. S

    Powerwall Installation Fiasco

    Does it still not charge from the grid if you set the reserve to 100%?
  9. S

    Home monitoring working for you?

    Not really, if the steps described in Monitoring from your Home Network | Tesla don't work for you. If that's the case, then say what model of WiFi router you have (make and model number), and it may be possible to guide you.
  10. S

    Tesla App

    This is discussed here: Home monitoring working for you?
  11. S

    Understanding Tesla's TOU modes.

    Thanks for the responses. I'm in NSW, Australia. The system is rather different here. Net usages is accumulated over short periods - in the order of seconds. If the net is an import, then it is accumuated to the import counter. If it is an export, it is accumulated to the export counter. Imports...
  12. S

    Understanding Tesla's TOU modes.

    This is something I posted on Whirlpool, but I'll post it here too. I've been trying to fathom the rationale for Tesla's TOU modes of operation. Powerwall Modes of Operation with Solar "It can save energy capacity to charge from a higher priority source later in the day." Given that the only...
  13. S

    Home monitoring working for you?

    Yes, but the recommended way of referring to the Powerwall gateway often doesn't work if the gateway is connected to your system by WiFi or wired ethernet. You'll need to find the IP address that your router is allocating to the gateway, and use that. You'll also have to add an exception to...
  14. S

    Firmware 1.22.1

    Subsequent to a discussion on Whirlpool and doing some experiments, I've determined that it is still possible to set the reserve level immediately, if a fresh login is done prior to each attempt. So I've gone back to controlling it directly rather than relying on Tesla's TOU implementation...
  15. S

    Firmware 1.22.1

    Yes, that's what it says. It doesn't work for me, and I don't see how it could work unless the nameserver is supporting dynamic DNS updates (and if the Powerwall gateway is trying to use it). Many systems won't support that.
  16. S

    Any experience with North East facing solar panels in NJ/NY?

    I did a simulation of the New Jersey area, based on a 30 degree roof angle, and facing exactly north-east. This suggests it would do reasonably well in summer, getting up to 70% of the rated maximum, but get very little in winter. This fits in with intuition, given that the sun rises somewhat...
  17. S

    Any experience with North East facing solar panels in NJ/NY?

    My central air conditioner draws about 4kW, and would run down a Powerwall quite quickly. If you want air conditioning during blackouts, you'd best install a split-system to condition one room. Also, is the central-air conditioner single phase? If not, you'd need a multi-phase inverter to run...
  18. S

    PowerFlows Reversed in App?

    Is the A/C three phase? It's entirely possible that one or more current transformers on the other phases have reversed polarity. The installer's web pages accessed on the gateway have the ability to change the polarity, but at this stage, surely the simplest solution is to call the installer back.
  19. S

    Firmware 1.22.1

    I didn't, no. I've done it now, so we'll see what happens. That said, when I captured the web traffic that this uses (for my TOU API thread), it was apparent that every change results in the complete schedule (weekend and weekday) being sent, so I can't see why splitting it up should make any...
  20. S

    Puerto Rico suffers second whole island blackout

    I dare say they'll get to it one day, but it's not entirely trivial. In normal use, as the house loads vary, the generator has to change its throttle settings to accomodate this. If there's a battery there too, the battery needs to adjust the load it represents so that the sum of the house loads...
  21. S

    Firmware 1.22.1

    I have to wonder how the systems can behave so differently on the same firmware. It's almost as if Tesla are controlling them remotely, rather than having the things operate autonomously based on the rules built into he firmware.
  22. S

    Firmware 1.22.1

    Is anyone else tracking the powerwall's behaviour overnight on TOU? Last night, mine charged itself to 100% on off-peak electricity, and then started discharing itself to supply loads, also during off-peak, which both costs money and wears the battery out.
  23. S

    Firmware 1.22.1

    To ensure there's no confusion on this point, I'll mention that https://teg-xxx is only going to work if you're connected via the TEG wifi access point, not if you're connected via your ordinary WIFI. This is because the teg-xxx name is resolved by the name server in the gateway, and that's only...
  24. S

    Firmware 1.22.1

    Under 1.22.1 I'm continuing to see the Powerwall not discharging to supply the house during peak time, and allowing grid draw instead. Yesterday, it did supply the house later in the evening, having misbehaved earlier. So it's clearly capable of doing it still. I can't see how this can be caused...
  25. S

    Lost connectivity on wired ethernet to powerwalls?

    I think they'd use the https port simply because it's unlikely to get caught up in any internet provider blocking activity.
  26. S

    Lost connectivity on wired ethernet to powerwalls?

    That can't work for a powewall gateway, because Tesla have no way of addressing a device on a LAN from the Internet. So any access Tesla has to the gateway has to be as a result of the outward connections that the gateway makes to Tesla's servers. The gateway certainly connects to the https...
  27. S

    Lost connectivity on wired ethernet to powerwalls?

    This seems to support my notion that the connection the gateway makes to a Tesla server is in fact establishing a VPN. The earlier version of the firmware exposed an SSH server on the LAN, but the port is no longer accessible. I suspect that the server is still there and that Tesla can access a...
  28. S

    Firmware 1.22.1

    After this firmware was installed, by powerwall stopped supplying power, despite being at 100%, allowing grid power draw instead. It's doing this even during peak time, when I'm charged almost 60 cents per kWh. Tesla support's comment on this was that "sometimes settings get changed" which...
  29. S

    If Tesla Disables Features You're Using...

    Fair Trading have come back to me. They're really just quoting to me what Tesla have said to them. I don't think they understand the issues relating to unauthorised access, and in any case they have no powers to order to Tesla to do anything. Tesla claimed that they couldn't downgrade the...
  30. S

    Firmware 1.21.0

    I have had the web server freeze on 1.21.0, so this version of the firmware did not fix that bug.
  31. S

    Location of Tesla Gateway and cutoff?

    The cable between the gateway and the fusebox has to carry a high current - up to 50 amps in the case of my gateway. This will cause a voltage drop proportional to the length of the cable. If the cable is long, it also need to be thicker to minimise the voltage drop, and that makes it more...
  32. S

    Lost connectivity on wired ethernet to powerwalls?

    It's frustrating that we're getting conflicting statements from Tesla about this. This is a quote from an email I received from Tesla in Australia, after I visited their office. "As discussed we are still investigating why the web server on the Gateway has become inaccessible to yourself. As...
  33. S

    Tesla App

    I had it once. It went away without action on my part.
  34. S

    Lost connectivity on wired ethernet to powerwalls?

    It it's just not-responding/timing out, you may have been hit by the dreaded web-server lockup bug, in which case you'll have to reboot the gateway, either by pressing the reset button if it has one, and otherwise by turning the Powerwall battery off, and shutting off power, bother from the...
  35. S

    Grid Services monitoring and Storm Watch

    So, the battery will charge from the grid to provide backup. But Tesla's warranty provides unlimited cycles only for "Solar self-consumption/ back-up only", which the footnote "Storing solar energy generated by an onsite array, and using that stored solar energy (i) for daily self-consumption...
  36. S

    Interaction with controlled load (offpeak hot water).

    It may relate to the very cheap coal that Australia has. Using electricity to heat water at night allowed more coal fired baseload without having to reduce output overnight (coal fired stations really don't like to change their output). With the changing mix of generation, plus no new coal...
  37. S

    Interaction with controlled load (offpeak hot water).

    I agree that discharging and recharging at the same rate is silly. I think it recharged because it was below the reserve level - it's not clear why it discharged below that level. The controlled load is charged at the controlled load rate, regardless of when it comes on, so it doesn't fit in...
  38. S

    Interaction with controlled load (offpeak hot water).

    Where I live, there is the option of having water heated using off-peak electricity overnight, where the exact timing is determined by the distributor. For some reason, the distributor today decided to operate my offpeak water heating after 7am. This resulted in my powerwall discharging to...
  39. S

    Downgraded to 1.17.2???

    Useful to know in case they try to claim that downgrading is not possible.
  40. S

    No more default password for new PWs?

    There was supposed to be some issue with people being able to adjust the settings of your powerwall using WiFi from the street, if they knew your system's serial number (by trespassing once, and reading it, I suppose). The new passwords appear intended to prevent that, but resetting them just...
  41. S

    TOU api

    That's how mine is set, yes - there's no peak at weekends, so it appears that to represent that it specifies null for the start and end times. As you surmised, shoulder is everything not included in the specified periods. It looks as if there are a couple of minor things that could be achieved...
  42. S

    TOU api

    I've captured some requests and responses to Tesla's servers for the ap, for those who already know how to access the servers. POST /api/1/energy_sites/nnn/time_of_use_settings where nnn is your site id...
  43. S

    Firmware 1.20.0

    I'll be interested to see whether this is actually working for you. What I'm seeing is that it purports to change the reserve level - when queried, the reserve level is what it's been set to - but most of the time it doesn't honour it, being willing to discharge below the reserve level, the...
  44. S

    If Tesla Disables Features You're Using...

    The powerwall's API for the earlier firmware is documented here vloschiavo/powerwall2. Firmware 1.20.0 switches over to using https. Firmware 1.21.0 changes at least one field name.
  45. S

    If Tesla Disables Features You're Using...

    They can't assume I want the warranty, and they certainly can't make a unilateral declaration that some action on my part gives them the authority to make changes. "If you drink a cup of coffee today, you give me permission to enter your home and mess with your belongings". Without an Internet...
  46. S

    If Tesla Disables Features You're Using...

    Car manufacturers would start to have considerable trouble if they made changes that altered the functionality of the car in a way visible to owners, and at least when one hands one's car over to a dealer for service, one is authorising the dealer to do things to the car. If the dealer started...
  47. S

    If Tesla Disables Features You're Using...

    I think disabling Internet access is a good idea in the short term. The difficulty with using the api of the ap is that the time from making the change in the ap to the change appearing in the Powerwall is not fixed. It's not really a public api either, and there's nothing to stop Tesla from...
  48. S

    If Tesla Disables Features You're Using...

    Their advertising blurb "Seamlessly monitor and automatically manage your Powerwall, solar panels, Model S or X anytime, anywhere with the Tesla App." is at best misleading. One may ask in what sense one's managing it anytime if the effects are not immediate. They should have said "At anytime...
  49. S

    If Tesla Disables Features You're Using...

    The simple answer to that is that it was bought to be a backup system, because the Australian governments, both Commonwealth and state, had demonstrated considerable incompetence when it comes to ensuring that the lights and airconditioning will stay on. After the purchase, I found that there...
  50. S

    If Tesla Disables Features You're Using...

    Well, of course I don't know absolutely for sure that there's no valid technical reason, but I'm extremely sceptical. I find that it often cycles quickly and repeatedly between charging and discharging anyway. It does this whenever there's an appliance operating that frequently changes the load...